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Ossama Abdelkhalik and Ahmed Gad. Dynamic-Size Multiple Populations Genetic Algorithm for Multigravity-Assist Trajectory Optimization. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(2):520–529, 2012.
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David Abramson, Mohan Krishna Amoorthy, and Henry Dang. Simulated annealing cooling schedules for the school timetabling problem. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 16(1):1–22, 1999.
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David Abramson. Constructing School Timetables Using Simulated Annealing: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms. Management Science, 37(1):98–113, 1991.
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Tobias Achterberg. SCIP: Solving constraint integer programs. Mathematical Programming Computation, 1(1):1–41, July 2009.
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Tobias Achterberg and Timo Berthold. Improving the feasibility pump. Discrete Optimization, 4(1):77–86, 2007.
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Héctor-Gabriel Acosta-Mesa, Fernando Rechy-Ramírez, Efrén Mezura-Montes, Nicandro Cruz-Ramírez, and Rodolfo Hernández Jiménez. Application of time series discretization using evolutionary programming for classification of precancerous cervical lesions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 49:73–83, 2014.
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Keywords: irace
Bernardetta Addis, Marco Locatelli, and Fabio Schoen. Disk Packing in a Square: A New Global Optimization Approach. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(4):516–524, 2008.
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B. Adenso-Díaz. Restricted Neighborhood in the Tabu Search for the Flowshop Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 62(1):27–37, 1992.
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B. Adenso-Díaz and Manuel Laguna. Fine-Tuning of Algorithms Using Fractional Experimental Design and Local Search. Operations Research, 54(1):99–114, 2006.
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Keywords: Calibra
Steven Adriaensen, André Biedenkapp, Gresa Shala, Noor Awad, Theresa Eimer, Marius Thomas Lindauer, and Frank Hutter. Automated dynamic algorithm configuration. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 75:1633–1699, 2022.
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Bekir Afsar, Kaisa Miettinen, and Francisco Ruiz. Assessing the Performance of Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Methods: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 54(4), 2021.
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Interactive methods are useful decision-making tools for multiobjective optimization problems, because they allow a decision-maker to provide her/his preference information iteratively in a comfortable way at the same time as (s)he learns about all different aspects of the problem. A wide variety of interactive methods is nowadays available, and they differ from each other in both technical aspects and type of preference information employed. Therefore, assessing the performance of interactive methods can help users to choose the most appropriate one for a given problem. This is a challenging task, which has been tackled from different perspectives in the published literature. We present a bibliographic survey of papers where interactive multiobjective optimization methods have been assessed (either individually or compared to other methods). Besides other features, we collect information about the type of decision-maker involved (utility or value functions, artificial or human decision-maker), the type of preference information provided, and aspects of interactive methods that were somehow measured. Based on the survey and on our own experiences, we identify a series of desirable properties of interactive methods that we believe should be assessed.
Keywords: decision-makers, Interactive methods, performance assessment, preference information, multiobjective optimization problems
Bekir Afsar, Johanna Silvennoinen, Giovanni Misitano, Francisco Ruiz, Ana B. Ruiz, and Kaisa Miettinen. Designing empirical experiments to compare interactive multiobjective optimization methods. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(11):2327–2338, November 2022.
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Ralph D'Agostino and E. S. Pearson. Tests for Departure from Normality. Empirical Results for the Distributions of b2 and √b1. Biometrika, 60(3):613–622, December 1973.
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Per J. Agrell. On redundancy in multi criteria decision making. European Journal of Operational Research, 98(3):571–586, 1997.
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The concept of redundancy is accepted in Operations Research and Information Theory. In Linear Programming, a constraint is said to be redundant if the feasible decision space is identical with or without the constraint. In Information Theory, redundancy is used as a measure of the stability against noise in transmission. Analogies with Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) are indicated and it is argued that the redundancy concept should be used as a regular feature in conditioning and analysis of Multi Criteria Programs. Properties of a proposed conflict-based characterisation are stated and some existence results are derived. Redundancy is here intended for interactive methods, when the efficient set is progressively explored. A new redundancy test for the linear case is formulated from the framework. A probabilistic method based on correlation is proposed and tested for the non-linear case. Finally, some general guidelines are given concerning the redundancy problem.
Keywords: Multi criteria decision making, Redundancy, objective reduction, Vector optimisation
Hernán E. Aguirre and Kiyoshi Tanaka. Working principles, behavior, and performance of MOEAs on MNK-landscapes. European Journal of Operational Research, 181(3):1670–1690, 2007.
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Samad Ahmadi and Ibrahim H. Osman. Density Based Problem Space Search for the Capacitated Clustering p-Median Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 131:21–43, 2004.
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Ali Ahrari, Saber Elsayed, Ruhul Sarker, Daryl Essam, and Carlos A. Coello Coello. Weighted pointwise prediction method for dynamic multiobjective optimization. Information Sciences, 546:349–367, 2021.
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R. K. Ahuja, O. Ergun, and A. P. Punnen. A Survey of Very Large-scale Neighborhood Search Techniques. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123(1–3):75–102, 2002.
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Sandip Aine, Rajeev Kumar, and P. P. Chakrabarti. Adaptive parameter control of evolutionary algorithms to improve quality-time trade-off. Applied Soft Computing, 9(2):527–540, 2009.
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Keywords: anytime
A. A. Albrecht, P. C. R. Lane, and K. Steinhöfel. Analysis of Local Search Landscapes for k-SAT Instances. Mathematics in Computer Science, 3(4):465–488, 2010.
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Susanne Albers. Online Algorithms: A Survey. Mathematical Programming, 97(1):3–26, 2003.
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Aldeida Aleti and Irene Moser. A systematic literature review of adaptive parameter control methods for evolutionary algorithms. ACM Computing Surveys, 49(3, Article 56):35, October 2016.
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Pedro Alfaro-Fernández, Rubén Ruiz, Federico Pagnozzi, and Thomas Stützle. Automatic Algorithm Design for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 282(3):835–845, 2020.
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Industrial production scheduling problems are challenges that researchers have been trying to solve for decades. Many practical scheduling problems such as the hybrid flowshop are NP-hard. As a result, researchers resort to metaheuristics to obtain effective and efficient solutions. The traditional design process of metaheuristics is mainly manual, often metaphor-based, biased by previous experience and prone to producing overly tailored methods that only work well on the tested problems and objectives. In this paper, we use an Automatic Algorithm Design (AAD) methodology to eliminate these limitations. AAD is capable of composing algorithms from components with minimal human intervention. We test the proposed AAD for three different optimization objectives in the hybrid flowshop. Comprehensive computational and statistical testing demonstrates that automatically designed algorithms outperform specifically tailored state-of-the-art methods for the tested objectives in most cases.
Keywords: Scheduling, Hybrid flowshop, Automatic algorithm configuration, Automatic Algorithm Design
Alnur Ali and Marina Meilă. Experiments with Kemeny ranking: What Works When? Mathematical Social Science, 64(1):28–40, July 2012.
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Computational Foundations of Social Choice
Keywords: Borda ranking, Kemeny ranking
Ali Allahverdi and Harun Aydilek. Algorithms for no-wait flowshops with total completion time subject to makespan. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp.  1–15, 2013.
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Richard Allmendinger, Andrzej Jaszkiewicz, Arnaud Liefooghe, and Christiane Tammer. What if we increase the number of objectives? Theoretical and empirical implications for many-objective combinatorial optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 145:105857, 2022.
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Richard Allmendinger and Joshua D. Knowles. On Handling Ephemeral Resource Constraints in Evolutionary Search. Evolutionary Computation, 21(3):497–531, September 2013.
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We consider optimization problems where the set of solutions available for evaluation at any given time t during optimization is some subset of the feasible space. This model is appropriate to describe many closed-loop optimization settings (i.e. where physical processes or experiments are used to evaluate solutions) where, due to resource limitations, it may be impossible to evaluate particular solutions at particular times (despite the solutions being part of the feasible space). We call the constraints determining which solutions are non-evaluable ephemeral resource constraints (ERCs). In this paper, we investigate two specific types of ERC: one encodes periodic resource availabilities, the other models `commitment' constraints that make the evaluable part of the space a function of earlier evaluations conducted. In an experimental study, both types of constraint are seen to impact the performance of an evolutionary algorithm significantly. To deal with the effects of the ERCs, we propose and test five different constrainthandling policies (adapted from those used to handle `standard' constraints), using a number of different test functions including a fitness landscape from a real closed-loop problem. We show that knowing information about the type of resource constraint in advance may be sufficient to select an effective policy for dealing with it, even when advance knowledge of the fitness landscape is limited.
Christian Almeder. A hybrid optimization approach for multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 200(2):599–606, 2010.
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Solving multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problems is still a challenging task, in spite of increasing computational power and faster algorithms. In this paper a new approach combining an ant-based algorithm with an exact solver for (mixed-integer) linear programs is presented. A MAX-MIN ant system is developed to determine the principal production decisions, a LP/MIP solver is used to calculate the corresponding production quantities and inventory levels. Two different local search methods and an improvement strategy based on reduced mixed-integer problems are developed and integrated into the ant algorithm. This hybrid approach provides superior results for small and medium-sized problems in comparison to the existing approaches in the literature. For large-scale problems the performance of this method is among the best
Keywords: Ant colony optimization, Manufacturing, Material requirements planning, Mixed-integer programming
S. Alupoaei and S. Katkoori. Ant Colony System Application to Marcocell Overlap Removal. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 12(10):1118–1122, 2004.
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André R. S. Amaral. The Corridor Allocation Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(12):3325–3330, 2012.
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The corridor allocation problem (CAP) seeks an arrangement of facilities along a central corridor defined by two horizontal lines parallel to the x-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system. The objective is to minimize the total communication cost among facilities, while respecting two main conditions: (i) no space is allowed between two adjacent facilities; (ii) the left-most point of the arrangement on either line should have zero abscissa. The conditions (i) and (ii) are required in many applications such as the arrangement of rooms at office buildings or hospitals. The CAP is a NP-Hard problem. In this paper, a mixed-integer programming formulation of the CAP is proposed, which allows us to compute optimal layouts in reasonable time for problem instances of moderate sizes. Moreover, heuristic procedures are presented that can handle larger instances.
Keywords: Facility layout, Double row layout, Integer programming
C. Amir, A. Badr, and I Farag. A Fuzzy Logic Controller for Ant Algorithms. Computing and Information Systems, 11(2):26–34, 2007.
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Christophe Andrieu, Nando de Freitas, Arnaud Doucet, and Michael I. Jordan. An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning. Machine Learning, 50(1-2):5–43, 2003.
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Henrik Andersson, Kjetil Fagerholt, and Kirsti Hobbesland. Integrated maritime fleet deployment and speed optimization: Case study from RoRo shipping. Computers & Operations Research, 55:233–240, March 2015.
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K. A. Andersen, K. Jörnsten, and M. Lind. On bicriterion minimal spanning trees: An approximation. Computers & Operations Research, 23(12):1171–1182, 1996.
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Y. P. Aneja and K. P. K. Nair. Bicriteria Transportation Problem. Management Science, 25(1):73–78, 1979.
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Eric Angel, Evripidis Bampis, and Laurent Gourvés. Approximating the Pareto curve with local search for the bicriteria TSP(1,2) problem. Theoretical Computer Science, 310(1-3):135–146, 2004.
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Keywords: Archiving, Local search, Multicriteria TSP, Approximation algorithms
Daniel Angus and Clinton Woodward. Multiple Objective Ant Colony Optimisation. Swarm Intelligence, 3(1):69–85, 2009.
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Miguel F. Anjos and Manuel V. C. Vieira. Mathematical optimization approaches for facility layout problems: The state-of-the-art and future research directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(1):1–16, 2017.
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Kurt Anstreicher, Nathan Brixius, Jean-Pierre Goux, and Jeff Linderoth. Solving large quadratic assignment problems on computational grids. Mathematical Programming Series B, 91(3):563–588, February 2002.
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The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is among the hardest combinatorial optimization problems. Some instances of size n = 30 have remained unsolved for decades. The solution of these problems requires both improvements in mathematical programming algorithms and the utilization of powerful computational platforms. In this article we describe a novel approach to solve QAPs using a state-of-the-art branch-and-bound algorithm running on a federation of geographically distributed resources known as a computational grid. Solution of QAPs of unprecedented complexity, including the nug30, kra30b, and tho30 instances, is reported.
David Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, and William J. Cook. Implementing the Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson Algorithm for Large Traveling Salesman Problems. Mathematical Programming Series B, 97(1–2):91–153, 2003.
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David Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, and William J. Cook. On the Solution of Traveling Salesman Problems. Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM III:645–656, 1998.
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J. S. Appleby, D. V. Blake, and E. A. Newman. Techniques for producing school timetables on a computer and their application to other scheduling problems. The Computer Journal, 3(4):237–245, 1961.
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David Applegate and William J. Cook. A Computational Study of the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. ORSA Journal on Computing, 3(2):149–156, 1991.
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David Applegate, William J. Cook, and André Rohe. Chained Lin-Kernighan for Large Traveling Salesman Problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15(1):82–92, 2003.
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David Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, William J. Cook, D. Espinoza, M. Goycoolea, and Keld Helsgaun. Certification of an Optimal TSP Tour Through 85,900 Cities. Operations Research Letters, 37(1):11–15, 2009.
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Claus Aranha, Christian Leonardo Camacho-Villalón, Felipe Campelo, Marco Dorigo, Rubén Ruiz, Marc Sevaux, Kenneth Sörensen, and Thomas Stützle. Metaphor-based Metaheuristics, a Call for Action: the Elephant in the Room. Swarm Intelligence, 16(1):1–6, 2022.
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Claudia Archetti, Martin Savelsbergh, and M. Grazia Speranza. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers. European Journal of Operational Research, 254(2):472–480, 2016.
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Florian Arnold, Ítalo Santana, Kenneth Sörensen, and Thibaut Vidal. PILS: Exploring high-order neighborhoods by pattern mining and injection. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1912.11462 [cs.AI], 2019.
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Florian Arnold and Kenneth Sörensen. Knowledge-guided local search for the vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 105:32–46, 2019.
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Florian Arnold and Kenneth Sörensen. What makes a VRP solution good? The generation of problem-specific knowledge for heuristics. Computers & Operations Research, 106:280–288, 2019.
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Marvin A. Arostegui Jr, Sukran N. Kadipasaoglu, and Basheer M. Khumawala. An empirical comparison of tabu search, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms for facilities location problems. International Journal of Production Economics, 103(2):742–754, 2006.
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José Elias C. Arroyo and V. A. Armentano. A partial enumeration heuristic for multi-objective flowshop scheduling problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(9):1000–1007, 2004.
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José Elias C. Arroyo and V. A. Armentano. Genetic local search for multi-objective flowshop scheduling problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 167(3):717–738, 2005.
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Keywords: Multicriteria Scheduling
José Elias C. Arroyo and Joseph Y.-T. Leung. An Effective Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Batch Machines with Non-identical Capacities and Unequal Ready Times. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 105:84–100, 2017.
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Etor Arza, Josu Ceberio, Ekhine Irurozki, and Aritz Pérez. Comparing Two Samples Through Stochastic Dominance: A Graphical Approach. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, pp.  1–38, June 2022.
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N. Ascheuer, Matteo Fischetti, and M. Grötschel. Solving asymmetric travelling salesman problem with time windows by branch-and-cut. Mathematical Programming, 90:475–506, 2001.
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John-Alexander M. Assael, Ziyu Wang, and Nando de Freitas. Heteroscedastic Treed Bayesian Optimisation. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1410.7172, 2014.
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Keywords: Treed-GP
Alper Atamtürk. On the facets of the mixed–integer knapsack polyhedron. Mathematical Programming, 98(1):145–175, 2003.
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Charles Audet, Jean Bigeon, Dominique Cartier, Sébastien Le Digabel, and Ludovic Salomon. Performance indicators in multiobjective optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(2):397–422, 2021.
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Charles Audet, Cong-Kien Dang, and Dominique Orban. Optimization of Algorithms with OPAL. Mathematical Programming Computation, 6(3):233–254, 2014.
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P. Audze and Vilnis Eglãjs. New approach to the design of multifactor experiments. Problems of Dynamics and Strengths, 35:104–107, 1977. (in Russian).
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Charles Audet and Dominique Orban. Finding Optimal Algorithmic Parameters Using Derivative-Free Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 17(3):642–664, 2006.
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Keywords: mesh adaptive direct search; pattern search
Peter Auer. Using Confidence Bounds for Exploitation-Exploration Trade-offs. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3:397–422, November 2002.
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We show how a standard tool from statistics — namely confidence bounds — can be used to elegantly deal with situations which exhibit an exploitation-exploration trade-off. Our technique for designing and analyzing algorithms for such situations is general and can be applied when an algorithm has to make exploitation-versus-exploration decisions based on uncertain information provided by a random process. We apply our technique to two models with such an exploitation-exploration trade-off. For the adversarial bandit problem with shifting our new algorithm suffers only O((ST)1/2) regret with high probability over T trials with S shifts. Such a regret bound was previously known only in expectation. The second model we consider is associative reinforcement learning with linear value functions. For this model our technique improves the regret from O(T3/4) to O(T1/2).
Peter Auer, Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, and Paul Fischer. Finite-time analysis of the multiarmed bandit problem. Machine Learning, 47(2-3):235–256, 2002.
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Anne Auger, Johannes Bader, Dimo Brockhoff, and Eckart Zitzler. Hypervolume-based multiobjective optimization: Theoretical foundations and practical implications. Theoretical Computer Science, 425:75–103, 2012.
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Mustafa Avci and Seyda Topaloglu. A Multi-start Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Generalized Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 83:54–65, 2017.
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Andreea Avramescu, Richard Allmendinger, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Managing Manufacturing and Delivery of Personalised Medicine: Current and Future Models. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2105.12699 [econ.GN], 2021.
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Doǧan Aydın, Gürcan Yavuz, and Thomas Stützle. ABC-X: A Generalized, Automatically Configurable Artificial Bee Colony Framework. Swarm Intelligence, 11(1):1–38, 2017.
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Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Matthieu Parizy. A Study of Scalarisation Techniques for Multi-Objective QUBO Solving. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2210.11321, 2022.
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Mahdi Aziz and Mohammad-H. Tayarani-N. An adaptive memetic Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for finding large-scale Latin hypercube designs. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 36:222–237, 2014.
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Keywords: F-race
François Bachoc, Céline Helbert, and Victor Picheny. Gaussian process optimization with failures: Classification and convergence proof. Journal of Global Optimization, 2020.
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We consider the optimization of a computer model where each simulation either fails or returns a valid output performance. We first propose a new joint Gaussian process model for classification of the inputs (computation failure or success) and for regression of the performance function. We provide results that allow for a computationally efficient maximum likelihood estimation of the covariance parameters, with a stochastic approximation of the likelihood gradient. We then extend the classical improvement criterion to our setting of joint classification and regression. We provide an efficient computation procedure for the extended criterion and its gradient. We prove the almost sure convergence of the global optimization algorithm following from this extended criterion. We also study the practical performances of this algorithm, both on simulated data and on a real computer model in the context of automotive fan design.
Keywords: crashed simulation; latent gaussian process; automotive fan design; industrial application; GP classification; Expected Feasible Improvement with Gaussian Process Classification with signs; EFI GPC sign
Johannes Bader and Eckart Zitzler. HypE: An Algorithm for Fast Hypervolume-Based Many-Objective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 19(1):45–76, 2011.
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Hossein Baharmand, Tina Comes, and Matthieu Lauras. Bi-objective multi-layer location– allocation model for the immediate aftermath of sudden-onset disasters. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 127:86–110, 2019.
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Locating distribution centers is critical for humanitarians in the immediate aftermath of a sudden-onset disaster. A major challenge lies in balancing the complexity and uncertainty of the problem with time and resource constraints. To address this problem, we propose a location-allocation model that divides the topography of affected areas into multiple layers; considers constrained number and capacity of facilities and fleets; and allows decision-makers to explore trade-offs between response time and logistics costs. To illustrate our theoretical work, we apply the model to a real dataset from the 2015 Nepal earthquake response. For this case, our method results in a considerable reduction of logistics costs.
Monya Baker. Is there a reproducibility crisis? Nature, 533:452–454, 2016.
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Edward K. Baker. An Exact Algorithm for the Time-Constrained Traveling Salesman Problem. Operations Research, 31(5):938–945, 1983.
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Burcu Balcik and Benita M. Beamon. Facility location in humanitarian relief. International Journal of Logistics, 11(2):101–121, 2008.
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Prasanna Balaprakash, Mauro Birattari, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. Adaptive Sampling Size and Importance Sampling in Estimation-based Local Search for the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 199(1):98–110, 2009.
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Prasanna Balaprakash, Mauro Birattari, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. Estimation-based Metaheuristics for the Probabilistic Travelling Salesman Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 37(11):1939–1951, 2010.
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Prasanna Balaprakash, Mauro Birattari, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. Estimation-based Metaheuristics for the Single Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands and Customers. Computational Optimization and Applications, 61(2):463–487, 2015.
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Prasanna Balaprakash, Mauro Birattari, Thomas Stützle, Zhi Yuan, and Marco Dorigo. Estimation-based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for the Probabilistic Travelling Salesman Problem. Swarm Intelligence, 3(3):223–242, 2009.
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Egon Balas and M. C. Carrera. A Dynamic Subgradient-based Branch and Bound Procedure for Set Covering. Operations Research, 44(6):875–890, 1996.
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Egon Balas and C. Martin. Pivot and Complement–A Heuristic for 0–1 Programming. Management Science, 26(1):86–96, 1980.
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Egon Balas and M. W. Padberg. Set Partitioning: A Survey. SIAM Review, 18:710–760, 1976.
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Egon Balas and Neil Simonetti. Linear Time Dynamic-Programming Algorithms for New Classes of Restricted TSPs: A Computational Study. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 13(1):56–75, 2001.
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Consider the following restricted (symmetric or asymmetric) traveling-salesman problem (TSP): given an initial ordering of the n cities and an integer k > 0, find a minimum-cost feasible tour, where a feasible tour is one in which city i precedes city j whenever j >= i + k in the initial ordering. Balas (1996) has proposed a dynamic-programming algorithm that solves this problem in time linear in n, though exponential in k. Some important real-world problems are amenable to this model or some of its close relatives. The algorithm of Balas (1996) constructs a layered network with a layer of nodes for each position in the tour, such that source-sink paths in this network are in one-to-one correspondence with tours that satisfy the postulated precedence constraints. In this paper we discuss an implementation of the dynamic-programming algorithm for the general case when the integer k is replaced with city-specific integers k(j), j = 1, . . ., n. We discuss applications to, and computational experience with, TSPs with time windows, a model frequently used in vehicle routing as well as in scheduling with setup, release and delivery times. We also introduce a new model, the TSP with target times, applicable to Just-in-Time scheduling problems. Finally for TSPs that have no precedence restrictions, we use the algorithm as a heuristic that finds in linear time a local optimum over an exponential-size neighborhood. For this case, we implement an iterated version of our procedure, based on contracting some arcs of the tour produced by a first application of the algorithm, then reapplying the algorithm to the shrunken graph with the same k.
Keywords: tsptw
Egon Balas and A. Vazacopoulos. Guided Local Search with Shifting Bottleneck for Job Shop Scheduling. Management Science, 44(2):262–275, 1998.
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Steven C. Bankes. Tools and techniques for developing policies for complex and uncertain systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(suppl 3):7263–7266, 2002.
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Agent-based models (ABM) are examples of complex adaptive systems, which can be characterized as those systems for which no model less complex than the system itself can accurately predict in detail how the system will behave at future times. Consequently, the standard tools of policy analysis, based as they are on devising policies that perform well on some best estimate model of the system, cannot be reliably used for ABM. This paper argues that policy analysis by using ABM requires an alternative approach to decision theory. The general characteristics of such an approach are described, and examples are provided of its application to policy analysis.ABM, agent-based model
Eduardo Batista de Moraes Barbosa, Edson Luiz Francça Senne, and Messias Borges Silva. Improving the Performance of Metaheuristics: An Approach Combining Response Surface Methodology and Racing Algorithms. International Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2015:Article ID 167031, 2015.
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Keywords: F-race
Alejandro Barredo Arrieta, Natalia Díaz-Rodríguez, Javier Del Ser, Adrien Bennetot, Siham Tabik, Alberto Barbado, Salvador Garcia, Sergio Gil-Lopez, Daniel Molina, Richard Benjamins, Raja Chatila, and Francisco Herrera. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Concepts, taxonomies, opportunities and challenges toward responsible AI. Information Fusion, 58:82–115, June 2020.
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Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Carola Doerr, Daan van den Berg, Jakob Bossek, Sowmya Chandrasekaran, Tome Eftimov, Andreas Fischbach, Pascal Kerschke, William La Cava, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Katherine M. Malan, Jason H. Moore, Boris Naujoks, Patryk Orzechowski, Vanessa Volz, Markus Wagner, and Thomas Weise. Benchmarking in Optimization: Best Practice and Open Issues. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2007.03488 [cs.NE], 2020.
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Richard S. Barr, Bruce L. Golden, James P. Kelly, Mauricio G. C. Resende, and Jr. William R. Stewart. Designing and Reporting on Computational Experiments with Heuristic Methods. Journal of Heuristics, 1(1):9–32, 1995.
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Cynthia Barnhart, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh, and Pamela H. Vance. Branch-and-price: Column generation for solving huge integer programs. Operations Research, 46(3):316–329, 1998.
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Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and Martin Zaefferer. Model-based methods for continuous and discrete global optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 55:154–167, June 2017.
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Roberto Battiti and Andrea Passerini. Brain-Computer Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: A Genetic Algorithm Adapting to the Decision Maker. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(5):671–687, 2010.
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Errata: DTLZ6 and DTLZ7 in the paper are actually DTLZ7 and DTLZ8 in [1757]
Keywords: BC-EMOA
Roberto Battiti and M. Protasi. Reactive Search, A History-Based Heuristic for MAX-SAT. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 2, 1997.
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Michele Battistutta, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based Tuning of Single-stage Simulated Annealing for Examination Timetabling. Annals of Operations Research, 252(2):239–254, 2017.
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Roberto Battiti and Giampietro Tecchiolli. The Reactive Tabu Search. ORSA Journal on Computing, 6(2):126–140, 1994.
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Roberto Battiti and Giampietro Tecchiolli. The continuous reactive tabu search: blending combinatorial optimization and stochastic search for global optimization. Annals of Operations Research, 63(2):151–188, 1996.
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John Baxter. Local Optima Avoidance in Depot Location. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 32(9):815–819, 1981.
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John E. Beasley and P. C. Chu. A Genetic Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 94(2):392–404, 1996.
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John E. Beasley and P. C. Chu. A Genetic Algorithm for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. Journal of Heuristics, 4(1):63–86, 1998.
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Jennifer Bealt, Duncan Shaw, Chris M. Smith, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Peer Reviews for Making Cities Resilient: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Emergency Management, 15(4):334–359, 2019.
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Peer reviews are a unique governance tool that use expertise from one city or country to assess and strengthen the capabilities of another. Peer review tools are gaining momentum in disaster management and remain an important but understudied topic in risk governance. Methodologies to conduct a peer review are still in their infancy. To enhance these, a systematic literature review (SLR) of academic and non-academic literature was conducted on city resilience peer reviews. Thirty-three attributes of resilience are identified, which provides useful insights into how research and practice can inform risk governance, and utilise peer reviews, to drive meaningful change. Moreover, it situates the challenges associated with resilience building tools within risk governance to support the development of interdisciplinary perspectives for integrated city resilience frameworks. Results of this research have been used to develop a peer review methodology and an international standard on conducting peer reviews for disaster risk reduction.
Keywords: city resilience, city peer review, disaster risk governance
John E. Beasley. OR-Library: distributing test problems by electronic mail. Journal of the Operational Research Society, pp.  1069–1072, 1990. Currently available from
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Ruggero Bellio, Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based tuning of simulated annealing applied to the curriculum-based course timetabling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 65:83–92, 2016.
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Jon Louis Bentley. Fast Algorithms for Geometric Traveling Salesman Problems. ORSA Journal on Computing, 4(4):387–411, 1992.
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Una Benlic and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout Local Search for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(9):4800–4815, 2013.
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Calem J. Bendell, Shalon Liu, Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong, Bogdan Istrate, Paul T. Cernek, Samuel Khan, Sergiu Picioreanu, Michael Zhao, and Robert A. Murgita. Transient protein-protein interface prediction: datasets, features, algorithms, and the RAD-T predictor. BMC Bioinformatics, 15:82, 2014.
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Yoshua Bengio, Andrea Lodi, and Antoine Prouvost. Machine learning for combinatorial optimization: A methodological tour d'horizon. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(2):405–421, 2021.
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This paper surveys the recent attempts, both from the machine learning and operations research communities, at leveraging machine learning to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Given the hard nature of these problems, state-of-the-art algorithms rely on handcrafted heuristics for making decisions that are otherwise too expensive to compute or mathematically not well defined. Thus, machine learning looks like a natural candidate to make such decisions in a more principled and optimized way. We advocate for pushing further the integration of machine learning and combinatorial optimization and detail a methodology to do so. A main point of the paper is seeing generic optimization problems as data points and inquiring what is the relevant distribution of problems to use for learning on a given task.
Keywords: Combinatorial optimization, Machine learning, Branch and bound, Mixed-integer programming solvers
Alexander Javier Benavides and Marcus Ritt. Two Simple and Effective Heuristics for Minimizing the Makespan in Non-permutation Flow Shops. Computers & Operations Research, 66:160–169, 2016.
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J. F. Benders. Partitioning Procedures for Solving Mixed-variables Programming Problems. Numerische Mathematik, 4(3):238–252, 1962.
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Jon Louis Bentley. Multidimensional Divide-and-conquer. Communications of the ACM, 23(4):214–229, 1980.
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Most results in the field of algorithm design are single algorithms that solve single problems. In this paper we discuss multidimensional divide-and-conquer, an algorithmic paradigm that can be instantiated in many different ways to yield a number of algorithms and data structures for multidimensional problems. We use this paradigm to give best-known solutions to such problems as the ECDF, maxima, range searching, closest pair, and all nearest neighbor problems. The contributions of the paper are on two levels. On the first level are the particular algorithms and data structures given by applying the paradigm. On the second level is the more novel contribution of this paper: a detailed study of an algorithmic paradigm that is specific enough to be described precisely yet general enough to solve a wide variety of problems.
James S. Bergstra and Yoshua Bengio. Random Search for Hyper-Parameter Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13:281–305, 2012.
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Grid search and manual search are the most widely used strategies for hyper-parameter optimization. This paper shows empirically and theoretically that randomly chosen trials are more efficient for hyper-parameter optimization than trials on a grid. Empirical evidence comes from a comparison with a large previous study that used grid search and manual search to configure neural networks and deep belief networks. Compared with neural networks configured by a pure grid search, we find that random search over the same domain is able to find models that are as good or better within a small fraction of the computation time. Granting random search the same computational budget, random search finds better models by effectively searching a larger, less promising configuration space. Compared with deep belief networks configured by a thoughtful combination of manual search and grid search, purely random search over the same 32-dimensional configuration space found statistically equal performance on four of seven data sets, and superior performance on one of seven. A Gaussian process analysis of the function from hyper-parameters to validation set performance reveals that for most data sets only a few of the hyper-parameters really matter, but that different hyper-parameters are important on different data sets. This phenomenon makes grid search a poor choice for configuring algorithms for new data sets. Our analysis casts some light on why recent "High Throughput" methods achieve surprising success: they appear to search through a large number of hyper-parameters because most hyper-parameters do not matter much. We anticipate that growing interest in large hierarchical models will place an increasing burden on techniques for hyper-parameter optimization; this work shows that random search is a natural baseline against which to judge progress in the development of adaptive (sequential) hyper-parameter optimization algorithms.
Loïc Berger, Johannes Emmerling, and Massimo Tavoni. Managing catastrophic climate risks under model uncertainty aversion. Management Science, 63(3):749–765, 2017.
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Livio Bertacco, Matteo Fischetti, and Andrea Lodi. A feasibility pump heuristic for general mixed-integer problems. Discrete Optimization, 4(1):63–76, 2007.
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Dimitris Bertsimas and Nathan Kallus. From predictive to prescriptive analytics. Management Science, 66(3):1025–1044, 2020.
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Felix Berkenkamp, Andreas Krause, and Angela P. Schoellig. Bayesian Optimization with Safety Constraints: Safe and Automatic Parameter Tuning in Robotics. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1602.04450, 2016.
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Keywords: Safe Optimization, SafeOpt
Felix Berkenkamp, Andreas Krause, and Angela P. Schoellig. Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in robotics. Machine Learning, June 2021.
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Selecting the right tuning parameters for algorithms is a pravelent problem in machine learning that can significantly affect the performance of algorithms. Data-efficient optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, have been used to automate this process. During experiments on real-world systems such as robotic platforms these methods can evaluate unsafe parameters that lead to safety-critical system failures and can destroy the system. Recently, a safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, called SafeOpt, has been developed, which guarantees that the performance of the system never falls below a critical value; that is, safety is defined based on the performance function. However, coupling performance and safety is often not desirable in practice, since they are often opposing objectives. In this paper, we present a generalized algorithm that allows for multiple safety constraints separate from the objective. Given an initial set of safe parameters, the algorithm maximizes performance but only evaluates parameters that satisfy safety for all constraints with high probability. To this end, it carefully explores the parameter space by exploiting regularity assumptions in terms of a Gaussian process prior. Moreover, we show how context variables can be used to safely transfer knowledge to new situations and tasks. We provide a theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enables fast, automatic, and safe optimization of tuning parameters in experiments on a quadrotor vehicle.
Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N. Tsitsiklis, and Cynara Wu. Rollout Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization. Journal of Heuristics, 3(3):245–262, 1997.
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Judith O. Berkey and Pearl Y. Wang. Two-dimensional finite bin-packing algorithms. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 38(5):423–429, 1987.
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Nicola Beume, Carlos M. Fonseca, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Luís Paquete, and Jan Vahrenhold. On the complexity of computing the hypervolume indicator. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(5):1075–1082, 2009.
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The goal of multi-objective optimization is to find a set of best compromise solutions for typically conflicting objectives. Due to the complex nature of most real-life problems, only an approximation to such an optimal set can be obtained within reasonable (computing) time. To compare such approximations, and thereby the performance of multi-objective optimizers providing them, unary quality measures are usually applied. Among these, the hypervolume indicator (or S-metric) is of particular relevance due to its favorable properties. Moreover, this indicator has been successfully integrated into stochastic optimizers, such as evolutionary algorithms, where it serves as a guidance criterion for finding good approximations to the Pareto front. Recent results show that computing the hypervolume indicator can be seen as solving a specialized version of Klee's Measure Problem. In general, Klee's Measure Problem can be solved with O(n log n + nd/2log n) comparisons for an input instance of size n in d dimensions; as of this writing, it is unknown whether a lower bound higher than Ω(n log n) can be proven. In this article, we derive a lower bound of Ω(nlog n) for the complexity of computing the hypervolume indicator in any number of dimensions d>1 by reducing the so-called UniformGap problem to it. For the three dimensional case, we also present a matching upper bound of O(nlog n) comparisons that is obtained by extending an algorithm for finding the maxima of a point set.
Nicola Beume, Boris Naujoks, and Michael T. M. Emmerich. SMS-EMOA: Multiobjective selection based on dominated hypervolume. European Journal of Operational Research, 181(3):1653–1669, 2007.
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Hans-Georg Beyer and Hans-Paul Schwefel. Evolution Strategies: A Comprehensive Introduction. Natural Computing, 1:3–52, 2002.
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Hans-Georg Beyer, Hans-Paul Schwefel, and Ingo Wegener. How to analyse evolutionary algorithms. Theoretical Computer Science, 287(1):101–130, 2002.
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Leonardo C. T. Bezerra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Automatic Component-Wise Design of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(3):403–417, 2016.
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Leonardo C. T. Bezerra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. A Large-Scale Experimental Evaluation of High-Performing Multi- and Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation, 26(4):621–656, 2018.
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Research on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) has produced over the past decades a large number of algorithms and a rich literature on performance assessment tools to evaluate and compare them. Yet, newly proposed MOEAs are typically compared against very few, often a decade older MOEAs. One reason for this apparent contradiction is the lack of a common baseline for comparison, with each subsequent study often devising its own experimental scenario, slightly different from other studies. As a result, the state of the art in MOEAs is a disputed topic. This article reports a systematic, comprehensive evaluation of a large number of MOEAs that covers a wide range of experimental scenarios. A novelty of this study is the separation between the higher-level algorithmic components related to multi-objective optimization (MO), which characterize each particular MOEA, and the underlying parameters-such as evolutionary operators, population size, etc.-whose configuration may be tuned for each scenario. Instead of relying on a common or "default" parameter configuration that may be low-performing for particular MOEAs or scenarios and unintentionally biased, we tune the parameters of each MOEA for each scenario using automatic algorithm configuration methods. Our results confirm some of the assumed knowledge in the field, while at the same time they provide new insights on the relative performance of MOEAs for many-objective problems. For example, under certain conditions, indicator-based MOEAs are more competitive for such problems than previously assumed. We also analyze problem-specific features affecting performance, the agreement between performance metrics, and the improvement of tuned configurations over the default configurations used in the literature. Finally, the data produced is made publicly available to motivate further analysis and a baseline for future comparisons.
Leonardo C. T. Bezerra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Automatically Designing State-of-the-Art Multi- and Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation, 28(2):195–226, 2020.
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A recent comparison of well-established multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) has helped better identify the current state-of-the-art by considering (i) parameter tuning through automatic configuration, (ii) a wide range of different setups, and (iii) various performance metrics. Here, we automatically devise MOEAs with verified state-of-the-art performance for multi- and many-objective continuous optimization. Our work is based on two main considerations. The first is that high-performing algorithms can be obtained from a configurable algorithmic framework in an automated way. The second is that multiple performance metrics may be required to guide this automatic design process. In the first part of this work, we extend our previously proposed algorithmic framework, increasing the number of MOEAs, underlying evolutionary algorithms, and search paradigms that it comprises. These components can be combined following a general MOEA template, and an automatic configuration method is used to instantiate high-performing MOEA designs that optimize a given performance metric and present state-of-the-art performance. In the second part, we propose a multiobjective formulation for the automatic MOEA design, which proves critical for the context of many-objective optimization due to the disagreement of established performance metrics. Our proposed formulation leads to an automatically designed MOEA that presents state-of-the-art performance according to a set of metrics, rather than a single one.
Leonora Bianchi, Mauro Birattari, M. Manfrin, M. Mastrolilli, Luís Paquete, O. Rossi-Doria, and Tommaso Schiavinotto. Hybrid Metaheuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 5(1):91–110, 2006.
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Leonora Bianchi, Marco Dorigo, L. M. Gambardella, and Walter J. Gutjahr. A survey on metaheuristics for stochastic combinatorial optimization. Natural Computing, 8(2):239–287, 2009.
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M. Binois, D. Ginsbourger, and O. Roustant. Quantifying uncertainty on Pareto fronts with Gaussian process conditional simulations. European Journal of Operational Research, 243(2):386–394, 2015.
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Multi-objective optimization algorithms aim at finding Pareto-optimal solutions. Recovering Pareto fronts or Pareto sets from a limited number of function evaluations are challenging problems. A popular approach in the case of expensive-to-evaluate functions is to appeal to metamodels. Kriging has been shown efficient as a base for sequential multi-objective optimization, notably through infill sampling criteria balancing exploitation and exploration such as the Expected Hypervolume Improvement. Here we consider Kriging metamodels not only for selecting new points, but as a tool for estimating the whole Pareto front and quantifying how much uncertainty remains on it at any stage of Kriging-based multi-objective optimization algorithms. Our approach relies on the Gaussian process interpretation of Kriging, and bases upon conditional simulations. Using concepts from random set theory, we propose to adapt the Vorob'ev expectation and deviation to capture the variability of the set of non-dominated points. Numerical experiments illustrate the potential of the proposed workflow, and it is shown on examples how Gaussian process simulations and the estimated Vorob'ev deviation can be used to monitor the ability of Kriging-based multi-objective optimization algorithms to accurately learn the Pareto front.
Keywords: Attainment function, Expected Hypervolume Improvement, Kriging, Multi-objective optimization, Vorob'ev expectation
Mauro Birattari, Prasanna Balaprakash, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. Estimation Based Local Search for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(4):644–658, 2008.
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Mauro Birattari, Paola Pellegrini, and Marco Dorigo. On the invariance of ant colony optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 11(6):732–742, 2007.
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Mauro Birattari, M. Zlochin, and Marco Dorigo. Towards a theory of practice in metaheuristics design: A machine learning perspective. Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 40(2):353–369, 2006.
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Francesco Biscani, Dario Izzo, and Chit Hong Yam. A Global Optimisation Toolbox for Massively Parallel Engineering Optimisation. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1004.3824, 2010.
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A software platform for global optimisation, called PaGMO, has been developed within the Advanced Concepts Team (ACT) at the European Space Agency, and was recently released as an open-source project. PaGMO is built to tackle high-dimensional global optimisation problems, and it has been successfully used to find solutions to real-life engineering problems among which the preliminary design of interplanetary spacecraft trajectories - both chemical (including multiple flybys and deep-space maneuvers) and low-thrust (limited, at the moment, to single phase trajectories), the inverse design of nano-structured radiators and the design of non-reactive controllers for planetary rovers. Featuring an arsenal of global and local optimisation algorithms (including genetic algorithms, differential evolution, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimisation, compass search, improved harmony search, and various interfaces to libraries for local optimisation such as SNOPT, IPOPT, GSL and NLopt), PaGMO is at its core a C++ library which employs an object-oriented architecture providing a clean and easily-extensible optimisation framework. Adoption of multi-threaded programming ensures the efficient exploitation of modern multi-core architectures and allows for a straightforward implementation of the island model paradigm, in which multiple populations of candidate solutions asynchronously exchange information in order to speed-up and improve the optimisation process. In addition to the C++ interface, PaGMO's capabilities are exposed to the high-level language Python, so that it is possible to easily use PaGMO in an interactive session and take advantage of the numerous scientific Python libraries available.
Keywords: PaGMO
Bernd Bischl, Martin Binder, Michel Lang, Tobias Pielok, Jakob Richter, Stefan Coors, Janek Thomas, Theresa Ullmann, Marc Becker, Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Difan Deng, and Marius Thomas Lindauer. Hyperparameter optimization: Foundations, algorithms, best practices, and open challenges. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(2):e1484, 2023.
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Bernd Bischl, Pascal Kerschke, Lars Kotthoff, Marius Thomas Lindauer, Yuri Malitsky, Alexandre Fréchette, Holger H. Hoos, Frank Hutter, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Kevin Tierney, and Joaquin Vanschoren. ASlib: A Benchmark Library for Algorithm Selection. Artificial Intelligence, 237:41–58, 2016.
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Bernd Bischl, Michel Lang, Lars Kotthoff, Julia Schiffner, Jakob Richter, Erich Studerus, Giuseppe Casalicchio, and Zachary M. Jones. mlr: Machine Learning in R. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(170):1–5, 2016.
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Xavier Blasco, Juan M. Herrero, Javier Sanchis, and Manuel Martínez. A new graphical visualization of n-dimensional Pareto front for decision-making in multiobjective optimization. Information Sciences, 178(20):3908–3924, 2008.
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Craig Blackmore, Oliver Ray, and Kerstin Eder. Automatically Tuning the GCC Compiler to Optimize the Performance of Applications Running on Embedded Systems. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1703.08228, 2017.
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María J. Blesa and Christian Blum. Finding edge-disjoint paths in networks by means of artificial ant colonies. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 6(3):361–391, 2007.
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Laurens Bliek, Paulo da Costa, Reza Refaei Afshar, Robbert Reijnen, Yingqian Zhang, Tom Catshoek, Daniël Vos, Sicco Verwer, Fynn Schmitt-Ulms, André Hottung, Tapan Shah, Meinolf Sellmann, Kevin Tierney, Carl Perreault-Lafleur, Caroline Leboeuf, Federico Bobbio, Justine Pepin, Warley Almeida Silva, Ricardo Gama, Hugo L. Fernandes, Martin Zaefferer, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Ekhine Irurozki. The First AI4TSP Competition: Learning to Solve Stochastic Routing Problems. Artificial Intelligence, 319:103918, 2023.
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This paper reports on the first international competition on AI for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021 (IJCAI-21). The TSP is one of the classical combinatorial optimization problems, with many variants inspired by real-world applications. This first competition asked the participants to develop algorithms to solve an orienteering problem with stochastic weights and time windows (OPSWTW). It focused on two learning approaches: surrogate-based optimization and deep reinforcement learning. In this paper, we describe the problem, the competition setup, and the winning methods, and give an overview of the results. The winning methods described in this work have advanced the state-of-the-art in using AI for stochastic routing problems. Overall, by organizing this competition we have introduced routing problems as an interesting problem setting for AI researchers. The simulator of the problem has been made open-source and can be used by other researchers as a benchmark for new learning-based methods. The instances and code for the competition are available at
Keywords: AI for TSP competition, Travelling salesman problem, Routing problem, Stochastic combinatorial optimization, Surrogate-based optimization, Deep reinforcement learning
Christian Blum. Beam-ACO—Hybridizing Ant Colony Optimization with Beam Search: An Application to Open Shop Scheduling. Computers & Operations Research, 32(6):1565–1591, 2005.
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Christian Blum. Beam-ACO for simple assembly line balancing. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(4):618–627, 2008.
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Christian Blum, María J. Blesa, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Beam search for the longest common subsequence problem. Computers & Operations Research, 36(12):3178–3186, 2009.
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The longest common subsequence problem is a classical string problem that concerns finding the common part of a set of strings. It has several important applications, for example, pattern recognition or computational biology. Most research efforts up to now have focused on solving this problem optimally. In comparison, only few works exist dealing with heuristic approaches. In this work we present a deterministic beam search algorithm. The results show that our algorithm outperforms the current state-of-the-art approaches not only in solution quality but often also in computation time.
Christian Blum, Borja Calvo, and María J. Blesa. FrogCOL and FrogMIS: New Decentralized Algorithms for Finding Large Independent Sets in Graphs. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):205–227, 2015.
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Keywords: irace
Christian Blum and Marco Dorigo. The hyper-cube framework for ant colony optimization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part B, 34(2):1161–1172, 2004.
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Christian Blum and Marco Dorigo. Search Bias in Ant Colony Optimization: On the Role of Competition-Balanced Systems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 9(2):159–174, 2005.
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Christian Blum and Gabriela Ochoa. A comparative analysis of two matheuristics by means of merged local optima networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(1):36–56, 2021.
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Christian Blum, Pedro Pinacho, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and José A. Lozano. Construct, Merge, Solve & Adapt: A New General Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 68:75–88, 2016.
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Keywords: irace, CMSA
Christian Blum, Jakob Puchinger, Günther R. Raidl, and Andrea Roli. Hybrid Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization: A Survey. Applied Soft Computing, 11(6):4135–4151, 2011.
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Christian Blum and Andrea Roli. Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization: Overview and Conceptual Comparison. ACM Computing Surveys, 35(3):268–308, 2003.
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Christian Blum and M. Sampels. An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Shop Scheduling Problems. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 3(3):285–308, 2004.
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Christian Blum, M. Yábar Vallès, and María J. Blesa. An ant colony optimization algorithm for DNA sequencing by hybridization. Computers & Operations Research, 35(11):3620–3635, 2008.
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Andrea F. Bocchese, Chris Fawcett, Mauro Vallati, Alfonso E. Gerevini, and Holger H. Hoos. Performance robustness of AI planners in the 2014 International Planning Competition. AI Communications, 31(6):445–463, December 2018.
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Solver competitions have been used in many areas of AI to assess the current state of the art and guide future research and development. AI planning is no exception, and the International Planning Competition (IPC) has been frequently run for nearly two decades. Due to the organisational and computational burden involved in running these competitions, solvers are generally compared using a single homogeneous hardware and software environment for all competitors. To what extent does the specific choice of hardware and software environment have an effect on solver performance, and is that effect distributed equally across the competing solvers? In this work, we use the competing planners and benchmark instance sets from the 2014 IPC to investigate these two questions. We recreate the 2014 IPC Optimal and Agile tracks on two distinct hardware environments and eight distinct software environments. We show that solver performance varies significantly based on the hardware and software environment, and that this variation is not equal for all planners. Furthermore, the observed variation is sufficient to change the competition rankings, including the top-ranked planners for some tracks.
Kenneth D. Boese, Andrew B. Kahng, and Sudhakar Muddu. A New Adaptive Multi-Start Technique for Combinatorial Global Optimization. Operations Research Letters, 16(2):101–113, 1994.
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Keywords: big-valley hypothesis, TSP, landscape analysis
Marko Bohanec. Decision making: a computer-science and information-technology viewpoint. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 7(2):22–37, 2009.
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Ihor O. Bohachevsky, Mark E. Johnson, and Myron L. Stein. Generalized Simulated Annealing for Function Optimization. Technometrics, 28(3):209–217, 1986.
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P. C. Borges. CHESS - Changing Horizon Efficient Set Search: A simple principle for multiobjective optimization. Journal of Heuristics, 6(3):405–418, 2000.
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Endre Boros, Peter L. Hammer, and Gabriel Tavares. Local search heuristics for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO). Journal of Heuristics, 13(2):99–132, 2007.
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Jean-Charles de Borda. Mémoire sur les Élections au Scrutin. Histoire de l'Académie Royal des Sciences, 1781.
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Keywords: ranking
Hozefa M. Botee and Eric Bonabeau. Evolving Ant Colony Optimization. Advances in Complex Systems, 1:149–159, 1998.
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Marco Botte and Anita Schöbel. Dominance for multi-objective robust optimization concepts. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2):430–440, 2019.
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Salim Bouamama, Christian Blum, and Abdellah Boukerram. A Population-based Iterated Greedy Algorithm for the Minimum Weight Vertex Cover Problem. Applied Soft Computing, 12(6):1632–1639, 2012.
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Géraldine Bous, Philippe Fortemps, François Glineur, and Marc Pirlot. ACUTA: A novel method for eliciting additive value functions on the basis of holistic preference statements. European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2):435–444, 2010.
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K. Bouleimen and H. Lecocq. A new efficient simulated annealing algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem and its multiple mode version. European Journal of Operational Research, 149(2):268–281, 2003.
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This paper describes new simulated annealing (SA) algorithms for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) and its multiple mode version (MRCPSP). The objective function considered is minimisation of the makespan. The conventional SA search scheme is replaced by a new design that takes into account the specificity of the solution space of project scheduling problems. For RCPSP, the search was based on an alternated activity and time incrementing process, and all parameters were set after preliminary statistical experiments done on test instances. For MRCPSP, we introduced an original approach using two embedded search loops alternating activity and mode neighbourhood exploration. The performance evaluation done on the benchmark instances available in the literature proved the efficiency of both adaptations that are currently among the most competitive algorithms for these problems.
Keywords: multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling, project scheduling, simulated annealing
B. Bozkurt, J. W. Fowler, E. S. Gel, B. Kim, Murat Köksalan, and Jyrki Wallenius. Quantitative comparison of approximate solution sets for multicriteria optimization problems with weighted Tchebycheff preference function. Operations Research, 58(3):650–659, 2010.
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Proposed IPF indicator
Jürgen Branke, Salvatore Greco, Roman Slowiński, and P Zielniewicz. Interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization driven by robust ordinal regression. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 58(3):347–358, 2010.
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S. C. Brailsford, Walter J. Gutjahr, M. S. Rauner, and W. Zeppelzauer. Combined Discrete-event Simulation and Ant Colony Optimisation Approach for Selecting Optimal Screening Policies for Diabetic Retinopathy. Computational Management Science, 4(1):59–83, 2006.
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Jürgen Branke, T. Kaussler, and H. Schmeck. Guidance in evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Advances in Engineering Software, 32:499–507, 2001.
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Jürgen Branke, S. Nguyen, C. W. Pickardt, and M. Zhang. Automated Design of Production Scheduling Heuristics: A Review. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(1):110–124, 2016.
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Jürgen Branke and C. Schmidt. Faster Convergence by Means of Fitness Estimation. Soft Computing, 9(1):13–20, January 2005.
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Roland Braune and G. Zäpfel. Shifting Bottleneck Scheduling for Total Weighted Tardiness Minimization—A Computational Evaluation of Subproblem and Re-optimization Heuristics. Computers & Operations Research, 66:130–140, 2016.
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Jürgen Branke, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, Roman Slowiński, and P. Zielniewicz. Using Choquet integral as preference model in interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 250(3):884–901, 2016.
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Jürgen Branke, S. S. Farid, and N. Shah. Industry 4.0: a vision for personalized medicine supply chains? Cell and Gene Therapy Insights, 2(2):263–270, 2016.
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Jürgen Branke, Salvatore Greco, Roman Slowiński, and Piotr Zielniewicz. Learning Value Functions in Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(1):88–102, 2015.
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Yaochu Jin and Jürgen Branke. Evolutionary Optimization in Uncertain Environments—A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 9(5):303–317, 2005.
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Leo Breiman. Random Forests. Machine Learning, 45(1):5–32, 2001.
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Karl Bringmann, Sergio Cabello, and Michael T. M. Emmerich. Maximum volume subset selection for anchored boxes. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1803.00849, 2018.
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Let B be a set of n axis-parallel boxes in Rd such that each box has a corner at the origin and the other corner in the positive quadrant of Rd, and let k be a positive integer. We study the problem of selecting k boxes in B that maximize the volume of the union of the selected boxes. This research is motivated by applications in skyline queries for databases and in multicriteria optimization, where the problem is known as the hypervolume subset selection problem. It is known that the problem can be solved in polynomial time in the plane, while the best known running time in any dimension d ≥3 is Ω(k). We show that: The problem is NP-hard already in 3 dimensions. In 3 dimensions, we break the bound Ω(k), by providing an nO(√(k)) algorithm. For any constant dimension d, we present an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme.
Keywords: hypervolume subset selection
Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Approximating the Least Hypervolume Contributor: NP-Hard in General, But Fast in Practice. Theoretical Computer Science, 425:104–116, 2012.
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Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. An efficient algorithm for computing hypervolume contributions. Evolutionary Computation, 18(3):383–402, 2010.
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Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Convergence of hypervolume-based archiving algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(5):643–657, 2014.
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Proof that all nondecreasing (μ+ λ) archiving algorithms with λ< μ are ineffective.
Keywords: competitive ratio
Charles G. Broyden. The Convergence of a Class of Double-rank Minimization Algorithms: 2. The New Algorithm. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 6(3):222–231, September 1970.
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One of the four papers that proposed BFGS.
Keywords: BFGS
Dimo Brockhoff, Johannes Bader, Lothar Thiele, and Eckart Zitzler. Directed Multiobjective Optimization Based on the Weighted Hypervolume Indicator. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 20(5-6):291–317, 2013.
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Recently, there has been a large interest in set-based evolutionary algorithms for multi objective optimization. They are based on the definition of indicators that characterize the quality of the current population while being compliant with the concept of Pareto-optimality. It has been shown that the hypervolume indicator, which measures the dominated volume in the objective space, enables the design of efficient search algorithms and, at the same time, opens up opportunities to express user preferences in the search by means of weight functions. The present paper contains the necessary theoretical foundations and corresponding algorithms to (i) select appropriate weight functions, to (ii) transform user preferences into weight functions and to (iii) efficiently evaluate the weighted hypervolume indicator through Monte Carlo sampling. The algorithm W-HypE, which implements the previous concepts, is introduced, and the effectiveness of the search, directed towards the user's preferred solutions, is shown using an extensive set of experiments including the necessary statistical performance assessment.
Keywords: hypervolume, preference-based search, multi objective optimization, evolutionary algorithm
Eric Brochu, Vlad Cora, and Nando de Freitas. A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1012.2599, December 2010.
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Dimo Brockhoff, Tea Tušar, Dejan Tušar, Tobias Wagner, Nikolaus Hansen, and Anne Auger. Biobjective performance assessment with the COCO platform. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1605.01746, 2016.
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Dimo Brockhoff, Tobias Wagner, and Heike Trautmann. R2 indicator-based multiobjective search. Evolutionary Computation, 23(3):369–395, 2015.
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Dimo Brockhoff and Eckart Zitzler. Objective Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: Theory and Applications. Evolutionary Computation, 17(2):135–166, 2009.
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Many-objective problems represent a major challenge in the field of evolutionary multiobjective optimization, in terms of search efficiency, computational cost, decision making, visualization, and so on. This leads to various research questions, in particular whether certain objectives can be omitted in order to overcome or at least diminish the difficulties that arise when many, that is, more than three, objective functions are involved. This study addresses this question from different perspectives. First, we investigate how adding or omitting objectives affects the problem characteristics and propose a general notion of conflict between objective sets as a theoretical foundation for objective reduction. Second, we present both exact and heuristic algorithms to systematically reduce the number of objectives, while preserving as much as possible of the dominance structure of the underlying optimization problem. Third, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed objective reduction method in the context of both decision making and search for a radar waveform application as well as for well-known test functions.
C. G. Broyden. The Convergence of a Class of Double-rank Minimization Algorithms 1. General Considerations. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 6(1):76–90, March 1970.
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This paper presents a more detailed analysis of a class of minimization algorithms, which includes as a special case the DFP (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell) method, than has previously appeared. Only quadratic functions are considered but particular attention is paid to the magnitude of successive errors and their dependence upon the initial matrix. On the basis of this a possible explanation of some of the observed characteristics of the class is tentatively suggested.
Keywords: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm
Peter Brucker, Johann Hurink, and Frank Werner. Improving Local Search Heuristics for some Scheduling Problems — Part I. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 65(1–3):97–122, 1996.
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Peter Brucker, Johann Hurink, and Frank Werner. Improving Local Search Heuristics for some Scheduling Problems — Part II. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 72(1–2):47–69, 1997.
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M. J. Brusco, L. W. Jacobs, and G. M. Thompson. A Morphing Procedure to Supplement a Simulated Annealing Heuristic for Cost- and Coverage-correlated Set Covering Problems. Annals of Operations Research, 86:611–627, 1999.
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John T. Buchanan. An experimental evaluation of interactive MCDM methods and the decision making process. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 45(9):1050–1059, 1994.
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John T. Buchanan. A naive approach for solving MCDM problems: the GUESS method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48:202–206, 1997.
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John T. Buchanan and James L. Corner. The effects of anchoring in interactive MCDM solution methods. Computers & Operations Research, 24(10):907–918, October 1997.
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A. L. Buchsbaum and M. T. Goodrich. Three-Dimensional Layers of Maxima. Algorithmica, 39:275–289, 2004.
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B. Bullnheimer, Richard F. Hartl, and Christine Strauss. An Improved Ant System Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 89:319–328, 1999.
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Edmund K. Burke and Yuri Bykov. The Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Heuristic. European Journal of Operational Research, 258(1):70–78, 2017.
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Rainer E. Burkard and Ulrich Fincke. The asymptotic probabilistic behaviour of quadratic sum assignment problems. Zeitschrift für Operations Research, 27(1):73–81, 1983.
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Luciana Buriol, Paulo M. França, and Pablo Moscato. A New Memetic Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Journal of Heuristics, 10(5):483–506, 2004.
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Edmund K. Burke, Michel Gendreau, Matthew R. Hyde, Graham Kendall, Gabriela Ochoa, Ender Özcan, and Rong Qu. Hyper-heuristics: A Survey of the State of the Art. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64(12):1695–1724, 2013.
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Edmund K. Burke, Matthew R. Hyde, Graham Kendall, and John R. Woodward. A Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic Approach for Evolving 2-D Strip Packing Heuristics. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(6):942–958, 2010.
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Edmund K. Burke, Matthew R. Hyde, Graham Kendall, and John R. Woodward. Automating the Packing Heuristic Design Process with Genetic Programming. Evolutionary Computation, 20(1):63–89, 2012.
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Keywords: one-, two-, or three-dimensional knapsack and bin packing problems
Edmund K. Burke, Matthew R. Hyde, and Graham Kendall. Grammatical Evolution of Local Search Heuristics. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16(7):406–417, 2012.
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Rainer E. Burkard, Stefan E. Karisch, and Franz Rendl. QAPLIB–a Quadratic Assignment Problem Library. Journal of Global Optimization, 10(4):391–403, 1997.
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Rainer E. Burkard and Franz Rendl. A Thermodynamically Motivated Simulation Procedure for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 17(2):169–174, 1984.
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Keywords: 2-exchange delta evaluation for QAP
Erika Buson, Roberto Roberti, and Paolo Toth. A Reduced-Cost Iterated Local Search Heuristic for the Fixed-Charge Transportation Problem. Operations Research, 62(5):1095–1106, 2014.
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R. Caballero, Mariano Luque, Julián Molina, and Francisco Ruiz. PROMOIN: An Interactive System for Multiobjective Programming. Information Technologies and Decision Making, 1:635–656, 2002.
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Keywords: preferences, multi interactive methods framework
Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Thomas Stützle. Exploring Variable Neighborhood Search for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 58:167–174, 2017.
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Sebastien Cahon, Nordine Melab, and El-Ghazali Talbi. ParadisEO: A Framework for the Reusable Design of Parallel and Distributed Metaheuristics. Journal of Heuristics, 10(3):357–380, 2004.
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Zhaoquan Cai, Han Huang, Yong Qin, and Xianheng Ma. Ant Colony Optimization Based on Adaptive Volatility Rate of Pheromone Trail. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2(8):792–796, 2009.
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Xinye Cai, Yexing Li, Zhun Fan, and Qingfu Zhang. An external archive guided multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for combinatorial optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(4):508–523, 2015.
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Xinye Cai, Yushun Xiao, Miqing Li, Han Hu, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Xiaoping Li. A grid-based inverted generational distance for multi/many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 25(1):21–34, 2021.
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weakly Pareto-compliant indicator
Xinye Cai, Yushun Xiao, Zhenhua Li, Qi Sun, Hanchuan Xu, Miqing Li, and Hisao Ishibuchi. A kernel-based indicator for multi/many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2021.
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Roberto Wolfler Calvo. A New Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. Transportation Science, 34(1):113–124, 2000.
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Felipe Campelo, Lucas S. Batista, and Claus Aranha. The MOEADr Package: A Component-Based Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition. Journal of Statistical Software, 92, 2020.
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Christian Leonardo Camacho-Villalón, Marco Dorigo, and Thomas Stützle. An analysis of why cuckoo search does not bring any novel ideas to optimization. Computers & Operations Research, p.  105747, 2022.
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Christian Leonardo Camacho-Villalón, Marco Dorigo, and Thomas Stützle. Exposing the grey wolf, moth-flame, whale, firefly, bat, and antlion algorithms: six misleading optimization techniques inspired by bestial metaphors. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2022.
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Christian Leonardo Camacho-Villalón, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. PSO-X: A Component-Based Framework for the Automatic Design of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 26(3):402–416, 2021.
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Felipe Campelo and Elizabeth F. Wanner. Sample size calculations for the experimental comparison of multiple algorithms on multiple problem instances. Journal of Heuristics, 26(6):851–883, 2020.
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Josu Ceberio, Ekhine Irurozki, Alexander Mendiburu, and José A. Lozano. A distance-based ranking model estimation of distribution algorithm for the flowshop scheduling problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(2):286–300, 2014.
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The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, we introduce a novel general estimation of distribution algorithm to deal with permutation-based optimization problems. The algorithm is based on the use of a probabilistic model for permutations called the generalized Mallows model. In order to prove the potential of the proposed algorithm, our second aim is to solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. A hybrid approach consisting of the new estimation of distribution algorithm and a variable neighborhood search is proposed. Conducted experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is able to outperform the state-of-the-art approaches. Moreover, from the 220 benchmark instances tested, the proposed hybrid approach obtains new best known results in 152 cases. An in-depth study of the results suggests that the successful performance of the introduced approach is due to the ability of the generalized Mallows estimation of distribution algorithm to discover promising regions in the search space.
Keywords: Estimation of distribution algorithms,Generalized Mallows model,Permutation flowshop scheduling problem,Permutations-based optimization problems
Vladimír Černý. A Thermodynamical Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem: An Efficient Simulation Algorithm. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 45(1):41–51, 1985.
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Matteo Ceriotti and Massimiliano Vasile. Automated Multigravity Assist Trajectory Planning with a Modified Ant Colony Algorithm. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication, 7(9):261–293, 2010.
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Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero, and Andrea Schaerf. Design, Engineering, and Experimental Analysis of a Simulated Annealing Approach to the Post-Enrolment Course Timetabling Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(7):1615–1624, 2012.
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Sara Ceschia and Andrea Schaerf. Modeling and solving the dynamic patient admission scheduling problem under uncertainty. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 56(3):199–205, 2012.
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Keywords: F-race
Sara Ceschia, Andrea Schaerf, and Thomas Stützle. Local Search Techniques for a Routing-packing Problem. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 66(4):1138–1149, 2013.
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T.-J. Chang, N. Meade, John E. Beasley, and Y. M. Sharaiha. Heuristics for cardinality constrained portfolio optimisation. Computers & Operations Research, 27(13):1271–1302, 2000.
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In this paper we consider the problem of finding the efficient frontier associated with the standard mean-variance portfolio optimisation model. We extend the standard model to include cardinality constraints that limit a portfolio to have a specified number of assets, and to impose limits on the proportion of the portfolio held in a given asset (if any of the asset is held). We illustrate the differences that arise in the shape of this efficient frontier when such constraints are present. We present three heuristic algorithms based upon genetic algorithms, tabu search and simulated annealing for finding the cardinality constrained efficient frontier. Computational results are presented for five data sets involving up to 225 assets. Scope and purpose The standard Markowitz mean-variance approach to portfolio selection involves tracing out an efficient frontier, a continuous curve illustrating the tradeoff between return and risk (variance). This frontier can be easily found via quadratic programming. This approach is well-known and widely applied. However, for practical purposes, it may be desirable to limit the number of assets in a portfolio, as well as imposing limits on the proportion of the portfolio devoted to any particular asset. If such constraints exist, the problem of finding the efficient frontier becomes much harder. This paper illustrates how, in the presence of such constraints, the efficient frontier becomes discontinuous. Three heuristic techniques are applied to the problem of finding this efficient frontier and computational results presented for a number of data sets which are made publicly available.
Keywords: Portfolio optimisation, CCMVPOP, Efficient frontier
Shelvin Chand and Markus Wagner. Evolutionary many-objective optimization: A quick-start guide. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, 20(2):35–42, 2015.
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Shamik Chaudhuri and Kalyanmoy Deb. An interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization and decision making procedure. Applied Soft Computing, 10(2):496–511, 2010.
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Hsinchun Chen, Roger H. L. Chiang, and Veda C. Storey. Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4):1165–1188, 2012.
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Yuning Chen, Jin-Kao Hao, and Fred Glover. A hybrid metaheuristic approach for the capacitated arc routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 553(1):25–39, 2016.
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Keywords: irace
Ruey-Maw Chen and Fu-Ren Hsieh. An exchange local search heuristic based scheme for permutation flow shop problems. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 8(1):209–215, 2014.
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Ran Cheng, Yaochu Jin, Markus Olhofer, and Bernhard Sendhoff. A Reference Vector Guided Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(5):773–791, 2016.
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F. Y. Cheng and X. S. Li. Generalized center method for multiobjective engineering optimization. Engineering Optimization, 31(5):641–661, 1999.
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Renzhi Chen, Ke Li, and Xin Yao. Dynamic Multiobjectives Optimization With a Changing Number of Objectives. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(1):157–171, 2017.
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two co-evolving populations (two archive)
Rachid Chelouah and Patrick Siarry. Tabu search applied to global optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 123(2):256–270, 2000.
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Ni Chen, Wei-Neng Chen, Yue-Jiao Gong, Zhi-Hui Zhan, Jun Zhang, Yun Li, and Yu-Song Tan. An evolutionary algorithm with double-level archives for multiobjective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45(9):1851–1863, 2014.
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Chin-Bin Cheng and Chun-Pin Mao. A modified ant colony system for solving the travelling salesman problem with time windows. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 46:1225–1235, 2007.
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Marco Chiarandini, Mauro Birattari, Krzysztof Socha, and O. Rossi-Doria. An Effective Hybrid Algorithm for University Course Timetabling. Journal of Scheduling, 9(5):403–432, October 2006.
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Keywords: 2003 international timetabling competition, F-race
Manuel Chica, Oscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, and Joaquín Bautista. A New Diversity Induction Mechanism for a Multi-objective Ant Colony Algorithm to Solve a Real-world time and Space Assembly Line Balancing Problem. Memetic Computing, 3(1):15–24, 2011.
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D. S. Chivilikhin, V. I. Ulyantsev, and A. A. Shalyto. Modified ant colony algorithm for constructing finite state machines from execution scenarios and temporal formulas. Automation and Remote Control, 77(3):473–484, 2016.
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Keywords: irace
Francisco Chicano, Darrell Whitley, and Enrique Alba. A Methodology to Find the Elementary Landscape Decomposition of Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Evolutionary Computation, 19(4):597–637, 2011.
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Francisco Chicano, Gabriel J. Luque, and Enrique Alba. Autocorrelation Measures for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Applied Mathematics Letters, 25:698–705, 2012.
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Tinkle Chugh, Yaochu Jin, Kaisa Miettinen, Jussi Hakanen, and Karthik Sindhya. A Surrogate-Assisted Reference Vector Guided Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Many-Objective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(1):129–142, February 2018.
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Tinkle Chugh, Karthik Sindhya, Jussi Hakanen, and Kaisa Miettinen. A survey on handling computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems with evolutionary algorithms. Soft Computing, 23(9):3137–3166, 2019.
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Evolutionary algorithms are widely used for solving multiobjective optimization problems but are often criticized because of a large number of function evaluations needed. Approximations, especially function approximations, also referred to as surrogates or metamodels are commonly used in the literature to reduce the computation time. This paper presents a survey of 45 different recent algorithms proposed in the literature between 2008 and 2016 to handle computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems. Several algorithms are discussed based on what kind of an approximation such as problem, function or fitness approximation they use. Most emphasis is given to function approximation-based algorithms. We also compare these algorithms based on different criteria such as metamodeling technique and evolutionary algorithm used, type and dimensions of the problem solved, handling constraints, training time and the type of evolution control. Furthermore, we identify and discuss some promising elements and major issues among algorithms in the literature related to using an approximation and numerical settings used. In addition, we discuss selecting an algorithm to solve a given computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problem based on the dimensions in both objective and decision spaces and the computation budget available.
Christian Cintrano, Javier Ferrer, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Enrique Alba. Hybridization of Evolutionary Operators with Elitist Iterated Racing for the Simulation Optimization of Traffic Lights Programs. Evolutionary Computation, 31(1):31–51, 2023.
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In the traffic light scheduling problem the evaluation of candidate solutions requires the simulation of a process under various (traffic) scenarios. Thus, good solutions should not only achieve good objective function values, but they must be robust (low variance) across all different scenarios. Previous work has shown that combining IRACE with evolutionary operators is effective for this task due to the power of evolutionary operators in numerical optimization. In this paper, we further explore the hybridization of evolutionary operators and the elitist iterated racing of IRACE for the simulation-optimization of traffic light programs. We review previous works from the literature to find the evolutionary operators performing the best when facing this problem to propose new hybrid algorithms. We evaluate our approach over a realistic case study derived from the traffic network of Málaga (Spain) with 275 traffic lights that should be scheduled optimally. The experimental analysis reveals that the hybrid algorithm comprising IRACE plus differential evolution offers statistically better results than the other algorithms when the budget of simulations is low. In contrast, IRACE performs better than the hybrids for high simulations budget, although the optimization time is much longer.
Keywords: irace, Simulation optimization, Uncertainty, Traffic light planning
André A. Cire and Willem-Jan van Hoeve. Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Sequencing Problems. Operations Research, 61(6):1259–1462, 2013.
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Andy Cockburn, Pierre Dragicevic, Lonni Besançon, and Carl Gutwin. Threats of a Replication Crisis in Empirical Computer Science. Communications of the ACM, 63(8):70–79, July 2020.
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Research replication only works if there is confidence built into the results.
B. Codenotti, G. Manzini, L. Margara, and G. Resta. Perturbation: An Efficient Technique for the Solution of Very Large Instances of the Euclidean TSP. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 8(2):125–133, 1996.
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Carlos A. Coello Coello. Theoretical and numerical constraint-handling techniques used with evolutionary algorithms: a survey of the state of the art. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191(11-12):1245–1287, 2002.
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Carlos A. Coello Coello. Special Issue on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(2), 2003.
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Carlos A. Coello Coello. Evolutionary multi-objective optimization: a historical view of the field. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 1(1):28–36, 2006.
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Harry Cohn and Mark J. Fielding. Simulated Annealing: Searching for an Optimal Temperature. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 9(3):779–802, 1999.
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Andrew F. Colombo and Bryan W. Karney. Impacts of Leaks on Energy Consumption in Pumped Systems with Storage. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 131(2):146–155, March 2005.
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Alberto Colorni, Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Maniezzo, and M. Trubian. Ant System for Job-shop Scheduling. JORBEL — Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science, 34(1):39–53, 1994.
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Barry McCollum, Andrea Schaerf, Ben Paechter, Paul McMullan, Rhyd M. R. Lewis, Andrew J. Parkes, Luca Di Gaspero, Rong Qu, and Edmund K. Burke. Setting the Research Agenda in Automated Timetabling: The Second International Timetabling Competition. INFORMS, 22(1):120–130, February 2010.
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Richard K. Congram, Chris N. Potts, and Steve van de Velde. An Iterated Dynasearch Algorithm for the Single-Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 14(1):52–67, 2002.
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David T. Connolly. An Improved Annealing Scheme for the QAP. European Journal of Operational Research, 46(1):93–100, 1990.
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Richard J. Cook and Vern T. Farewell. Multiplicity Considerations in the Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 159:93–110, 1996.
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multiplicity; multiple endpoints; multiple treatments; p-value adjustment; type I error; argues that if results are intended to be interpreted marginally, there may be no need for controlling experimentwise error rate
Don Coppersmith, Lisa K. Fleischer, and Atri Rurda. Ordering by Weighted Number of Wins Gives a Good Ranking for Weighted Tournaments. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 6(3):1–13, July 2010.
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Keywords: Approximation algorithms,Borda's method,feedback arc set problem,rank aggregation,tournaments
Vianney Coppé, Xavier Gillard, and Pierre Schaus. Decision Diagram-Based Branch-and-Bound with Caching for Dominance and Suboptimality Detection. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024.
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James L. Corner and John T. Buchanan. Capturing decision maker preference: Experimental comparison of decision analysis and MCDM techniques. European Journal of Operational Research, 98(1):85–97, 1997.
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Oscar Cordón and Sergio Damas. Image Registration with Iterated Local Search. Journal of Heuristics, 12(1–2):73–94, 2006.
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Jeroen Corstjens, Nguyen Dang, Benoît Depaire, An Caris, and Patrick De Causmaecker. A combined approach for analysing heuristic algorithms. Journal of Heuristics, 25(4):591–628, 2019.
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Jeroen Corstjens, Benoît Depaire, An Caris, and Kenneth Sörensen. A multilevel evaluation method for heuristics with an application to the VRPTW. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(1):168–196, 2020.
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P. Corry and E. Kozan. Ant Colony Optimisation for Machine Layout Problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 28(3):287–310, 2004.
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Jean-François Cordeau, Gilbert Laporte, and A. Mercier. A unified tabu search heuristic for vehicle routing problems with time windows. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52(8):928–936, 2001.
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Jean-François Cordeau and Mirko Maischberger. A Parallel Iterated Tabu Search Heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problems. Computers & Operations Research, 39(9):2033–2050, 2012.
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Wagner Emanoel Costa, Marco Cesar Goldbarg, and Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvêa Goldbarg. Hybridizing VNS and path-relinking on a particle swarm framework to minimize total flowtime. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(18):13118–13126, 2012.
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D. Costa and A. Hertz. Ants can color graphs. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48:295–305, 1997.
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S. P. Coy, B. L. Golden, G. C. Runger, and E. A. Wasil. Using Experimental Design to Find Effective Parameter Settings for Heuristics. Journal of Heuristics, 7(1):77–97, 2001.
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I. Barry Crabtree. Resource Scheduling: Comparing Simulated Annealing with Constraint Programming. BT Technology Journal, 13(1):121–127, 1995.
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Douglas Edward Critchlow, Michael A. Fligner, and Joseph S. Verducci. Probability Models on Rankings. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 35:294–318, 1991.
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G. A. Croes. A Method for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems. Operations Research, 6:791–812, 1958.
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Harlan P. Crowder, Ron S. Dembo, and John M. Mulvey. Reporting computational experiments in mathematical programming. Mathematical Programming, 15(1):316–329, 1978.
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Keywords: reproducibility
Carlos Cruz, Juan Ramón González, and David A. Pelta. Optimization in Dynamic Environments: A Survey on Problems, Methods and Measures. Soft Computing, 15(7):1427–1448, 2011.
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Fábio Cruz, Anand Subramanian, Bruno P. Bruck, and Manuel Iori. A Heuristic Algorithm for a Single Vehicle Static Bike Sharing Rebalancing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 79:19–33, 2017.
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Joseph C. Culberson. On the Futility of Blind Search: An Algorithmic View of “No Free Lunch”. Evolutionary Computation, 6(2):109–127, 1998.
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Keywords: NFL
P. Czyzżak and Andrzej Jaszkiewicz. Pareto simulated annealing – a metaheuristic technique for multiple-objective combinatorial optimization. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7(1):34–47, 1998.
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Steven B. Damelin, Fred J. Hickernell, David L. Ragozin, and Xiaoyan Zeng. On Energy, Discrepancy and Group Invariant Measures on Measurable Subsets of Euclidean Space. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 16(6):813–839, 2010.
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Keywords: Capacity; Cubature; Discrepancy; Distribution; Group invariant kernel; Group invariant measure; Energy minimizer; Equilibrium measure; Numerical integration; Positive definite; Potential field; Riesz kernel; Reproducing Hilbert space; Signed measure
M. Damas, M. Salmerón, J. Ortega, G. Olivares, and H. Pomares. Parallel Dynamic Water Supply Scheduling in a Cluster of Computers. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 13(15):1281–1302, December 2001.
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Augusto Dantas and Aurora Pozo. On the use of fitness landscape features in meta-learning based algorithm selection for the quadratic assignment problem. Theoretical Computer Science, 805:62–75, 2020.
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Emilie Danna, Edward Rothberg, and Claude Le Pape. Exploring relaxation induced neighborhoods to improve MIP solutions. Mathematical Programming, 102(1):71–90, 2005.
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George B. Dantzig and Philip Wolfe. Decomposition Principle for Linear Programs. Operations Research, 8(1):101–111, 1960.
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Fabio Daolio, Arnaud Liefooghe, Sébastien Verel, Hernán E. Aguirre, and Kiyoshi Tanaka. Problem Features versus Algorithm Performance on Rugged Multiobjective Combinatorial Fitness Landscapes. Evolutionary Computation, 25(4):555–585, 2017.
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Indraneel Das and John E. Dennis. A closer look at drawbacks of minimizing weighted sums of objectives for Pareto set generation in multicriteria optimization problems. Structural Optimization, 14(1):63–69, 1997.
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Indraneel Das and John E. Dennis. Normal-boundary intersection: A new method for generating the Pareto surface in nonlinear multicriteria optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 8(3):631–657, 1998.
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Keywords: simplex lattice design
Swagatam Das, Sankha Subhra Mullick, and Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan. Recent advances in differential evolution–An updated survey. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 27:1–30, 2016.
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Swagatam Das and Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan. Differential Evolution: A Survey of the State-of-the-art. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15(1), February 2011.
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Sanjeeb Dash. Exponential Lower Bounds on the Lengths of Some Classes of Branch-and-Cut Proofs. Mathematics of Operations Research, 30(3):678–700, 2005.
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Constantinos Daskalakis, Ilias Diakonikolas, and Mihalis Yannakakis. How good is the Chord algorithm? SIAM Journal on Computing, 45(3):811–858, 2016.
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Jean Daunizeau, Hanneke E. M. den Ouden, Matthias Pessiglione, Stefan J. Kiebel, Karl J. Friston, and Klaas E. Stephan. Observing the observer (II): deciding when to decide. PLoS One, 5(12):e15555, 2010.
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Jean Daunizeau, Hanneke E. M. den Ouden, Matthias Pessiglione, Klaas E. Stephan, Stefan J. Kiebel, and Karl J. Friston. Observing the observer (I): meta-Bayesian models of learning and decision-making. PLoS One, 5(12):e15554, 2010.
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Kalyanmoy Deb. An efficient constraint handling method for genetic algorithms. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 186(2/4):311–338, 2000.
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Kalyanmoy Deb, A. Pratap, S. Agarwal, and T. Meyarivan. A fast and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(2):182–197, 2002.
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Kalyanmoy Deb. Multi-objective genetic algorithms: problem difficulties and construction of test problems. Evolutionary Computation, 7(3):205–230, 1999.
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Naive definition of PLO-set
Kalyanmoy Deb and Ram Bhushan Agrawal. Simulated binary crossover for continuous search spaces. Complex Systems, 9(2):115–148, 1995.
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Keywords: SBX
Kalyanmoy Deb and Debayan Deb. Analysing mutation schemes for real-parameter genetic algorithms. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 4(1):1–28, 2014.
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Proposed Gaussian mutation
Kalyanmoy Deb, S. Gupta, D. Daum, Jürgen Branke, A. Mall, and D. Padmanabhan. Reliability-based optimization using evolutionary algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(5):1054–1074, October 2009.
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Kalyanmoy Deb and Himanshu Jain. An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach, Part I: Solving Problems With Box Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4):577–601, 2014.
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Proposed NSGA-III
Kalyanmoy Deb and Murat Köksalan. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Preference-based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(5):669–670, October 2010.
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Kalyanmoy Deb, Manikanth Mohan, and Shikhar Mishra. Evaluating the ε-domination based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for a quick computation of Pareto-optimal solutions. Evolutionary Computation, 13(4):501–525, December 2005.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: ε-dominance, ε-MOEA
Kalyanmoy Deb and Santosh Tiwari. Omni-optimizer: A generic evolutionary algorithm for single and multi-objective optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3):1062–1087, 2008.
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Archiving method with epsilon dominance and density in the decision and objective spaces
Keywords: epsilon-dominance, archiving
Kalyanmoy Deb, Ling Zhu, and Sandeep Kulkarni. Handling Multiple Scenarios in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Numerical Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(6):920–933, 2018.
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Solutions to most practical numerical optimization problems must be evaluated for their performance over a number of different loading or operating conditions, which we refer here as scenarios. Therefore, a meaningful and resilient optimal solution must be such that it remains feasible under all scenarios and performs close to an individual optimal solution corresponding to each scenario. Despite its practical importance, multi-scenario consideration has received a lukewarm attention, particularly in the context of multi-objective optimization. The usual practice is to optimize for the worst-case scenario. In this paper, we review existing methodologies in this direction and set our goal to suggest a new and potential population-based method for handling multiple scenarios by defining scenario-wise domination principle and scenario-wise diversity-preserving operators. To evaluate, the proposed method is applied to a number of numerical test problems and engineering design problems with a detail explanation of the obtained results and compared with an existing method. This first systematic evolutionary based multi-scenario, multiobjective, optimization study on numerical problems indicates that multiple scenarios can be handled in an integrated manner using an EMO framework to find a well-balanced compromise set of solutions to multiple scenarios and maintain a tradeoff among multiple objectives. In comparison to an existing serial multiple optimization approach, the proposed approach finds a set of compromised trade-off solutions simultaneously. An achievement of multi-objective trade-off and multi-scenario trade-off is algorithmically challenging, but due to its practical appeal, further research and application must be spent.
Keywords: scenario-based
Annelies De Corte and Kenneth Sörensen. Optimisation of gravity-fed water distribution network design: A critical review. European Journal of Operational Research, 228(1):1–10, 2013.
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Annelies De Corte and Kenneth Sörensen. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Water Distribution Network Design Optimization. Networks, 67(3):187–198, 2016.
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Annelies De Corte and Kenneth Sörensen. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for multi-period water distribution network design optimization. Water, 8(8):359, 2016.
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X. Delorme, Xavier Gandibleux, and F. Degoutin. Evolutionary, constructive and hybrid procedures for the bi-objective set packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 204(2):206–217, 2010.
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This paper cannot be found on internet!! Does it exist?
Federico Della Croce, Thierry Garaix, and Andrea Grosso. Iterated Local Search and Very Large Neighborhoods for the Parallel-machines Total Tardiness Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(6):1213–1217, 2012.
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Maxence Delorme, Manuel Iori, and Silvano Martello. Bin packing and cutting stock problems: Mathematical models and exact algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 255(1):1–20, 2016.
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Mauro Dell'Amico, Manuel Iori, Silvano Martello, and Michele Monaci. Heuristic and Exact Algorithms for the Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(3):333–344, 2016.
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Maxence Delorme, Manuel Iori, and Silvano Martello. BPPLIB: a library for bin packing and cutting stock problems. Optimization Letters, 12(2):235–250, 2018.
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Mauro Dell'Amico, Manuel Iori, Stefano Novellani, and Thomas Stützle. A destroy and repair algorithm for the Bike sharing Rebalancing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 71:146–162, 2016.
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Keywords: irace
Robert F. Dell and Mark H. Karwan. An interactive MCDM weight space reduction method utilizing a Tchebycheff utility function. Naval Research Logistics, 37(2):263–277, 1990.
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Mauro Dell'Amico and Marco Trubian. Applying Tabu Search to the Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 41:231–252, 1993.
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Stephan Dempe, Gabriele Eichfelder, and Jörg Fliege. On the effects of combining objectives in multi-objective optimization. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 82(1):1–18, 2015.
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Jean-Louis Deneubourg, S. Aron, S. Goss, and J.-M. Pasteels. The Self-Organizing Exploratory Pattern of the Argentine Ant. Journal of Insect Behavior, 3(2):159–168, 1990.
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Jingda Deng and Qingfu Zhang. Approximating Hypervolume and Hypervolume Contributions Using Polar Coordinate. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(5):913–918, October 2019.
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Proposed approximating the hypervolume using scalarizations
Joaquín Derrac, Salvador García, Daniel Molina, and Francisco Herrera. A practical tutorial on the use of nonparametric statistical tests as a methodology for comparing evolutionary and swarm intelligence algorithms. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 1(1):3–18, 2011.
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Ulrich Derigs and Ulrich Vogel. Experience with a Framework for Developing Heuristics for Solving Rich Vehicle Routing Problems. Journal of Heuristics, 20(1):75–106, 2014.
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Aryan Deshwal, Syrine Belakaria, Janardhan Rao Doppa, and Dae Hyun Kim. Bayesian Optimization over Permutation Spaces. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2112.01049, 2021.
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Keywords: BOPS, CEGO
Marcelo De Souza, Marcus Ritt, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Leslie Pérez Cáceres. ACVIZ: A Tool for the Visual Analysis of the Configuration of Algorithms with irace. Operations Research Perspectives, 8:100186, 2021.
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This paper introduces acviz, a tool that helps to analyze the automatic configuration of algorithms with irace. It provides a visual representation of the configuration process, allowing users to extract useful information, e.g. how the configurations evolve over time. When test data is available, acviz also shows the performance of each configuration on the test instances. Using this visualization, users can analyze and compare the quality of the resulting configurations and observe the performance differences on training and test instances.
Paolo Detti, Francesco Papalini, and Garazi Zabalo Manrique de Lara. A multi-depot dial-a-ride problem with heterogeneous vehicles and compatibility constraints in healthcare. Omega, 70:1–14, 2017.
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Sven De Vries and Rakesh V. Vohra. Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15(3):284–309, 2003.
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Juan Esteban Diaz, Julia Handl, and Dong-Ling Xu. Evolutionary robust optimization in production planning: interactions between number of objectives, sample size and choice of robustness measure. Computers & Operations Research, 79:266–278, 2017.
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Keywords: Evolutionary multi-objective optimization, Production planning, Robust optimization, Simulation-based optimization, Uncertainty modelling
Juan Esteban Diaz, Julia Handl, and Dong-Ling Xu. Integrating meta-heuristics, simulation and exact techniques for production planning of a failure-prone manufacturing system. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(3):976–989, 2018.
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Keywords: Genetic algorithms, Combinatorial optimization, Production planning, Simulation-based optimization, Uncertainty modelling
Juan Esteban Diaz and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Incorporating Decision-Maker's Preferences into the Automatic Configuration of Bi-Objective Optimisation Algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(3):1209–1222, 2021.
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Automatic configuration (AC) methods are increasingly used to tune and design optimisation algorithms for problems with multiple objectives. Most AC methods use unary quality indicators, which assign a single scalar value to an approximation to the Pareto front, to compare the performance of different optimisers. These quality indicators, however, imply preferences beyond Pareto-optimality that may differ from those of the decision maker (DM). Although it is possible to incorporate DM's preferences into quality indicators, e.g., by means of the weighted hypervolume indicator (HVw), expressing preferences in terms of weight function is not always intuitive nor an easy task for a DM, in particular, when comparing the stochastic outcomes of several algorithm configurations. A more visual approach to compare such outcomes is the visualisation of their empirical attainment functions (EAFs) differences. This paper proposes using such visualisations as a way of eliciting information about regions of the objective space that are preferred by the DM. We present a method to convert the information about EAF differences into a HVw that will assign higher quality values to approximation fronts that result in EAF differences preferred by the DM. We show that the resulting HVw may be used by an AC method to guide the configuration of multi-objective optimisers according to the preferences of the DM. We evaluate the proposed approach on a well-known benchmark problem. Finally, we apply our approach to re-configuring, according to different DM's preferences, a multi-objective optimiser tackling a real-world production planning problem arising in the manufacturing industry.
L. C. Dias, Vincent Mousseau, José Rui Figueira, and J. N. Clímaco. An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):332–348, April 2002.
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Ilias Diakonikolas and Mihalis Yannakakis. Small approximate Pareto sets for biobjective shortest paths and other problems. SIAM Journal on Computing, 39(4):1340–1371, 2009.
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Gianni A. Di Caro and Marco Dorigo. AntNet: Distributed Stigmergetic Control for Communications Networks. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 9:317–365, 1998.
bib ]
Gianni A. Di Caro, F. Ducatelle, and L. M. Gambardella. AntHocNet: An adaptive nature-inspired algorithm for routing in mobile ad hoc networks. European Transactions on Telecommunications, 16(5):443–455, 2005.
bib ]
Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf. EasyLocal++: An object-oriented framework for flexible design of local search algorithms. Software — Practice & Experience, 33(8):733–765, July 2003.
bib | epub ]
Keywords: software engineering, local search, easylocal
Bistra Dilkina, Elias B. Khalil, and George L. Nemhauser. Comments on: On learning and branching: a survey. TOP, 25:242–246, 2017.
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Comments on [863].
Rui Ding, Hongbin Dong, Jun He, and Tao Li. A novel two-archive strategy for evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithm based on reference points. Applied Soft Computing, 78:447–464, 2019.
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J.-Y. Ding, S. Song, J. N. D. Gupta, R. Zhang, R. Chiong, and C. Wu. An Improved Iterated Greedy Algorithm with a Tabu-based Reconstruction Strategy for the No-wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem. Applied Soft Computing, 30:604–613, 2015.
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Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, and Franziska Ebel. From black-box complexity to designing new genetic algorithms. Theoretical Computer Science, 567:87–104, 2015.
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Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, and Jing Yang. Optimal parameter choices via precise black-box analysis. Theoretical Computer Science, 801:1–34, 2020.
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Karl F. Doerner, Guenther Fuellerer, Manfred Gronalt, Richard F. Hartl, and Manuel Iori. Metaheuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Loading Constraints. Networks, 49(4):294–307, 2006.
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Benjamin Doerr, Christian Gießen, Carsten Witt, and Jing Yang. The (1+λ) evolutionary algorithm with self-adjusting mutation rate. Algorithmica, 81(2):593–631, 2019.
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Karl F. Doerner, Walter J. Gutjahr, Richard F. Hartl, Christine Strauss, and Christian Stummer. Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics in Multiobjective Activity Crashing. Omega, 36(6):1019–1037, 2008.
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Karl F. Doerner, Walter J. Gutjahr, Richard F. Hartl, Christine Strauss, and Christian Stummer. Pareto Ant Colony Optimization: A Metaheuristic Approach to Multiobjective Portfolio Selection. Annals of Operations Research, 131:79–99, 2004.
bib ]
Karl F. Doerner, Walter J. Gutjahr, Richard F. Hartl, Christine Strauss, and Christian Stummer. Pareto ant colony optimization with ILP preprocessing in multiobjective project portfolio selection. European Journal of Operational Research, 171:830–841, 2006.
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Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, and Marc Reimann. Are COMPETants more competent for problem solving? The case of a multiple objective transportation problem. Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics, 11(2):115–141, 2003.
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Benjamin Doerr, Daniel Johannsen, and Carola Winzen. Multiplicative drift analysis. Algorithmica, 64(4):673–697, 2012.
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Benjamin Doerr, Timo Kötzing, Johannes Lengler, and Carola Winzen. Black-box complexities of combinatorial problems. Theoretical Computer Science, 471:84–106, 2013.
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Karl F. Doerner, D. Merkle, and Thomas Stützle. Special issue on Ant Colony Optimization. Swarm Intelligence, 3(1), 2009.
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Benjamin Doerr, Frank Neumann, Dirk Sudholt, and Carsten Witt. Runtime analysis of the 1-ANT ant colony optimizer. Theoretical Computer Science, 412(1):1629–1644, 2011.
bib ]
Doǧan Aydın. Composite artificial bee colony algorithms: From component-based analysis to high-performing algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 32:266–285, 2015.
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Keywords: irace
Jean-Paul Doignon, Aleksandar Pekeč, and Michel Regenwetter. The repeated insertion model for rankings: Missing link between two subset choice models. Psychometrika, 69(1):33–54, March 2004.
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Several probabilistic models for subset choice have been proposed in the literature, for example, to explain approval voting data. We show that Marley et al.'s latent scale model is subsumed by Falmagne and Regenwetter's size-independent model, in the sense that every choice probability distribution generated by the former can also be explained by the latter. Our proof relies on the construction of a probabilistic ranking model which we label the “repeated insertion model”. This model is a special case of Marden's orthogonal contrast model class and, in turn, includes the classical Mallows φ-model as a special case. We explore its basic properties as well as its relationship to Fligner and Verducci's multistage ranking model.
Elizabeth D. Dolan and Jorge J. Moré. Benchmarking optimization software with performance profiles. Mathematical Programming, 91(2):201–213, 2002.
bib ]
This methodology has been criticized in
Keywords: performance profiles; convergence
Xingye Dong, Ping, Houkuan Huang, and Maciek Nowak. A Multi-restart Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem Minimizing Total Flow Time. Computers & Operations Research, 40(2):627–632, 2013.
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X. Dong, H. Huang, and P. Chen. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion. Computers & Operations Research, 36(5):1664–1669, 2009.
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A. V. Donati, Roberto Montemanni, N. Casagrande, A. E. Rizzoli, and L. M. Gambardella. Time dependent vehicle routing problem with a multi ant colony system. European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3):1174–1191, 2008.
bib ]
Marco Dorigo. Ant Colony Optimization. Scholarpedia, 2(3):1461, 2007.
bib | DOI ]
Marco Dorigo. Swarm intelligence: A few things you need to know if you want to publish in this journal. Swarm Intelligence, November 2016.
bib | http ]
Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Xiaodong Li, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Carlo Pinciroli, and Thomas Stützle. ANTS 2016 Special Issue: Editorial. Swarm Intelligence, November 2017.
bib | DOI ]
Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, and Thomas Stützle. Ant Colony Optimization: Artificial Ants as a Computational Intelligence Technique. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 1(4):28–39, 2006.
bib ]
Marco Dorigo and Christian Blum. Ant colony optimization theory: A survey. Theoretical Computer Science, 344(2-3):243–278, 2005.
bib ]
Marco Dorigo, Gianni A. Di Caro, and L. M. Gambardella. Ant Algorithms for Discrete Optimization. Artificial Life, 5(2):137–172, 1999.
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Marco Dorigo and L. M. Gambardella. Ant Colonies for the Traveling Salesman Problem. BioSystems, 43(2):73–81, 1997.
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Marco Dorigo and L. M. Gambardella. Ant Colony System: A Cooperative Learning Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1(1):53–66, 1997.
bib ]
Keywords: Ant Colony System
Marco Dorigo, L. M. Gambardella, Martin Middendorf, and Thomas Stützle. Guest Editorial: Special Section on Ant Colony Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(4):317–320, 2002.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence
Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Maniezzo, and Alberto Colorni. Ant System: Optimization by a Colony of Cooperating Agents. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part B, 26(1):29–41, 1996.
bib ]
Marco Dorigo, Thomas Stützle, and Gianni A. Di Caro. Special Issue on “Ant Algorithms”. Future Generation Computer Systems, 16(8), 2000.
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Keywords: swarm intelligence, ant colony optimization
Michael Doumpos and Constantin Zopounidis. Preference disaggregation and statistical learning for multicriteria decision support: A review. European Journal of Operational Research, 209(3):203–214, 2011.
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Erik Dovgan, Tea Tušar, and Bogdan Filipič. Parameter tuning in an evolutionary algorithm for commodity transportation optimization. Evolutionary Computation, pp.  1–8, 2010.
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Johann Dreo and P. Siarry. Continuous interacting ant colony algorithm based on dense heterarchy. Future Generation Computer Systems, 20(5):841–856, 2004.
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Stefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, and Ingo Wegener. Upper and lower bounds for randomized search heuristics in black-box optimization. Theory of Computing Systems, 39(4):525–544, 2006.
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Mădălina M. Drugan and Dirk Thierens. Stochastic Pareto local search: Pareto neighbourhood exploration and perturbation strategies. Journal of Heuristics, 18(5):727–766, 2012.
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J. Du and Joseph Y.-T. Leung. Minimizing Total Tardiness on One Machine is NP-Hard. Mathematics of Operations Research, 15(3):483–495, 1990.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Improving the Anytime Behavior of Two-Phase Local Search. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 61(2):125–154, 2011.
bib | DOI ]
Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. A Hybrid TP+PLS Algorithm for Bi-objective Flow-Shop Scheduling Problems. Computers & Operations Research, 38(8):1219–1236, 2011.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Anytime Pareto Local Search. European Journal of Operational Research, 243(2):369–385, 2015.
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Keywords: Pareto local search
Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Federico Pagnozzi, and Thomas Stützle. An Iterated Greedy Algorithm with Optimization of Partial Solutions for the Permutation Flowshop Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 81:160–166, 2017.
bib | DOI | supplementary material ]
Fabian Duddeck. Multidisciplinary optimization of car bodies. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 35(4):375–389, 2008.
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Evolutionary optimization of car bodies at General Motors
Gunter Dueck and T. Scheuer. Threshold Accepting: A General Purpose Optimization Algorithm Appearing Superior to Simulated Annealing. Journal of Computational Physics, 90(1):161–175, 1990.
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Gunter Dueck. New Optimization Heuristics: the Great Deluge Algorithm and the Record-To-Record Travel. Journal of Computational Physics, 104(1):86–92, 1993.
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Rikky R. P. R. Duivenvoorden, Felix Berkenkamp, Nicolas Carion, Andreas Krause, and Angela P. Schoellig. Constrained Bayesian Optimization with Particle Swarms for Safe Adaptive Controller Tuning. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1):11800–11807, 2017.
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Tuning controller parameters is a recurring and time-consuming problem in control. This is especially true in the field of adaptive control, where good performance is typically only achieved after significant tuning. Recently, it has been shown that constrained Bayesian optimization is a promising approach to automate the tuning process without risking system failures during the optimization process. However, this approach is computationally too expensive for tuning more than a couple of parameters. In this paper, we provide a heuristic in order to efficiently perform constrained Bayesian optimization in high-dimensional parameter spaces by using an adaptive discretization based on particle swarms. We apply the method to the tuning problem of an L1 adaptive controller on a quadrotor vehicle and show that we can reliably and automatically tune parameters in experiments.
20th IFAC World Congress
Keywords: Adaptive Control, Constrained Bayesian Optimization, Safety, Gaussian Process, Particle Swarm Optimization, Policy Search, Reinforcement learning
Cees Duin and Stefan Voß. The Pilot Method: A Strategy for Heuristic Repetition with Application to the Steiner Problem in Graphs. Networks, 34(3):181–191, 1999.
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Y. Dumas, J. Desrosiers, E. Gelinas, and M. M. Solomon. An Optimal Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. Operations Research, 43(2):367–371, 1995.
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Olive Jean Dunn. Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums. Technometrics, 6(3):241–252, 1964.
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Olive Jean Dunn. Multiple Comparisons Among Means. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 56(293):52–64, 1961.
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Juan J. Durillo and Antonio J. Nebro. jMetal: A Java framework for multi-objective optimization. Advances in Engineering Software, 42(10):760–771, 2011.
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Katharina Eggensperger, Marius Thomas Lindauer, and Frank Hutter. Pitfalls and best practices in algorithm configuration. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 64:861–893, 2019.
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Richard W. Eglese. Simulated Annealing: a Tool for Operational Research. European Journal of Operational Research, 46(3):271–281, 1990.
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Jan Fabian Ehmke, Ann Melissa Campbell, and Barrett W. Thomas. Vehicle routing to minimize time-dependent emissions in urban areas. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(2):478–494, June 2016.
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Matthias Ehrgott. A discussion of scalarization techniques for multiple objective integer programming. Annals of Operations Research, 147(1):343–360, 2006.
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Matthias Ehrgott and Xavier Gandibleux. Approximative Solution Methods for Combinatorial Multicriteria Optimization. TOP, 12(1):1–88, 2004.
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Matthias Ehrgott and Kathrin Klamroth. Connectedness of Efficient Solutions in Multiple Criteria Combinatorial Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 97(1):159–166, 1997.
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Agoston E. Eiben, Robert Hinterding, and Zbigniew Michalewicz. Parameter Control in Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 3(2):124–141, 1999.
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Agoston E. Eiben and Günther Rudolph. Theory of evolutionary algorithms: A bird's eye view. Theoretical Computer Science, 229(1-2):3–9, 1999.
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Agoston E. Eiben and Selmar K. Smit. Parameter Tuning for Configuring and Analyzing Evolutionary Algorithms. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 1(1):19–31, 2011.
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Sibel Eker and Jan H. Kwakkel. Including robustness considerations in the search phase of Many-Objective Robust Decision Making. Environmental Modelling & Software, 105:201–216, 2018.
bib ]
Keywords: scenario-based
Jeffrey L Elman. Distributed representations, simple recurrent networks, and grammatical structure. Machine Learning, 7(2-3):195–225, 1991.
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V. A. Emelichev and V. A. Perepelitsa. Complexity of Vector Optimization Problems on Graphs. Optimization, 22(6):906–918, 1991.
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V. A. Emelichev and V. A. Perepelitsa. On the Cardinality of the Set of Alternatives in Discrete Many-criterion Problems. Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 2(5):461–471, 1992.
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Michael T. M. Emmerich and André H. Deutz. A tutorial on multiobjective optimization: Fundamentals and evolutionary methods. Natural Computing, 17(3):585–609, 2018.
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Michael T. M. Emmerich, K. C. Giannakoglou, and Boris Naujoks. Single- and multiobjective evolutionary optimization assisted by Gaussian random field metamodels. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10(4):421–439, 2006.
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Alexander Engau and Margaret M. Wiecek. 2D decision-making for multicriteria design optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 34:301–315, 2007.
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Alexander Engau and Margaret M. Wiecek. Interactive coordination of objective decompositions in multiobjective programming. Management Science, 54(7):1350–1363, 2008.
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Imen Essafi, Yazid Mati, and Stéphane Dauzère-Pèrés. A Genetic Local Search Algorithm for Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness in the Job-shop Scheduling Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 35(8):2599–2616, 2008.
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Wei Fan and Albert Bifet. Mining big data: current status, and forecast to the future. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 14(2):1–5, 2013.
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Daniele Fanelli. Negative results are disappearing from most disciplines and countries. Scientometrics, 90(3):891–904, 2012.
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Concerns that the growing competition for funding and citations might distort science are frequently discussed, but have not been verified directly. Of the hypothesized problems, perhaps the most worrying is a worsening of positive-outcome bias. A system that disfavours negative results not only distorts the scientific literature directly, but might also discourage high-risk projects and pressure scientists to fabricate and falsify their data. This study analysed over 4,600 papers published in all disciplines between 1990 and 2007, measuring the frequency of papers that, having declared to have “tested” a hypothesis, reported a positive support for it. The overall frequency of positive supports has grown by over 22% between 1990 and 2007, with significant differences between disciplines and countries. The increase was stronger in the social and some biomedical disciplines. The United States had published, over the years, significantly fewer positive results than Asian countries (and particularly Japan) but more than European countries (and in particular the United Kingdom). Methodological artefacts cannot explain away these patterns, which support the hypotheses that research is becoming less pioneering and/or that the objectivity with which results are produced and published is decreasing.
H. Faria, Jr, S. Binato, Mauricio G. C. Resende, and D. J. Falcão. Power transmission network design by a greedy randomized adaptive path relinking approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20(1):43–49, 2005.
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Vincent E. Farrugia, Héctor P. Martínez, and Georgios N. Yannakakis. The Preference Learning Toolbox. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1506.01709, 2015.
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R. Farmani, Godfrey A. Walters, and Dragan A. Savic. Evolutionary multi-objective optimization of the design and operation of water distribution network: total cost vs. reliability vs. water quality. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 8(3):165–179, 2006.
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D. Favaretto, E. Moretti, and Paola Pellegrini. Ant colony system approach for variants of the traveling salesman problem with time windows. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 27(1):35–54, 2006.
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D. Favaretto, E. Moretti, and Paola Pellegrini. Ant Colony System for a VRP with Multiple Time Windows and Multiple Visits. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 10(2):263–284, 2007.
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Chris Fawcett and Holger H. Hoos. Analysing Differences Between Algorithm Configurations through Ablation. Journal of Heuristics, 22(4):431–458, 2016.
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T. A. Feo and Mauricio G. C. Resende. A Probabilistic Heuristic for a Computationally Difficult Set Covering Problem. Operations Research Letters, 8(2):67–71, 1989.
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Proposed GRASP
T. A. Feo and Mauricio G. C. Resende. Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures. Journal of Global Optimization, 6(2):109–113, 1995.
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T. A. Feo, Mauricio G. C. Resende, and S. H. Smith. A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure for Maximum Independent Set. Operations Research, 42:860–878, October 1994.
bib ]
Keywords: GRASP
Victor Fernandez-Viagas and Jose M. Framiñán. On Insertion Tie-breaking Rules in Heuristics for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 45:60–67, 2014.
bib ]
Victor Fernandez-Viagas and Jose M. Framiñán. A Beam-search-based Constructive Heuristic for the PFSP to Minimise Total Flowtime. Computers & Operations Research, 81:167–177, 2017.
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Victor Fernandez-Viagas and Jose M. Framiñán. Iterated-greedy-based algorithms with beam search initialization for the permutation flowshop to minimise total tardiness. Expert Systems with Applications, 94:58–69, 2018.
bib ]
Javier Ferrer, José García-Nieto, Enrique Alba, and Francisco Chicano. Intelligent Testing of Traffic Light Programs: Validation in Smart Mobility Scenarios. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016:1–19, 2016.
bib | DOI ]
Alberto Ferrer, Daniel Guimarans, Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço, and Angel A. Juan. A BRILS Metaheuristic for Non-smooth Flow-shop Problems with Failure-risk Costs. Expert Systems with Applications, 44:177–186, 2016.
bib ]
Javier Ferrer, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Enrique Alba. Reliable Simulation-Optimization of Traffic Lights in a Real-World City. Applied Soft Computing, 78:697–711, 2019.
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Eduardo Fernandez, Jorge Navarro, and Sergio Bernal. Multicriteria Sorting Using a Valued Indifference Relation Under a Preference Disaggregation Paradigm. European Journal of Operational Research, 198(2):602–609, 2009.
bib ]
Victor Fernandez-Viagas, Rubén Ruiz, and Jose M. Framiñán. A New Vision of Approximate Methods for the Permutation Flowshop to Minimise Makespan: State-of-the-art and Computational Evaluation. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(3):707–721, 2017.
bib ]
R. Ferreira da Silva and S. Urrutia. A General VNS Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. Discrete Optimization, 7(4):203–211, 2010.
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Keywords: TSPTW, GVNS
Victor Fernandez-Viagas, Jorge M. S. Valente, and Jose M. Framiñán. Iterated-greedy-based algorithms with Beam Search Initialization for the Permutation Flowshop to Minimise Total Tardiness. Expert Systems with Applications, 94:58–69, 2018.
bib ]
Álvaro Fialho, Luis Da Costa, Marc Schoenauer, and Michèle Sebag. Analyzing Bandit-based Adaptive Operator Selection Mechanisms. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 60(1–2):25–64, 2010.
bib ]
Mark J. Fielding. Simulated Annealing with an Optimal Fixed Temperature. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 11(2):289–307, 2000.
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Jonathan E. Fieldsend, Richard M. Everson, and Sameer Singh. Using unconstrained elite archives for multiobjective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(3):305–323, 2003.
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José Rui Figueira, Carlos M. Fonseca, Pascal Halffmann, Kathrin Klamroth, Luís Paquete, Stefan Ruzika, Britta Schulze, Michael Stiglmayr, and David Willems. Easy to say they are Hard, but Hard to see they are Easy-Towards a Categorization of Tractable Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 24(1-2):82–98, 2017.
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Andreas Fischbach and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein. Improving the reliability of test functions generators. Applied Soft Computing, 92:106315, 2020.
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Matteo Fischetti, Fred Glover, and Andrea Lodi. The feasibility pump. Mathematical Programming, 104(1):91–104, 2005.
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Matteo Fischetti and Andrea Lodi. Local Branching. Mathematical Programming Series B, 98:23–47, 2003.
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Matteo Fischetti and Michele Monaci. Proximity search for 0-1 mixed-integer convex programming. Journal of Heuristics, 20(6):709–731, 2014.
bib ]
Matteo Fischetti and Michele Monaci. Exploiting Erraticism in Search. Operations Research, 62(1):114–122, 2014.
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High sensitivity to initial conditions is generally viewed as a drawback of tree search methods because it leads to erratic behavior to be mitigated somehow. In this paper we investigate the opposite viewpoint and consider this behavior as an opportunity to exploit. Our working hypothesis is that erraticism is in fact just a consequence of the exponential nature of tree search that acts as a chaotic amplifier, so it is largely unavoidable. We propose a bet-and-run approach to actually turn erraticism to one's advantage. The idea is to make a number of short sample runs with randomized initial conditions, to bet on the "most promising" run selected according to certain simple criteria, and to bring it to completion. Computational results on a large testbed of mixed integer linear programs from the literature are presented, showing the potential of this approach even when embedded in a proof-of-concept implementation.
Matteo Fischetti, Michele Monaci, and Domenico Salvagnin. Three Ideas for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Operations Research, 60(4):954–964, 2012.
bib ]
Matteo Fischetti and Domenico Salvagnin. Feasibility pump 2.0. Mathematical Programming Computation, 1(2–3):201–222, 2009.
bib ]
Roger Fletcher. A new approach to variable metric algorithms. The Computer Journal, 13(3):317–322, September 1970.
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One of the four papers that proposed BFGS.
Keywords: BFGS
Charles Fleurent and Fred Glover. Improved constructive multistart strategies for the quadratic assignment problem using adaptive memory. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 11(2):198–204, 1999.
bib ]
Jörg Fliege. The effects of adding objectives to an optimisation problem on the solution set. Operations Research Letters, 35(6):782–790, 2007.
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Michael A. Fligner and Joseph S. Verducci. Distance Based Ranking Models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 48(3):359–369, 1986.
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Keywords: Mallows model, ranking, probabilistic models
M. M. Flood. The Travelling Salesman Problem. Operations Research, 4:61–75, 1956.
bib ]
D. Floreano and L. Keller. Evolution of Adaptive Behaviour in Robots by Means of Darwinian Selection. PLoS Biology, 8(1):e1000292, 2010.
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D. Floreano and J. Urzelai. Evolutionary robots with on-line self-organization and behavioral fitness. Neural Networks, 13(4-5):431–443, 2000.
bib ]
Benito E. Flores. A pragmatic view of accuracy measurement in forecasting. Omega, 14(2):93–98, 1986.
bib ]
Proposed symmetric mean absolute percentage error (SMAPE)
Filippo Focacci, Andrea Lodi, and Michela Milano. A Hybrid Exact Algorithm for the TSPTW. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 14:403–417, 2002.
bib ]
Carlos M. Fonseca and Peter J. Fleming. An overview of evolutionary algorithms in multiobjective optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 3(1):1–16, 1995.
bib ]
Proposed FON benchmark problem
Carlos M. Fonseca and Peter J. Fleming. Multiobjective Optimization and Multiple Constraint Handling with Evolutionary Algorithms (II): Application Example. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A, 28(1):38–44, January 1998.
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Carlos M. Fonseca and Peter J. Fleming. Multiobjective Optimization and Multiple Constraint Handling with Evolutionary Algorithms (I): A Unified Formulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A, 28(1):26–37, January 1998.
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Alexander I. J. Forrester and Andy J. Keane. Recent advances in surrogate-based optimization. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 45(1-3):50–79, 2009.
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Keywords: Kriging; Gaussian Process; EGO; Design of Experiments
John W. Fowler, Esma S. Gel, Murat Köksalan, Pekka Korhonen, Jon L. Marquis, and Jyrki Wallenius. Interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization for quasi-concave preference functions. European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2):417–425, 2010.
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We present a new hybrid approach to interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization that uses a partial preference order to act as the fitness function in a customized genetic algorithm. We periodically send solutions to the decision maker (DM) for her evaluation and use the resulting preference information to form preference cones consisting of inferior solutions. The cones allow us to implicitly rank solutions that the DM has not considered. This technique avoids assuming an exact form for the preference function, but does assume that the preference function is quasi-concave. This paper describes the genetic algorithm and demonstrates its performance on the multi-objective knapsack problem.
Keywords: Interactive optimization, Multi-objective optimization, Evolutionary optimization, Knapsack problem
Bennett L. Fox. Integrating and accelerating tabu search, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms. Annals of Operations Research, 41(2):47–67, 1993.
bib ]
Peter I. Frazier. A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1807.02811, 2018.
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Alberto Franzin. Empirical Analysis of Stochastic Local Search Behaviour: Connecting Structure, Components and Landscape. 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2022.
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G. Francesca, M. Brambilla, A. Brutschy, Vito Trianni, and Mauro Birattari. AutoMoDe: A Novel Approach to the Automatic Design of Control Software for Robot Swarms. Swarm Intelligence, 8(2):89–112, 2014.
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Gianpiero Francesca, Manuele Brambilla, Arne Brutschy, Lorenzo Garattoni, Roman Miletitch, Gaetan Podevijn, Andreagiovanni Reina, Touraj Soleymani, Mattia Salvaro, Carlo Pinciroli, Franco Mascia, Vito Trianni, and Mauro Birattari. AutoMoDe-Chocolate: Automatic Design of Control Software for Robot Swarms. Swarm Intelligence, 2015.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: Swarm robotics; Automatic design; AutoMoDe
Jose M. Framiñán, Jatinder N. D. Gupta, and Rainer Leisten. A Review and Classification of Heuristics for Permutation Flow-shop Scheduling with Makespan Objective. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(12):1243–1255, 2004.
bib ]
Alberto Franzin, Leslie Pérez Cáceres, and Thomas Stützle. Effect of Transformations of Numerical Parameters in Automatic Algorithm Configuration. Optimization Letters, 12(8):1741–1753, 2018.
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Alberto Franzin, Francesco Sambo, and Barbara Di Camillo. bnstruct: an R package for Bayesian Network structure learning in the presence of missing data. Bioinformatics, 33(8):1250–1252, 2016.
bib ]
Alberto Franzin and Thomas Stützle. Revisiting Simulated Annealing: A Component-Based Analysis. Computers & Operations Research, 104:191–206, 2019.
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Alberto Franzin and Thomas Stützle. A Landscape-based Analysis of Fixed Temperature and Simulated Annealing. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(2):395–410, 2023.
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Brendan J. Frey and Delbert Dueck. Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points. Science, 315(5814):972–976, February 2007.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: clustering; affinity propagation
Alan R. R. de Freitas, Peter J. Fleming, and Frederico G. Guimarães. Aggregation trees for visualization and dimension reduction in many-objective optimization. Information Sciences, 298:288–314, 2015.
bib ]
Hela Frikha, Habib Chabchoub, and Jean-Marc Martel. Inferring criteria's relative importance coefficients in PROMETHEE II. International Journal of Operational Research, 7(2):257–275, 2010.
bib ]
Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson. The Design and Implementation of FFTW3. Proceedings of the IEEE, 93(2):216–231, 2005. Special issue on “Program Generation, Optimization, and Platform Adaptation”.
bib ]
Milton Friedman. The use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the analysis of variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32(200):675–701, 1937.
bib ]
Z Fu, R Eglese, and L Y O Li. A unified tabu search algorithm for vehicle routing problems with soft time windows. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(5):663–673, 2008.
bib ]
Guenther Fuellerer, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, and Manuel Iori. Metaheuristics for vehicle routing problems with three-dimensional loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3):751–759, 2009.
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Guenther Fuellerer, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, and Manuel Iori. Ant colony optimization for the two-dimensional loading vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 36(3):655–673, 2009.
bib ]
Alex S. Fukunaga. Automated Discovery of Local Search Heuristics for Satisfiability Testing. Evolutionary Computation, 16(1):31–61, March 2008.
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The development of successful metaheuristic algorithms such as local search for a difficult problem such as satisfiability testing (SAT) is a challenging task. We investigate an evolutionary approach to automating the discovery of new local search heuristics for SAT. We show that several well-known SAT local search algorithms such as Walksat and Novelty are composite heuristics that are derived from novel combinations of a set of building blocks. Based on this observation, we developed CLASS, a genetic programming system that uses a simple composition operator to automatically discover SAT local search heuristics. New heuristics discovered by CLASS are shown to be competitive with the best Walksat variants, including Novelty+. Evolutionary algorithms have previously been applied to directly evolve a solution for a particular SAT instance. We show that the heuristics discovered by CLASS are also competitive with these previous, direct evolutionary approaches for SAT. We also analyze the local search behavior of the learned heuristics using the depth, mobility, and coverage metrics proposed by Schuurmans and Southey.
Grigori Fursin, Yuriy Kashnikov, Abdul Wahid Memon, Zbigniew Chamski, Olivier Temam, Mircea Namolaru, Elad Yom-Tov, Bilha Mendelson, Ayal Zaks, Eric Courtois, Francois Bodin, Phil Barnard, Elton Ashton, Edwin Bonilla, John Thomson, Christopher K. I. Williams, and Michael O'Boyle. Milepost GCC: Machine Learning Enabled Self-tuning Compiler. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 39(3):296–327, 2011.
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Caroline Gagné, W. L. Price, and M. Gravel. Comparing an ACO algorithm with other heuristics for the single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53:895–906, 2002.
bib ]
Matteo Gagliolo and J. Schmidhuber. Learning dynamic algorithm portfolios. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 47(3-4):295–328, 2007.
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fully dynamic and online algorithm selection technique, with no separate training phase: all candidate algorithms are run in parallel, while a model incrementally learns their runtime distributions.
Philippe Galinier and Jin-Kao Hao. Hybrid evolutionary algorithms for graph coloring. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 3(4):379–397, 1999.
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Tomas Gal and Heiner Leberling. Redundant objective functions in linear vector maximum problems and their determination. European Journal of Operational Research, 1(3):176–184, 1977.
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Suppose that in a multicriteria linear programming problem among the given objective functions there are some which can be deleted without influencing the set E of all efficient solutions. Such objectives are said to be redundant. Introducing systems of objective functions which realize their individual optimum in a single vertex of the polyhedron generated by the restriction set, the notion of relative or absolute redundant objectives is defined. A theory which describes properties of absolute and relative redundant objectives is developed. A method for determining all the relative and absolute redundant objectives, based on this theory, is given. Illustrative examples demonstrate the procedure.
L. M. Gambardella and Marco Dorigo. Ant Colony System Hybridized with a New Local Search for the Sequential Ordering Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 12(3):237–255, 2000.
bib ]
L. M. Gambardella, Roberto Montemanni, and Dennis Weyland. Coupling Ant Colony Systems with Strong Local Searches. European Journal of Operational Research, 220(3):831–843, 2012.
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Xavier Gandibleux, Andrzej Jaszkiewicz, A. Fréville, and Roman Slowiński. Special Issue on Multiple Objective Metaheuristics. Journal of Heuristics, 6(3), 2000.
bib ]
Kaizhou Gao, Yicheng Zhang, Ali Sadollah, and Rong Su. Optimizing urban traffic light scheduling problem using harmony search with ensemble of local search. Applied Soft Computing, 48:359–372, November 2016.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: harmony search algorithm,traffic light scheduling
Huiru Gao, Haifeng Nie, and Ke Li. Visualisation of Pareto Front Approximation: A Short Survey and Empirical Comparisons. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1903.01768, 2019.
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José García-Nieto, Enrique Alba, and Ana Carolina Olivera. Swarm intelligence for traffic light scheduling: Application to real urban areas. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25(2):274–283, March 2012.
bib ]
Keywords: Cycle program optimization,Particle swarm optimization,Realistic traffic instances,SUMO microscopic simulator of urban mobility,Traffic light scheduling
Carlos García-Martínez, Oscar Cordón, and Francisco Herrera. A taxonomy and an empirical analysis of multiple objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the bi-criteria TSP. European Journal of Operational Research, 180(1):116–148, 2007.
bib ]
Javier García and Fernando Fernández. A comprehensive survey on safe reinforcement learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16(1):1437–1480, 2015.
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José García-Nieto, Ana Carolina Olivera, and Enrique Alba. Optimal Cycle Program of Traffic Lights With Particle Swarm Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 17(6):823–839, December 2013.
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Carlos García-Martínez, Francisco J. Rodríguez, and Manuel Lozano. Arbitrary function optimisation with metaheuristics: No free lunch and real-world problems. Soft Computing, 16(12):2115–2133, 2012.
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Carlos García-Martínez, Francisco J. Rodríguez, and Manuel Lozano. Tabu-enhanced Iterated Greedy Algorithm: A Case Study in the Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 232(3):454–463, 2014.
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After growing up together, and mostly growing apart in the second half of the 20th century, the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive science, and neuroscience are reconverging on a shared view of the computational foundations of intelligence that promotes valuable cross-disciplinary exchanges on questions, methods, and results. We chart advances over the past several decades that address challenges of perception and action under uncertainty through the lens of computation. Advances include the development of representations and inferential procedures for large-scale probabilistic inference and machinery for enabling reflection and decisions about tradeoffs in effort, precision, and timeliness of computations. These tools are deployed toward the goal of computational rationality: identifying decisions with highest expected utility, while taking into consideration the costs of computation in complex real-world problems in which most relevant calculations can only be approximated. We highlight key concepts with examples that show the potential for interchange between computer science, cognitive science, and neuroscience.
Pierre Geurts, Damien Ernst, and Louis Wehenkel. Extremely randomized trees. Machine Learning, 63(1):3–42, March 2006.
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Proposed ExtraTrees
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One of the four papers that proposed BFGS.
Keywords: BFGS
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Zaiwu Gong, Ning Zhang, and Francisco Chiclana. The optimization ordering model for intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations with utility functions. Knowledge-Based Systems, 162:174–184, 2018.
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Intuitionistic fuzzy sets describe information from the three aspects of membership degree, non-membership degree and hesitation degree, which has more practical significance when uncertainty pervades qualitative decision problems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of ranking intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations (IFPRs) based on various non-linear utility functions. First, we transform IFPRs into their isomorphic interval-value fuzzy preference relations (IVFPRs), and utilise non-linear utility functions, such as parabolic, S-shaped, and hyperbolic absolute risk aversion, to fit the true value of a decision-maker's judgement. Ultimately, the optimization ordering models for the membership and non-membership of IVFPRs based on utility function are constructed, with objective function aiming at minimizing the distance deviation between the multiplicative consistency ideal judgment and the actual judgment, represented by utility function, subject to the decision-maker's utility constraints. The proposed models ensure that more factual and optimal ranking of alternative is acquired, avoiding information distortion caused by the operations of intervals. Second, by introducing a non-Archimedean infinitesimal, we establish the optimization ordering model for IFPRs with the priority of utility or deviation, which realises the goal of prioritising solutions under multi-objective programming. Subsequently, we verify that a close connection exists between the ranking for membership and non-membership degree IVFPRs. Comparison analyses with existing approaches are summarized to demonstrate that the proposed models have advantage in dealing with group decision making problems with IFPRs.
Special Issue on intelligent decision-making and consensus under uncertainty in inconsistent and dynamic environments
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation, Utility function, Ranking, Multiplicative consistency, Non-archimedean infinitesimal
Jochen Gorski, Kathrin Klamroth, and Stefan Ruzika. Connectedness of Efficient Solutions in Multiple Objective Combinatorial Optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 150(3):475–497, 2011.
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Abhijit Gosavi. Reinforcement Learning: A Tutorial Survey and Recent Advances. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 21(2):178–192, 2009.
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N. I. M. Gould, D. Orban, and P. L. Toint. CUTEr and SifDec: A constrained and unconstrained testing environment, revisited. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 29:373–394, 2003.
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Earliest hyper-heuristic?
Robert B. Gramacy and Herbert K. H. Lee. Bayesian Treed Gaussian Process Models With an Application to Computer Modeling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103:1119–1130, 2008.
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Keywords: Treed-GP
Alex Grasas, Angel A. Juan, and Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço. SimILS: A Simulation-based Extension of the Iterated Local Search Metaheuristic for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization. Journal of Simulation, 10(1):69–77, 2016.
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John J. Grefenstette. Optimization of Control Parameters for Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 16(1):122–128, 1986.
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Keywords: parameter tuning
Salvatore Greco, Milosz Kadziński, Vincent Mousseau, and Roman Slowiński. ELECTREGKMS: Robust ordinal regression for outranking methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(1):118–135, 2011.
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Salvatore Greco, Vincent Mousseau, and Roman Slowiński. Robust ordinal regression for value functions handling interacting criteria. European Journal of Operational Research, 239(3):711–730, 2014.
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David R. Grimes, Chris T. Bauch, and John P. A. Ioannidis. Modelling science trustworthiness under publish or perish pressure. Royal Society Open Science, 5:171511, 2018.
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Andrea Grosso, Federico Della Croce, and R. Tadei. An Enhanced Dynasearch Neighborhood for the Single-Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem. Operations Research Letters, 32(1):68–72, 2004.
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Andrea Grosso, A. R. M. J. U. Jamali, and Marco Locatelli. Finding Maximin Latin Hypercube Designs by Iterated Local Search Heuristics. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(2):541–547, 2009.
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Peter Groves, Basel Kayyali, David Knott, and Steve Van Kuiken. The "big data" revolution in healthcare. McKinsey Quarterly, 2, 2013.
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Benoît Groz and Silviu Maniu. Hypervolume subset selection with small subsets. Evolutionary Computation, 27(4):611–637, 2019.
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Viviane Grunert da Fonseca and Carlos M. Fonseca. A link between the multivariate cumulative distribution function and the hitting function for random closed sets. Statistics & Probability Letters, 57(2):179–182, 2002.
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Andreia P. Guerreiro, Carlos M. Fonseca, and Luís Paquete. The Hypervolume Indicator: Computational Problems and Algorithms. ACM Computing Surveys, 54(6):1–42, 2021.
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Andreia P. Guerreiro, Vasco Manquinho, and José Rui Figueira. Exact hypervolume subset selection through incremental computations. Computers & Operations Research, 136:105–471, December 2021.
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Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez. A novel MILP-based objective reduction method for multi-objective optimization: Application to environmental problems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 35(8):1469–1477, 2011.
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Multi-objective optimization has recently emerged as a useful technique in sustainability analysis, as it can assist in the study of optimal trade-off solutions that balance several criteria. The main limitation of multi-objective optimization is that its computational burden grows in size with the number of objectives. This computational barrier is critical in environmental applications in which decision-makers seek to minimize simultaneously several environmental indicators of concern. With the aim to overcome this limitation, this paper introduces a systematic method for reducing the number of objectives in multi-objective optimization with emphasis on environmental problems. The approach presented relies on a novel mixed-integer linear programming formulation that minimizes the error of omitting objectives. We test the capabilities of this technique through two environmental problems of different nature in which we attempt to minimize a set of life cycle assessment impacts. Numerical examples demonstrate that certain environmental metrics tend to behave in a non-conflicting manner, which makes it possible to reduce the dimension of the problem without losing information.
Keywords: Environmental engineering, Life cycle assessment, Multi-objective optimization, Objective reduction
Odd Erik Gundersen, Yolanda Gil, and David W. Aha. On Reproducible AI: Towards Reproducible Research, Open Science, and Digital Scholarship in AI Publications. AI Magazine, 39(3):56–68, September 2018.
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The reproducibility guidelines can be found here: and a short how-to can be found here:
Aldy Gunawan, Kien Ming Ng, and Kim Leng Poh. A Hybridized Lagrangian Relaxation and Simulated Annealing Method for the Course Timetabling Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(12):3074–3088, 2012.
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Walter J. Gutjahr and Marion S. Rauner. An ACO algorithm for a dynamic regional nurse-scheduling problem in Austria. Computers & Operations Research, 34(3):642–666, 2007.
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To the best of our knowledge, this paper describes the first ant colony optimization (ACO) approach applied to nurse scheduling, analyzing a dynamic regional problem which is currently under discussion at the Vienna hospital compound. Each day, pool nurses have to be assigned for the following days to public hospitals while taking into account a variety of soft and hard constraints regarding working date and time, working patterns, nurses qualifications, nurses and hospitals preferences, as well as costs. Extensive computational experiments based on a four week simulation period were used to evaluate three different scenarios varying the number of nurses and hospitals for six different hospitals demand intensities. The results of our simulations and optimizations reveal that the proposed ACO algorithm achieves highly significant improvements compared to a greedy assignment algorithm.
Walter J. Gutjahr. First steps to the runtime complexity analysis of ant colony optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 35(9):2711–2727, 2008.
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Walter J. Gutjahr and G. Sebastiani. Runtime analysis of ant colony optimization with best-so-far reinforcement. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 10(3):409–433, 2008.
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Isabelle Guyon, Jason Weston, Stephen Barnhill, and Vladimir Vapnik. Gene selection for cancer classification using support vector machines. Machine Learning, 46(1):389–422, 2002.
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Keywords: recursive feature elimination
Heikki Haario, Eero Saksman, and Johanna Tamminen. An adaptive Metropolis algorithm. Bernoulli, 7(2):223–242, 2001.
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David Hadka and Patrick M. Reed. Borg: An Auto-Adaptive Many-Objective Evolutionary Computing Framework. Evolutionary Computation, 21(2):231–259, 2013.
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Keywords: stochastic dominance
Y. Haimes, L. Lasdon, and D. Da Wismer. On a bicriterion formation of the problems of integrated system identification and system optimization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1(3):296–297, 1971.
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Keywords: epsilon-constraint method
Prabhat Hajela and C-Y Lin. Genetic search strategies in multicriterion optimal design. Structural Optimization, 4(2):99–107, 1992.
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Bruce Hajek and Galen Sasaki. Simulated annealing–to cool or not. System & Control Letters, 12(5):443–447, 1989.
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Bruce Hajek. Cooling Schedules for Optimal Annealing. Mathematics of Operations Research, 13(2):311–329, 1988.
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George T. Hall, Pietro S. Oliveto, and Dirk Sudholt. On the impact of the performance metric on efficient algorithm configuration. Artificial Intelligence, 303:103629, February 2022.
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Keywords: irace
Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Tuomas J. Lahtinen. Path dependence in Operational Research–How the modeling process can influence the results. Operations Research Perspectives, 3:14–20, January 2016.
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In Operational Research practice there are almost always alternative paths that can be followed in the modeling and problem solving process. Path dependence refers to the impact of the path on the outcome of the process. The steps of the path include, e.g. forming the problem solving team, the framing and structuring of the problem, the choice of model, the order in which the different parts of the model are specified and solved, and the way in which data or preferences are collected. We identify and discuss seven possibly interacting origins or drivers of path dependence: systemic origins, learning, procedure, behavior, motivation, uncertainty, and external environment. We provide several ideas on how to cope with path dependence.
Keywords: Behavioral Biases, Behavioral Operational Research, Ethics in modelling, OR practice, Path dependence, Systems perspective
Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Jukka Luoma, and Esa Saarinen. On the importance of behavioral operational research: The case of understanding and communicating about dynamic systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 228(3):623–634, August 2013.
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We point out the need for Behavioral Operational Research (BOR) in advancing the practice of OR. So far, in OR behavioral phenomena have been acknowledged only in behavioral decision theory but behavioral issues are always present when supporting human problem solving by modeling. Behavioral effects can relate to the group interaction and communication when facilitating with OR models as well as to the possibility of procedural mistakes and cognitive biases. As an illustrative example we use well known system dynamics studies related to the understanding of accumulation. We show that one gets completely opposite results depending on the way the phenomenon is described and how the questions are phrased and graphs used. The results suggest that OR processes are highly sensitive to various behavioral effects. As a result, we need to pay attention to the way we communicate about models as they are being increasingly used in addressing important problems like climate change.
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Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Dimo Brockhoff, and Tea Tušar. Anytime Performance Assessment in Blackbox Optimization Benchmarking. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 26(6):1293–1305, December 2022.
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Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Olaf Mersmann, Tea Tušar, and Dimo Brockhoff. COCO: A platform for comparing continuous optimizers in a black-box setting. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1603.08785, 2016. Published as [582].
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Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Raymond Ros, Olaf Mersmann, Tea Tušar, and Dimo Brockhoff. COCO: A platform for comparing continuous optimizers in a black-box setting. Optimization Methods and Software, 36(1):1–31, 2020.
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Pierre Hansen and B. Jaumard. Algorithms for the Maximum Satisfiability Problem. Computing, 44:279–303, 1990.
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Pierre Hansen and Nenad Mladenović. Variable neighborhood search: Principles and applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 130(3):449–467, 2001.
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Nikolaus Hansen and A. Ostermeier. Completely derandomized self-adaptation in evolution strategies. Evolutionary Computation, 9(2):159–195, 2001.
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Keywords: CMA-ES
Nikolaus Hansen, Raymond Ros, Nikolaus Mauny, Marc Schoenauer, and Anne Auger. Impacts of invariance in search: When CMA-ES and PSO face ill-conditioned and non-separable problems. Applied Soft Computing, 11(8):5755–5769, 2011.
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Thomas Hanne. On the convergence of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 117(3):553–564, 1999.
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Keywords: archiving, efficiency presserving
Thomas Hanne. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for approximating the efficient set. European Journal of Operational Research, 176(3):1723–1734, 2007.
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Emma Hart and Kevin Sim. A Hyper-Heuristic Ensemble Method for Static Job-Shop Scheduling. Evolutionary Computation, 24(4):609–635, 2016.
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Kazuya Haraguchi. Iterated Local Search with Trellis-Neighborhood for the Partial Latin Square Extension Problem. Journal of Heuristics, 22(5):727–757, 2016.
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Sameer Hasija and Chandrasekharan Rajendran. Scheduling in flowshops to minimize total tardiness of jobs. International Journal of Production Research, 42(11):2289–2301, 2004.
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Hideki Hashimoto, Mutsunori Yagiura, and Toshihide Ibaraki. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. Discrete Optimization, 5(2):434–456, 2008.
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Simon Haykin. A comprehensive foundation. Neural Networks, 2:41, 2004.
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Öncü Hazir, Yavuz Günalay, and Erdal Erel. Customer order scheduling problem: a comparative metaheuristics study. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37(5):589–598, May 2008.
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The customer order scheduling problem (COSP) is defined as to determine the sequence of tasks to satisfy the demand of customers who order several types of products produced on a single machine. A setup is required whenever a product type is launched. The objective of the scheduling problem is to minimize the average customer order flow time. Since the customer order scheduling problem is known to be strongly NP-hard, we solve it using four major metaheuristics and compare the performance of these heuristics, namely, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, tabu search, and ant colony optimization. These are selected to represent various characteristics of metaheuristics: nature-inspired vs. artificially created, population-based vs. local search, etc. A set of problems is generated to compare the solution quality and computational efforts of these heuristics. Results of the experimentation show that tabu search and ant colony perform better for large problems whereas simulated annealing performs best in small-size problems. Some conclusions are also drawn on the interactions between various problem parameters and the performance of the heuristics.
Keywords: ACO,Customer order scheduling,Genetic algorithms,Meta-heuristics,Simulated annealing,Tabu search
Zhenan He and Gary G. Yen. Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm: Objective Space Reduction and Diversity Improvement. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(1):145–160, 2016.
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Sabine Helwig, Jürgen Branke, and Sanaz Mostaghim. Experimental Analysis of Bound Handling Techniques in Particle Swarm Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 17(2):259–271, April 2013.
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Michael A. Heroux. Editorial: ACM TOMS Replicated Computational Results Initiative. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 41(3):1–5, June 2015.
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H. Hernández and Christian Blum. Ant colony optimization for multicasting in static wireless ad-hoc networks. Swarm Intelligence, 3(2):125–148, 2009.
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Alberto Herrán, J. Manuel Colmenar, and Abraham Duarte. An efficient Variable Neighborhood Search for the Space-Free Multi-Row Facility Layout problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 2021.
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Francisco Herrera, Manuel Lozano, and A. M. Sánchez. A taxonomy for the crossover operator for real-coded genetic algorithms: An experimental study. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 18(3):309–338, 2003.
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Francisco Herrera, Manuel Lozano, and J. L. Verdegay. Tackling Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms: Operators and Tools for Behavioural Analysis. Artificial Intelligence Review, 12:265–319, 1998.
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Keywords: genetic algorithms, real coding, continuous search spaces, mutation, recombination
Carlos Ignacio Hernández Castellanos and Oliver Schütze. A Bounded Archiver for Hausdorff Approximations of the Pareto Front for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 27(3):48, 2022.
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Carlos Ignacio Hernández Castellanos, Oliver Schütze, J. Q. Sun, and S. Ober-Blöbaum. Non-epsilon dominated evolutionary algorithm for the set of approximate solutions. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 25(1):3, 2020.
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Keywords: archiving, multimodal
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This paper demonstrates how evolutionary computation can be used to acquire difficult to solve combinatorial problem instances. As a result of this technique, the corresponding algorithms used to solve these instances are stress-tested. The technique is applied in three important domains of combinatorial optimisation, binary constraint satisfaction, Boolean satisfiability, and the travelling salesman problem. The problem instances acquired through this technique are more difficult than the ones found in popular benchmarks. In this paper, these evolved instances are analysed with the aim to explain their difficulty in terms of structural properties, thereby exposing the weaknesses of corresponding algorithms.
Robert Heumüller, Sebastian Nielebock, Jacob Krüger, and Frank Ortmeier. Publish or perish, but do not forget your software artifacts. Empirical Software Engineering, 25(6):4585–4616, 2020.
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Robert M. Hierons, Miqing Li, Xiaohui Liu, Jose Antonio Parejo, Sergio Segura, and Xin Yao. Many-objective test suite generation for software product lines. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 29(1):1–46, 2020.
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Giles Hooker. Generalized functional ANOVA diagnostics for high-dimensional functions of dependent variables. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(3):709–732, 2012.
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Holger H. Hoos, Marius Thomas Lindauer, and Torsten Schaub. Claspfolio 2: Advances in Algorithm Selection for Answer Set Programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 14(4-5):560–585, 2014.
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Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle. On the Empirical Scaling of Run-time for Finding Optimal Solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 238(1):87–94, 2014.
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Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle. On the Empirical Time Complexity of Finding Optimal Solutions vs. Proving Optimality for Euclidean TSP Instances. Optimization Letters, 9(6):1247–1254, 2015.
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André Hottung and Kevin Tierney. Neural large neighborhood search for routing problems. Artificial Intelligence, 313:103786, December 2022.
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Wenbin Hu, Huan Wang, Zhenyu Qiu, Cong Nie, and Liping Yan. A quantum particle swarm optimization driven urban traffic light scheduling model. Neural Computing & Applications, 2018.
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Keywords: BML,Optimization,Simulation,Traffic congestion,Updating rules
Wenbin Hu, Liping Yan, Huan Wang, Bo Du, and Dacheng Tao. Real-time traffic jams prediction inspired by Biham, Middleton and Levine (BML) model. Information Sciences, 2017.
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Keywords: BML model,Prediction,Real-time,Traffic jam,Urban traffic network
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Proposed the WFG benchmark suite
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D. L. Huerta-Muñoz, R. Z. Ríos-Mercado, and Rubén Ruiz. An Iterated Greedy Heuristic for a Market Segmentation Problem with Multiple Attributes. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(1):75–87, 2017.
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Jérémie Humeau, Arnaud Liefooghe, El-Ghazali Talbi, and Sébastien Verel. ParadisEO-MO: From Fitness Landscape Analysis to Efficient Local Search Algorithms. Journal of Heuristics, 19(6):881–915, June 2013.
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Mohamed Saifullah Hussin and Thomas Stützle. Tabu Search vs. Simulated Annealing for Solving Large Quadratic Assignment Instances. Computers & Operations Research, 43:286–291, 2014.
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Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. Tradeoffs in the Empirical Evaluation of Competing Algorithm Designs. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 60(1–2):65–89, 2010.
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Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. Bayesian Optimization With Censored Response Data. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1310.1947, 2013.
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Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Thomas Stützle. ParamILS: An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 36:267–306, October 2009.
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Frank Hutter, Marius Thomas Lindauer, Adrian Balint, Sam Bayless, Holger H. Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. The Configurable SAT Solver Challenge (CSSC). Artificial Intelligence, 243:1–25, 2017.
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Frank Hutter, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. Algorithm Runtime Prediction: Methods & evaluation. Artificial Intelligence, 206:79–111, 2014.
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Perhaps surprisingly, it is possible to predict how long an algorithm will take to run on a previously unseen input, using machine learning techniques to build a model of the algorithm's runtime as a function of problem-specific instance features. Such models have important applications to algorithm analysis, portfolio-based algorithm selection, and the automatic configuration of parameterized algorithms. Over the past decade, a wide variety of techniques have been studied for building such models. Here, we describe extensions and improvements of existing models, new families of models, and—perhaps most importantly—a much more thorough treatment of algorithm parameters as model inputs. We also comprehensively describe new and existing features for predicting algorithm runtime for propositional satisfiability (SAT), travelling salesperson (TSP) and mixed integer programming (MIP) problems. We evaluate these innovations through the largest empirical analysis of its kind, comparing to a wide range of runtime modelling techniques from the literature. Our experiments consider 11 algorithms and 35 instance distributions; they also span a very wide range of SAT, MIP, and TSP instances, with the least structured having been generated uniformly at random and the most structured having emerged from real industrial applications. Overall, we demonstrate that our new models yield substantially better runtime predictions than previous approaches in terms of their generalization to new problem instances, to new algorithms from a parameterized space, and to both simultaneously.
Keywords: Empirical performance models; Mixed integer programming; SAT
Hao Wang, Diederick Vermetten, Furong Ye, Carola Doerr, and Thomas Bäck. IOHanalyzer: Detailed Performance Analyses for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, 2(1):3:1–3:29, 2022.
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Jacob de Nobel, Furong Ye, Diederick Vermetten, Hao Wang, Carola Doerr, and Thomas Bäck. IOHexperimenter: Benchmarking Platform for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2111.04077, 2021.
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Published in ECJ [649]
Jacob de Nobel, Furong Ye, Diederick Vermetten, Hao Wang, Carola Doerr, and Thomas Bäck. IOHexperimenter: Benchmarking Platform for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. Evolutionary Computation, pp.  1–6, 2024.
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Carola Doerr, Hao Wang, Furong Ye, Sander van Rijn, and Thomas Bäck. IOHprofiler: A Benchmarking and Profiling Tool for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1806.07555, October 2018.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: Benchmarking; Heuristics
Claudio Iacopino and Phil Palmer. The Dynamics of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms Applied to Binary Chains. Swarm Intelligence, 6(4):343–377, 2012.
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Claudio Iacopino, Phil Palmer, N. Policella, A. Donati, and A. Brewer. How Ants Can Manage Your Satellites. Acta Futura, 9:59–72, 2014.
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Keywords: ACO, Space
Toshihide Ibaraki, Shinji Imahori, Koji Nonobe, Kensuke Sobue, Takeaki Uno, and Mutsunori Yagiura. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Convex Time Penalty Functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(11):2050–2069, 2008.
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Toshihide Ibaraki. A Personal Perspective on Problem Solving by General Purpose Solvers. International Transactions in Operational Research, 17(3):303–315, 2010.
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Jonas Ide and Anita Schöbel. Robustness for uncertain multi-objective optimization: a survey and analysis of different concepts. OR Spectrum, 38(1):235–271, 2016.
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In this paper, we discuss various concepts of robustness for uncertain multi-objective optimization problems. We extend the concepts of flimsily, highly, and lightly robust efficiency and we collect different versions of minmax robust efficiency and concepts based on set order relations from the literature. Altogether, we compare and analyze ten different concepts and point out their relations to each other. Furthermore, we present reduction results for the class of objective-wise uncertain multi-objective optimization problems.
Christian Igel, Nikolaus Hansen, and S. Roth. Covariance Matrix Adaptation for Multi-objective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 15(1):1–28, 2007.
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Christian Igel, V. Heidrich-Meisner, and T. Glasmachers. Shark. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9:993–996, June 2008.
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Nesa Ilich and Slobodan P. Simonovic. Evolutionary Algorithm for minimization of pumping cost. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 12(4):232–240, October 1998.
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This paper deals with minimizing the total cost of pumping in a liquid pipeline. Previous experience with the most common solution procedures in pipeline optimization is discussed along with their strengths and weaknesses. The proposed method is an evolutionary algorithm with two distinct features: (1) The search is restricted to feasible region only; and (2) it utilizes a floating point decision variable rather than integer or binary as is the case with most other similar approaches. A numerical example is presented as a basis for verification of the proposed method and its comparison with the existing solver that utilizes the nonlinear Newtonian search. The proposed method provides promising improvements in terms of optimality when compared to the widespread gradient search methods because it does not involve evaluation of the gradient of the objective function. It also provides potential to improve the performance of previous evolutionary programs because it restricts the search to the feasible region, thus eliminating large overhead associated with generation and inspection of solutions that are infeasible. Comparison of the two solutions revealed improvement of the solution in favor of the proposed algorithm, which ranged up to 6% depending on the initial values of the decision variables in the Newtonian search. The proposed method was not sensitive to the starting value of the decision variables.
Takashi Imamichi, Mutsunori Yagiura, and Hiroshi Nagamochi. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Programming for the Irregular Strip Packing Problem. Discrete Optimization, 6(4):345–361, 2009.
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Alfred Inselberg. The Plane with Parallel Coordinates. The Visual Computer, 1(2):69–91, 1985.
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John P. A. Ioannidis. Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Medicine, 2(8):e124, 2005.
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Stefan Irnich. A Unified Modeling and Solution Framework for Vehicle Routing and Local Search-Based Metaheuristics. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(2):270–287, 2008.
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Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, and José A. Lozano. Sampling and Learning Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models Under the Cayley Distance. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 20(1):1–35, June 2016.
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Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, and José A. Lozano. PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71, 2019.
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In this paper we present the R package PerMallows, which is a complete toolbox to work with permutations, distances and some of the most popular probability models for permutations: Mallows and the Generalized Mallows models. The Mallows model is an exponential location model, considered as analogous to the Gaussian distribution. It is based on the definition of a distance between permutations. The Generalized Mallows model is its best-known extension. The package includes functions for making inference, sampling and learning such distributions. The distances considered in PerMallows are Kendall's τ, Cayley, Hamming and Ulam.
Keywords: Cayley,Generalized Mallows,Hamming,Kendall's τ,Learning,Mallows,Permutation,R,Ranking,Sampling,Ulam
Ekhine Irurozki, Jesus Lobo, Aritz Perez, and Javier Del Ser. Rank aggregation for non-stationary data streams. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1910.08795 [stat.ML], 2020.
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Keywords: uborda
Hisao Ishibuchi and T. Murata. A multi-objective genetic local search algorithm and its application to flowshop scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part C, 28(3):392–403, 1998.
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Hisao Ishibuchi, N. Akedo, and Y. Nojima. Behavior of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms on Many-Objective Knapsack Problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(2):264–283, 2015.
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Hisao Ishibuchi, Ryo Imada, Yu Setoguchi, and Yusuke Nojima. How to specify a reference point in hypervolume calculation for fair performance comparison. Evolutionary Computation, 26(3):411–440, 2018.
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Hisao Ishibuchi, Shinta Misaki, and Hideo Tanaka. Modified simulated annealing algorithms for the flow shop sequencing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 81(2):388–398, 1995.
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Hisao Ishibuchi, Yu Setoguchi, Hiroyuki Masuda, and Yusuke Nojima. Performance of decomposition-based many-objective algorithms strongly depends on Pareto front shapes. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 21(2):169–190, 2017.
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Peter Ivie and Douglas Thain. Reproducibility in Scientific Computing. ACM Computing Surveys, 51(3):1–36, 2019.
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Srikanth K. Iyer and Barkha Saxena. Improved genetic algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 31(4):593–606, 2004.
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Dario Izzo, V. M. Becerra, D. R. Myatt, S. J. Nasuto, and J. M. Bishop. Search space pruning and global optimisation of multiple gravity assist spacecraft trajectories. Journal of Global Optimization, 38:283–296, 2007.
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Dario Izzo. Revisiting Lambert's Problem. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 121:1–15, 2015.
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Christopher H. Jackson. Multi-State Models for Panel Data: The msm Package for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 38(8):1–29, 2011.
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Larry W. Jacobs and Michael J. Brusco. A Local Search Heuristic for Large Set-Covering Problems. Naval Research Logistics, 42(7):1129–1140, 1995.
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Karen E. Jacowitz and Daniel Kahneman. Measures of Anchoring in Estimation Tasks. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(11):1161–1166, November 1995.
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The authors describe a method for the quantitative study of anchoring effects in estimation tasks. A calibration group provides estimates of a set of uncertain quantities. Subjects in the anchored condition first judge whether a specified number (the anchor) is higher or lower than the true value before estimating each quantity. The anchors are set at predetermined percentiles of the distribution of estimates in the calibration group (15th and 85th percentiles in this study). This procedure permits the transformation of anchored estimates into percentiles in the calibration group, allows pooling of results across problems, and provides a natural measure of the size of the effect. The authors illustrate the method by a demonstration that the initial judgment of the anchor is susceptible to an anchoring-like bias and by an analysis of the relation between anchoring and subjective confidence.
Warren G. Jackson, Ender Özcan, and Robert I. John. Move acceptance in local search metaheuristics for cross-domain search. Expert Systems with Applications, 109:131–151, 2018.
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Daniel M Jaeggi, Geoffrey T Parks, Timoleon Kipouros, and P John Clarkson. The development of a multi-objective Tabu Search algorithm for continuous optimisation problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3):1192–1212, 2008.
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Satish Jajodia, Ioannis Minis, George Harhalakis, and Jean-Marie Proth. CLASS: computerized layout solutions using simulated annealing. International Journal of Production Research, 30(1):95–108, 1992.
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Andrzej Jaszkiewicz. Genetic local search for multi-objective combinatorial optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 137(1):50–71, 2002.
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Andrzej Jaszkiewicz. Many-Objective Pareto Local Search. European Journal of Operational Research, 271(3):1001–1013, 2018.
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Andrzej Jaszkiewicz and Thibaut Lust. ND-tree-based update: a fast algorithm for the dynamic nondominance problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(5):778–791, 2018.
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Andrzej Jaszkiewicz. On the performance of multiple-objective genetic local search on the 0/1 knapsack problem – A comparative experiment. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(4):402–412, 2002.
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M. T. Jensen. Reducing the run-time complexity of multiobjective EAs: The NSGA-II and other algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(5):503–515, 2003.
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M. T. Jensen. Helper-Objectives: Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Single-Objective Optimisation. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 3(4):323–347, 2004.
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Keywords: multi-objectivization
Mark Jerrum and Gregory Sorkin. The Metropolis algorithm for graph bisection. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 82(1):155–175, 1998.
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Mark Jerrum. Large cliques elude the Metropolis process. Random Structures & Algorithms, 3(4):347–359, 1992.
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S. Jiang, Y. S. Ong, J. Zhang, and L. Feng. Consistencies and Contradictions of Performance Metrics in Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(12):2391–2404, 2014.
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Shouyong Jiang, Juan Zou, Shengxiang Yang, and Xin Yao. Evolutionary Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimisation: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 55(4), November 2022.
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Keywords: evolutionary algorithm, evolutionary dynamic multi-objective optimisation, dynamic environment, Multi-objective optimisation
Yaochu Jin. A Comprehensive Survey of Fitness Approximation in Evolutionary Computation. Soft Computing, 9(1):3–12, 2005.
bib ]
Yaochu Jin. Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Computation: Recent Advances and Future Challenges. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 1(2):61–70, June 2011.
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Surrogate-assisted, or meta-model based evolutionary computation uses efficient computational models, often known as surrogates or meta-models, for approximating the fitness function in evolutionary algorithms. Research on surrogate-assisted evolutionary computation began over a decade ago and has received considerably increasing interest in recent years. Very interestingly, surrogate-assisted evolutionary computation has found successful applications not only in solving computationally expensive single- or multi-objective optimization problems, but also in addressing dynamic optimization problems, constrained optimization problems and multi-modal optimization problems. This paper provides a concise overview of the history and recent developments in surrogate-assisted evolutionary computation and suggests a few future trends in this research area.
Keywords: Evolutionary computation,Expensive optimization problems,Machine learning,Meta-models,Model management,Surrogates
Yaochu Jin, Handing Wang, Tinkle Chugh, Dan Guo, and Kaisa Miettinen. Data-Driven Evolutionary Optimization: An Overview and Case Studies. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(3):442–458, June 2019.
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Huidong Jin and Man-Leung Wong. Adaptive, convergent, and diversified archiving strategy for multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(12):8462–8470, 2010.
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David S. Johnson. Optimal Two- and Three-stage Production Scheduling with Setup Times Included. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 1:61–68, 1954.
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David S. Johnson, Cecilia R. Aragon, Lyle A. McGeoch, and Catherine Schevon. Optimization by Simulated Annealing: An Experimental Evaluation: Part I, Graph Partitioning. Operations Research, 37(6):865–892, 1989.
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David S. Johnson, Cecilia R. Aragon, Lyle A. McGeoch, and Catherine Schevon. Optimization by Simulated Annealing: An Experimental Evaluation: Part II, Graph Coloring and Number Partitioning. Operations Research, 39(3):378–406, 1991.
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Alan W. Johnson and Sheldon H. Jacobson. On the Convergence of Generalized Hill Climbing Algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 119(1):37–57, 2002.
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Mark E. Johnson, Leslie M. Moore, and Donald Ylvisaker. Minimax and maximin distance designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 26(2):131–148, 1990.
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Keywords: Bayesian design
David S. Johnson, Christos H. Papadimitriou, and Mihalis Yannakakis. How Easy is Local Search? Journal of Computer System Science, 37(1):79–100, 1988.
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C. Joncour, J. Kritter, S. Michel, and X. Schepler. Generalized Relax-and-Fix Heuristic. Computers & Operations Research, 149:106038, 2023.
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Donald R. Jones, Matthias Schonlau, and William J. Welch. Efficient Global Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions. Journal of Global Optimization, 13(4):455–492, 1998.
bib ]
Proposed EGO algorithm
Keywords: EGO
Kenneth A. De Jong and William M. Spears. A formal analysis of the role of multi-point crossover in genetic algorithms. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 5(1):1–26, 1992.
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Jorik Jooken, Pieter Leyman, and Patrick De Causmaecker. A new class of hard problem instances for the 0–1 knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 301(3):841–854, 2022.
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Jorik Jooken, Pieter Leyman, Tony Wauters, and Patrick De Causmaecker. Exploring search space trees using an adapted version of Monte Carlo tree search for combinatorial optimization problems. Computers & Operations Research, 150:106070, 2023.
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D. E. Joslin and D. P. Clements. Squeaky Wheel Optimization. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 10:353–373, 1999.
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P. W. Jowitt and G. Germanopoulos. Optimal pump scheduling in water supply networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 118(4):406–422, 1992.
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The electricity cost of pumping accounts for a large part of the total operating cost for water-supply networks. This study presents a method based on linear programming for determining an optimal (minimum cost) schedule of pumping on a 24-hr basis. Both unit and maximum demand electricity charges are considered. Account is taken of the relative efficiencies of the available pumps, the structure of the electricity tariff, the consumer-demand profile, and the hydraulic characteristics and operational constraints of the network. The use of extended-period simulation of the network operation in determining the parameters of the linearized network equations and constraints and in studying the optimized network operation is described. An application of the method to an existing network in the United Kingdom is presented, showing that considerable savings are possible. The method was found to be robust and with low computation-time requirements, and is therefore suitable for real-time implementation.
Angel A. Juan, Javier Faulin, Scott E. Grasman, Markus Rabe, and Gonçalo Figueira. A review of simheuristics: Extending metaheuristics to deal with stochastic combinatorial optimization problems. Operations Research Perspectives, 2:62–72, 2015.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: Metaheuristics; Simulation; Combinatorial optimization; Stochastic problems
Angel A. Juan, Helena R. Lourenço, Manuel Mateo, Rachel Luo, and Quim Castellà. Using Iterated Local Search for Solving the Flow-shop Problem: Parallelization, Parametrization, and Randomization Issues. International Transactions in Operational Research, 21(1):103–126, 2014.
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M. Jünger, Gerhard Reinelt, and S. Thienel. Provably Good Solutions for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Zeitschrift für Operations Research, 40(2):183–217, 1994.
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Elena A. Kabova, Jason C. Cole, Oliver Korb, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Adrian C. Williams, and Kenneth Shankland. Improved performance of crystal structure solution from powder diffraction data through parameter tuning of a simulated annealing algorithm. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50(5):1411–1420, October 2017.
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Significant gains in the performance of the simulated annealing algorithm in the DASH software package have been realized by using the irace automatic configuration tool to optimize the values of three key simulated annealing parameters. Specifically, the success rate in finding the global minimum in intensity χ2 space is improved by up to an order of magnitude. The general applicability of these revised simulated annealing parameters is demonstrated using the crystal structure determinations of over 100 powder diffraction datasets.
Keywords: crystal structure determination, powder diffraction, simulated annealing, parameter tuning, irace
Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47(2):263–291, 1979.
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Daniel Kahneman. Maps of bounded rationality: Psychology for behavioral economics. The American Economic Review, 93(5):1449–1475, 2003.
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Jakob Kallestad, Ramin Hasibi, Ahmad Hemmati, and Kenneth Sörensen. A general deep reinforcement learning hyperheuristic framework for solving combinatorial optimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 309(1):446–468, August 2023.
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Keywords: Deep RL, hyper-heuristic, ALNS
Qinma Kang, Hong He, and Jun Wei. An Effective Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Reliability-oriented Task Allocation in Distributed Computing Systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 73(8):1106–1115, 2013.
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Korhan Karabulut. A hybrid iterated greedy algorithm for total tardiness minimization in permutation flowshops. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 98(Supplement C):300 – 307, 2016.
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Dervis Karaboga and Bahriye Akay. A Survey: Algorithms Simulating Bee Swarm Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Review, 31(1–4):61–85, 2009.
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Giorgos Karafotias, Mark Hoogendoorn, and Agoston E. Eiben. Parameter Control in Evolutionary Algorithms: Trends and Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(2):167–187, 2015.
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İbrahim Karahan and Murat Köksalan. A territory defining multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and preference incorporation. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(4):636–664, 2010.
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Keywords: TDEA
Maryam Karimi-Mamaghan, Mehrdad Mohammadi, Patrick Meyer, Amir Mohammad Karimi-Mamaghan, and El-Ghazali Talbi. Machine learning at the service of meta-heuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems: A state-of-the-art. European Journal of Operational Research, 296(2):393–422, 2022.
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In recent years, there has been a growing research interest in integrating machine learning techniques into meta-heuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems. This integration aims to lead meta-heuristics toward an efficient, effective, and robust search and improve their performance in terms of solution quality, convergence rate, and robustness. Since various integration methods with different purposes have been developed, there is a need to review the recent advances in using machine learning techniques to improve meta-heuristics. To the best of our knowledge, the literature is deprived of having a comprehensive yet technical review. To fill this gap, this paper provides such a review on the use of machine learning techniques in the design of different elements of meta-heuristics for different purposes including algorithm selection, fitness evaluation, initialization, evolution, parameter setting, and cooperation. First, we describe the key concepts and preliminaries of each of these ways of integration. Then, the recent advances in each way of integration are reviewed and classified based on a proposed unified taxonomy. Finally, we provide a technical discussion on the advantages, limitations, requirements, and challenges of implementing each of these integration ways, followed by promising future research directions.
Keywords: Meta-heuristics, Machine learning, Combinatorial optimization problems, State-of-the-art
Oleksiy Karpenko, Jianming Shi, and Yang Dai. Prediction of MHC class II binders using the ant colony search strategy. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 35(1):147–156, 2005.
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Korhan Karabulut and Fatih M. Tasgetiren. A Variable Iterated Greedy Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. Information Sciences, 279:383–395, 2014.
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Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Shanthi Nataraj, Patrick M. Reed, and Robert J. Lempert. Many objective robust decision making for complex environmental systems undergoing change. Environmental Modelling & Software, 42:55–71, 2013.
bib ]
Keywords: scenario-based
Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Patrick M. Reed, Gregory W. Characklis, and Brian R. Kirsch. Many-objective de Novo water supply portfolio planning under deep uncertainty. Environmental Modelling & Software, 34:87–104, 2012.
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Keywords: scenario-based
Artem Kaznatcheev, David A. Cohen, and Peter Jeavons. Representing Fitness Landscapes by Valued Constraints to Understand the Complexity of Local Search. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 69:1077–1102, 2020.
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Liangjun Ke, Claudia Archetti, and Zuren Feng. Ants can solve the team orienteering problem. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54(3):648–665, 2008.
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The team orienteering problem (TOP) involves finding a set of paths from the starting point to the ending point such that the total collected reward received from visiting a subset of locations is maximized and the length of each path is restricted by a pre-specified limit. In this paper, an ant colony optimization (ACO) approach is proposed for the team orienteering problem. Four methods, i.e., the sequential, deterministic-concurrent and random-concurrent and simultaneous methods, are proposed to construct candidate solutions in the framework of ACO. We compare these methods according to the results obtained on well-known problems from the literature. Finally, we compare the algorithm with several existing algorithms. The results show that our algorithm is promising.
Keywords: Ant colony optimization, Ant system, Heuristics, Team orienteering problem
R. L. Keeney. Analysis of preference dependencies among objectives. Operations Research, 29:1105–1120, 1981.
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Graham Kendall, Ruibin Bai, Jacek Blazewicz, Patrick De Causmaecker, Michel Gendreau, Robert John, Jiawei Li, Barry McCollum, Erwin Pesch, Rong Qu, Nasser Sabar, Greet Vanden Berghe, and Angelina Yee. Good Laboratory Practice for Optimization Research. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(4):676–689, 2016.
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Pascal Kerschke, Holger H. Hoos, Frank Neumann, and Heike Trautmann. Automated Algorithm Selection: Survey and Perspectives. Evolutionary Computation, 27(1):3–45, March 2019.
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B. W. Kernighan and S. Lin. An Efficient Heuristic Procedure for Partitioning Graphs. Bell Systems Technology Journal, 49(2):213–219, 1970.
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Pascal Kerschke and Heike Trautmann. Automated Algorithm Selection on Continuous Black-Box Problems by Combining Exploratory Landscape Analysis and Machine Learning. Evolutionary Computation, 27(1):99–127, 2019.
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In this article, we build upon previous work on designing informative and efficient Exploratory Landscape Analysis features for characterizing problems' landscapes and show their effectiveness in automatically constructing algorithm selection models in continuous black-box optimization problems. Focusing on algorithm performance results of the COCO platform of several years, we construct a representative set of high-performing complementary solvers and present an algorithm selection model that, compared to the portfolio's single best solver, on average requires less than half of the resources for solving a given problem. Therefore, there is a huge gain in efficiency compared to classical ensemble methods combined with an increased insight into problem characteristics and algorithm properties by using informative features. The model acts on the assumption that the function set of the Black-Box Optimization Benchmark is representative enough for practical applications. The model allows for selecting the best suited optimization algorithm within the considered set for unseen problems prior to the optimization itself based on a small sample of function evaluations. Note that such a sample can even be reused for the initial population of an evolutionary (optimization) algorithm so that even the feature costs become negligible.
Pascal Kerschke, Hao Wang, Mike Preuss, Christian Grimme, André H. Deutz, Heike Trautmann, and Michael T. M. Emmerich. Search Dynamics on Multimodal Multiobjective Problems. Evolutionary Computation, 27(4):577–609, 2019.
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Norbert L. Kerr. HARKing: Hypothesizing After the Results are Known. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2(3):196–217, August 1998.
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A. R. KhudaBukhsh, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers from Components. Artificial Intelligence, 232:20–42, 2016.
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Philip Kilby and Tommaso Urli. Fleet design optimisation from historical data using constraint programming and large neighbourhood search. Constraints, pp.  1–20, 2015.
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Keywords: F-race
Yeong-Dae Kim. Heuristics for Flowshop Scheduling Problems Minimizing Mean Tardiness. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44(1):19–28, 1993.
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Youngmin Kim, Richard Allmendinger, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Safe Learning and Optimization Techniques: Towards a Survey of the State of the Art. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2101.09505 [cs.LG], 2020.
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Safe learning and optimization deals with learning and optimization problems that avoid, as much as possible, the evaluation of non-safe input points, which are solutions, policies, or strategies that cause an irrecoverable loss (e.g., breakage of a machine or equipment, or life threat). Although a comprehensive survey of safe reinforcement learning algorithms was published in 2015, a number of new algorithms have been proposed thereafter, and related works in active learning and in optimization were not considered. This paper reviews those algorithms from a number of domains including reinforcement learning, Gaussian process regression and classification, evolutionary algorithms, and active learning. We provide the fundamental concepts on which the reviewed algorithms are based and a characterization of the individual algorithms. We conclude by explaining how the algorithms are connected and suggestions for future research.
Jungtaek Kim, Michael McCourt, Tackgeun You, Saehoon Kim, and Seungjin Choi. Bayesian Optimization with Approximate Set Kernels. Machine Learning, 2021.
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We propose a practical Bayesian optimization method over sets, to minimize a black-box function that takes a set as a single input. Because set inputs are permutation-invariant, traditional Gaussian process-based Bayesian optimization strategies which assume vector inputs can fall short. To address this, we develop a Bayesian optimization method with set kernel that is used to build surrogate functions. This kernel accumulates similarity over set elements to enforce permutation-invariance, but this comes at a greater computational cost. To reduce this burden, we propose two key components: (i) a more efficient approximate set kernel which is still positive-definite and is an unbiased estimator of the true set kernel with upper-bounded variance in terms of the number of subsamples, (ii) a constrained acquisition function optimization over sets, which uses symmetry of the feasible region that defines a set input. Finally, we present several numerical experiments which demonstrate that our method outperforms other methods.
J.-S. Kim, J.-H. Park, and D.-H. Lee. Iterated Greedy Algorithms to Minimize the Total Family Flow Time for Job-shop Scheduling with Job Families and Sequence-dependent Set-ups. Engineering Optimization, 49(10):1719–1732, 2017.
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Diederik P. Kingma and Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for stochastic optimization. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980 [cs.LG], 2014.
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Published as a conference paper at the 3rd International Conference for Learning Representations, San Diego, 2015 [2131]
Scott Kirkpatrick and G. Toulouse. Configuration Space Analysis of Travelling Salesman Problems. Journal de Physique, 46(8):1277–1292, 1985.
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Scott Kirkpatrick. Optimization by Simulated Annealing: Quantitative Studies. Journal of Statistical Physics, 34(5-6):975–986, 1984.
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Scott Kirkpatrick, C. D. Gelatt, and M. P. Vecchi. Optimization by Simulated Annealing. Science, 220(4598):671–680, 1983.
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Proposed Simulated Annealing
Kathrin Klamroth, Sanaz Mostaghim, Boris Naujoks, Silvia Poles, Robin C. Purshouse, Günther Rudolph, Stefan Ruzika, Serpil Sayın, Margaret M. Wiecek, and Xin Yao. Multiobjective optimization for interwoven systems. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 24(1-2):71–81, 2017.
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Anton J. Kleywegt, Alexander Shapiro, and Tito Homem-de-Mello. The Sample Average Approximation Method for Stochastic Discrete Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 12(2):479–502, 2002.
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Joshua D. Knowles. ParEGO: A hybrid algorithm with on-line landscape approximation for expensive multiobjective optimization problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10(1):50–66, 2006.
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Keywords: ParEGO, online, metamodel
Joshua D. Knowles. Closed-loop evolutionary multiobjective optimization. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 4:77–91, 2009.
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Artificial evolution has been used for more than 50 years as a method of optimization in engineering, operations research and computational intelligence. In closed-loop evolution (a term used by the statistician, George Box) or, equivalently, evolutionary experimentation (Ingo Rechenberg's terminology), the “phenotypes” are evaluated in the real world by conducting a physical experiment, whilst selection and breeding is simulated. Well-known early work on artificial evolution — design engineering problems in fluid dynamics, and chemical plant process optimization — was carried out in this experimental mode. More recently, the closed-loop approach has been successfully used in much evolvable hardware and evolutionary robotics research, and in some microbiology and biochemistry applications. In this article, several further new targets for closed-loop evolutionary and multiobjective optimization are considered. Four case studies from my own collaborative work are described: (i) instrument optimization in analytical biochemistry; (ii) finding effective drug combinations in vitro; (iii) onchip synthetic biomolecule design; and (iv) improving chocolate production processes. Accurate simulation in these applications is not possible due to complexity or a lack of adequate analytical models. In these and other applications discussed, optimizing experimentally brings with it several challenges: noise; nuisance factors; ephemeral resource constraints; expensive evaluations, and evaluations that must be done in (large) batches. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are largely equal to these vagaries, whilst modern multiobjective EAs also enable tradeoffs among conflicting optimization goals to be explored. Nevertheless, principles from other disciplines, such as statistics, Design of Experiments, machine learning and global optimization are also relevant to aspects of the closed-loop problem, and may inspire futher development of multiobjective EAs.
Joshua D. Knowles and David Corne. Approximating the Nondominated Front Using the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy. Evolutionary Computation, 8(2):149–172, 2000.
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Proposed PAES
Joshua D. Knowles and David Corne. Properties of an Adaptive Archiving Algorithm for Storing Nondominated Vectors. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(2):100–116, April 2003.
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Proposed to use S-metric (hypervolume metric) for environmental selection
Keywords: S-metric, hypervolume
Mirjam J. Knol, Tyler J. VanderWeele, Rolf H. H. Groenwold, Olaf H. Klungel, Maroeska M. Rovers, and Diederick E. Grobbee. Estimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposures. European Journal of Epidemiology, 26(6):433–438, 2011.
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Gary A. Kochenberger, Fred Glover, Bahram Alidaee, and Cesar Rego. A unified modeling and solution framework for combinatorial optimization problems. OR Spektrum, 26(2):237–250, 2004.
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Gary A. Kochenberger, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Mark Lewis, Zhipeng Lü, Haibo Wang, and Yang Wang. The unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem: a survey. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 28(1):58–81, 2014.
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Murat Köksalan. Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization: Some Approaches. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 15:69–78, 2009.
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Murat Köksalan and İbrahim Karahan. An Interactive Territory Defining Evolutionary Algorithm: iTDEA. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(5):702–722, October 2010.
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Rainer Kolisch and Sönke Hartmann. Experimental investigation of heuristics for resource-constrained project scheduling: An update. European Journal of Operational Research, 174(1):23–37, October 2006.
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This paper considers heuristics for the well-known resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). It provides an update of our survey which was published in 2000. We summarize and categorize a large number of heuristics that have recently been proposed in the literature. Most of these heuristics are then evaluated in a computational study and compared on the basis of our standardized experimental design. Based on the computational results we discuss features of good heuristics. The paper closes with some remarks on our test design and a summary of the recent developments in research on heuristics for the RCPSP.
Keywords: Computational evaluation, Heuristics, Project scheduling, Resource constraints
Vladlen Koltun and Christos H. Papadimitriou. Approximately dominating representatives. Theoretical Computer Science, 371(3):148–154, 2007.
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A. Kolen and Erwin Pesch. Genetic Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 48(3):273–284, 1994.
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Joshua B. Kollat and Patrick M. Reed. A framework for visually interactive decision-making and design using evolutionary multi-objective optimization (VIDEO). Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(12):1691–1704, 2007.
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Keywords: glyph plot
Tjalling C. Koopmans and Martin J. Beckmann. Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities. Econometrica, 25:53–76, 1957.
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Introduced the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)
Jsh Kornbluth. Sequential multi-criterion decision making. Omega, 13(6):569–574, 1985.
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In this paper we consider a simple sequential multicriterion decision making problem in which a decision maker has to accept or reject a series of multi-attributed outcomes. We show that using very simple programming techniques, a great deal of the decision making can be automated. The method might be applicable to situations in which a dealer is having to consider sequential offers in a trading market.
Keywords: machine decision making
Pekka Korhonen, Herbert Moskowitz, and Jyrki Wallenius. Choice Behavior in Interactive Multiple-Criteria Decision Making. Annals of Operations Research, 23(1):161–179, December 1990.
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Choice behavior in an interactive multiple-criteria decision making environment is examined experimentally. A “free search” discrete visual interactive reference direction approach was used on a microcomputer by management students to solve two realistic and relevant multiple-criteria decision problems. The results revealed persistent patterns of intransitive choice behavior, and an unexpectedly rapid degree of convergence of the reference direction approach on a preferred solution. The results can be explained using Tversky' additive utility difference model and Kahneman-Tversky's prospect theory. The implications of the results for the design of interactive multiple-criteria decision procedures are discussed.
Flip Korn, B.-U. Pagel, and Christos Faloutsos. On the “dimensionality curse” and the “self-similarity blessing”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(1):96–111, 2001.
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Spatial queries in high-dimensional spaces have been studied extensively. Among them, nearest neighbor queries are important in many settings, including spatial databases (Find the k closest cities) and multimedia databases (Find the k most similar images). Previous analyses have concluded that nearest-neighbor search is hopeless in high dimensions due to the notorious "curse of dimensionality". We show that this may be overpessimistic. We show that what determines the search performance (at least for R-tree-like structures) is the intrinsic dimensionality of the data set and not the dimensionality of the address space (referred to as the embedding dimensionality). The typical (and often implicit) assumption in many previous studies is that the data is uniformly distributed, with independence between attributes. However, real data sets overwhelmingly disobey these assumptions; rather, they typically are skewed and exhibit intrinsic ("fractal") dimensionalities that are much lower than their embedding dimension, e.g. due to subtle dependencies between attributes. We show how the Hausdorff and Correlation fractal dimensions of a data set can yield extremely accurate formulas that can predict the I/O performance to within one standard deviation on multiple real and synthetic data sets.
P. Korošec, Jurij Šilc, and B. Robič. Solving the mesh-partitioning problem with an ant-colony algorithm. Parallel Computing, 30:785–801, 2004.
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Pekka Korhonen, Kari Silvennoinen, Jyrki Wallenius, and Anssi Öörni. Can a linear value function explain choices? An experimental study. European Journal of Operational Research, 219(2):360–367, June 2012.
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We investigate in a simple bi-criteria experimental study, whether subjects are consistent with a linear value function while making binary choices. Many inconsistencies appeared in our experiment. However, the impact of inconsistencies on the linearity vs. non-linearity of the value function was minor. Moreover, a linear value function seems to predict choices for bi-criteria problems quite well. This ability to predict is independent of whether the value function is diagnosed linear or not. Inconsistencies in responses did not necessarily change the original diagnosis of the form of the value function. Our findings have implications for the design and development of decision support tools for Multiple Criteria Decision Making problems.
Keywords: Binary choices, Inconsistency, Linear value function, Multiple criteria, Weights
Oliver Korb, Thomas Stützle, and Thomas E. Exner. An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Flexible Protein–Ligand Docking. Swarm Intelligence, 1(2):115–134, 2007.
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Oliver Korb, Thomas Stützle, and Thomas E. Exner. Empirical Scoring Functions for Advanced Protein-Ligand Docking with PLANTS. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 49(2):84–96, 2009.
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Oliver Korb, Peter Monecke, Gerhard Hessler, Thomas Stützle, and Thomas E. Exner. pharmACOphore: Multiple Flexible Ligand Alignment Based on Ant Colony Optimization. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 50(9):1669–1681, 2010.
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Pekka Korhonen and Jyrki Wallenius. A pareto race. Naval Research Logistics, 35(6):615–623, 1988.
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A dynamic and visual “free-search” type of interactive procedure for multiple-objective linear programming is presented. The method enables a decision maker to freely search any part of the efficient frontier by controlling the speed and direction of motion. The objective function values are represented in numeric form and as bar graphs on a display. The method is implemented on an IBM PC/1 microcomputer and is illustrated using a multiple-objective linear-programming model for managing disposal of sewage sludge in the New York Bight. Some other applications are also briefly discussed.
Lars Kotthoff. Algorithm Selection for Combinatorial Search Problems: A Survey. AI Magazine, 35(3):48–60, 2014.
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Timo Kötzing, Frank Neumann, Heiko Röglin, and Carsten Witt. Theoretical Analysis of Two ACO Approaches for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Swarm Intelligence, 6(1):1–21, 2012.
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Bioinspired algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms and ant colony optimization, are widely used for different combinatorial optimization problems. These algorithms rely heavily on the use of randomness and are hard to understand from a theoretical point of view. This paper contributes to the theoretical analysis of ant colony optimization and studies this type of algorithm on one of the most prominent combinatorial optimization problems, namely the traveling salesperson problem (TSP). We present a new construction graph and show that it has a stronger local property than one commonly used for constructing solutions of the TSP. The rigorous runtime analysis for two ant colony optimization algorithms, based on these two construction procedures, shows that they lead to good approximation in expected polynomial time on random instances. Furthermore, we point out in which situations our algorithms get trapped in local optima and show where the use of the right amount of heuristic information is provably beneficial.
Lars Kotthoff, Chris Thornton, Holger H. Hoos, Frank Hutter, and Kevin Leyton-Brown. Auto-WEKA 2.0: Automatic model selection and hyperparameter optimization in WEKA. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17:1–5, 2016.
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Katharina Kowalski, Sigrid Stagl, Reinhard Madlener, and Ines Omann. Sustainable energy futures: Methodological challenges in combining scenarios and participatory multi-criteria analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(3):1063–1074, 2009.
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Oliver Kramer. Iterated Local Search with Powell's Method: A Memetic Algorithm for Continuous Global Optimization. Memetic Computing, 2(1):69–83, 2010.
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Daniel Krajzewicz, Jakob Erdmann, Michael Behrisch, and Laura Bieker. Recent development and applications of SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility. International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, 5(3-4):128–138, 2012.
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S. Kreipl. A Large Step Random Walk for Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness in a Job Shop. Journal of Scheduling, 3(3):125–138, 2000.
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Stefanie Kritzinger, Fabien Tricoire, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, and Thomas Stützle. A Unified Framework for Routing Problems with a Fixed Fleet Size. International Journal of Metaheuristics, 6(3):160–209, 2017.
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Joseph B Kruskal. On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 7(1):48–50, 1956.
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J Kuhpfahl and Christian Bierwirth. A Study on Local Search Neighborhoods for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Weighted Tardiness Objective. Computers & Operations Research, 66:44–57, 2016.
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Tobias Kuhn, Carlos M. Fonseca, Luís Paquete, Stefan Ruzika, Miguel M. Duarte, and José Rui Figueira. Hypervolume subset selection in two dimensions: Formulations and algorithms. Evolutionary Computation, 24(3):411–425, 2016.
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Harold W. Kuhn. The hungarian method for the assignment problem. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 2(1–2):83–97, 1955.
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Max Kuhn. Building Predictive Models in R Using the caret Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 28(5):1–26, 2008.
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R. Kumar and P. K. Singh. Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm Hybridized with Local Search for Biobjective TSP. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 75:361–398, 2007.
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H. T. Kung, F. Luccio, and F. P. Preparata. On Finding the Maxima of a Set of Vectors. Journal of the ACM, 22(4):469–476, 1975.
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I. Kurtulus and E. W. Davis. Multi-Project Scheduling: Categorization of Heuristic Rules Performance. Management Science, 28(2):161–172, 1982.
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Application of heuristic solution procedures to the practical problem of project scheduling has previously been studied by numerous researchers. However, there is little consensus about their findings, and the practicing manager is currently at a loss as to which scheduling rule to use. Furthermore, since no categorization process was developed, it is assumed that once a rule is selected it must be used throughout the whole project. This research breaks away from this tradition by providing a categorization process based on two powerful project summary measures. The first measure identifies the location of the peak of total resource requirements and the second measure identifies the rate of utilization of each resource type. The performance of the rules are classified according to values of these two measures, and it is shown that a rule introduced by this research performs significantly better on most categories of projects.
Keywords: project management, research and development
H. J. Kushner. A New Method of Locating the Maximum Point of an Arbitrary Multipeak Curve in the Presence of Noise. Journal of Basic Engineering, 86(1):97–106, March 1964.
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A versatile and practical method of searching a parameter space is presented. Theoretical and experimental results illustrate the usefulness of the method for such problems as the experimental optimization of the performance of a system with a very general multipeak performance function when the only available information is noise-distributed samples of the function. At present, its usefulness is restricted to optimization with respect to one system parameter. The observations are taken sequentially; but, as opposed to the gradient method, the observation may be located anywhere on the parameter interval. A sequence of estimates of the location of the curve maximum is generated. The location of the next observation may be interpreted as the location of the most likely competitor (with the current best estimate) for the location of the curve maximum. A Brownian motion stochastic process is selected as a model for the unknown function, and the observations are interpreted with respect to the model. The model gives the results a simple intuitive interpretation and allows the use of simple but efficient sampling procedures. The resulting process possesses some powerful convergence properties in the presence of noise; it is nonparametric and, despite its generality, is efficient in the use of observations. The approach seems quite promising as a solution to many of the problems of experimental system optimization.
Jan H. Kwakkel. The Exploratory Modeling Workbench: An open source toolkit for exploratory modeling, scenario discovery, and (multi-objective) robust decision making. Environmental Modelling & Software, 96:239–250, 2017.
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Marco Laumanns, Lothar Thiele, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Eckart Zitzler. Combining Convergence and Diversity in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 10(3):263–282, 2002.
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Proposed ε-approx and ε-Pareto archivers
Keywords: archiving, ε-dominance, ε-approximation, ε-Pareto
Antonio LaTorre, Santiago Muelas, and José-María Peña. A MOS-based dynamic memetic differential evolution algorithm for continuous optimization: a scalability test. Soft Computing, 15(11):2187–2199, 2011.
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Peter J. M. van Laarhoven, Emile H. L. Aarts, and Jan Karel Lenstra. Job Shop Scheduling by Simulated Annealing. Operations Research, 40(1):113–125, 1992.
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Martine Labbé, Patrice Marcotte, and Gilles Savard. A Bilevel Model of Taxation and Its Application to Optimal Highway Pricing. Management Science, 44(12):1608–1622, 1998.
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Martine Labbé and Alessia Violin. Bilevel programming and price setting problems. 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 11(1):1–30, 2013.
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Benjamin Lacroix, Daniel Molina, and Francisco Herrera. Region based memetic algorithm for real-parameter optimisation. Information Sciences, 262:15–31, 2014.
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Keywords: irace
Manuel Laguna. Editor's Note on the MIC 2013 Special Issue of the Journal of Heuristics (Volume 22, Issue 4, August 2016). Journal of Heuristics, 22(5):665–666, 2016.
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Xiangjing Lai and Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated Maxima Search for the Maximally Diverse Grouping Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 254(3):780–800, 2016.
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A. H. Land and A. G. Doig. An Automatic Method of Solving Discrete Programming Problems. Econometrica, 28(3):497–520, 1960.
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William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Optimising Software with Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(1):118–135, 2015.
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M. Lang, H. Kotthaus, P. Marwedel, C. Weihs, J. Rahnenführer, and Bernd Bischl. Automatic Model Selection for High-Dimensional Survival Analysis. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85(1):62–76, 2014.
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A. Langevin, F. Soumis, and J. Desrosiers. Classification of travelling salesman problem formulations. Operations Research Letters, 9(2):127–132, 1990.
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A. Langevin, M. Desrochers, J. Desrosiers, Sylvie Gélinas, and F. Soumis. A Two-Commodity Flow Formulation for the Traveling Salesman and Makespan Problems with Time Windows. Networks, 23(7):631–640, 1993.
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Kevin E. Lansey and K. Awumah. Optimal Pump Operations Considering Pump Switches. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 120(1):17–35, January / February 1994.
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Gilbert Laporte. Fifty Years of Vehicle Routing. Transportation Science, 43(4):408–416, 2009.
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Marco Laumanns. Stochastic convergence of random search to fixed size Pareto set approximations. Arxiv preprint arXiv:0711.2949, 2007.
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Benoît Laurent and Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated Local Search for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 57(1):277–286, 2009.
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Marco Laumanns, Lothar Thiele, and Eckart Zitzler. Running time analysis of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms on pseudo-boolean functions. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8(2):170–182, 2004.
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Marco Laumanns, Lothar Thiele, and Eckart Zitzler. Running time analysis of evolutionary algorithms on a simplified multiobjective knapsack problem. Natural Computing, 3(1):37–51, 2004.
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Marco Laumanns and Rico Zenklusen. Stochastic convergence of random search methods to fixed size Pareto front approximations. European Journal of Operational Research, 213(2):414–421, 2011.
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E. L. Lawler and D. E. Wood. Branch-and-Bound Methods: A Survey. Operations Research, 14(4):699–719, 1966.
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S. E. Lazic. The problem of pseudoreplication in neuroscientific studies: is it affecting your analysis? BMC Neuroscience, 11(5):397–407, 2004.
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Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, et al. Convolutional networks for images, speech, and time series. The handbook of brain theory and neural networks, 3361(10):255–258, 1995.
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Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton. Deep learning. Nature, 521(7553):436–444, 2015.
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Vinícius Leal do Forte, Flávio Marcelo Tavares Montenegro, José André de Moura Brito, and Nelson Maculan. Iterated Local Search Algorithms for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem in n Dimensions. International Transactions in Operational Research, 23(6):1185–1199, 2016.
bib ]
Per Kristian Lehre and Carsten Witt. Black-box search by unbiased variation. Algorithmica, 64(4):623–642, 2012.
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Frank Thomson Leighton. A Graph Coloring Algorithm for Large Scheduling Problems. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 84(6):489–506, 1979.
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Robert J. Lempert, David G. Groves, Steven W. Popper, and Steven C. Bankes. A general analytic method for generating robust strategies and narrative scenarios. Management Science, 52(4):514–528, 2006.
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C. Leon, S. Martin, J. M. Elena, and J. Luque. EXPLORE: Hybrid expert system for water networks management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 126(2):65–74, 2000.
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Daniel Lewandowski, Dorota Kurowicka, and Harry Joe. Generating Random Correlation Matrices Based on Vines and Extended Onion Method. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100(9):1989–2001, 2009.
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We extend and improve two existing methods of generating random correlation matrices, the onion method of Ghosh and Henderson [S. Ghosh, S.G. Henderson, Behavior of the norta method for correlated random vector generation as the dimension increases, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 13 (3) (2003) 276-294] and the recently proposed method of Joe [H. Joe, Generating random correlation matrices based on partial correlations, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 97 (2006) 2177-2189] based on partial correlations. The latter is based on the so-called D-vine. We extend the methodology to any regular vine and study the relationship between the multiple correlation and partial correlations on a regular vine. We explain the onion method in terms of elliptical distributions and extend it to allow generating random correlation matrices from the same joint distribution as the vine method. The methods are compared in terms of time necessary to generate 5000 random correlation matrices of given dimensions.
Keywords: Correlation matrix; Dependence vines; Onion method; Partial correlation; LKJ
Jianjun David Li. A two-step rejection procedure for testing multiple hypotheses. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(6):1521–1527, 2008.
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Miqing Li. Is Our Archiving Reliable? Multiobjective Archiving Methods on “Simple” Artificial Input Sequences. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, 1(3):1–19, 2021.
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Ke Li, Renzhi Chen, Guangtao Fu, and Xin Yao. Two-archive evolutionary algorithm for constrained multiobjective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(2):303–315, 2018.
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Miqing Li, Tao Chen, and Xin Yao. How to evaluate solutions in Pareto-based search-based software engineering? A critical review and methodological guidance. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(5):1771–1799, 2020.
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Miqing Li, Crina Grosan, Shengxiang Yang, Xiaohui Liu, and Xin Yao. Multi-line distance minimization: A visualized many-objective test problem suite. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(1):61–78, 2018.
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highly degenerate Pareto fronts
Miqing Li, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Xin Yao. Multi-Objective Archiving. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 28(3):696–717, 2023.
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Most multi-objective optimisation algorithms maintain an archive explicitly or implicitly during their search. Such an archive can be solely used to store high-quality solutions presented to the decision maker, but in many cases may participate in the search process (e.g., as the population in evolutionary computation). Over the last two decades, archiving, the process of comparing new solutions with previous ones and deciding how to update the archive/population, stands as an important issue in evolutionary multi-objective optimisation (EMO). This is evidenced by constant efforts from the community on developing various effective archiving methods, ranging from conventional Pareto-based methods to more recent indicator-based and decomposition-based ones. However, the focus of these efforts is on empirical performance comparison in terms of specific quality indicators; there is lack of systematic study of archiving methods from a general theoretical perspective. In this paper, we attempt to conduct a systematic overview of multi-objective archiving, in the hope of paving the way to understand archiving algorithms from a holistic perspective of theory and practice, and more importantly providing a guidance on how to design theoretically desirable and practically useful archiving algorithms. In doing so, we also present that archiving algorithms based on weakly Pareto compliant indicators (e.g., ε-indicator), as long as designed properly, can achieve the same theoretical desirables as archivers based on Pareto compliant indicators (e.g., hypervolume indicator). Such desirables include the property limit-optimal, the limit form of the possible optimal property that a bounded archiving algorithm can have with respect to the most general form of superiority between solution sets.
Zhiyi Li, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Shay Bahramirad, and Amin Khodaei. Optimizing Traffic Signal Settings in Smart Cities. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 3053(4):1–1, 2016.
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Traffic signals play a critical role in smart cities for mitigating traffic congestions and reducing the emission in metropolitan areas. This paper proposes a bi-level optimization framework to settle the optimal traffic signal setting problem. The upper-level problem determines the traffic signal settings to minimize the drivers' average travel time, while the lower-level problem aims for achieving the network equilibrium using the settings calculated at the upper level. Genetic algorithm is employed with the integration of microscopic-traffic-simulation based dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) to decouple the complex bi-level problem into tractable single-level problems which are solved sequentially. Case studies on a synthetic traffic network and a real-world traffic subnetwork are conducted to examine the effectiveness of the proposed model and relevant solution methods. Additional strategies are provided for the extension of the proposed model and the acceleration solution process in large-area traffic network applications.
Xiaoping Li, Long Chen, Haiyan Xu, and Jatinder N. D. Gupta. Trajectory Scheduling Methods for Minimizing Total Tardiness in a Flowshop. Operations Research Perspectives, 2:13–23, 2015.
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Lisha Li, Kevin Jamieson, Giulia DeSalvo, Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Ameet Talwalkar. Hyperband: A Novel Bandit-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(185):1–52, 2018.
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Performance of machine learning algorithms depends critically on identifying a good set of hyperparameters. While recent approaches use Bayesian optimization to adaptively select configurations, we focus on speeding up random search through adaptive resource allocation and early-stopping. We formulate hyperparameter optimization as a pure-exploration non-stochastic infinite-armed bandit problem where a predefined resource like iterations, data samples, or features is allocated to randomly sampled configurations. We introduce a novel algorithm, our algorithm, for this framework and analyze its theoretical properties, providing several desirable guarantees. Furthermore, we compare our algorithm with popular Bayesian optimization methods on a suite of hyperparameter optimization problems. We observe that our algorithm can provide over an order-of-magnitude speedup over our competitor set on a variety of deep-learning and kernel-based learning problems.
Keywords: racing
Y. Li and W. Li. Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Based on Information Entropy: Foundation and Application. Fundamenta Informaticae, 77(3):229–242, 2007.
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Bingdong Li, Jinlong Li, Ke Tang, and Xin Yao. Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 48(1):1–35, 2015.
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Bingdong Li, Ke Tang, Jinlong Li, and Xin Yao. Stochastic ranking algorithm for many-objective optimization based on multiple indicators. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(6):924–938, 2016.
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Miqing Li, Shengxiang Yang, and Xiaohui Liu. Shift-based density estimation for Pareto-based algorithms in many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(3):348–365, 2014.
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Proposed SDE indicator algorithm
Miqing Li, Shengxiang Yang, and Xiaohui Liu. Pareto or non-Pareto: Bi-criterion evolution in multiobjective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(5):645–665, 2016.
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Miqing Li and Xin Yao. Quality Evaluation of Solution Sets in Multiobjective Optimisation: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 52(2):1–38, 2019.
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Miqing Li and Xin Yao. Dominance Move: A Measure of Comparing Solution Sets in Multiobjective Optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.00477, 2017.
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Miqing Li and Xin Yao. What weights work for you? Adapting weights for any Pareto front shape in decomposition-based evolutionary multiobjective optimisation. Evolutionary Computation, 28(2):227–253, 2020.
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Hui Li and Qingfu Zhang. Multiobjective Optimization Problems with Complicated Pareto sets, MOEA/D and NSGA-II. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(2):284–302, 2009.
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Zhipan Li, Juan Zou, Shengxiang Yang, and Jinhua Zheng. A two-archive algorithm with decomposition and fitness allocation for multi-modal multi-objective optimization. Information Sciences, 574:413–430, 2021.
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Tianjun Liao, Doǧan Aydın, and Thomas Stützle. Artificial Bee Colonies for Continuous Optimization: Experimental Analysis and Improvements. Swarm Intelligence, 7(4):327–356, 2013.
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Tianjun Liao, Daniel Molina, Marco A. Montes de Oca, and Thomas Stützle. A Note on the Effects of Enforcing Bound Constraints on Algorithm Comparisons using the IEEE CEC'05 Benchmark Function Suite. Evolutionary Computation, 22(2):351–359, 2014.
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Tianjun Liao, Daniel Molina, and Thomas Stützle. Performance Evaluation of Automatically Tuned Continuous Optimizers on Different Benchmark Sets. Applied Soft Computing, 27:490–503, 2015.
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Tianjun Liao, Marco A. Montes de Oca, and Thomas Stützle. Computational results for an automatically tuned CMA-ES with increasing population size on the CEC'05 benchmark set. Soft Computing, 17(6):1031–1046, 2013.
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Tianjun Liao, Krzysztof Socha, Marco A. Montes de Oca, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. Ant Colony Optimization for Mixed-Variable Optimization Problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4):503–518, 2014.
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Keywords: ACOR
Tianjun Liao, Thomas Stützle, Marco A. Montes de Oca, and Marco Dorigo. A Unified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Continuous Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 234(3):597–609, 2014.
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C.-J. Liao, C.-T. Tseng, and P. Luarn. A Discrete Version of Particle Swarm Optimization for Flowshop Scheduling Problems. Computers & Operations Research, 34(10):3099–3111, 2007.
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Arnaud Liefooghe, Fabio Daolio, Bilel Derbel, Sébastien Verel, Hernán E. Aguirre, and Kiyoshi Tanaka. Landscape-Aware Performance Prediction for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 24(6):1063–1077, 2020.
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Arnaud Liefooghe, Jérémie Humeau, Salma Mesmoudi, Laetitia Jourdan, and El-Ghazali Talbi. On dominance-based multiobjective local search: design, implementation and experimental analysis on scheduling and traveling salesman problems. Journal of Heuristics, 18(2):317–352, 2012.
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This paper discusses simple local search approaches for approximating the efficient set of multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. We focus on algorithms defined by a neighborhood structure and a dominance relation that iteratively improve an archive of nondominated solutions. Such methods are referred to as dominance-based multiobjective local search. We first provide a concise overview of existing algorithms, and we propose a model trying to unify them through a fine-grained decomposition. The main problem-independent search components of dominance relation, solution selection, neighborhood exploration and archiving are largely discussed. Then, a number of state-of-the-art and original strategies are experimented on solving a permutation flowshop scheduling problem and a traveling salesman problem, both on a two- and a three-objective formulation. Experimental results and a statistical comparison are reported in the paper, and some directions for future research are highlighted.
Arnaud Liefooghe, Laetitia Jourdan, and El-Ghazali Talbi. A Software Framework Based on a Conceptual Unified Model for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: ParadisEO-MOEO. European Journal of Operational Research, 209(2):104–112, 2011.
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Arnaud Liefooghe, Sébastien Verel, and Jin-Kao Hao. A hybrid metaheuristic for multiobjective unconstrained binary quadratic programming. Applied Soft Computing, 16:10–19, 2014.
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Bojan Likar and Juš Kocijan. Predictive control of a gas–liquid separation plant based on a Gaussian process model. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 31(3):142–152, 2007.
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Marius Thomas Lindauer, Katharina Eggensperger, Matthias Feurer, André Biedenkapp, Difan Deng, Carolin Benjamins, Tim Ruhkopf, René Sass, and Frank Hutter. SMAC3: A Versatile Bayesian Optimization Package for Hyperparameter Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23:1–9, 2022.
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Marius Thomas Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos, Frank Hutter, and Torsten Schaub. AutoFolio: An Automatically Configured Algorithm Selector. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 53:745–778, 2015.
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S. Lin and B. W. Kernighan. An Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Operations Research, 21(2):498–516, 1973.
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Marius Thomas Lindauer, Jan N. van Rijn, and Lars Kotthoff. The algorithm selection competitions 2015 and 2017. Artificial Intelligence, 272:86–100, 2019.
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Andrei Lissovoi and Carsten Witt. Runtime Analysis of Ant Colony Optimization on Dynamic Shortest Path Problems. Theoretical Computer Science, 561(Part A):73–85, 2015.
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A simple ACO algorithm called λ-MMAS for dynamic variants of the single-destination shortest paths problem is studied by rigorous runtime analyses. Building upon previous results for the special case of 1-MMAS, it is studied to what extent an enlarged colony using λ ants per vertex helps in tracking an oscillating optimum. It is shown that easy cases of oscillations can be tracked by a constant number of ants. However, the paper also identifies more involved oscillations that with overwhelming probability cannot be tracked with any polynomial-size colony. Finally, parameters of dynamic shortest-path problems which make the optimum difficult to track are discussed. Experiments illustrate theoretical findings and conjectures.
J. D. C. Little, K. G. Murty, D. W. Sweeney, and C. Karel. An Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Operations Research, 11:972–989, 1963.
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Shusen Liu, Dan Maljovec, Bei Wang, Peer-Timo Bremer, and Valerio Pascucci. Visualizing High-Dimensional Data: Advances in the Past Decade. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(3), 2017.
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Jiyin Liu and Colin R. Reeves. Constructive and Composite Heuristic Solutions to the P//ΣCi Scheduling Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 132(2):439–452, 2001.
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Yiping Liu, Gary G. Yen, and Dunwei Gong. A multimodal multiobjective evolutionary algorithm using two-archive and recombination strategies. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(4):660–674, 2018.
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Marco Locatelli and Fabio Schoen. Random Linkage: a family of acceptance/rejection algorithms for global optimisation. Mathematical Programming, 85(2), 1999.
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Keywords: Multi-Level Single-Linkage (MLSL)
Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Michele Monaci. Two-dimensional packing problems: A survey. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(2):241–252, 2002.
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Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches for a class of two-dimensional bin packing problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 11(4):345–357, 1999.
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Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. TSpack: a unified tabu search code for multi-dimensional bin packing problems. Annals of Operations Research, 131(1-4):203–213, 2004.
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Andrea Lodi and Giulia Zarpellon. On Learning and Branching: A Survey. TOP, 25:207–236, 2017.
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Jason D. Lohn, Gregory S. Hornby, and Derek S. Linden. Human-competitive Evolved Antennas. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 22(3):235–247, 2008.
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Evolutionary optimization of antennas for NASA
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Christian Blum. Beam-ACO for the travelling salesman problem with time windows. Computers & Operations Research, 37(9):1570–1583, 2010.
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The travelling salesman problem with time windows is a difficult optimization problem that arises, for example, in logistics. This paper deals with the minimization of the travel-cost. For solving this problem, this paper proposes a Beam-ACO algorithm, which is a hybrid method combining ant colony optimization with beam search. In general, Beam-ACO algorithms heavily rely on accurate and computationally inexpensive bounding information for differentiating between partial solutions. This work uses stochastic sampling as a useful alternative. An extensive experimental evaluation on seven benchmark sets from the literature shows that the proposed Beam-ACO algorithm is currently a state-of-the-art technique for the travelling salesman problem with time windows when travel-cost optimization is concerned.
Keywords: Ant colony optimization, Travelling salesman problem with time windows, Hybridization
Manuel López-Ibáñez, Christian Blum, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann, and Barrett W. Thomas. The Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows: Adapting Algorithms from Travel-time to Makespan Optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 13(9):3806–3815, 2013.
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Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jürgen Branke, and Luís Paquete. Reproducibility in Evolutionary Computation. Arxiv preprint arXiv:20102.03380 [cs.AI], 2021.
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Experimental studies are prevalent in Evolutionary Computation (EC), and concerns about the reproducibility and replicability of such studies have increased in recent times, reflecting similar concerns in other scientific fields. In this article, we suggest a classification of different types of reproducibility that refines the badge system of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) adopted by TELO. We discuss, within the context of EC, the different types of reproducibility as well as the concepts of artifact and measurement, which are crucial for claiming reproducibility. We identify cultural and technical obstacles to reproducibility in the EC field. Finally, we provide guidelines and suggest tools that may help to overcome some of these reproducibility obstacles.
Keywords: Evolutionary Computation, Reproducibility, Empirical study, Benchmarking
Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jürgen Branke, and Luís Paquete. Reproducibility in Evolutionary Computation. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, 1(4):1–21, 2021.
bib | DOI | epub ]
Experimental studies are prevalent in Evolutionary Computation (EC), and concerns about the reproducibility and replicability of such studies have increased in recent times, reflecting similar concerns in other scientific fields. In this article, we suggest a classification of different types of reproducibility that refines the badge system of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) adopted by TELO. We discuss, within the context of EC, the different types of reproducibility as well as the concepts of artifact and measurement, which are crucial for claiming reproducibility. We identify cultural and technical obstacles to reproducibility in the EC field. Finally, we provide guidelines and suggest tools that may help to overcome some of these reproducibility obstacles.
Keywords: Evolutionary Computation, Reproducibility, Empirical study, Benchmarking
Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. The irace Package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration. Operations Research Perspectives, 3:43–58, 2016.
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Manuel López-Ibáñez, Marie-Eléonore Kessaci, and Thomas Stützle. Automatic Design of Hybrid Metaheuristics from Algorithmic Components. Submitted, 2017.
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Manuel López-Ibáñez, Luís Paquete, and Thomas Stützle. Hybrid Population-based Algorithms for the Bi-objective Quadratic Assignment Problem. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 5(1):111–137, 2006.
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We present variants of an ant colony optimization (MO-ACO) algorithm and of an evolutionary algorithm (SPEA2) for tackling multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems, hybridized with an iterative improvement algorithm and the robust tabu search algorithm. The performance of the resulting hybrid stochastic local search (SLS) algorithms is experimentally investigated for the bi-objective quadratic assignment problem (bQAP) and compared against repeated applications of the underlying local search algorithms for several scalarizations. The experiments consider structured and unstructured bQAP instances with various degrees of correlation between the flow matrices. We do a systematic experimental analysis of the algorithms using outperformance relations and the attainment functions methodology to asses differences in the performance of the algorithms. The experimental results show the usefulness of the hybrid algorithms if the available computation time is not too limited and identify SPEA2 hybridized with very short tabu search runs as the most promising variant.
Manuel López-Ibáñez, Leslie Pérez Cáceres, and Thomas Stützle. irace: A Tool for the Automatic Configuration of Algorithms. International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) News, 14(2):30–32, June 2020.
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Manuel López-Ibáñez, T. Devi Prasad, and Ben Paechter. Ant Colony Optimisation for the Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 134(4):337–346, 2008.
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Reducing energy consumption of water distribution networks has never had more significance than today. The greatest energy savings can be obtained by careful scheduling of operation of pumps. Schedules can be defined either implicitly, in terms of other elements of the network such as tank levels, or explicitly by specifying the time during which each pump is on/off. The traditional representation of explicit schedules is a string of binary values with each bit representing pump on/off status during a particular time interval. In this paper a new explicit representation is presented. It is based on time controlled triggers, where the maximum number of pump switches is specified beforehand. In this representation a pump schedule is divided into a series of integers with each integer representing the number of hours for which a pump is active/inactive. This reduces the number of potential schedules (search space) compared to the binary representation. Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a stochastic meta-heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems that is inspired by the foraging behavior of some species of ants. In this paper, an application of the ACO framework was developed for the optimal scheduling of pumps. The proposed representation was adapted to an ant colony Optimization framework and solved for the optimal pump schedules. Minimization of electrical cost was considered as the objective, while satisfying system constraints. Instead of using a penalty function approach for constraint violations, constraint violations were ordered according to their importance and solutions were ranked based on this order. The proposed approach was tested on a small test network and on a large real-world network. Results are compared with those obtained using a simple genetic algorithm based on binary representation and a hybrid genetic algorithm that uses level-based triggers.
Manuel López-Ibáñez, T. Devi Prasad, and Ben Paechter. Representations and Evolutionary Operators for the Scheduling of Pump Operations in Water Distribution Networks. Evolutionary Computation, 19(3):429–467, 2011.
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Reducing the energy consumption of water distribution networks has never had more significance. The greatest energy savings can be obtained by carefully scheduling the operations of pumps. Schedules can be defined either implicitly, in terms of other elements of the network such as tank levels, or explicitly by specifying the time during which each pump is on/off. The traditional representation of explicit schedules is a string of binary values with each bit representing pump on/off status during a particular time interval. In this paper, we formally define and analyze two new explicit representations based on time-controlled triggers, where the maximum number of pump switches is established beforehand and the schedule may contain less switches than the maximum. In these representations, a pump schedule is divided into a series of integers with each integer representing the number of hours for which a pump is active/inactive. This reduces the number of potential schedules compared to the binary representation, and allows the algorithm to operate on the feasible region of the search space. We propose evolutionary operators for these two new representations. The new representations and their corresponding operations are compared with the two most-used representations in pump scheduling, namely, binary representation and level-controlled triggers. A detailed statistical analysis of the results indicates which parameters have the greatest effect on the performance of evolutionary algorithms. The empirical results show that an evolutionary algorithm using the proposed representations improves over the results obtained by a recent state-of-the-art Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for pump scheduling using level-controlled triggers.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle. An experimental analysis of design choices of multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithms. Swarm Intelligence, 6(3):207–232, 2012.
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Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle. The Automatic Design of Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16(6):861–875, 2012.
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Multi-objective optimization problems are problems with several, typically conflicting criteria for evaluating solutions. Without any a priori preference information, the Pareto optimality principle establishes a partial order among solutions, and the output of the algorithm becomes a set of nondominated solutions rather than a single one. Various ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have been proposed in recent years for solving such problems. These multi-objective ACO (MOACO) algorithms exhibit different design choices for dealing with the particularities of the multi-objective context. This paper proposes a formulation of algorithmic components that suffices to describe most MOACO algorithms proposed so far. This formulation also shows that existing MOACO algorithms often share equivalent design choices but they are described in different terms. Moreover, this formulation is synthesized into a flexible algorithmic framework, from which not only existing MOACO algorithms may be instantiated, but also combinations of components that were never studied in the literature. In this sense, this paper goes beyond proposing a new MOACO algorithm, but it rather introduces a family of MOACO algorithms. The flexibility of the proposed MOACO framework facilitates the application of automatic algorithm configuration techniques. The experimental results presented in this paper show that the automatically configured MOACO framework outperforms the MOACO algorithms that inspired the framework itself. This paper is also among the first to apply automatic algorithm configuration techniques to multi-objective algorithms.
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle. Automatically Improving the Anytime Behaviour of Optimisation Algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 235(3):569–582, 2014.
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Optimisation algorithms with good anytime behaviour try to return as high-quality solutions as possible independently of the computation time allowed. Designing algorithms with good anytime behaviour is a difficult task, because performance is often evaluated subjectively, by plotting the trade-off curve between computation time and solution quality. Yet, the trade-off curve may be modelled also as a set of mutually nondominated, bi-objective points. Using this model, we propose to combine an automatic configuration tool and the hypervolume measure, which assigns a single quality measure to a nondominated set. This allows us to improve the anytime behaviour of optimisation algorithms by means of automatically finding algorithmic configurations that produce the best nondominated sets. Moreover, the recently proposed weighted hypervolume measure is used here to incorporate the decision-maker's preferences into the automatic tuning procedure. We report on the improvements reached when applying the proposed method to two relevant scenarios: (i) the design of parameter variation strategies for MAX-MIN Ant System and (ii) the tuning of the anytime behaviour of SCIP, an open-source mixed integer programming solver with more than 200 parameters.
Eunice López-Camacho, Hugo Terashima-Marin, Peter Ross, and Gabriela Ochoa. A unified hyper-heuristic framework for solving bin packing problems. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(15):6876–6889, 2014.
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Manuel López-Ibáñez, Diederick Vermetten, Johann Dreo, and Carola Doerr. Using the Empirical Attainment Function for Analyzing Single-objective Black-box Optimization Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2025.
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A widely accepted way to assess the performance of iterative black-box optimizers is to analyze their empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of pre-defined quality targets achieved not later than a given runtime. In this work, we consider an alternative approach, based on the empirical attainment function (EAF) and we show that the target-based ECDF is an approximation of the EAF. We argue that the EAF has several advantages over the target-based ECDF. In particular, it does not require defining a priori quality targets per function, captures performance differences more precisely, and enables the use of additional summary statistics that enrich the analysis. We also show that the average area over the convergence curves is a simpler-to-calculate, but equivalent, measure of anytime performance. To facilitate the accessibility of the EAF, we integrate a module to compute it into the IOHanalyzer platform. Finally, we illustrate the use of the EAF via synthetic examples and via the data available for the BBOB suite.
Keywords: EAF-based ECDF
Samir Loudni and Patrice Boizumault. Combining VNS with constraint programming for solving anytime optimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 191:705–735, 2008.
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Helena R. Lourenço. Job-Shop Scheduling: Computational Study of Local Search and Large-Step Optimization Methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 83(2):347–364, 1995.
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Antonio Lova and Pilar Tormos. Analysis of Scheduling Schemes and Heuristic Rules Performance in Resource-Constrained Multiproject Scheduling. Annals of Operations Research, 102(1-4):263–286, February 2001.
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Frequently, the availability of resources assigned to a project is limited and not sufficient to execute all the concurrent activities. In this situation, decision making about their schedule is necessary. Many times this schedule supposes an increase in the project completion time. Additionally, companies commonly manage various projects simultaneously, sharing a pool of renewable resources. Given these resource constraints, we often can only apply heuristic methods to solve the scheduling problem. In this work the effect of the schedule generation schemes - serial or parallel - and priority rules - MINLFT, MINSLK, MAXTWK, SASP or FCFS - with two approaches - multi-project and single-project - are analysed. The time criteria considered are the mean project delay and the multiproject duration increase. Through an extensive computational study, results show that with the parallel scheduling generation scheme and the multi-project approach the project manager can obtain a good multiproject schedule with the time criterion selected: minimising mean project delay or minimising multiproject duration increase. New heuristics - based on priority rules with a two-phase approach - that outperform classical ones are proposed to minimise mean project delay with a multi-project approach. Finally, the best heuristics analysed are evaluated together with a representative sample of commercial project management software.
Keywords: Combinatorics, heuristic based on priority rules, Multiproject scheduling, Operation Research/Decision Theory, Project management, project management software, Resource allocation, Theory of Computation
Antonio Lova, Pilar Tormos, Mariamar Cervantes, and Federico Barber. An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm for scheduling projects with resource constraints and multiple execution modes. International Journal of Production Economics, 117(2):302–316, 2009.
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Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (MRCPSP) aims at finding the start times and execution modes for the activities of a project that optimize a given objective function while verifying a set of precedence and resource constraints. In this paper, we focus on this problem and develop a hybrid Genetic Algorithm (MM-HGA) to solve it. Its main contributions are the mode assignment procedure, the fitness function and the use of a very efficient improving method. Its performance is demonstrated by extensive computational results obtained on a set of standard instances and against the best currently available algorithms.
Keywords: genetic algorithm, multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling
Manuel Lozano, Fred Glover, Carlos García-Martínez, Francisco J. Rodríguez, and Rafael Martí. Tabu Search with Strategic Oscillation for the Quadratic Minimum Spanning Tree. IIE Transactions, 46(4):414–428, 2014.
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Manuel Lozano, Daniel Molina, and Carlos García-Martínez. Iterated Greedy for the Maximum Diversity Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(1):31–38, 2011.
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Zhipeng Lü, Fred Glover, and Jin-Kao Hao. A hybrid metaheuristic approach to solving the UBQP problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 207(3):1254–1262, 2010.
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Andrew Lucas. Ising formulations of many NP problems. Frontiers in Physics, 2:5, 2014.
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M. Lundy and A. Mees. Convergence of an Annealing Algorithm. Mathematical Programming, 34(1):111–124, 1986.
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Thibaut Lust and Jacques Teghem. Two-phase Pareto local search for the biobjective traveling salesman problem. Journal of Heuristics, 16(3):475–510, 2010.
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In this work, we present a method, called Two-Phase Pareto Local Search, to find a good approximation of the efficient set of the biobjective traveling salesman problem. In the first phase of the method, an initial population composed of a good approximation of the extreme supported efficient solutions is generated. We use as second phase a Pareto Local Search method applied to each solution of the initial population. We show that using the combination of these two techniques: good initial population generation plus Pareto Local Search gives better results than state-of-the-art algorithms. Two other points are introduced: the notion of ideal set and a simple way to produce near-efficient solutions of multiobjective problems, by using an efficient single-objective solver with a data perturbation technique.
Thibaut Lust and Jacques Teghem. The multiobjective multidimensional knapsack problem: a survey and a new approach. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1007.4063, 2010. Published as [891].
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Thibaut Lust and Jacques Teghem. The multiobjective multidimensional knapsack problem: a survey and a new approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 19(4):495–520, 2012.
bib | DOI ]
Thibaut Lust and Andrzej Jaszkiewicz. Speed-up techniques for solving large-scale biobjective TSP. Computers & Operations Research, 37(3):521–533, 2010.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: Multiobjective combinatorial optimization, Hybrid metaheuristics, TSP, Local search, Speed-up techniques
C. von Lücken, Benjamín Barán, and Carlos Brizuela. A survey on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for many-objective problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 58(3):707–756, 2014.
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Laurens van der Maaten and Geoffrey Hinton. Visualizing Data using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9(86):2579–2605, 2008.
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Marlos C. Machado, Marc G. Bellemare, Erik Talvitie, Joel Veness, Matthew Hausknecht, and Michael Bowling. Revisiting the Arcade Learning Environment: Evaluation Protocols and Open Problems for General Agents. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 61(1):523–562, January 2018.
bib ]
The Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) is an evaluation platform that poses the challenge of building AI agents with general competency across dozens of Atari 2600 games. It supports a variety of different problem settings and it has been receiving increasing attention from the scientific community, leading to some high-pro_le success stories such as the much publicized Deep Q-Networks (DQN). In this article we take a big picture look at how the ALE is being used by the research community. We show how diverse the evaluation methodologies in the ALE have become with time, and highlight some key concerns when evaluating agents in the ALE. We use this discussion to present some methodological best practices and provide new benchmark results using these best practices. To further the progress in the field, we introduce a new version of the ALE that supports multiple game modes and provides a form of stochasticity we call sticky actions. We conclude this big picture look by revisiting challenges posed when the ALE was introduced, summarizing the state-of-the-art in various problems and highlighting problems that remain open.
Sam Madden. From Databases to Big Data. IEEE Internet Computing, 16(3), 2012.
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M. Mahdavi, M. Fesanghary, and E. Damangir. An improved harmony search algorithm for solving optimization problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188(2):1567–1579, 2007.
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This paper develops an Improved harmony search (IHS) algorithm for solving optimization problems. IHS employs a novel method for generating new solution vectors that enhances accuracy and convergence rate of harmony search (HS) algorithm. In this paper the impacts of constant parameters on harmony search algorithm are discussed and a strategy for tuning these parameters is presented. The IHS algorithm has been successfully applied to various benchmarking and standard engineering optimization problems. Numerical results reveal that the proposed algorithm can find better solutions when compared to HS and other heuristic or deterministic methods and is a powerful search algorithm for various engineering optimization problems.
Keywords: Global optimization, Heuristics, Harmony search algorithm, Mathematical programming
Guilherme B. Mainieri and Débora P. Ronconi. New heuristics for total tardiness minimization in a flexible flowshop. Optimization Letters, pp.  1–20, 2012.
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Holger R. Maier, Angus R. Simpson, Aaron C. Zecchin, Wai Kuan Foong, Kuang Yeow Phang, Hsin Yeow Seah, and Chan Lim Tan. Ant Colony Optimization for Design of Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 129(3):200–209, May / June 2003.
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Sri Srinivasa Raju M, Rammohan Mallipeddi, and Kedar Nath Das. A twin-archive guided decomposition based multi/many-objective evolutionary algorithm. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 71:101082, 2022.
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Katherine M. Malan and Andries Engelbrecht. A survey of techniques for characterising fitness landscapes and some possible ways forward. Information Sciences, 241:148–163, 2013.
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R. M. Males, R. M. Clark, P. J. Wehrman, and W. E. Gateset. Algorithm for mixing problems in water systems. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 111(2):206–219, 1985.
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Vittorio Maniezzo. Exact and Approximate Nondeterministic Tree-Search Procedures for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 11(4):358–369, 1999.
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Vittorio Maniezzo and A. Carbonaro. An ANTS Heuristic for the Frequency Assignment Problem. Future Generation Computer Systems, 16(8):927–935, 2000.
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Vittorio Maniezzo and Alberto Colorni. The Ant System Applied to the Quadratic Assignment Problem. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 11(5):769–778, 1999.
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E. Q. V. Martins. On a multicritera shortest path problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 16:236–245, 1984.
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R. T. Marler and J. S. Arora. Survey of multi-objective optimization methods for engineering. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 26(6):369–395, April 2004.
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Discusses a priori (scalarized) methods.
Raul Martín-Santamaría, Sergio Cavero, Alberto Herrán, Abraham Duarte, and J. Manuel Colmenar. A Practical Methodology for Reproducible Experimentation: An Application to the Double-Row Facility Layout Problem. Evolutionary Computation, pp.  1–35, November 2023.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: irace
D. Martens, M. De Backer, R. Haesen, J. Vanthienen, M. Snoeck, and B. Baesens. Classification With Ant Colony Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 11(5):651–665, 2007.
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Raul Martín-Santamaría, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Thomas Stützle, and J. Manuel Colmenar. On the automatic generation of metaheuristic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 318(3):740–751, 2024.
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Metaheuristic algorithms have become one of the preferred approaches for solving optimization problems. Finding the best metaheuristic for a given problem is often difficult due to the large number of available approaches and possible algorithmic designs. Moreover, high-performing metaheuristics often combine general-purpose and problem-specific algorithmic components. We propose here an approach for automatically designing metaheuristics using a flexible framework of algorithmic components, from which algorithms are instantiated and evaluated by an automatic configuration method. The rules for composing algorithmic components are defined implicitly by the properties of each algorithmic component, in contrast to previous proposals, which require a handwritten algorithmic template or grammar. As a result, extending our framework with additional components, even problem-specific or user-defined ones, automatically updates the design space. Furthermore, since the generated algorithms are made up of components, they can be easily interpreted. We provide an implementation of our proposal and demonstrate its benefits by outperforming previous research in three distinct problems from completely different families: a facility layout problem, a vehicle routing problem and a clustering problem.
Keywords: irace
Hugues Marchand, Alexander Martin, Robert Weismantel, and Laurence Wolsey. Cutting planes in integer and mixed integer programming. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123(1–3):397–446, 2002.
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O. Maron and A. W. Moore. The Racing Algorithm: Model Selection for Lazy Learners. Artificial Intelligence Research, 11(1–5):193–225, 1997.
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Olivier Martin and S. W. Otto. Partitioning of Unstructured Meshes for Load Balancing. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 7(4):303–314, 1995.
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Olivier Martin and S. W. Otto. Combining Simulated Annealing with Local Search Heuristics. Annals of Operations Research, 63:57–75, 1996.
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Olivier Martin, S. W. Otto, and E. W. Felten. Large-Step Markov Chains for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Complex Systems, 5(3):299–326, 1991.
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Olivier Martin, S. W. Otto, and E. W. Felten. Large-step Markov Chains for the TSP Incorporating Local Search Heuristics. Operations Research Letters, 11(4):219–224, 1992.
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Rafael Martí, Gerhard Reinelt, and Abraham Duarte. A Benchmark Library and a Comparison of Heuristic Methods for the Linear Ordering Problem. Computational Optimization and Applications, 51(3):1297–1317, 2012.
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Raul Martín-Santamaría, Jesús Sánchez-Oro, S. Pérez-Peló, and Abraham Duarte. Strategic oscillation for the balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem. Information Sciences, 585:529–542, 2022.
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Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth. Lower bounds and reduction procedures for the bin packing problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 28(1):59–70, 1990.
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Silvano Martello and Daniele Vigo. Exact solution of the two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Management Science, 44(3):388–399, 1998.
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Abu S. Masud and C. L. Hwang. Interactive Sequential Goal Programming. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 32(5):391–400, May 1981.
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This paper introduces a new solution method based on Goal Programming for Multiple Objective Decision Making (MODM) problems. The method, called Interactive Sequential Goal Programming (ISGP), combines and extends the attractive features of both Goal Programming and interactive solution approaches for MODM problems. ISGP is applicable to both linear and non-linear problems. It uses existing single objective optimization techniques and, hence, available computer codes utilizing these techniques can be adapted for use in ISGP. The non-dominance of the "best-compromise" solution is assured. The information required from the decision maker in each iteration is simple. The proposed method is illustrated by solving a nutrition problem.
Franco Mascia, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, and Thomas Stützle. Grammar-Based Generation of Stochastic Local Search Heuristics through Automatic Algorithm Configuration Tools. Computers & Operations Research, 51:190–199, 2014.
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Franco Mascia, Paola Pellegrini, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. An Analysis of Parameter Adaptation in Reactive Tabu Search. International Transactions in Operational Research, 21(1):127–152, 2014.
bib ]
Renaud Masson, Thibaut Vidal, Julien Michallet, Puca Huachi Vaz Penna, Vinicius Petrucci, Anand Subramanian, and Hugues Dubedout. An Iterated Local Search Heuristic for Multi-capacity Bin Packing and Machine Reassignment Problems. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(13):5266–5275, 2013.
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Yazid Mati, Stéphane Dauzère-Pèrés, and Chams Lahlou. A General Approach for Optimizing Regular Criteria in the Job-shop Scheduling Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 212(1):33–42, 2011.
bib ]
Atanu Mazumdar, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Tinkle Chugh, and Kaisa Miettinen. Treed Gaussian Process Regression for Solving Offline Data-Driven Continuous Multiobjective Optimization Problems. Evolutionary Computation, 31(4):375–399, 2023.
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For offline data-driven multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs), no new data is available during the optimization process. Approximation models (or surrogates) are first built using the provided offline data and an optimizer, e.g. a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, can then be utilized to find Pareto optimal solutions to the problem with surrogates as objective functions. In contrast to online data-driven MOPs, these surrogates cannot be updated with new data and, hence, the approximation accuracy cannot be improved by considering new data during the optimization process. Gaussian process regression (GPR) models are widely used as surrogates because of their ability to provide uncertainty information. However, building GPRs becomes computationally expensive when the size of the dataset is large. Using sparse GPRs reduces the computational cost of building the surrogates. However, sparse GPRs are not tailored to solve offline data-driven MOPs, where good accuracy of the surrogates is needed near Pareto optimal solutions. Treed GPR (TGPR-MO) surrogates for offline data-driven MOPs with continuous decision variables are proposed in this paper. The proposed surrogates first split the decision space into subregions using regression trees and build GPRs sequentially in regions close to Pareto optimal solutions in the decision space to accurately approximate tradeoffs between the objective functions. TGPR-MO surrogates are computationally inexpensive because GPRs are built only in a smaller region of the decision space utilizing a subset of the data. The TGPR-MO surrogates were tested on distance-based visualizable problems with various data sizes, sampling strategies, numbers of objective functions, and decision variables. Experimental results showed that the TGPR-MO surrogates are computationally cheaper and can handle datasets of large size. Furthermore, TGPR-MO surrogates produced solutions closer to Pareto optimal solutions compared to full GPRs and sparse GPRs.
Keywords: Gaussian processes, Kriging, Regression trees, Metamodelling, Surrogate, Pareto optimality
Ross M. McConnell, Kurt Mehlhorn, Stefan Näher, and Pascal Schweitzer. Certifying algorithms. Computer Science Review, 5(2):119–161, 2011.
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A certifying algorithm is an algorithm that produces, with each output, a certificate or witness (easy-to-verify proof) that the particular output has not been compromised by a bug. A user of a certifying algorithm inputs x, receives the output y and the certificate w, and then checks, either manually or by use of a program, that w proves that y is a correct output for input x. In this way, he/she can be sure of the correctness of the output without having to trust the algorithm. We put forward the thesis that certifying algorithms are much superior to non-certifying algorithms, and that for complex algorithmic tasks, only certifying algorithms are satisfactory. Acceptance of this thesis would lead to a change of how algorithms are taught and how algorithms are researched. The widespread use of certifying algorithms would greatly enhance the reliability of algorithmic software. We survey the state of the art in certifying algorithms and add to it. In particular, we start a theory of certifying algorithms and prove that the concept is universal.
Keywords: Algorithms, Software reliability, Certification
G. McCormick and R. S. Powell. Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Supply Systems with Maximum Demand Charges. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 129(5):372–379, 2003.
bib | DOI | epub ]
Keywords: water supply; pumps; Markov processes; cost optimal control
G. McCormick and R. S. Powell. Derivation of near-optimal pump schedules for water distribution by simulated annealing. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(7):728–736, July 2004.
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The scheduling of pumps for clean water distribution is a partially discrete non-linear problem with many variables. The scheduling method described in this paper typically produces costs within 1% of a linear program-based solution, and can incorporate realistic non-linear costs that may be hard to incorporate in linear programming formulations. These costs include pump switching and maximum demand charges. A simplified model is derived from a standard hydraulic simulator. An initial schedule is produced by a descent method. Two-stage simulated annealing then produces solutions in a few minutes. Iterative recalibration ensures that the solution agrees closely with the results from a full hydraulic simulation.
James McDermott. When and Why Metaheuristics Researchers can Ignore "No Free Lunch" Theorems. SN Computer Science, 1(60):1–18, 2020.
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Catherine C. McGeoch. Analyzing Algorithms by Simulation: Variance Reduction Techniques and Simulation Speedups. ACM Computing Surveys, 24(2):195–212, 1992.
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Although experimental studies have been widely applied to the investigation of algorithm performance, very little attention has been given to experimental method in this area. This is unfortunate, since much can be done to improve the quality of the data obtained; often, much improvement may be needed for the data to be useful. This paper gives a tutorial discussion of two aspects of good experimental technique: the use of variance reduction techniques and simulation speedups in algorithm studies. In an illustrative study, application of variance reduction techniques produces a decrease in variance by a factor 1000 in one case, giving a dramatic improvement in the precision of experimental results. Furthermore, the complexity of the simulation program is improved from Θ(m n/Hn) to Θ(m + n log n) (where m is typically much larger than n), giving a much faster simulation program and therefore more data per unit of computation time. The general application of variance reduction techniques is also discussed for a variety of algorithm problem domains.
Keywords: experimental analysis of algorithms, move-to-front rule, self-organizing sequential search, statistical analysis of algorithms, transpose rule, variance reduction techniques
Catherine C. McGeoch. Toward an Experimental Method for Algorithm Simulation. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 8(1):1–15, 1996.
bib | DOI ]
Michael D. McKay, Richard J. Beckman, and W. J. Conover. A Comparison of Three Methods for Selecting Values of Input Variables in the Analysis of Output from a Computer Code. Technometrics, 21(2):239–245, 1979.
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Two types of sampling plans are examined as alternatives to simple random sampling in Monte Carlo studies. These plans are shown to be improvements over simple random sampling with respect to variance for a class of estimators which includes the sample mean and the empirical distribution function.
Russell McKenna, Valentin Bertsch, Kai Mainzer, and Wolf Fichtner. Combining local preferences with multi-criteria decision analysis and linear optimization to develop feasible energy concepts in small communities. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3):1092–1110, 2018.
bib ]
Robert I. Mckay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Peter Alexander Whigham, Yin Shan, and Michael O'Neill. Grammar-based Genetic Programming: A Survey. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11(3-4):365–396, September 2010.
bib | DOI ]
Klaus Meer. Simulated annealing versus Metropolis for a TSP instance. Information Processing Letters, 104(6):216–219, 2007.
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Gábor Melis, Chris Dyer, and Phil Blunsom. On the State of the Art of Evaluation in Neural Language Models. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1807.02811, 2017.
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M. T. Melo, S. Nickel, and F. Saldanha-da Gama. Facility location and supply chain management: A review. European Journal of Operational Research, 196(2):401–412, 2009.
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Ole J. Mengshoel. Understanding the role of noise in stochastic local search: Analysis and experiments. Artificial Intelligence, 172(8):955–990, 2008.
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Juan-Julián Merelo and Carlos Cotta. Building bridges: the role of subfields in metaheuristics. SIGEVOlution, 1(4):9–15, 2006.
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Peter Merz and Bernd Freisleben. Memetic Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Complex Systems, 13(4):297–345, 2001.
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Peter Merz and Bernd Freisleben. Fitness Landscape Analysis and Memetic Algorithms for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 4(4):337–352, 2000.
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Peter Merz and Kengo Katayama. Memetic algorithms for the unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem. BioSystems, 78(1):99–118, 2004.
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D. Merkle and Martin Middendorf. Ant Colony Optimization with Global Pheromone Evaluation for Scheduling a Single Machine. Applied Intelligence, 18(1):105–111, 2003.
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D. Merkle and Martin Middendorf. Modeling the Dynamics of Ant Colony Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 10(3):235–262, 2002.
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D. Merkle, Martin Middendorf, and Hartmut Schmeck. Ant Colony Optimization for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(4):333–346, 2002.
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Peter Merz and Bernd Freisleben. Greedy and Local Search Heuristics for Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Programming. Journal of Heuristics, 8(2):197–213, 2002.
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Rafael G. Mesquita, Ricardo M. A. Silva, Carlos A. B. Mello, and Péricles B. C. Miranda. Parameter tuning for document image binarization using a racing algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(5):2593–2603, 2015.
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Keywords: irace
N. Metropolis, A. W. Rosenbluth, M. N. Rosenbluth, A. Teller, and E. Teller. Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines. Journal of Chemical Physics, 21:1087–1092, 1953.
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Nicolas Meuleau and Marco Dorigo. Ant Colony Optimization and Stochastic Gradient Descent. Artificial Life, 8(2):103–121, 2002.
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Laurent Meunier, Herilalaina Rakotoarison, Pak-Kan Wong, Baptiste Rozière, Jérémy Rapin, Olivier Teytaud, Antoine Moreau, and Carola Doerr. Black-Box Optimization Revisited: Improving Algorithm Selection Wizards through Massive Benchmarking. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2010.04542, 2020.
bib | DOI ]
Keywords: Nevergrad, NGOpt
Laurent Meunier, Herilalaina Rakotoarison, Pak-Kan Wong, Baptiste Rozière, Jérémy Rapin, Olivier Teytaud, Antoine Moreau, and Carola Doerr. Black-Box Optimization Revisited: Improving Algorithm Selection Wizards Through Massive Benchmarking. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 26(3):490–500, 2022.
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Keywords: nevergrad, NGOpt
R. M'Hallah. An iterated local search variable neighborhood descent hybrid heuristic for the total earliness tardiness permutation flow shop. International Journal of Production Research, 52(13):3802–3819, 2014.
bib ]
Zbigniew Michalewicz, Dipankar Dasgupta, Rodolphe G. Le Riche, and Marc Schoenauer. Evolutionary algorithms for constrained engineering problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 30(4):851–870, 1996.
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Julien Michallet, Christian Prins, Farouk Yalaoui, and Grégoire Vitry. Multi-start Iterated Local Search for the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Time Spread Constraints on Services. Computers & Operations Research, 41:196–207, 2014.
bib ]
Kaisa Miettinen. Survey of methods to visualize alternatives in multiple criteria decision making problems. OR Spectrum, 36(1):3–37, 2014.
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Kaisa Miettinen, Petri Eskelinen, Francisco Ruiz, and Mariano Luque. NAUTILUS method: An interactive technique in multiobjective optimization based on the nadir point. European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2):426–434, October 2010.
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Most interactive methods developed for solving multiobjective optimization problems sequentially generate Pareto optimal or nondominated vectors and the decision maker must always allow impairment in at least one objective function to get a new solution. The NAUTILUS method proposed is based on the assumptions that past experiences affect decision makers' hopes and that people do not react symmetrically to gains and losses. Therefore, some decision makers may prefer to start from the worst possible objective values and to improve every objective step by step according to their preferences. In NAUTILUS, starting from the nadir point, a solution is obtained at each iteration which dominates the previous one. Although only the last solution will be Pareto optimal, the decision maker never looses sight of the Pareto optimal set, and the search is oriented so that (s)he progressively focusses on the preferred part of the Pareto optimal set. Each new solution is obtained by minimizing an achievement scalarizing function including preferences about desired improvements in objective function values. NAUTILUS is specially suitable for avoiding undesired anchoring effects, for example in negotiation support problems, or just as a means of finding an initial Pareto optimal solution for any interactive procedure. An illustrative example demonstrates how this new method iterates.
Keywords: Reference point methods, Interactive methods, Multiple objective programming, Pareto optimality, Preference information
Kaisa Miettinen, Jyri Mustajoki, and T. J. Stewart. Interactive multiobjective optimization with NIMBUS for decision making under uncertainty. OR Spectrum, 36(1):39–56, 2014.
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R. B. Millar and M. J. Anderson. Remedies for pseudoreplication. Fisheries Research, 70(2–3):397–407, 2004.
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George A. Miller. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63(2):81–97, 1956.
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Steven Minton. Automatically configuring constraint satisfaction programs: A case study. Constraints, 1(1):7–43, 1996.
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Gerardo Minella, Rubén Ruiz, and M. Ciavotta. A Review and Evaluation of Multiobjective Algorithms for the Flowshop Scheduling Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(3):451–471, 2008.
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Giovanni Misitano, Bekir Afsar, Giomara Larraga, and Kaisa Miettinen. Towards explainable interactive multiobjective optimization: R-XIMO. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 36(42), 2022.
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Alfonsas Misevičius and Dovilė Kuznecovaitė. Investigating some strategies for construction of initial populations in genetic algorithms. Computational Science and Techniques, 5(1):560–573, 2018.
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Alfonsas Misevičius. Genetic Algorithm Hybridized with Ruin and Recreate Procedure: Application to the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Knowledge-Based Systems, 16(5–6):261–268, 2003.
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Alfonsas Misevičius. A modified simulated annealing algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem. Informatica, 14(4):497–514, 2003.
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P. Mitra, C. A. Murthy, and S. K. Pal. Unsupervised feature selection using feature similarity. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(3):301–312, 2002.
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Alfonsas Misevičius, Dovilė Kuznecovaitė, and Jūratė Platužienė. Some Further Experiments with Crossover Operators for Genetic Algorithms. Informatica, 29(3):499–516, 2018.
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Nenad Mladenović and Pierre Hansen. Variable Neighborhood Search. Computers & Operations Research, 24(11):1097–1100, 1997.
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Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver, Andrei A. Rusu, Joel Veness, Marc G. Bellemare, Alex Graves, Martin Riedmiller, Andreas K. Fidjeland, Georg Ostrovski, et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature, 518(7540):529, 2015.
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Jonas Močkus, Vytautas Tiesis, and Antanas Zilinskas. The application of bayesian methods for seeking the extremum. Towards global optimization, pp.  117–129, 1978.
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Proposed Bayesian optimization (but later than [2314])
Julián Molina, Luis V. Santana, Alfredo G. Hernández-Díaz, Carlos A. Coello Coello, and Rafael Caballero. g-Dominance: Reference point based dominance for Multiobjective Metaheuristics. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(2):685–692, September 2009.
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Proposed g-NSGA-II
Marco A. Montes de Oca, Doǧan Aydın, and Thomas Stützle. An Incremental Particle Swarm for Large-Scale Continuous Optimization Problems: An Example of Tuning-in-the-loop (Re)Design of Optimization Algorithms. Soft Computing, 15(11):2233–2255, 2011.
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Alysson Mondoro, Dan M. Frangopol, and Liang Liu. Multi-criteria robust optimization framework for bridge adaptation under climate change. Structural Safety, 74:14–23, 2018.
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Roberto Montemanni, L. M. Gambardella, A. E. Rizzoli, and A. V. Donati. Ant colony system for a dynamic vehicle routing problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 10:327–343, 2005.
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James Montgomery, Marcus Randall, and Tim Hendtlass. Solution bias in ant colony optimisation: Lessons for selecting pheromone models. Computers & Operations Research, 35(9):2728–2749, 2008.
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Elizabeth Montero, María-Cristina Riff, and Bertrand Neveu. A Beginner's Buide to Tuning Methods. Applied Soft Computing, 17:39–51, 2014.
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Marco A. Montes de Oca, Thomas Stützle, Mauro Birattari, and Marco Dorigo. Frankenstein's PSO: A Composite Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(5):1120–1132, 2009.
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Nicolas Monmarché, G. Venturini, and M. Slimane. On how pachycondyla apicalis ants suggest a new search algorithm. Future Generation Computer Systems, 16(8):937–946, 2000.
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Peter D. Morgan. Simulation of an adaptive behavior mechanism in an expert decision-maker. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23(1):65–76, 1993.
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Mouad Morabit, Guy Desaulniers, and Andrea Lodi. Machine-learning–based column selection for column generation. Transportation Science, 55(4):815–831, 2021.
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Keywords: graph neural networks
Sara Morin, Caroline Gagné, and Marc Gravel. Ant colony optimization with a specialized pheromone trail for the car-sequencing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(3):1185–1191, 2009.
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This paper studies the learning process in an ant colony optimization algorithm designed to solve the problem of ordering cars on an assembly line (car-sequencing problem). This problem has been shown to be NP-hard and evokes a great deal of interest among practitioners. Learning in an ant algorithm is achieved by using an artificial pheromone trail, which is a central element of this metaheuristic. Many versions of the algorithm are found in literature, the main distinction among them being the management of the pheromone trail. Nevertheless, few of them seek to perfect learning by modifying the internal structure of the trail. In this paper, a new pheromone trail structure is proposed that is specifically adapted to the type of constraints in the car-sequencing problem. The quality of the results obtained when solving three sets of benchmark problems is superior to that of the best solutions found in literature and shows the efficiency of the specialized trail.
Keywords: Ant colony optimization,Car-sequencing problem,Pheromone trail,Scheduling
A. M. Mora, Juan-Julián Merelo, Juan Luis Jiménez Laredo, C. Millan, and J. Torrecillas. CHAC, a MOACO algorithm for computation of bi-criteria military unit path in the battlefield: Presentation and first results. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 24(7):818–843, 2009.
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Max D. Morris and Toby J. Mitchell. Exploratory designs for computational experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 43(3):381–402, 1995.
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Keywords: Bayesian prediction
Pablo Moscato and José F. Fontanari. Stochastic Versus Deterministic Update in Simulated Annealing. Physics Letters A, 146(4):204–208, 1990.
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John Mote, Ishwar Murthy, and David L. Olson. A parametric approach to solving bicriterion shortest path problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 53(1):81–92, 1991.
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John Mote, David L. Olson, and M. A. Venkataramanan. A comparative multiobjective programming study. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 10(10):719–729, 1988.
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The purpose of this study was to systematically evaluate a number of multiobjective programming concepts relative to reflection of utility, assurance of nondominated solutions and practicality for larger problems using conventional software. In the problem used, the nonlinear simulated DM utility function applied resulted in a nonextreme point solution. Very often, the preferred solution could end up being an extreme point solution, in which case the techniques relying upon LP concepts would work as well if not better than utilizing constrained objective attainments. The point is that there is no reason to expect linear or near linear utility.
Keywords: artificial DM, interactive
Sébastien Mouthuy, Yves Deville, and Pascal van Hentenryck. Constraint-based Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search. Constraints, 17(2):87–122, 2012.
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Lucien Mousin, Marie-Eléonore Kessaci, and Clarisse Dhaenens. Exploiting Promising Sub-Sequences of Jobs to solve the No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1903.09035, 2019.
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Noura Al Moubayed, Andrei Petrovski, and John McCall. D2MOPSO: MOPSO based on decomposition and dominance with archiving using crowding distance in objective and solution spaces. Evolutionary Computation, 22(1):47–77, 2014.
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Vincent Mousseau and Roman Slowiński. Inferring an ELECTRE TRI model from assignment examples. Journal of Global Optimization, 12(2):157–174, 1998.
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Christian L. Müller and Ivos F. Sbalzarini. Energy Landscapes of Atomic Clusters as Black Box Optimization Benchmarks. Evolutionary Computation, 20(4):543–573, 2012.
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H. Mühlenbein and D. Schlierkamp-Voosen. Predictive models for the breeder genetic algorithm. Evolutionary Computation, 1(1):25–49, 1993.
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Keywords: crossover, intermediate, line
Mario A. Muñoz and Kate Smith-Miles. Generating New Space-Filling Test Instances for Continuous Black-Box Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 28(3):379–404, September 2020.
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Mario A. Muñoz, Yuan Sun, Michael Kirley, and Saman K. Halgamuge. Algorithm selection for black-box continuous optimization problems: a survey on methods and challenges. Information Sciences, 317:224–245, 2015.
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Mario A. Muñoz, Laura Villanova, Davaatseren Baatar, and Kate Smith-Miles. Instance Spaces for Machine Learning Classification. Machine Learning, 107(1):109–147, 2018.
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Yuichi Nagata and Shigenobu Kobayashi. A Powerful Genetic Algorithm Using Edge Assembly Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25(2):346–363, 2013.
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This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) for solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP). To construct a powerful GA, we use edge assembly crossover (EAX) and make substantial enhancements to it: (i) localization of EAX together with its efficient implementation and (ii) the use of a local search procedure in EAX to determine good combinations of building blocks of parent solutions for generating even better offspring solutions from very high-quality parent solutions. In addition, we develop (iii) an innovative selection model for maintaining population diversity at a negligible computational cost. Experimental results on well-studied TSP benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed GA outperforms state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms in finding very high-quality solutions on instances with up to 200,000 cities. In contrast to the state-of-the-art TSP heuristics, which are all based on the Lin-Kernighan (LK) algorithm, our GA achieves top performance without using an LK-based algorithm.
Keywords: TSP, EAX, evolutionary algorithms
Marcelo S. Nagano, Fernando L. Rossi, and Nádia J. Martarelli. High-performing heuristics to minimize flowtime in no-idle permutation flowshop. Engineering Optimization, 51(2):185–198, 2019.
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Yuichi Nagata and David Soler. A New Genetic Algorithm for the Asymmetric TSP. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(10):8947–8953, 2012.
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Samadhi Nallaperuma, Pietro S. Oliveto, Jorge Pérez Heredia, and Dirk Sudholt. On the Analysis of Trajectory-Based Search Algorithms: When is it Beneficial to Reject Improvements? Algorithmica, 81(2):858–885, 2019.
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Yang Nan, Ke Shang, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Linjun He. Reverse strategy for non-dominated archiving. IEEE Access, 8:119458–119469, 2020.
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Kaname Narukawa, Yu Setoguchi, Yuki Tanigaki, Markus Olhofer, Bernhard Sendhoff, and Hisao Ishibuchi. Preference representation using Gaussian functions on a hyperplane in evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Soft Computing, 20(7):2733–2757, July 2016.
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John Nash and Ravi Varadhan. Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 43(9):1–14, 2011.
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M. Nawaz, E. Enscore, Jr, and I. Ham. A Heuristic Algorithm for the m-Machine, n-Job Flow-Shop Sequencing Problem. Omega, 11(1):91–95, 1983.
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Keywords: NEH heuristic
Antonio J. Nebro, Manuel López-Ibáñez, José García-Nieto, and Carlos A. Coello Coello. On the automatic design of multi-objective particle swarm optimizers: experimentation and analysis. Swarm Intelligence, 18:105–139, 2024.
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Research in multi-objective particle swarm optimizers (MOPSOs) progresses by proposing one new MOPSO at a time. In spite of the commonalities among different MOPSOs, it is often unclear which algorithmic components are crucial for explaining the performance of a particular MOPSO design. Moreover, it is expected that different designs may perform best on different problem families and identifying a best overall MOPSO is a challenging task. We tackle this challenge here by: (1) proposing AutoMOPSO, a flexible algorithmic template for designing MOPSOs with a design space that can instantiate thousands of potential MOPSOs; and (2) searching for good-performing MOPSO designs given a family of training problems by means of an automatic configuration tool (irace). We apply this automatic design methodology to generate a MOPSO that significantly outperforms two state-of-the-art MOPSOs on four well-known bi-objective problem families. We also identify the key design choices and parameters of the winning MOPSO by means of ablation. AutoMOPSO is publicly available as part of the jMetal framework.
Antonio J. Nebro, F. Luna, Enrique Alba, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Juan J. Durillo, and A. Beham. AbYSS: Adapting Scatter Search to Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 12(4):439–457, August 2008.
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F. Nerri and Carlos Cotta. Memetic algorithms and memetic computing optimization: A literature review. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2:1–14, 2012.
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Frank Neumann, Dirk Sudholt, and Carsten Witt. Analysis of different MMAS ACO algorithms on unimodal functions and plateaus. Swarm Intelligence, 3(1):35–68, 2009.
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Frank Neumann and Carsten Witt. Runtime Analysis of a Simple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC), 13(084), 2006.
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Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon. Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry: Symbols and Search. Communications of the ACM, 19(3):113–126, March 1976.
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Computer science is the study of the phenomena surrounding computers. The founders of this society understood this very well when they called themselves the Association for Computing Machinery. The machine-not just the hardware, but the programmed, living machine-is the organism we study.
Keywords: cognition, Turing, search, problem solving, symbols, heuristics, list processing, computer science, artificial intelligence, science, empirical
Viet-Phuong Nguyen, Christian Prins, and Caroline Prodhon. A Multi-start Iterated Local Search with Tabu List and Path Relinking for the Two-echelon Location-routing Problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25(1):56–71, 2012.
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Anh-Tuan Nguyen, Sigrid Reiter, and Philippe Rigo. A review on simulation-based optimization methods applied to building performance analysis. Applied Energy, 113:1043–1058, 2014.
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Trung Thanh Nguyen, Shengxiang Yang, and Jürgen Branke. Evolutionary Dynamic Optimization: A Survey of the State of the Art. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 6:1–24, 2012.
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Su Nguyen, Mengjie Zhang, Mark Johnston, and Kay Chen Tan. Genetic Programming for Evolving Due-Date Assignment Models in Job Shop Environments. Evolutionary Computation, 22(1):105–138, 2014.
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Su Nguyen, Mengjie Zhang, Mark Johnston, and Kay Chen Tan. Automatic Design of Scheduling Policies for Dynamic Multi-objective Job Shop Scheduling via Cooperative Coevolution Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(2):193–208, 2014.
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Peter Nightingale, Özguür Akgün, Ian P. Gent, Christopher Jefferson, Ian Miguel, and Patrick Spracklen. Automatically Improving Constraint Models in Savile Row. Artificial Intelligence, 251:35–61, 2017.
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Chao Ning and Fengqi You. Optimization under uncertainty in the era of big data and deep learning: When machine learning meets mathematical programming. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 125:434–448, 2019.
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This paper reviews recent advances in the field of optimization under uncertainty via a modern data lens, highlights key research challenges and promise of data-driven optimization that organically integrates machine learning and mathematical programming for decision-making under uncertainty, and identifies potential research opportunities. A brief review of classical mathematical programming techniques for hedging against uncertainty is first presented, along with their wide spectrum of applications in Process Systems Engineering. A comprehensive review and classification of the relevant publications on data-driven distributionally robust optimization, data-driven chance constrained program, data-driven robust optimization, and data-driven scenario-based optimization is then presented. This paper also identifies fertile avenues for future research that focuses on a closed-loop data-driven optimization framework, which allows the feedback from mathematical programming to machine learning, as well as scenario-based optimization leveraging the power of deep learning techniques. Perspectives on online learning-based data-driven multistage optimization with a learning-while-optimizing scheme are presented.
Keywords: Data-driven optimization, Decision making under uncertainty, Big data, Machine learning, Deep learning
Naoki Nishimura, Kotaro Tanahashi, Koji Suganuma, Masamichi J. Miyama, and Masayuki Ohzeki. Item listing optimization for e-commerce websites based on diversity. Frontiers in Computer Science, 1:2, 2019.
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Keywords: Quantum Annealing
Vilas Nitivattananon, Elaine C. Sadowski, and Rafael G. Quimpo. Optimization of Water Supply System Operation. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 122(5):374–384, September / October 1996.
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Bruno Nogueira, Rian G. S. Pinheiro, and Anand Subramanian. A Hybrid Iterated Local Search Heuristic for the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem. Optimization Letters, 12(3):567–583, 2018.
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B. A. Nosek, G. Alter, G. C. Banks, D. Borsboom, S. D. Bowman, S. J. Breckler, S. Buck, C. D. Chambers, G. Chin, G. Christensen, M. Contestabile, A. Dafoe, E. Eich, J. Freese, R. Glennerster, D. Goroff, D. P. Green, B. Hesse, M. Humphreys, J. Ishiyama, D. Karlan, A. Kraut, A. Lupia, P. Mabry, T. Madon, N. Malhotra, E. Mayo-Wilson, M. McNutt, E. Miguel, E. L. Paluck, U. Simonsohn, C. Soderberg, B. A. Spellman, J. Turitto, G. VandenBos, S. Vazire, E. J. Wagenmakers, R. Wilson, and T. Yarkoni. Promoting an open research culture. Science, 348(6242):1422–1425, June 2015.
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Brian A. Nosek, Charles R. Ebersole, Alexander C. DeHaven, and David T. Mellor. The Preregistration Revolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(11):2600–2606, March 2018.
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Progress in science relies in part on generating hypotheses with existing observations and testing hypotheses with new observations. This distinction between postdiction and prediction is appreciated conceptually but is not respected in practice. Mistaking generation of postdictions with testing of predictions reduces the credibility of research findings. However, ordinary biases in human reasoning, such as hindsight bias, make it hard to avoid this mistake. An effective solution is to define the research questions and analysis plan before observing the research outcomes–a process called preregistration. Preregistration distinguishes analyses and outcomes that result from predictions from those that result from postdictions. A variety of practical strategies are available to make the best possible use of preregistration in circumstances that fall short of the ideal application, such as when the data are preexisting. Services are now available for preregistration across all disciplines, facilitating a rapid increase in the practice. Widespread adoption of preregistration will increase distinctiveness between hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing and will improve the credibility of research findings.
Yaghout Nourani and Bjarne Andresen. A Comparison of Simulated Annealing Cooling Strategies. Journal of Physics A, 31(41):8373–8385, 1998.
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Eugeniusz Nowicki and Czeslaw Smutnicki. A Fast Taboo Search Algorithm for the Job Shop Problem. Management Science, 42(6):797–813, 1996.
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Eugeniusz Nowicki and Czeslaw Smutnicki. A fast tabu search algorithm for the permutation flow-shop problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 91(1):160–175, 1996.
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Open Science Collaboration. Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349(6251):aac4716, 2015.
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Gabriela Ochoa and Nadarajen Veerapen. Mapping the global structure of TSP fitness landscapes. Journal of Heuristics, 24(3):265–294, 2018.
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Angelo Oddi, Amadeo Cesta, Nicola Policella, and Stephen F. Smith. Combining Variants of Iterative Flattening Search. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(5):683–690, 2008.
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Angelo Oddi, Amadeo Cesta, Nicola Policella, and Stephen F. Smith. Iterative Flattening Search for Resource Constrained Scheduling. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 21(1):17–30, 2010.
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F. A. Ogbu and David K. Smith. The Application of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm to the Solution of the n/m/C Max Flowshop Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 17(3):243–253, 1990.
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Jeffrey W. Ohlmann and Barrett W. Thomas. A Compressed-Annealing Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 19(1):80–90, 2007.
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Pietro S. Oliveto, Jun He, and Xin Yao. Time complexity of evolutionary algorithms for combinatorial optimization: A decade of results. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 4(3):281–293, 2007.
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Pietro S. Oliveto and Carsten Witt. Improved time complexity analysis of the Simple Genetic Algorithm. Theoretical Computer Science, 605:21–41, 2015.
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David L. Olson. Review of Empirical Studies in Multiobjective Mathematical Programming: Subject Reflection of Nonlinear Utility and Learning. Decision Sciences, 23(1):1–20, 1992.
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Multiple objective programming provides a means of aiding decision makers facing complex decisions where trade-offs among conflicting objectives must be reconciled. Interactive multiobjective programming provides a means for decision makers to learn what these trade-offs involve, while the mathematical program generates solutions that seek improvement of the implied utility of the decision maker. A variety of multiobjective programming techniques have been presented in the multicriteria decision-making literature. This study reviews published studies with human subjects where some of these techniques were applied. While all of the techniques have the ability to support decision makers under conditions of multiple objectives, a number of features in applying these systems have been tested by these studies. A general evolution of techniques is traced, starting with methods relying upon linear combinations of value, to more recent methods capable of reflecting nonlinear trade-offs of value. Support of nonlinear utility and enhancing decision-maker learning are considered.
Keywords: Decision Analysis, Human Information Processing, Linear Programming
Roland Olsson and Arne Løkketangen. Using Automatic Programming to Generate State-of-the-art Algorithms for Random 3-SAT. Journal of Heuristics, 19(5):819–844, 2013.
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Uses evolution but it is not genetic programming, nor grammatical evolution.
Mihai Oltean. Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms Using Linear Genetic Programming. Evolutionary Computation, 13(3):387–410, 2005.
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Michael O'Neill and Conor Ryan. Grammatical Evolution. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 5(4):349–358, 2001.
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Lindell E. Ormsbee, Thomas M. Walski, Donald V. Chase, and W. W. Sharp. Methodology for improving pump operation efficiency. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 115(2):148–164, 1989.
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Lindell E. Ormsbee and Kevin E. Lansey. Optimal Control of Water Supply Pumping Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 120(2):237–252, 1994.
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Lindell E. Ormsbee and Srinivasa L. Reddy. Nonlinear Heuristic for Pump Operations. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 121(4):302–309, July / August 1995.
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Jeffrey E. Orosz and Sheldon H. Jacobson. Analysis of Static Simulated Annealing Algorithms. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 115(1):165–182, 2002.
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Ibrahim H. Osman and Chris N. Potts. Simulated Annealing for Permutation Flow-Shop Scheduling. Omega, 17(6):551–557, 1989.
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P. S. Ow and T. E. Morton. Filtered Beam Search in Scheduling. International Journal of Production Research, 26:297–307, 1988.
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Proposed beam search
Gül Özerol and Esra Karasakal. Interactive outranking approaches for multicriteria decision-making problems with imprecise information. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59:1253–1268, 2007.
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Manfred Padberg and Giovanni Rinaldi. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the resolution of large-scale symmetric traveling salesman problems. SIAM Review, 33(1):60–100, 1991.
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Federico Pagnozzi and Thomas Stützle. Speeding up Local Search for the Insert Neighborhood in the Weighted Tardiness Permutation Flowshop Problem. Optimization Letters, 11:1283–1292, 2017.
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Federico Pagnozzi and Thomas Stützle. Automatic Design of Hybrid Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for Permutation Flowshop Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 276:409–421, 2019.
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Stochastic local search methods are at the core of many effective heuristics for tackling different permutation flowshop problems (PFSPs). Usually, such algorithms require a careful, manual algorithm engineering effort to reach high performance. An alternative to the manual algorithm engineering is the automated design of effective SLS algorithms through building flexible algorithm frameworks and using automatic algorithm configuration techniques to instantiate high-performing algorithms. In this paper, we automatically generate new high-performing algorithms for some of the most widely studied variants of the PFSP. More in detail, we (i) developed a new algorithm framework, EMILI, that implements algorithm-specific and problem-specific building blocks; (ii) define the rules of how to compose algorithms from the building blocks; and (iii) employ an automatic algorithm configuration tool to search for high performing algorithm configurations. With these ingredients, we automatically generate algorithms for the PFSP with the objectives makespan, total completion time and total tardiness, which outperform the best algorithms obtained by a manual algorithm engineering process.
Keywords: EMILI
Federico Pagnozzi and Thomas Stützle. Evaluating the impact of grammar complexity in automatic algorithm design. International Transactions in Operational Research, pp.  1–26, 2020.
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Federico Pagnozzi and Thomas Stützle. Automatic design of hybrid stochastic local search algorithms for permutation flowshop problems with additional constraints. Operations Research Perspectives, 8:100180, 2021.
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Automatic design of stochastic local search algorithms has been shown to be very effective in generating algorithms for the permutation flowshop problem for the most studied objectives including makespan, flowtime and total tardiness. The automatic design system uses a configuration tool to combine algorithmic components following a set of rules defined as a context-free grammar. In this paper we use the same system to tackle two of the most studied additional constraints for these objectives: sequence dependent setup times and no-idle constraint. Additional components have been added to adapt the system to the new problems while keeping intact the grammar structure and the experimental setup. The experiments show that the generated algorithms outperform the state of the art in each case.
Alberto Pajares, Xavier Blasco, Juan Manuel Herrero, and Miguel A. Martínez. A Comparison of Archiving Strategies for Characterization of Nearly Optimal Solutions under Multi-Objective Optimization. Mathematics, 9(9):999, 2021.
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In a multi-objective optimization problem, in addition to optimal solutions, multimodal and/or nearly optimal alternatives can also provide additional useful information for the decision maker. However, obtaining all nearly optimal solutions entails an excessive number of alternatives. Therefore, to consider the nearly optimal solutions, it is convenient to obtain a reduced set, putting the focus on the potentially useful alternatives. These solutions are the alternatives that are close to the optimal solutions in objective space, but which differ significantly in the decision space. To characterize this set, it is essential to simultaneously analyze the decision and objective spaces. One of the crucial points in an evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm is the archiving strategy. This is in charge of keeping the solution set, called the archive, updated during the optimization process. The motivation of this work is to analyze the three existing archiving strategies proposed in the literature (ArchiveUpdatePQ,εDxy, Archive_nevMOGA, and targetSelect) that aim to characterize the potentially useful solutions. The archivers are evaluated on two benchmarks and in a real engineering example. The contribution clearly shows the main differences between the three archivers. This analysis is useful for the design of evolutionary algorithms that consider nearly optimal solutions.
Keywords: multi-objective optimization; nearly optimal solutions; non-epsilon dominance; multimodality; decision space diversity; archiving strategy; evolutionary algorithm; non-linear parametric identification
Daniel Palhazi Cuervo, Peter Goos, Kenneth Sörensen, and Emely Arráiz. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2):454–464, 2014.
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Gintaras Palubeckis. Iterated tabu search for the unconstrained binary quadratic optimization problem. Informatica, 17(2):279–296, 2006.
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Quan-Ke Pan and Rubén Ruiz. Local Search Methods for the Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Flowtime Minimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 222(1):31–43, 2012.
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Quan-Ke Pan and Rubén Ruiz. A Comprehensive Review and Evaluation of Permutation Flowshop Heuristics to Minimize Flowtime. Computers & Operations Research, 40(1):117–128, 2013.
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Quan-Ke Pan, Rubén Ruiz, and Pedro Alfaro-Fernández. Iterated Search Methods for Earliness and Tardiness Minimization in Hybrid Flowshops with Due Windows. Computers & Operations Research, 80:50–60, 2017.
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Quan-Ke Pan, Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren, and Yun-Chia Liang. A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 55(4):795 – 816, 2008.
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Quan-Ke Pan, Ling Wang, and Bao-Hua Zhao. An improved iterated greedy algorithm for the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem with makespan criterion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 38(7-8):778–786, 2008.
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Sinno Jialin Pan and Qiang Yang. A survey on transfer learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 22(10):1345–1359, 2009.
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Luís Paquete, Tommaso Schiavinotto, and Thomas Stützle. On Local Optima in Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Annals of Operations Research, 156:83–97, 2007.
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In this article, local optimality in multiobjective combinatorial optimization is used as a baseline for the design and analysis of two iterative improvement algorithms. Both algorithms search in a neighborhood that is defined on a collection of sets of feasible solutions and their acceptance criterion is based on outperformance relations. Proofs of the soundness and completeness of these algorithms are given.
Keywords: Pareto local search, PLS
Luís Paquete and Thomas Stützle. A study of stochastic local search algorithms for the biobjective QAP with correlated flow matrices. European Journal of Operational Research, 169(3):943–959, 2006.
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Luís Paquete and Thomas Stützle. Design and analysis of stochastic local search for the multiobjective traveling salesman problem. Computers & Operations Research, 36(9):2619–2631, 2009.
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S. N. Parragh, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, and Xavier Gandibleux. A heuristic two-phase solution approach for the multi-objective dial-a-ride problem. Networks, 54(4):227–242, 2009.
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Rebecca Parsons and Mark Johnson. A Case Study in Experimental Design Applied to Genetic Algorithms with Applications to DNA Sequence Assembly. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 17(3-4):369–396, 1997.
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Moon-Won Park and Yeong-Dae Kim. A systematic procedure for setting parameters in simulated annealing algorithms. Computers & Operations Research, 25(3):207–217, 1998.
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R. S. Parpinelli, H. S. Lopes, and A. A. Freitas. Data Mining with an Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(4):321–332, 2002.
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Terence J. Parr and Russell W. Quong. ANTLR: A predicated-LL (k) parser generator. Software — Practice & Experience, 25(7):789–810, 1995.
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R. O. Parreiras and J. A. Vascocelos. A multiplicative version of PROMETHEE II applied to multiobjective optimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 183:729–740, 2007.
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Gerald Paul. Comparative performance of tabu search and simulated annealing heuristics for the quadratic assignment problem. Operations Research Letters, 38(6):577–581, 2010.
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Judea Pearl. The seven tools of causal inference, with reflections on machine learning. Communications of the ACM, 62(3):54–60, 2019.
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Martín Pedemonte, Sergio Nesmachnow, and Héctor Cancela. A survey on parallel ant colony optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 11(8):5181–5197, 2011.
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Paola Pellegrini, Mauro Birattari, and Thomas Stützle. A Critical Analysis of Parameter Adaptation in Ant Colony Optimization. Swarm Intelligence, 6(1):23–48, 2012.
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Paola Pellegrini, L. Castelli, and R. Pesenti. Metaheuristic algorithms for the simultaneous slot allocation problem. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 6(4):453–462, December 2012.
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Paola Pellegrini, Franco Mascia, Thomas Stützle, and Mauro Birattari. On the Sensitivity of Reactive Tabu Search to its Meta-parameters. Soft Computing, 18(11):2177–2190, 2014.
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Puca Huachi Vaz Penna, Anand Subramanian, and Luiz Satoru Ochi. An Iterated Local Search Heuristic for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem. Journal of Heuristics, 19(2):201–232, 2013.
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Jeffrey M. Perkel. Challenge to scientists: does your ten-year-old code still run? Nature, 584:556–658, 2020.
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Keywords: reproducibility; software engineering; ReScience C; Ten Years Reproducibility Challenge; code reusability
Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Ant colony optimization on a limited budget of evaluations. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):103–124, 2015.
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Matias Péres, Germán Ruiz, Sergio Nesmachnow, and Ana C. Olivera. Multiobjective evolutionary optimization of traffic flow and pollution in Montevideo, Uruguay. Applied Soft Computing, 70:472–485, 2018.
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Keywords: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms,Pollution,Simulation,Traffic flow
A. Pessoa, E. Uchoa, M. Aragão, and R. Rodrigues. Exact Algorithm over an Arc-time-indexed formulation for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems. Mathematical Programming Computation, 2(3–4):259–290, 2010.
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Evolutionary optimization of turbine design of the Boeing 777 GE
Anastassios E. Petropoulos, Eugene P. Bonfiglio, Daniel J. Grebow, Try Lam, Jeffrey S. Parker, Juan Arrieta, Damon F. Landau, Rodney L. Anderson, Eric D. Gustafson, Gregory J. Whiffen, Paul A. Finlayson, and Jon A. Sims. GTOC5: Results from Jet Propulsion Lab. Acta Futura, 8:21–27, 2014.
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We present the methods and results of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory team in the 5th Global Trajectory Optimization Competition. Our broad-search strategy utilized several recently developed phase-free metrics for rapidly narrowing the search options. Two different, adaptive, branch-and-prune strategies were employed to build up asteroid sequences using a rendezvous-flyby-rendezvous building block, with a robust local optimizer in the loop. The best of these sequences were refined end-to-end using the same direct optimizer, to yield the winning 18-point, 18-asteroid solution.
Justyna Petke, Saemundur O. Haraldsson, Mark Harman, William B. Langdon, David R. White, and John R. Woodward. Genetic Improvement of Software: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(3):415–432, 2018.
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Marek Petrik and Shlomo Zilberstein. Learning parallel portfolios of algorithms. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 48(1):85–106, 2006.
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Keywords: algorithm selection
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Joelle Pineau, Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Koustuv Sinha, Vincent Larivière, Alina Beygelzimer, Florence d'Alché Buc, Emily Fox, and Hugo Larochelle. Improving Reproducibility in Machine Learning Research (A Report from the NeurIPS 2019 Reproducibility Program). Arxiv preprint arXiv:2003.12206 [cs.LG], 2020.
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David Pisinger. Where are the hard knapsack problems? Computers & Operations Research, 32(9):2271–2284, 2005.
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Rapeepan Pitakaso, Christian Almeder, Karl F. Doerner, and Richard F. Hartl. Combining exact and population-based methods for the Constrained Multilevel Lot Sizing Problem. International Journal of Production Research, 44(22):4755–4771, 2006.
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Rapeepan Pitakaso, Christian Almeder, Karl F. Doerner, and Richard F. Hartl. A Max-Min Ant System for unconstrained multi-level lot-sizing problems. Computers & Operations Research, 34(9):2533–2552, 2007.
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In this paper, we present an ant-based algorithm for solving unconstrained multi-level lot-sizing problems called ant system for multi-level lot-sizing algorithm (ASMLLS). We apply a hybrid approach where we use ant colony optimization in order to find a good lot-sizing sequence, i.e. a sequence of the different items in the product structure in which we apply a modified Wagner-Whitin algorithm for each item separately. Based on the setup costs each ant generates a sequence of items. Afterwards a simple single-stage lot-sizing rule is applied with modified setup costs. This modification of the setup costs depends on the position of the item in the lot-sizing sequence, on the items which have been lot-sized before, and on two further parameters, which are tried to be improved by a systematic search. For small-sized problems ASMLLS is among the best algorithms, but for most medium- and large-sized problems it outperforms all other approaches regarding solution quality as well as computational time.
Keywords: Ant colony optimization, Material requirements planning, Multi-level lot-sizing, Wagner-Whitin algorithm
Hans E. Plesser. Reproducibility vs. Replicability: A Brief History of a Confused Terminology. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 11, January 2018.
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Daniel Porumbel, Gilles Goncalves, Hamid Allaoui, and Tienté Hsu. Iterated Local Search and Column Generation to solve Arc-Routing as a Permutation Set-Covering Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(2):349–367, 2017.
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Juan Porta, Jorge Parapar, Ramón Doallo, Vasco Barbosa, Inés Santé, Rafael Crecente, and Carlos Díaz. A Population-based Iterated Greedy Algorithm for the Delimitation and Zoning of Rural Settlements. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 39:12–26, 2013.
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Marcelo Prates, Pedro H. C. Avelar, Henrique Lemos, Luis C. Lamb, and Moshe Y. Vardi. Learning to Solve NP-Complete Problems: A Graph Neural Network for Decision TSP. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 33(01):4731–4738, July 2019.
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Kenneth V. Price, Abhishek Kumar, and Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan. Trial-based dominance for comparing both the speed and accuracy of stochastic optimizers with standard non-parametric tests. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 78:101287, 2023.
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Keywords: Benchmarking, Two-variable non-parametric tests, Evolutionary algorithms, Dominance, Stochastic optimization, Numerical optimization, Mann-Whitney test
Robert Clay Prim. Shortest connection networks and some generalizations. Bell System Technical Journal, 36(6):1389–1401, 1957.
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Philipp Probst, Bernd Bischl, and Anne-Laure Boulesteix. Tunability: Importance of Hyperparameters of Machine Learning Algorithms. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1802.09596, 2018.
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Keywords: parameter importance
Philipp Probst, Bernd Bischl, and Anne-Laure Boulesteix. Tunability: Importance of Hyperparameters of Machine Learning Algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(53):1–32, 2019.
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Luc Pronzato and Werner G. Müller. Design of computer experiments: space filling and beyond. Statistics and Computing, 22(3):681–701, 2012.
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Keywords: Kriging; Entropy; Design of experiments; Space-filling; Sphere packing; Maximin design; Minimax design
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Uses an external population
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David Garzón Ramos and Mauro Birattari. Automatic Design of Collective Behaviors for Robots that Can Display and Perceive Colors. Applied Sciences, 10(13):4654, 2020.
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Juan-Manuel Ramos-Pérez, Gara Miranda, Eduardo Segredo, Coromoto León, and Casiano Rodríguez-León. Application of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Planning Healthy and Balanced School Lunches. Mathematics, 9(1):80, December 2021.
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A multi-objective formulation of the Menu Planning Problem, which is termed the Multi-objective Menu Planning Problem, is presented herein. Menu planning is of great interest in the health field due to the importance of proper nutrition in today's society, and particularly, in school canteens. In addition to considering the cost of the meal plan as the classic objective to be minimized, we also introduce a second objective aimed at minimizing the degree of repetition of courses and food groups that a particular meal plan consists of. The motivation behind this particular multi-objective formulation is to offer a meal plan that is not only affordable but also varied and balanced from a nutritional standpoint. The plan is designed for a given number of days and ensures that the specific nutritional requirements of school-age children are satisfied. The main goal of the current work is to demonstrate the multi-objective nature of the said formulation, through a comprehensive experimental assessment carried out over a set of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms applied to different instances. At the same time, we are also interested in validating the multi-objective formulation by performing quantitative and qualitative analyses of the solutions attained when solving it. Computational results show the multi-objective nature of the said formulation, as well as that it allows suitable meal plans to be obtained.
Camelia Ram, Gilberto Montibeller, and Alec Morton. Extending the use of scenario planning and MCDA for the evaluation of strategic options. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(5):817–829, 2011.
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Zhengfu Rao and Elad Salomons. Development of a real-time, near-optimal control process for water-distribution networks. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 9(1):25–37, 2007.
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Ronald L. Rardin and Reha Uzsoy. Experimental Evaluation of Heuristic Optimization Algorithms: A Tutorial. Journal of Heuristics, 7(3):261–304, 2001.
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Jussi Rasku, Nysret Musliu, and Tommi Kärkkäinen. On automatic algorithm configuration of vehicle routing problem solvers. Journal on Vehicle Routing Algorithms, 2(1-4):1–22, February 2019.
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Keywords: irace, SMAC, GGA, REVAC, VRP
Ingo Rechenberg. Case studies in evolutionary experimentation and computation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 186(2-4):125–140, 2000.
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Colin R. Reeves and A. V. Eremeev. Statistical analysis of local search landscapes. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(7):687–693, 2004.
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Keywords: artificial DM, interactive
Patrick M. Reed, David Hadka, Jonathan D. Herman, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, and Joshua B. Kollat. Evolutionary multiobjective optimization in water resources: The past, present, and future. Advances in Water Resources, 51:438–456, 2013.
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Tao Chen, Miqing Li, and Xin Yao. Standing on the shoulders of giants: Seeding search-based multi-objective optimization with prior knowledge for software service composition. Information and Software Technology, 114:155–175, 2019.
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Example of deteroriation in archiving
Frederik Rehbach, Martin Zaefferer, Andreas Fischbach, Günther Rudolph, and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein. Benchmark-Driven Configuration of a Parallel Model-Based Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 26(6):1365–1379, 2022.
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Gerhard Reinelt. TSPLIB — A Traveling Salesman Problem Library. ORSA Journal on Computing, 3(4):376–384, 1991.
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Marc Reimann and Marco Laumanns. Savings based ant colony optimization for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem. Computers & Operations Research, 33(6):1794–1822, 2006.
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The problem of connecting a set of client nodes with known demands to a root node through a minimum cost tree network, subject to capacity constraints on all links is known as the capacitated minimum spanning tree (CMST) problem. As the problem is NP-hard, we propose a hybrid ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to tackle it heuristically. The algorithm exploits two important problem characteristics: (i) the CMST problem is closely related to the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), and (ii) given a clustering of client nodes that satisfies capacity constraints, the solution is to find a MST for each cluster, which can be done exactly in polynomial time. Our ACO exploits these two characteristics of the CMST by a solution construction originally developed for the CVRP. Given the CVRP solution, we then apply an implementation of Prim's algorithm to each cluster to obtain a feasible CMST solution. Results from a comprehensive computational study indicate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Keywords: Ant colony Optimization, Capacitated minimum spanning tree problem
Zhi-Gang Ren, Zu-Ren Feng, Liang-Jun Ke, and Zhao-Jun Zhang. New Ideas for Applying Ant Colony Optimization to the Set Covering Problem. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 58(4):774–784, 2010.
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Jafar Rezaei, Alireza Arab, and Mohammadreza Mehregan. Analyzing anchoring bias in attribute weight elicitation of SMART, Swing, and best-worst method. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2022.
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Keywords: anchoring bias, best-worst method, cognitive bias, MADM, multi-attribute weighting, SMART, Swing
S. Reza Hejazi and S. Saghafian. Flowshop-scheduling Problems with Makespan Criterion: A Review. International Journal of Production Research, 43(14):2895–2929, 2005.
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Imma Ribas, Ramon Companys, and Xavier Tort-Martorell. An iterated greedy algorithm for the flowshop scheduling problem with blocking. Omega, 39(3):293 – 301, 2011.
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Imma Ribas, Ramon Companys, and Xavier Tort-Martorell. An Efficient Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Total Tardiness Blocking Flow Shop Problem. International Journal of Production Research, 51(17):5238–5252, 2013.
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The problem of selecting an effective algorithm arises in a wide variety of situations. This chapter starts with a discussion on abstract models: the basic model and associated problems, the model with selection based on features, and the model with variable performance criteria. One objective of this chapter is to explore the applicability of the approximation theory to the algorithm selection problem. There is an intimate relationship here and that the approximation theory forms an appropriate base upon which to develop a theory of algorithm selection methods. The approximation theory currently lacks much of the necessary machinery for the algorithm selection problem. There is a need to develop new results and apply known techniques to these new circumstances. The final pages of this chapter form a sort of appendix, which lists 15 specific open problems and questions in this area. There is a close relationship between the algorithm selection problem and the general optimization theory. This is not surprising since the approximation problem is a special form of the optimization problem. Most realistic algorithm selection problems are of moderate to high dimensionality and thus one should expect them to be quite complex. One consequence of this is that most straightforward approaches (even well-conceived ones) are likely to lead to enormous computations for the best selection. The single most important part of the solution of a selection problem is the appropriate choice of the form for selection mapping. It is here that theories give the least guidance and that the art of problem solving is most crucial.
Juan Carlos Rivera, H. Murat Afsar, and Christian Prins. A Multistart Iterated Local Search for the Multitrip Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. Computational Optimization and Applications, 61(1):159–187, 2015.
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Lucía Rivadeneira, Jian-Bo Yang, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Predicting tweet impact using a novel evidential reasoning prediction method. Expert Systems with Applications, 169:114400, May 2021.
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This study presents a novel evidential reasoning (ER) prediction model called MAKER-RIMER to examine how different features embedded in Twitter posts (tweets) can predict the number of retweets achieved during an electoral campaign. The tweets posted by the two most voted candidates during the official campaign for the 2017 Ecuadorian Presidential election were used for this research. For each tweet, five features including type of tweet, emotion, URL, hashtag, and date are identified and coded to predict if tweets are of either high or low impact. The main contributions of the new proposed model include its suitability to analyse tweet datasets based on likelihood analysis of data. The model is interpretable, and the prediction process relies only on the use of available data. The experimental results show that MAKER-RIMER performed better, in terms of misclassification error, when compared against other predictive machine learning approaches. In addition, the model allows observing which features of the candidates' tweets are linked to high and low impact. Tweets containing allusions to the contender candidate, either with positive or negative connotations, without hashtags, and written towards the end of the campaign, were persistently those with the highest impact. URLs, on the other hand, is the only variable that performs differently for the two candidates in terms of achieving high impact. MAKER-RIMER can provide campaigners of political parties or candidates with a tool to measure how features of tweets are predictors of their impact, which can be useful to tailor Twitter content during electoral campaigns.
Keywords: Evidential reasoning rule,Belief rule-based inference,Maximum likelihood data analysis,Twitter,Retweet,Prediction
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P. A. Romero, A. Krause, and F. H. Arnold. Navigating the Protein Fitness Landscape with Gaussian Processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(3):E193–E201, December 2012.
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Keywords: Combinatorial Black-box Expensive
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Brian C. Ross. Mutual Information between Discrete and Continuous Data Sets. PLoS One, 9(2):1–5, February 2014.
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Mutual information (MI) is a powerful method for detecting relationships between data sets. There are accurate methods for estimating MI that avoid problems with “binning” when both data sets are discrete or when both data sets are continuous. We present an accurate, non-binning MI estimator for the case of one discrete data set and one continuous data set. This case applies when measuring, for example, the relationship between base sequence and gene expression level, or the effect of a cancer drug on patient survival time. We also show how our method can be adapted to calculate the Jensen-Shannon divergence of two or more data sets.
Jonathan Rose, Wolfgang Klebsch, and Jürgen Wolf. Temperature measurement and equilibrium dynamics of simulated annealing placements. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 9(3):253–259, 1990.
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Isaac Rudich, Quentin Cappart, and Louis-Martin Rousseau. Improved Peel-and-Bound: Methods for Generating Dual Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 77:1489–1538, August 2023.
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Günther Rudolph, Oliver Schütze, Christian Grimme, Christian Domínguez-Medina, and Heike Trautmann. Optimal averaged Hausdorff archives for bi-objective problems: theoretical and numerical results. Computational Optimization and Applications, 64(2):589–618, 2016.
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Ana Belén Ruiz, Rubén Saborido, and Mariano Luque. A preference-based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization: the weighting achievement scalarizing function genetic algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, 62(1):101–129, May 2015.
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When solving multiobjective optimization problems, preference-based evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) algorithms introduce preference information into an evolutionary algorithm in order to focus the search for objective vectors towards the region of interest of the Pareto optimal front. In this paper, we suggest a preference-based EMO algorithm called weighting achievement scalarizing function genetic algorithm (WASF-GA), which considers the preferences of the decision maker (DM) expressed by means of a reference point. The main purpose of WASF-GA is to approximate the region of interest of the Pareto optimal front determined by the reference point, which contains the Pareto optimal objective vectors that obey the preferences expressed by the DM in the best possible way. The proposed approach is based on the use of an achievement scalarizing function (ASF) and on the classification of the individuals into several fronts. At each generation of WASF-GA, this classification is done according to the values that each solution takes on the ASF for the reference point and using different weight vectors. These vectors of weights are selected so that the vectors formed by their inverse components constitute a well-distributed representation of the weight vectors space. The efficiency and usefulness of WASF-GA is shown in several test problems in comparison to other preference-based EMO algorithms. Regarding a metric based on the hypervolume, we can say that WASF-GA has outperformed the other algorithms considered in most of the problems.
Proposed WASF-GA
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Rubén Ruiz and Thomas Stützle. An Iterated Greedy heuristic for the sequence dependent setup times flowshop problem with makespan and weighted tardiness objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 187(3):1143 – 1159, 2008.
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N. R. Sabar, M. Ayob, Graham Kendall, and R. Qu. A Dynamic Multiarmed Bandit-Gene Expression Programming Hyper-Heuristic for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45(2):217–228, 2015.
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N. R. Sabar, M. Ayob, Graham Kendall, and R. Qu. Automatic Design of a Hyper-Heuristic Framework With Gene Expression Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(3):309–325, 2015.
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Matthieu Sacher, Régis Duvigneau, Olivier Le Maitre, Mathieu Durand, Elisa Berrini, Frédéric Hauville, and Jacques-André Astolfi. A classification approach to efficient global optimization in presence of non-computable domains. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58(4):1537–1557, 2018.
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Proposed EGO-LS-SVM
Keywords: Safe optimization; CMA-ES, Gaussian processes; Least-Squares Support Vector Machine
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Marcela Samà, Paola Pellegrini, Andrea D'Ariano, Joaquin Rodriguez, and Dario Pacciarelli. Ant colony optimization for the real-time train routing selection problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 85:89–108, 2016.
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Keywords: irace
Malcolm Sambridge. Geophysical inversion with a neighbourhood algorithm–I. Searching a parameter space. Geophysical Journal International, 138(2):479–494, 1999.
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Alejandro Santiago, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Antonio J. Nebro, Juan J. Durillo, Oscar Castillo, and Héctor J. Fraire. A novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with fuzzy logic based adaptive selection of operators: FAME. Information Sciences, 471:233–251, 2019.
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Keywords: Multi-objective optimization, density estimation, evolutionary algorithm, adaptive algorithm, fuzzy logic, spatial spread deviation
Javier Sánchez, Manuel Galán, and Enrique Rubio. Applying a traffic lights evolutionary optimization technique to a real case: “Las Ramblas” area in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 12(1):25–40, 2008.
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Keywords: Cellular automata, Combinatorial optimization, Genetic algorithms, Microscopic traffic simulator, Traffic lights optimization
J. J. Sánchez-Medina, M. J. Galán-Moreno, and E. Rubio-Royo. Traffic Signal Optimization in “La Almozara” District in Saragossa Under Congestion Conditions, Using Genetic Algorithms, Traffic Microsimulation, and Cluster Computing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11(1):132–141, March 2010.
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Keywords: cellular automata; genetic algorithms; road traffic;traffic light programming;urban traffic congestion
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Martin W. P. Savelsbergh. Local search in routing problems with time windows. Annals of Operations Research, 4(1):285–305, December 1985.
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We develop local search algorithms for routing problems with time windows. The presented algorithms are based on thek-interchange concept. The presence of time windows introduces feasibility constraints, the checking of which normally requires O(N) time. Our method reduces this checking effort to O(1) time. We also consider the problem of finding initial solutions. A complexity result is given and an insertion heuristic is described.
Dhish Kumar Saxena, João A. Duro, Anish Tiwari, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Qingfu Zhang. Objective Reduction in Many-Objective Optimization: Linear and Nonlinear Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 17(1):77–99, 2013.
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Michael Schilde, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, and Guenter Kiechle. Metaheuristics for the bi-objective orienteering problem. Swarm Intelligence, 3(3):179–201, 2009.
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In this paper, heuristic solution techniques for the multi-objective orienteering problem are developed. The motivation stems from the problem of planning individual tourist routes in a city. Each point of interest in a city provides different benefits for different categories (e.g., culture, shopping). Each tourist has different preferences for the different categories when selecting and visiting the points of interests (e.g., museums, churches). Hence, a multi-objective decision situation arises. To determine all the Pareto optimal solutions, two metaheuristic search techniques are developed and applied. We use the Pareto ant colony optimization algorithm and extend the design of the variable neighborhood search method to the multi-objective case. Both methods are hybridized with path relinking procedures. The performances of the two algorithms are tested on several benchmark instances as well as on real world instances from different Austrian regions and the cities of Vienna and Padua. The computational results show that both implemented methods are well performing algorithms to solve the multi-objective orienteering problem.
Martin Schlüter, Jose A. Egea, and Julio R. Banga. Extended ant colony optimization for non-convex mixed integer nonlinear programming. Computers & Operations Research, 36(7):2217–2229, 2009.
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Oliver Schütze, X. Esquivel, A. Lara, and Carlos A. Coello Coello. Using the Averaged Hausdorff Distance as a Performance Measure in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16(4):504–522, 2012.
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Josef Schmee and Gerald J. Hahn. A Simple Method for Regression Analysis with Censored Data. Technometrics, 21(4):417–432, 1979.
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Mark Schillinger, Benjamin Hartmann, Patric Skalecki, Mona Meister, Duy Nguyen-Tuong, and Oliver Nelles. Safe active learning and safe Bayesian optimization for tuning a PI-controller. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1):5967–5972, 2017.
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Julie R. Schames, Richard H. Henchman, Jay S. Siegel, Christoph A. Sotriffer, Haihong Ni, and J. Andrew McCammon. Discovery of a Novel Binding Trench in HIV Integrase. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 47(8):1879–1881, 2004.
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Evolutionary optimization of the first clinically approved anti-viral drug for HIV
Oliver Schütze, Carlos Hernández, El-Ghazali Talbi, Jian-Qiao Sun, Yousef Naranjani, and F-R Xiong. Archivers for the representation of the set of approximate solutions for MOPs. Journal of Heuristics, 25:71–105, 2019.
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Keywords: archiving, nearly optimality, epsilon-dominance, epsilon-approximation, hausdorff convergence
Jeffrey C. Schank and Thomas J. Koehnle. Pseudoreplication is a pseudoproblem. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 123(4):421–433, 2009.
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Oliver Schütze, A. Lara, and Carlos A. Coello Coello. On the Influence of the Number of Objectives on the Hardness of a Multiobjective Optimization Problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15(4):444–455, 2011.
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Oliver Schütze, Marco Laumanns, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Michael Dellnitz, and El-Ghazali Talbi. Convergence of stochastic search algorithms to finite size Pareto set approximations. Journal of Global Optimization, 41(4):559–577, 2008.
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Oliver Schütze, Marco Laumanns, Emilia Tantar, Carlos A. Coello Coello, and El-Ghazali Talbi. Computing gap free Pareto front approximations with stochastic search algorithms. Evolutionary Computation, 18(1):65–96, 2010.
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G. R. Schreiber and Olivier Martin. Cut Size Statistics of Graph Bisection Heuristics. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 10(1):231–251, 1999.
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Gerhard Schrimpf, Johannes Schneider, Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt, and Gunter Dueck. Record Breaking Optimization Results Using the Ruin and Recreate Principle. Journal of Computational Physics, 159(2):139–171, 2000.
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Marie Schmidt, Anita Schöbel, and Lisa Thom. Min-ordering and max-ordering scalarization methods for multi-objective robust optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 275(2):446–459, 2019.
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Eric Schulz, Maarten Speekenbrink, and Andreas Krause. A tutorial on Gaussian process regression: Modelling, exploring, and exploiting functions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 85:1–16, August 2018.
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Tommaso Schiavinotto and Thomas Stützle. The Linear Ordering Problem: Instances, Search Space Analysis and Algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 3(4):367–402, 2004.
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Tommaso Schiavinotto and Thomas Stützle. A Review of Metrics on Permutations for Search Space Analysis. Computers & Operations Research, 34(10):3143–3153, 2007.
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Tom Schrijvers, Guido Tack, Pieter Wuille, Horst Samulowitz, and Peter J. Stuckey. Search Combinators. Constraints, 18(2):269–305, 2013.
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Oliver Schütze, Massimiliano Vasile, and Carlos A. Coello Coello. Computing the Set of Epsilon-Efficient Solutions in Multiobjective Space Mission Design. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication, 8(3):53–70, 2011.
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Matthias Schonlau, William J. Welch, and Donald R. Jones. Global versus Local Search in Constrained Optimization of Computer Models. Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 34:11–25, 1998.
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Elias Schede, Jasmin Brandt, Alexander Tornede, Marcel Wever, Viktor Bengs, Eyke Hüllermeier, and Kevin Tierney. A survey of methods for automated algorithm configuration. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 75:425–487, 2022.
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Pauli Virtanen et al. SciPy 1.0: Fundamental Algorithms for Scientific Computing in Python. Nature Methods, 17:261–272, 2020.
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David F. Shanno. Conditioning of Quasi-Newton Methods for Function Minimization. Mathematics of Computation, 24(111):647–656, 1970.
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One of the four papers that proposed BFGS.
Keywords: BFGS
Seyed Mahdi Shavarani, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Richard Allmendinger. Detecting Hidden and Irrelevant Objectives in Interactive Multi-Objective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 28(2):544–557, 2023.
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Evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms (EMOAs) typically assume that all objectives that are relevant to the decision-maker (DM) are optimized by the EMOA. In some scenarios, however, there are irrelevant objectives that are optimized by the EMOA but ignored by the DM, as well as, hidden objectives that the DM considers when judging the utility of solutions but are not optimized. This discrepancy between the EMOA and the DM's preferences may impede the search for the most-preferred solution and waste resources evaluating irrelevant objectives. Research on objective reduction has focused so far on the structure of the problem and correlations between objectives and neglected the role of the DM. We formally define here the concepts of irrelevant and hidden objectives and propose methods for detecting them, based on uni-variate feature selection and recursive feature elimination, that use the preferences already elicited when a DM interacts with a ranking-based interactive EMOA (iEMOA). We incorporate the detection methods into an iEMOA capable of dynamically switching the objectives being optimized. Our experiments show that this approach can efficiently identify which objectives are relevant to the DM and reduce the number of objectives being optimized, while keeping and often improving the utility, according to the DM, of the best solution found.
Seyed Mahdi Shavarani, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Joshua D. Knowles. On Benchmarking Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 28(4):1084–1098, 2023.
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We carry out a detailed performance assessment of two interactive evolutionary multi-objective algorithms (EMOAs) using a machine decision maker that enables us to repeat experiments and study specific behaviours modeled after human decision makers (DMs). Using the same set of benchmark test problems as in the original papers on these interactive EMOAs (in up to 10 objectives), we bring to light interesting effects when we use a machine DM based on sigmoidal utility functions that have support from the psychology literature (replacing the simpler utility functions used in the original papers). Our machine DM enables us to go further and simulate human biases and inconsistencies as well. Our results from this study, which is the most comprehensive assessment of multiple interactive EMOAs so far conducted, suggest that current well-known algorithms have shortcomings that need addressing. These results further demonstrate the value of improving the benchmarking of interactive EMOAs
Babooshka Shavazipour, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Kaisa Miettinen. Visualizations for Decision Support in Scenario-based Multiobjective Optimization. Information Sciences, 578:1–21, 2021.
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We address challenges of decision problems when managers need to optimize several conflicting objectives simultaneously under uncertainty. We propose visualization tools to support the solution of such scenario-based multiobjective optimization problems. Suitable graphical visualizations are necessary to support managers in understanding, evaluating, and comparing the performances of management decisions according to all objectives in all plausible scenarios. To date, no appropriate visualization has been suggested. This paper fills this gap by proposing two visualization methods: a novel extension of empirical attainment functions for scenarios and an adapted version of heatmaps. They help a decision-maker in gaining insight into realizations of trade-offs and comparisons between objective functions in different scenarios. Some fundamental questions that a decision-maker may wish to answer with the help of visualizations are also identified. Several examples are utilized to illustrate how the proposed visualizations support a decision-maker in evaluating and comparing solutions to be able to make a robust decision by answering the questions. Finally, we validate the usefulness of the proposed visualizations in a real-world problem with a real decision-maker. We conclude with guidelines regarding which of the proposed visualizations are best suited for different problem classes.
Weishi Shao, Dechang Pi, and Zhongshi Shao. Memetic algorithm with node and edge histogram for no-idle flow shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan criterion. Applied Soft Computing, 54:164–182, 2017.
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Weishi Shao, Dechang Pi, and Zhongshi Shao. A hybrid discrete teaching-learning based meta-heuristic for solving no-idle flow shop scheduling problem with total tardiness criterion. Computers & Operations Research, 94:89–105, 2018.
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Ke Shang, Tianye Shu, Hisao Ishibuchi, Yang Nan, and Lie Meng Pang. Benchmarking large-scale subset selection in evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Information Sciences, 622:755–770, 2023.
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Babooshka Shavazipour and T. J. Stewart. Multi-objective optimisation under deep uncertainty. Operational Research, September 2019.
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This paper presents a scenario-based Multi-Objective structure to handle decision problems under deep uncertainty. Most of the decisions in real-life problems need to be made in the absence of complete knowledge about the consequences of the decision and/or are characterised by uncertainties about the future which is unpredictable. These uncertainties are almost impossible to reduce by gathering more information and are not statistical in nature. Therefore, classical probability-based approaches, such as stochastic programming, do not address these problems; as they require a correctly-defined complete sample space, strong assumptions (e.g. normality), or both. The proposed method extends the concept of two-stage stochastic programming with recourse to address the capability of dealing with deep uncertainty through the use of scenario planning rather than statistical expectation. In this research, scenarios are used as a dimension of preference to avoid problems relating to the assessment and use of probabilities under deep uncertainty. Such scenario-based thinking involved a multi-objective representation of performance under different future conditions as an alternative to expectation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt of performing a multi-criteria evaluation under deep uncertainty through a structured optimisation model. The proposed structure replacing probabilities (in dynamic systems with deep uncertainties) by aspirations within a goal programming structure. In fact, this paper also proposes an extension of the goal programming paradigm to deal with deep uncertainty. Furthermore, we will explain how this structure can be modelled, implemented, and solved by Goal Programming using some simple, but not trivial, examples. Further discussion and comparisons with some popular existing methods will also provided to highlight the superiorities of the proposed structure.
Babooshka Shavazipour, Jonas Stray, and T. J. Stewart. Sustainable planning in sugar-bioethanol supply chain under deep uncertainty: A case study of South African sugarcane industry. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 143:107091, 2020.
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In this paper, the strategic planning of sugar-bioethanol supply chains (SCs) under deep uncertainty has been addressed by applying a two-stage scenario-based multiobjective optimisation methodology. In practice, the depth of uncertainty is very high, potential outcomes are not precisely enumerable, and probabilities of outcomes are not properly definable. To date, no appropriate framework has been suggested for dealing with deep uncertainty in supply chain management and energy-related problems. This study is the first try to fills this gap. Particularly, the sustainability of the whole infrastructure of the sugar-bioethanol SCs is analysed in such a way that the final solutions are sustainable, robust and adaptable for a broad range of plausible futures. Three objectives are considered in this problem under six uncertain parameters. A case study of South African sugarcane industry is utilised to study and examine the proposed model. The results prove the economic profitability and sustainability of the project.
Keywords: Supply chain management, Multi-objective optimisation, Deep uncertainty, Scenario planning, Renewable energy,
B. Shahriari, K. Swersky, Z. Wang, R. P. Adams, and Nando de Freitas. Taking the human out of the loop: A review of Bayesian optimization. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(1):148–175, 2016.
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Bobak Shahriari, Kevin Swersky, Ziyu Wang, Ryan P. Adams, and Nando de Freitas. Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(1):148–175, 2016.
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Ofer M. Shir and Thomas Bäck. Niching with derandomized evolution strategies in artificial and real-world landscapes. Natural Computing, 8(1):171–196, 2009.
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Abolfazl Shirazi, Josu Ceberio, and José A. Lozano. Spacecraft trajectory optimization: A review of models, objectives, approaches and solutions. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 102:76–98, October 2018.
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David Shilane, Jarno Martikainen, Sandrine Dudoit, and Seppo J. Ovaska. A general framework for statistical performance comparison of evolutionary computation algorithms. Information Sciences, 178(14):2870–2879, 2008.
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Michael D. Shields and Jiaxin Zhang. The generalization of Latin hypercube sampling. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 148:96–108, 2016.
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A. Shmygelska and Holger H. Hoos. An Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm for the 2D and 3D Hydrophobic Polar Protein Folding Problem. BMC Bioinformatics, 6:30, 2005.
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Moisés Silva-Muñoz, Carlos Contreras-Bolton, Carlos Rey, and Victor Parada. Automatic generation of a hybrid algorithm for the maximum independent set problem using genetic programming. Applied Soft Computing, p.  110474, 2023.
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Moisés Silva-Muñoz, Alberto Franzin, and Hughes Bersini. Automatic configuration of the Cassandra database using irace. PeerJ Computer Science, 7:e634, 2021.
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Paulo Vitor Silvestrin and Marcus Ritt. An Iterated Tabu Search for the Multi-compartment Vehicle Routing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 81:192–202, 2017.
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Marcos Melo Silva, Anand Subramanian, and Luiz Satoru Ochi. An Iterated Local Search Heuristic for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 53:234–249, 2015.
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Olivier Simonin, François Charpillet, and Eric Thierry. Revisiting wavefront construction with collective agents: an approach to foraging. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2):113–138, 2014.
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Keywords: irace
Kevin Sim, Emma Hart, and Ben Paechter. A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing. Evolutionary Computation, 23(1):37–67, 2015.
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Joseph P. Simmons, Leif D. Nelson, and Uri Simonsohn. False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant. Psychological Science, 2011.
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Proposed the term p-hacking
Herbert A. Simon and Allen Newell. Heuristic Problem Solving: The Next Advance in Operations Research. Operations Research, 6(1):1–10, 1958.
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Joseph P. Simmons, Robyn A. LeBoeuf, and Leif D. Nelson. The effect of accuracy motivation on anchoring and adjustment: Do people adjust from provided anchors? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(6):917–932, 2010.
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Increasing accuracy motivation (e.g., by providing monetary incentives for accuracy) often fails to increase adjustment away from provided anchors, a result that has led researchers to conclude that people do not effortfully adjust away from such anchors. We challenge this conclusion. First, we show that people are typically uncertain about which way to adjust from provided anchors and that this uncertainty often causes people to believe that they have initially adjusted too far away from such anchors (Studies 1a and 1b). Then, we show that although accuracy motivation fails to increase the gap between anchors and final estimates when people are uncertain about the direction of adjustment, accuracy motivation does increase anchor-estimate gaps when people are certain about the direction of adjustment, and that this is true regardless of whether the anchors are provided or self-generated (Studies 2, 3a, 3b, and 5). These results suggest that people do effortfully adjust away from provided anchors but that uncertainty about the direction of adjustment makes that adjustment harder to detect than previously assumed. This conclusion has important theoretical implications, suggesting that currently emphasized distinctions between anchor types (self-generated vs. provided) are not fundamental and that ostensibly competing theories of anchoring (selective accessibility and anchoring-and-adjustment) are complementary.
Herbert A. Simon. A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 69(1):99–118, 1955.
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Hemant Kumar Singh, Amitay Isaacs, and Tapabrata Ray. A Pareto Corner Search Evolutionary Algorithm and Dimensionality Reduction in Many-Objective Optimization Problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15(4):539–556, 2011.
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Many-objective optimization refers to the optimization problems containing large number of objectives, typically more than four. Non-dominance is an inadequate strategy for convergence to the Pareto front for such problems, as almost all solutions in the population become non-dominated, resulting in loss of convergence pressure. However, for some problems, it may be possible to generate the Pareto front using only a few of the objectives, rendering the rest of the objectives redundant. Such problems may be reducible to a manageable number of relevant objectives, which can be optimized using conventional multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). For dimensionality reduction, most proposals in the paper rely on analysis of a representative set of solutions obtained by running a conventional MOEA for a large number of generations, which is computationally overbearing. A novel algorithm, Pareto corner search evolutionary algorithm (PCSEA), is introduced in this paper, which searches for the corners of the Pareto front instead of searching for the complete Pareto front. The solutions obtained using PCSEA are then used for dimensionality reduction to identify the relevant objectives. The potential of the proposed approach is demonstrated by studying its performance on a set of benchmark test problems and two engineering examples. While the preliminary results obtained using PCSEA are promising, there are a number of areas that need further investigation. This paper provides a number of useful insights into dimensionality reduction and, in particular, highlights some of the roadblocks that need to be cleared for future development of algorithms attempting to use few selected solutions for identifying relevant objectives
Marcos Singer and Michael L. Pinedo. A Computational Study of Branch and Bound Techniques for Minimizing the Total Weighted Tardiness in Job Shops. IIE Transactions, 30(2):109–118, 1998.
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Ankur Sinha, Dhish Kumar Saxena, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Ashutosh Tiwari. Using objective reduction and interactive procedure to handle many-objective optimization problems. Applied Soft Computing, 13(1):415–427, 2013.
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A number of practical optimization problems are posed as many-objective (more than three objectives) problems. Most of the existing evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms, which target the entire Pareto-front are not equipped to handle many-objective problems. Though there have been copious efforts to overcome the challenges posed by such problems, there does not exist a generic procedure to effectively handle them. This paper presents a simplify and solve framework for handling many-objective optimization problems. In that, a given problem is simplified by identification and elimination of the redundant objectives, before interactively engaging the decision maker to converge to the most preferred solution on the Pareto-optimal front. The merit of performing objective reduction before interacting with the decision maker is two fold. Firstly, the revelation that certain objectives are redundant, significantly reduces the complexity of the optimization problem, implying lower computational cost and higher search efficiency. Secondly, it is well known that human beings are not efficient in handling several factors (objectives in the current context) at a time. Hence, simplifying the problem a priori addresses the fundamental issue of cognitive overload for the decision maker, which may help avoid inconsistent preferences during the different stages of interactive engagement. The implementation of the proposed framework is first demonstrated on a three-objective problem, followed by its application on two real-world engineering problems.
Keywords: Evolutionary algorithms, Evolutionary multi- and many-objective optimization, Multi-criteria decision making, Machine learning, Interactive optimization
Hemant Kumar Singh, Kalyan Shankar Bhattacharjee, and Tapabrata Ray. Distance-based subset selection for benchmarking in evolutionary multi/many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(5):904–912, 2019.
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Aymen Sioud and Caroline Gagné. Enhanced migrating birds optimization algorithm for the permutation flow shop problem with sequence dependent setup times. European Journal of Operational Research, 264(1):66–73, 2018.
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Ben G. Small, Barry W. McColl, Richard Allmendinger, Jürgen Pahle, Gloria López-Castejón, Nancy J. Rothwell, Joshua D. Knowles, Pedro Mendes, David Brough, and Douglas B. Kell. Efficient discovery of anti-inflammatory small-molecule combinations using evolutionary computing. Nature Chemical Biology, 7(12):902–908, 2011.
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Kate Smith-Miles, Davaatseren Baatar, Brendan Wreford, and Rhyd M. R. Lewis. Towards Objective Measures of Algorithm Performance across Instance Space. Computers & Operations Research, 45:12–24, 2014.
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This paper tackles the difficult but important task of objective algorithm performance assessment for optimization. Rather than reporting average performance of algorithms across a set of chosen instances, which may bias conclusions, we propose a methodology to enable the strengths and weaknesses of different optimization algorithms to be compared across a broader instance space. The results reported in a recent Computers and Operations Research paper comparing the performance of graph coloring heuristics are revisited with this new methodology to demonstrate (i) how pockets of the instance space can be found where algorithm performance varies significantly from the average performance of an algorithm; (ii) how the properties of the instances can be used to predict algorithm performance on previously unseen instances with high accuracy; and (iii) how the relative strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm can be visualized and measured objectively.
Keywords: Algorithm selection; Instance Space Analysis; Graph coloring; Heuristics; Performance prediction
Kate Smith-Miles and Simon Bowly. Generating New Test Instances by Evolving in Instance Space. Computers & Operations Research, 63:102–113, 2015.
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Our confidence in the future performance of any algorithm, including optimization algorithms, depends on how carefully we select test instances so that the generalization of algorithm performance on future instances can be inferred. In recent work, we have established a methodology to generate a 2-d representation of the instance space, comprising a set of known test instances. This instance space shows the similarities and differences between the instances using measurable features or properties, and enables the performance of algorithms to be viewed across the instance space, where generalizations can be inferred. The power of this methodology is the insights that can be generated into algorithm strengths and weaknesses by examining the regions in instance space where strong performance can be expected. The representation of the instance space is dependent on the choice of test instances however. In this paper we present a methodology for generating new test instances with controllable properties, by filling observed gaps in the instance space. This enables the generation of rich new sets of test instances to support better the understanding of algorithm strengths and weaknesses. The methodology is demonstrated on graph colouring as a case study.
Keywords: Benchmarking; Evolving instances; Graph colouring; Instance space; Test instances
Kate Smith-Miles, Jeffrey Christiansen, and Mario A. Muñoz. Revisiting Where Are the Hard Knapsack Problems? Via Instance Space Analysis. Computers & Operations Research, 128:105184, 2021.
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Keywords: 0-1 Knapsack problem; Algorithm portfolios; Algorithm selection; Instance difficulty; Instance generation; Instance Space Analysis; Performance evaluation
Kate Smith-Miles and Leo Lopes. Measuring instance difficulty for combinatorial optimization problems. Computers & Operations Research, 39:875–889, 2012.
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Kate Smith-Miles and Mario A. Muñoz. Instance Space Analysis for Algorithm Testing: Methodology and Software Tools. ACM Computing Surveys, 55(12), March 2023.
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Instance Space Analysis (ISA) is a recently developed methodology to (a) support objective testing of algorithms and (b) assess the diversity of test instances. Representing test instances as feature vectors, the ISA methodology extends Rice's 1976 Algorithm Selection Problem framework to enable visualization of the entire space of possible test instances, and gain insights into how algorithm performance is affected by instance properties. Rather than reporting algorithm performance on average across a chosen set of test problems, as is standard practice, the ISA methodology offers a more nuanced understanding of the unique strengths and weaknesses of algorithms across different regions of the instance space that may otherwise be hidden on average. It also facilitates objective assessment of any bias in the chosen test instances and provides guidance about the adequacy of benchmark test suites. This article is a comprehensive tutorial on the ISA methodology that has been evolving over several years, and includes details of all algorithms and software tools that are enabling its worldwide adoption in many disciplines. A case study comparing algorithms for university timetabling is presented to illustrate the methodology and tools.
Keywords: test instance diversity, benchmarking, timetabling, Algorithm footprints, MATLAB, software as a service, meta-heuristics, algorithm selection, meta-learning
Kate Smith-Miles. Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Meta-learning for Algorithm Selection. ACM Computing Surveys, 41(1):1–25, 2008.
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Krzysztof Socha and Christian Blum. An ant colony optimization algorithm for continuous optimization: An application to feed-forward neural network training. Neural Computing & Applications, 16(3):235–247, 2007.
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Krzysztof Socha and Marco Dorigo. Ant Colony Optimization for Continuous Domains. European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3):1155–1173, 2008.
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Proposed ACOR (ACOR)
Keywords: ACOR
Christine Solnon. Ants Can Solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(4):347–357, 2002.
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D. Soler, E. Martínez, and J. C. Micó. A Transformation for the Mixed General Routing Problem with Turn Penalties. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59:540–547, 2008.
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M. M. Solomon. Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Time Windows. Operations Research, 35:254–265, 1987.
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Zhenshou Song, Handing Wang, Cheng He, and Yaochu Jin. A Kriging-assisted two-archive evolutionary algorithm for expensive many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 25(6):1013–1027, 2021.
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Kenneth Sörensen. Metaheuristics—the metaphor exposed. International Transactions in Operational Research, 22(1):3–18, 2015.
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Kenneth Sörensen, Florian Arnold, and Daniel Palhazi Cuervo. A critical analysis of the “improved Clarke and Wright savings algorithm”. International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(1):54–63, 2017.
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Keywords: reproducibility, vehicle routing
Jorge A. Soria-Alcaraz, Gabriela Ochoa, Marco A. Sotelo-Figeroa, and Edmund K. Burke. A Methodology for Determining an Effective Subset of Heuristics in Selection Hyper-heuristics. European Journal of Operational Research, 260:972–983, 2017.
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Marcelo De Souza, Marcus Ritt, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Capping Methods for the Automatic Configuration of Optimization Algorithms. Computers & Operations Research, 139:105615, 2022.
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Automatic configuration techniques are widely and successfully used to find good parameter settings for optimization algorithms. Configuration is costly, because it is necessary to evaluate many configurations on different instances. For decision problems, when the objective is to minimize the running time of the algorithm, many configurators implement capping methods to discard poor configurations early. Such methods are not directly applicable to optimization problems, when the objective is to optimize the cost of the best solution found, given a predefined running time limit. We propose new capping methods for the automatic configuration of optimization algorithms. They use the previous executions to determine a performance envelope, which is used to evaluate new executions and cap those that do not satisfy the envelope conditions. We integrate the capping methods into the irace configurator and evaluate them on different optimization scenarios. Our results show that the proposed methods can save from about 5% to 78% of the configuration effort, while finding configurations of the same quality. Based on the computational analysis, we identify two conservative and two aggressive methods, that save an average of about 20% and 45% of the configuration effort, respectively. We also provide evidence that capping can help to better use the available budget in scenarios with a configuration time limit.
Abdelghani Souilah. Simulated annealing for manufacturing systems layout design. European Journal of Operational Research, 82(3):592–614, 1995.
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J. L. Henning. SPEC CPU2000: measuring CPU performance in the New Millennium. Computer, 33(7):28–35, 2000.
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Daniel A. Spielman and Shang-Hua Teng. Smoothed analysis of algorithms: Why the simplex algorithm usually takes polynomial time. Journal of the ACM, 51(3):385–463, 2004.
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Arno Sprecher, Sönke Hartmann, and Andreas Drexl. An exact algorithm for project scheduling with multiple modes. OR Spektrum, 19(3):195–203, 1997.
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Keywords: branch-and-bound, multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling, project scheduling
Arno Sprecher, Rainer Kolisch, and Andreas Drexl. Semi-active, active, and non-delay schedules for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 80(1):94–102, 1995.
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We consider the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). The focus of the paper is on a formal definition of semi-active, active, and non-delay schedules. Traditionally these schedules establish basic concepts within the job shop scheduling literature. There they are usually defined in a rather informal way which does not create any substantial problems. Using these concepts in the more general RCPSP without giving a formal definition may cause serious problems. After providing a formal definition of semi-active, active, and non-delay schedules for the RCPSP we outline some of these problems occurring within the disjunctive arc concept.
Keywords: active schedules, Branch-and-bound methods, non-delay schedules, Resource-constrained project scheduling, Semi-active schedules
N. Srinivas and Kalyanmoy Deb. Multiobjective Optimization Using Nondominated Sorting in Genetic Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation, 2(3):221–248, 1994.
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T. J. Stewart. Robustness of Additive Value Function Methods in MCDM. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 5(4):301–309, 1996.
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Keywords: machine decision-making
T. J. Stewart. Evaluation and refinement of aspiration-based methods in MCDM. European Journal of Operational Research, 113(3):643–652, 1999.
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Keywords: machine decision-making
T. J. Stewart. Goal programming and cognitive biases in decision-making. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56(10):1166–1175, 2005.
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Keywords: machine decision making
T. J. Stewart, Simon French, and Jesus Rios. Integrating multicriteria decision analysis and scenario planning: Review and extension. Omega, 41(4):679–688, 2013.
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Keywords: Multicriteria decision analysis
Helena Stegherr, Michael Heider, and Jörg Hähner. Classifying Metaheuristics: Towards a unified multi-level classification system. Natural Computing, 2020.
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Sarah Steiner and Tomasz Radzik. Computing all efficient solutions of the biobjective minimum spanning tree problem. Computers & Operations Research, 35(1):198–211, 2008.
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Victoria Stodden. What scientific idea is ready for retirement? Reproducibility. Edge, 2014.
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Introduces computational reproducibility, empirical reproducibility and statistical reproducibility
Daniel H. Stolfi and Enrique Alba. Red Swarm: Reducing travel times in smart cities by using bio-inspired algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 24:181–195, 2014.
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This article presents an innovative approach to solve one of the most relevant problems related to smart mobility: the reduction of vehicles' travel time. Our original approach, called Red Swarm, suggests a potentially customized route to each vehicle by using several spots located at traffic lights in order to avoid traffic jams by using {V2I} communications. That is quite different from other existing proposals, as it deals with real maps and actual streets, as well as several road traffic distributions. We propose an evolutionary algorithm (later efficiently parallelized) to optimize our case studies which have been imported from OpenStreetMap into {SUMO} as they belong to a real city. We have also developed a Rerouting Algorithm which accesses the configuration of the Red Swarm and communicates the route chosen to vehicles, using the spots (via WiFi link). Moreover, we have developed three competing algorithms in order to compare their results to those of Red Swarm and have observed that Red Swarm not only achieved the best results, but also outperformed the experts' solutions in a total of 60 scenarios tested, with up to 19% shorter travel times.
Keywords: Evolutionary algorithm,Road traffic,Smart city,Smart mobility,Traffic light,WiFi connections
Victoria Stodden, Marcia McNutt, David H. Bailey, Ewa Deelman, Yolanda Gil, Brooks Hanson, Michael A. Heroux, John P. A. Ioannidis, and Michela Taufer. Enhancing reproducibility for computational methods. Science, 354(6317):1240–1241, December 2016.
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Rainer Storn and Kenneth Price. Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for Global Optimization over Continuous Spaces. Journal of Global Optimization, 11(4):341–359, 1997.
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Proposed differential evolution
Victoria Stodden, Jennifer Seiler, and Zhaokun Ma. An empirical analysis of journal policy effectiveness for computational reproducibility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(11):2584–2589, March 2018.
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Philip N. Strenski and Scott Kirkpatrick. Analysis of Finite Length Annealing Schedules. Algorithmica, 6(1-6):346–366, 1991.
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Patrycja Strycharczuk, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Georgina Brown, and Adrian Leemann. General Northern English: Exploring regional variation in the North of England with machine learning. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3(48), 2020.
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In this paper, we present a novel computational approach to the analysis of accent variation. The case study is dialect leveling in the North of England, manifested as reduction of accent variation across the North and emergence of General Northern English (GNE), a pan-regional standard accent associated with middle-class speakers. We investigated this instance of dialect leveling using random forest classification, with audio data from a crowd-sourced corpus of 105 urban, mostly highly-educated speakers from five northern UK cities: Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, and Sheffield. We trained random forest models to identify individual northern cities from a sample of other northern accents, based on first two formant measurements of full vowel systems. We tested the models using unseen data. We relied on undersampling, bagging (bootstrap aggregation) and leave-one-out cross-validation to address some challenges associated with the data set, such as unbalanced data and relatively small sample size. The accuracy of classification provides us with a measure of relative similarity between different pairs of cities, while calculating conditional feature importance allows us to identify which input features (which vowels and which formants) have the largest influence in the prediction. We do find a considerable degree of leveling, especially between Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield, although some differences persist. The features that contribute to these differences most systematically are typically not the ones discussed in previous dialect descriptions. We propose that the most systematic regional features are also not salient, and as such, they serve as sociolinguistic regional indicators. We supplement the random forest results with a more traditional variationist description of by-city vowel systems, and we use both sources of evidence to inform a description of the vowels of General Northern English.
Keywords: vowels, accent features, dialect leveling, Random forest (bagging), Feature selecion
Thomas Stützle. Iterated Local Search for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 174(3):1519–1539, 2006.
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Thomas Stützle and Marco Dorigo. A Short Convergence Proof for a Class of ACO Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(4):358–365, 2002.
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Thomas Stützle and Holger H. Hoos. Max-Min Ant System. Future Generation Computer Systems, 16(8):889–914, 2000.
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Zhaopin Su, Guofu Zhang, Feng Yue, Dezhi Zhan, Miqing Li, Bin Li, and Xin Yao. Enhanced Constraint Handling for Reliability-Constrained Multiobjective Testing Resource Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 25(3):537–551, 2021.
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Anand Subramanian and Maria Battarra. An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problem with Pickups and Deliveries. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64(3):402–409, 2013.
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Anand Subramanian, Maria Battarra, and Chris N. Potts. An Iterated Local Search Heuristic for the Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Sequence-dependent Setup Times. International Journal of Production Research, 52(9):2729–2742, 2014.
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Yanan Sui, Vincent Zhuang, Joel W. Burdick, and Yisong Yue. Stagewise Safe Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Processes. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1806.07555, 2018. Published as [2608].
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Enforcing safety is a key aspect of many problems pertaining to sequential decision making under uncertainty, which require the decisions made at every step to be both informative of the optimal decision and also safe. For example, we value both efficacy and comfort in medical therapy, and efficiency and safety in robotic control. We consider this problem of optimizing an unknown utility function with absolute feedback or preference feedback subject to unknown safety constraints. We develop an efficient safe Bayesian optimization algorithm, StageOpt, that separates safe region expansion and utility function maximization into two distinct stages. Compared to existing approaches which interleave between expansion and optimization, we show that StageOpt is more efficient and naturally applicable to a broader class of problems. We provide theoretical guarantees for both the satisfaction of safety constraints as well as convergence to the optimal utility value. We evaluate StageOpt on both a variety of synthetic experiments, as well as in clinical practice. We demonstrate that StageOpt is more effective than existing safe optimization approaches, and is able to safely and effectively optimize spinal cord stimulation therapy in our clinical experiments.
Keywords: Safe Optimization, StageOpt
Yanan Sun, Gary G. Yen, and Zhang Yi. IGD Indicator-based Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-objective Optimization Problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(2):173–187, 2019.
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Johan A. K. Suykens and Joos Vandewalle. Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifiers. Neural Processing Letters, 9(3):293–300, 1999.
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Keywords: LS-SVM
Jerry Swan, Steven Adriaensen, Adam D. Barwell, Kevin Hammond, and David R. White. Extending the “Open-Closed Principle” to Automated Algorithm Configuration. Evolutionary Computation, 27(1):173–193, 2019.
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Jerry Swan, Steven Adriaensen, Alexander E. I. Brownlee, Kevin Hammond, Colin G. Johnson, Ahmed Kheiri, Faustyna Krawiec, Juan-Julián Merelo, Leandro L. Minku, Ender Özcan, Gisele Pappa, Pablo García-Sánchez, Kenneth Sörensen, Stefan Voß, Markus Wagner, and David R. White. Metaheuristics “In the Large”. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(2):393–406, March 2022.
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Jerry Swan, John R. Woodward, Ender Özcan, Graham Kendall, and Edmund K. Burke. Searching the Hyper-heuristic Design Space. Cognitive Computation, 6(1):66–73, March 2014.
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Harold Szu and Ralph Hartley. Fast Simulated Annealing. Physics Letters A, 122(3):157–162, 1987.
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Éric D. Taillard. Some Efficient Heuristic Methods for the Flow Shop Sequencing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 47(1):65–74, 1990.
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Éric D. Taillard. Robust Taboo Search for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Parallel Computing, 17(4-5):443–455, 1991.
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faster 2-exchange delta evaluation in QAP
Éric D. Taillard. Benchmarks for Basic Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 64(2):278–285, 1993.
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Éric D. Taillard. Comparison of Iterative Searches for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Location Science, 3(2):87–105, 1995.
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El-Ghazali Talbi. A Taxonomy of Hybrid Metaheuristics. Journal of Heuristics, 8(5):541–564, 2002.
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Kar Yan Tam. A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Allocating Space to Manufacturing Cells. International Journal of Production Research, 30(1):63–87, 1992.
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M. Tamiz, D. F. Jones, and E. El-Darzi. A review of Goal Programming and its applications. Annals of Operations Research, 58(1):39–53, January 1995.
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This paper presents a review of the current literature on the branch of multi-criteria decision modelling known as Goal Programming (GP). The result of our indepth investigations of the two main GP methods, lexicographic and weighted GP together with their distinct application areas is reported. Some guidelines to the scope of GP as an application tool are given and methods of determining which problem areas are best suited to the different GP approaches are proposed. The correlation between the method of assigning weights and priorities and the standard of the results is also ascertained.
Keywords: Goal Programming, lexicographic, weighted
Shunji Tanaka and Mituhiko Araki. An Exact Algorithm for the Single-machine Total Weighted Tardiness Problem with Sequence-dependent Setup Times. Computers & Operations Research, 40(1):344–352, 2013.
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Ryoji Tanabe and Hisao Ishibuchi. An easy-to-use real-world multi-objective optimization problem suite. Applied Soft Computing, 89:106078, 2020.
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Proposed the RE benchmark suite
Ryoji Tanabe, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Akira Oyama. Benchmarking Multi- and Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Under Two Optimization Scenarios. IEEE Access, 5:19597–19619, 2017.
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compared a number of MOEAs using a wide range of numbers of objectives and stopping criteria, with and without archivers; unbounded archive
Lixin Tang and Xianpeng Wang. Iterated local search algorithm based on very large-scale neighborhood for prize-collecting vehicle routing problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 29(11):1246–1258, 2006.
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M. F. Tasgetiren, D. Kizilay, Quan-Ke Pan, and Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan. Iterated Greedy Algorithms for the Blocking Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Makespan Criterion. Computers & Operations Research, 77:111–126, 2017.
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M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Yun-Chia Liang, Mehmet Sevkli, and Gunes Gencyilmaz. A particle swarm optimization algorithm for makespan and total flowtime minimization in the permutation flowshop sequencing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3):1930–1947, 2007.
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M. Fatih Tasgetiren, Quan-Ke Pan, Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan, and Ozge Buyukdagli. A variable iterated greedy algorithm with differential evolution for the no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 40(7):1729–1743, 2013.
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Joc Cing Tay and Nhu Binh Ho. Evolving dispatching rules using genetic programming for solving multi-objective flexible job-shop problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54(3):453 – 473, 2008.
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Cristina Teixeira, José Covas, Thomas Stützle, and António Gaspar-Cunha. Engineering an Efficient Two-Phase Local Search for the Co-Rotating Twin-Screw Configuration Problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 18(2):271–291, 2011.
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Cristina Teixeira, José Covas, Thomas Stützle, and António Gaspar-Cunha. Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization for Solving the Twin-Screw Extrusion Configuration Problem. Engineering Optimization, 44(3):351–371, 2012.
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Cristina Teixeira, José Covas, Thomas Stützle, and António Gaspar-Cunha. Hybrid Algorithms for the Twin-Screw Extrusion Configuration Problem. Applied Soft Computing, 23:298–307, 2014.
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Fitsum Teklu, Agachai Sumalee, and David Watling. A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimizing Traffic Control Signals Considering Routing. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 22(1):31–43, January 2007.
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J. B. Tenenbaum, V. D. Silva, and J. C. Langford. A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Science, 290(5500):2319–2323, 2000.
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J. Teo and Hussein A. Abbass. Automatic generation of controllers for embodied legged organisms: A Pareto evolutionary multi-objective approach. Evolutionary Computation, 12(3):355–394, 2004.
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Kei Terayama, Masato Sumita, Ryo Tamura, and Koji Tsuda. Black-Box Optimization for Automated Discovery. Accounts of Chemical Research, 54(6):1334–1346, March 2021.
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In chemistry and materials science, researchers and engineers discover, design, and optimize chemical compounds or materials with their professional knowledge and techniques. At the highest level of abstraction, this process is formulated as black-box optimization. For instance, the trial-and-error process of synthesizing various molecules for better material properties can be regarded as optimizing a black-box function describing the relation between a chemical formula and its properties. Various black-box optimization algorithms have been developed in the machine learning and statistics communities. Recently, a number of researchers have reported successful applications of such algorithms to chemistry. They include the design of photofunctional molecules and medical drugs, optimization of thermal emission materials and high Li-ion conductive solid electrolytes, and discovery of a new phase in inorganic thin films for solar cells.There are a wide variety of algorithms available for black-box optimization, such as Bayesian optimization, reinforcement learning, and active learning. Practitioners need to select an appropriate algorithm or, in some cases, develop novel algorithms to meet their demands. It is also necessary to determine how to best combine machine learning techniques with quantum mechanics- and molecular mechanics-based simulations, and experiments. In this Account, we give an overview of recent studies regarding automated discovery, design, and optimization based on black-box optimization. The Account covers the following algorithms: Bayesian optimization to optimize the chemical or physical properties, an optimization method using a quantum annealer, best-arm identification, gray-box optimization, and reinforcement learning. In addition, we introduce active learning and boundless objective-free exploration, which may not fall into the category of black-box optimization.Data quality and quantity are key for the success of these automated discovery techniques. As laboratory automation and robotics are put forward, automated discovery algorithms would be able to match human performance at least in some domains in the near future.
Patrick Thibodeau. Machine-based decision-making is coming. Computer World, November 2011. Last accessed: 15 January 2014.
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Lothar Thiele, Kaisa Miettinen, Pekka Korhonen, and Julián Molina. A Preference-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 17(3):411–436, 2009.
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Abstract In this paper, we discuss the idea of incorporating preference information into evolutionary multi-objective optimization and propose a preference-based evolutionary approach that can be used as an integral part of an interactive algorithm. One algorithm is proposed in the paper. At each iteration, the decision maker is asked to give preference information in terms of his or her reference point consisting of desirable aspiration levels for objective functions. The information is used in an evolutionary algorithm to generate a new population by combining the fitness function and an achievement scalarizing function. In multi-objective optimization, achievement scalarizing functions are widely used to project a given reference point into the Pareto optimal set. In our approach, the next population is thus more concentrated in the area where more preferred alternatives are assumed to lie and the whole Pareto optimal set does not have to be generated with equal accuracy. The approach is demonstrated by numerical examples.
Ye Tian, Ran Cheng, Xingyi Zhang, Fan Cheng, and Yaochu Jin. An Indicator-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm With Reference Point Adaptation for Better Versatility. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(4):609–622, 2018.
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IGD-based archiver
Tiew-On Ting, M. V. C. Rao, C. K. Loo, and S. S. Ngu. Solving Unit Commitment Problem Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization. Journal of Heuristics, 9(6):507–520, 2003.
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Santosh Tiwari, Georges Fadel, and Kalyanmoy Deb. AMGA2: Improving the performance of the archive-based micro-genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization. Engineering Optimization, 43(4):377–401, 2011.
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V. T'Kindt, Nicolas Monmarché, F. Tercinet, and D. Laügt. An ant colony optimization algorithm to solve a 2-machine bicriteria flowshop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 142(2):250–257, 2002.
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Michal K Tomczyk and Milosz Kadziński. Decomposition-based interactive evolutionary algorithm for multiple objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 24(2):320–334, 2019.
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We propose a decomposition-based interactive evolutionary algorithm (EA) for multiple objective optimization. During an evolutionary search, a decision maker (DM) is asked to compare pairwise solutions from the current population. Using the Monte Carlo simulation, the proposed algorithm generates from a uniform distribution a set of instances of the preference model compatible with such an indirect preference information. These instances are incorporated as the search directions with the aim of systematically converging a population toward the DMs most preferred region of the Pareto front. The experimental comparison proves that the proposed decomposition-based method outperforms the state-of-the-art interactive counterparts of the dominance-based EAs. We also show that the quality of constructed solutions is highly affected by the form of the incorporated preference model.
Keywords: interactive multi-objective; decision-making
Michal K Tomczyk and Milosz Kadziński. EMOSOR: Evolutionary multiple objective optimization guided by interactive stochastic ordinal regression. Computers & Operations Research, 108:134–154, 2019.
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We propose a family of algorithms, called EMOSOR, combining Evolutionary Multiple Objective Optimization with Stochastic Ordinal Regression. The proposed methods ask the Decision Maker (DM) to holistically compare, at regular intervals, a pair of solutions, and use the Monte Carlo simulation to construct a set of preference model instances compatible with such indirect and incomplete information. The specific variants of EMOSOR are distinguished by the following three aspects. Firstly, they make use of two different preference models, i.e., either an additive value function or a Chebyshev function. Secondly, they aggregate the acceptability indices derived from the stochastic analysis in various ways, and use thus constructed indicators or relations to sort the solutions obtained in each generation. Thirdly, they incorporate different active learning strategies for selecting pairs of solutions to be critically judged by the DM. The extensive computational experiments performed on a set of benchmark optimization problems reveal that EMOSOR is able to bias an evolutionary search towards a part of the Pareto front being the most relevant to the DM, outperforming in this regard the state-of-the-art interactive evolutionary hybrids. Moreover, we demonstrate that the performance of EMOSOR improves in case the forms of a preference model used by the method and the DM's value system align. Furthermore, we discuss how vastly incorporation of different indicators based on the stochastic acceptability indices influences the quality of both the best constructed solution and an entire population. Finally, we demonstrate that our novel questioning strategies allow to reduce a number of interactions with the DM until a high-quality solution is constructed or, alternatively, to discover a better solution after the same number of interactions.
Keywords: Multiple objective optimization, Interactive evolutionary hybrids, Stochastic ordinal regression, Preference disaggregation, Pairwise comparisons, Active learning
Michal K Tomczyk and Milosz Kadziński. Decomposition-based co-evolutionary algorithm for interactive multiple objective optimization. Information Sciences, 549:178–199, 2021.
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We propose a novel co-evolutionary algorithm for interactive multiple objective optimization, named CIEMO/D. It aims at finding a region in the Pareto front that is highly relevant to the Decision Maker (DM). For this reason, CIEMO/D asks the DM, at regular intervals, to compare pairs of solutions from the current population and uses such preference information to bias the evolutionary search. Unlike the existing interactive evolutionary algorithms dealing with just a single population, CIEMO/D co-evolves a pool of subpopulations in a steady-state decomposition-based evolutionary framework. The evolution of each subpopulation is driven by the use of a different preference model. In this way, the algorithm explores various regions in the objective space, thus increasing the chances of finding DM's most preferred solution. To improve the pace of the evolutionary search, CIEMO/D allows for the migration of solutions between different subpopulations. It also dynamically alters the subpopulations' size based on compatibility between the incorporated preference models and the decision examples supplied by the DM. The extensive experimental evaluation reveals that CIEMO/D can successfully adjust to different DM's decision policies. We also compare CIEMO/D with selected state-of-the-art interactive evolutionary hybrids that make use of the DM's pairwise comparisons, demonstrating its high competitiveness.
Keywords: Evolutionary multiple objective optimization, Co-evolution, Decomposition, Indirect preference information, Preference learning
C. E. Torres, L. F. Rossi, J. Keffer, K. Li, and C.-C. Shen. Modeling, analysis and simulation of ant-based network routing protocols. Swarm Intelligence, 4(3):221–244, 2010.
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Heike Trautmann and Jörn Mehnen. Preference-based Pareto optimization in certain and noisy environments. Engineering Optimization, 41(1):23–38, January 2009.
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Vito Trianni and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Advantages of Task-Specific Multi-Objective Optimisation in Evolutionary Robotics. PLoS One, 10(8):e0136406, 2015.
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The application of multi-objective optimisation to evolutionary robotics is receiving increasing attention. A survey of the literature reveals the different possibilities it offers to improve the automatic design of efficient and adaptive robotic systems, and points to the successful demonstrations available for both task-specific and task-agnostic approaches (i.e., with or without reference to the specific design problem to be tackled). However, the advantages of multi-objective approaches over single-objective ones have not been clearly spelled out and experimentally demonstrated. This paper fills this gap for task-specific approaches: starting from well-known results in multi-objective optimisation, we discuss how to tackle commonly recognised problems in evolutionary robotics. In particular, we show that multi-objective optimisation (i) allows evolving a more varied set of behaviours by exploring multiple trade-offs of the objectives to optimise, (ii) supports the evolution of the desired behaviour through the introduction of objectives as proxies, (iii) avoids the premature convergence to local optima possibly introduced by multi-component fitness functions, and (iv) solves the bootstrap problem exploiting ancillary objectives to guide evolution in the early phases. We present an experimental demonstration of these benefits in three different case studies: maze navigation in a single robot domain, flocking in a swarm robotics context, and a strictly collaborative task in collective robotics.
Vito Trianni and S. Nolfi. Engineering the evolution of self-organizing behaviors in swarm robotics: A case study. Artificial Life, 17(3):183–202, 2011.
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Anupam Trivedi, Dipti Srinivasan, Krishnendu Sanyal, and Abhiroop Ghosh. A survey of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms based on decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 21(3):440–462, 2016.
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L.-Y. Tseng and Y.-T. Lin. A hybrid genetic local search algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 198(1):84–92, 2009.
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S. Tsutsui. Ant Colony Optimization with Cunning Ants. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 22:29–36, 2007.
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Keywords: ant colony optimization, traveling salesman problem, cunning ant, donor ant, local search
Alexis Tugilimana, Ashley P. Thrall, and Rajan Filomeno Coelho. Conceptual Design of Modular Bridges Including Layout Optimization and Component Reusability. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(11):04017094, 2017.
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Keywords: scenario-based
Renata TurkeÅ¡, Kenneth Sörensen, and Lars Magnus Hvattum. Meta-analysis of metaheuristics: Quantifying the effect of adaptiveness in adaptive large neighborhood search. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(2):423–42, 2021.
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Keywords: Metaheuristics, Meta-analysis, Adaptive large neighborhood search
Tea Tušar and Bogdan Filipič. Visualizing Exact and Approximated 3D Empirical Attainment Functions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014. Article ID 569346, 18 pages.
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Tea Tušar and Bogdan Filipič. Visualization of Pareto front approximations in evolutionary multiobjective optimization: A critical review and the prosection method. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(2):225–245, 2015.
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Colin Twomey, Thomas Stützle, Marco Dorigo, Max Manfrin, and Mauro Birattari. An Analysis of Communication Policies for Homogeneous Multi-colony ACO Algorithms. Information Sciences, 180(12):2390–2404, 2010.
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E. Ulungu and Jacques Teghem. The two phases method: An efficient procedure to solve bi-objective combinatorial optimization problems. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 20(2):149–165, 1995.
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E. Ulungu, Jacques Teghem, P. H. Fortemps, and D. Tuyttens. MOSA method: a tool for solving multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 8(4):221–236, 1999.
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Thijs Urlings, Rubén Ruiz, and F. Sivrikaya-Şerifoğlu. Genetic Algorithms for Complex Hybrid Flexible Flow Line Problems. International Journal of Metaheuristics, 1(1):30–54, 2010.
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Thijs Urlings, Rubén Ruiz, and Thomas Stützle. Shifting Representation Search for Hybrid Flexible Flowline Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 207(2):1086–1095, 2010.
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Rob J. M. Vaessens, Emile H. L. Aarts, and Jan Karel Lenstra. A Local Search Template. Computers & Operations Research, 25(11):969–979, 1998.
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Claudio Lucio do Val Lopes, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro Martins, Elizabeth F. Wanner, and Kalyanmoy Deb. Analyzing dominance move (MIP-DoM) indicator for multi-and many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2021.
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Eva Vallada and Rubén Ruiz. Genetic algorithms with path relinking for the minimum tardiness permutation flowshop problem. Omega, 38(1–2):57–67, 2010.
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Eva Vallada, Rubén Ruiz, and Jose M. Framiñán. New hard benchmark for flowshop scheduling problems minimising makespan. European Journal of Operational Research, 240(3):666–677, 2015.
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Eva Vallada, Rubén Ruiz, and Gerardo Minella. Minimising total tardiness in the m-machine flowshop problem: A review and evaluation of heuristics and metaheuristics. Computers & Operations Research, 35(4):1350–1373, 2008.
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Pieter Vansteenwegen, Wouter Souffriau, Greet Vanden Berghe, and Dirk Van Oudheusden. Iterated Local Search for the Team Orienteering Problem with Time Tindows. Computers & Operations Research, 36(12):3281–3290, 2009.
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Keywords: effect size test, A12 test
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The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks in an encoder-decoder configuration. The best performing models also connect the encoder and decoder through an attention mechanism. We propose a new simple network architecture, the Transformer, based solely on attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Experiments on two machine translation tasks show these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train. Our model achieves 28.4 BLEU on the WMT 2014 English-to-German translation task, improving over the existing best results, including ensembles by over 2 BLEU. On the WMT 2014 English-to-French translation task, our model establishes a new single-model state-of-the-art BLEU score of 41.8 after training for 3.5 days on eight GPUs, a small fraction of the training costs of the best models from the literature. We show that the Transformer generalizes well to other tasks by applying it successfully to English constituency parsing both with large and limited training data.
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Amit Verma and Mark Lewis. Penalty and partitioning techniques to improve performance of QUBO solvers. Discrete Optimization, p.  100594, 2020.
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Keywords: Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization, Nonlinear optimization, Pseudo-Boolean optimization, Equality constraint, Inequality constraint
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Keywords: scenario-based
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Showed that fraction of Pareto-optimal increases with number of objectives
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Keywords: anytime
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Keywords: Cluster analysis, Min-sum-min problems, Nondifferentiable programming, Smoothing
B. Xin, L. Chen, J. Chen, Hisao Ishibuchi, K. Hirota, and B. Liu. Interactive Multiobjective Optimization: A Review of the State-of-the-Art. IEEE Access, 6:41256–41279, 2018.
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Interactive multiobjective optimization (IMO) aims at finding the most preferred solution of a decision maker with the guidance of his/her preferences which are provided progressively. During the process, the decision maker can adjust his/her preferences and explore only interested regions of the search space. In recent decades, IMO has gradually become a common interest of two distinct communities, namely, the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) and the evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO). The IMO methods developed by the MCDM community usually use the mathematical programming methodology to search for a single preferred Pareto optimal solution, while those which are rooted in EMO often employ evolutionary algorithms to generate a representative set of solutions in the decision maker's preferred region. This paper aims to give a review of IMO research from both MCDM and EMO perspectives. Taking into account four classification criteria including the interaction pattern, preference information, preference model, and search engine (i.e., optimization algorithm), a taxonomy is established to identify important IMO factors and differentiate various IMO methods. According to the taxonomy, state-of-the-art IMO methods are categorized and reviewed and the design ideas behind them are summarized. A collection of important issues, e.g., the burdens, cognitive biases and preference inconsistency of decision makers, and the performance measures and metrics for evaluating IMO methods, are highlighted and discussed. Several promising directions worthy of future research are also presented.
Keywords: Decision making, Evolutionary computation, Pareto optimization, Evolutionary multiobjective optimization, interactive multiobjective optimization, multiple criteria decision making, preference information, preference models
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Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK use the beta (Business Excellence Through Action) approach to the EFQM Excellence Model to conduct business excellence self-assessment, which is in essence a multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) problem. This paper introduces a decision support software package called Intelligent Decision System (IDS) to implement the beta approach. It is demonstrated in the paper that the IDS-beta package can provide not only average scores but also the following numerical results and graphical displays on: Distributed assessment results to demonstrate the diversity of company performances The performance range to cater for incomplete assessment information Comparisons between current performances and past performances, among different companies among different action plans. Strengths and weaknesses The IDS-beta package also provides a structured knowledge base to help assessors to make judgements more objectively. The knowledge base contains guidelines provided by the developers of the beta approach, best practices gathered from research on award winning organizations, evidence collected from companies being assessed and comments provided by assessors to record the reasons why a specific criterion is assessed to a certain grade for a company. Four small UK companies, the industry partners of the research project, have carried out the preliminary self-assessment using the package. The results and experience of the application are discussed at the end of the paper.
Keywords: decision support system, business excellence, MCDA, quality award, self-assessment, the evidential reasoning approach
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Yuki Yamada. How to Crack Pre-registration: Toward Transparent and Open Science. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, September 2018.
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Keywords: HARKing; PARKing
Kaifeng Yang, Michael T. M. Emmerich, André H. Deutz, and Thomas Bäck. Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization using Expected Hypervolume Improvement Gradient. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 44:945–956, February 2019.
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Keywords: Bayesian Optimisation with preferences
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Introduces penalty-based boundary intersection (PBI) function
Jingqiao Zhang and Arthur C. Sanderson. JADE: Adaptive differential evolution with optional external archive. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(5):945–958, 2009.
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H. Zhao and Sudha Ram. Constrained cascade generalization of decision trees. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 16(6):727–739, 2004.
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Keywords: multi-modal, IGDX
Shlomo Zilberstein. Using Anytime Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. AI Magazine, 17(3):73–83, 1996.
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Anytime algorithms give intelligent systems the capability to trade deliberation time for quality of results. This capability is essential for successful operation in domains such as signal interpretation, real-time diagnosis and repair, and mobile robot control. What characterizes these domains is that it is not feasible (computationally) or desirable (economically) to compute the optimal answer. This article surveys the main control problems that arise when a system is composed of several anytime algorithms. These problems relate to optimal management of uncertainty and precision. After a brief introduction to anytime computation, I outline a wide range of existing solutions to the metalevel control problem and describe current work that is aimed at increasing the applicability of anytime computation.
Keywords: performance profiles
Stanley Zionts and Jyrki Wallenius. An interactive multiple objective linear programming method for a class of underlying nonlinear utility functions. Management Science, 29(5):519–529, 1983.
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Eckart Zitzler and Lothar Thiele. Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comparative Case Study and the Strength Pareto Approach. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 3(4):257–271, 1999.
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Proposed SPEA,
Eckart Zitzler, Lothar Thiele, and Johannes Bader. On Set-Based Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14(1):58–79, 2010.
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Proposed SPAM and explores combination of quality indicators
Keywords: Performance assessment; Preference articulation; refinement; Set Partitioning; Set-preference
Eckart Zitzler, Lothar Thiele, and Kalyanmoy Deb. Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: Empirical Results. Evolutionary Computation, 8(2):173–195, 2000.
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Keywords: ZDT benchmark
Eckart Zitzler, Lothar Thiele, Marco Laumanns, Carlos M. Fonseca, and Viviane Grunert da Fonseca. Performance Assessment of Multiobjective Optimizers: an Analysis and Review. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 7(2):117–132, 2003.
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Proposed the combination of quality indicators; proposed epsilon-indicator
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Heavy industry maintenance facilities at aircraft service centers or railroad yards must contend with scheduling preventive maintenance tasks to ensure critical equipment remains available. The workforce that performs these tasks are often high-paid, which means the task scheduling should minimize worker idle time. Idle time can always be minimized by reducing the workforce. However, all preventive maintenance tasks should be completed as quickly as possible to make equipment available. This means the completion time should be also minimized. Unfortunately, a small workforce cannot complete many maintenance tasks per hour. Hence, there is a tradeoff: should the workforce be small to reduce idle time or should it be large so more maintenance can be performed each hour? A cost effective schedule should strike some balance between a minimum schedule and a minimum size workforce. This paper uses evolutionary algorithms to solve this multiobjective problem. However, rather than conducting a conventional dominance-based Pareto search, we introduce a form of utility theory to find Pareto optimal solutions. The advantage of this method is the user can target specific subsets of the Pareto front by merely ranking a small set of initial solutions. A large example problem is used to demonstrate our method.
Keywords: Evolutionary computations, Scheduling, Utility theory, Preventive maintenance, Multi-objective optimization, ranking-based, interactive
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Keywords: memory-based ACO
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Keywords: memory-based ACO
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Hernán E. Aguirre and Kiyoshi Tanaka. Many-Objective Optimization by Space Partitioning and Adaptive ε-Ranking on MNK-Landscapes. In M. Ehrgott, C. M. Fonseca, X. Gandibleux, J.-K. Hao, and M. Sevaux, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2009, volume 5467 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  407–422. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.
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Keywords: many-objective evolutionary optimization
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Hassene Aissi and Bernard Roy. Robustness in Multi-criteria Decision Aiding. In M. Ehrgott, J. R. Figueira, and S. Greco, editors, Trends in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, volume 142 of International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, chapter 4, pp.  87–121. Springer, US, 2010.
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I. Alaya, Christine Solnon, and Khaled Ghédira. Ant algorithm for the multi-dimensional knapsack problem. In B. Filipič and J. Šilc, editors, International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications (BIOMA 2004), pp.  63–72, 2004.
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Enrique Alba and Francisco Chicano. ACOhg: dealing with huge graphs. In D. Thierens et al., editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, pp.  10–17. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2007.
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Mohamad Alissa, Kevin Sim, and Emma Hart. Algorithm Selection Using Deep Learning without Feature Extraction. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2019, pp.  198–206. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Sam Allen, Edmund K. Burke, Matthew R. Hyde, and Graham Kendall. Evolving reusable 3d packing heuristics with genetic programming. In F. Rothlauf, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2009, pp.  931–938. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2009.
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Keywords: hyper-heuristic
Richard Allmendinger and Joshua D. Knowles. Evolutionary Optimization on Problems Subject to Changes of Variables. In R. Schaefer, C. Cotta, J. Kolodziej, and G. Rudolph, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI, volume 6238 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  151–160. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
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Motivated by an experimental problem involving the identification of effective drug combinations drawn from a non-static drug library, this paper examines evolutionary algorithm strategies for dealing with changes of variables. We consider four standard techniques from dynamic optimization, and propose one new technique. The results show that only little additional diversity needs to be introduced into the population when changing a small number of variables, while changing many variables or optimizing a rugged landscape requires often a restart of the optimization process
Richard Allmendinger and Joshua D. Knowles. Evolutionary Search in Lethal Environments. In International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, pp.  63–72. SciTePress, 2011.
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Richard Allmendinger and Joshua D. Knowles. Policy Learning in Resource-Constrained Optimization. In N. Krasnogor and P. L. Lanzi, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2011, pp.  1971–1979. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2011.
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We consider an optimization scenario in which resources are required in the evaluation process of candidate solutions. The challenge we are focussing on is that certain resources have to be committed to for some period of time whenever they are used by an optimizer. This has the effect that certain solutions may be temporarily non-evaluable during the optimization. Previous analysis revealed that evolutionary algorithms (EAs) can be effective against this resourcing issue when augmented with static strategies for dealing with non-evaluable solutions, such as repairing, waiting, or penalty methods. Moreover, it is possible to select a suitable strategy for resource-constrained problems offline if the resourcing issue is known in advance. In this paper we demonstrate that an EA that uses a reinforcement learning (RL) agent, here Sarsa(λ), to learn offline when to switch between static strategies, can be more effective than any of the static strategies themselves. We also show that learning the same task as the RL agent but online using an adaptive strategy selection method, here D-MAB, is not as effective; nevertheless, online learning is an alternative to static strategies.
Joseph Allen, Ahmed Moussa, and Xudong Liu. Human-in-the-Loop Learning of Qualitative Preference Models. In R. Barták and K. W. Brawner, editors, Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pp.  108–111. AAAI Press, 2019.
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Richard Allmendinger. Tuning Evolutionary Search for Closed-Loop Optimization. PhD thesis, The University of Manchester, UK, January 2012.
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Daniel Angus. Population-Based Ant Colony Optimisation for Multi-objective Function Optimisation. In M. Randall, H. A. Abbass, and J. Wiles, editors, Progress in Artificial Life (ACAL), volume 4828 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  232–244. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.
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J. Ansel, S. Kamil, K. Veeramachaneni, J. Ragan-Kelley, J. Bosboom, Una-May O'Reilly, and S. Amarasinghe. OpenTuner: An extensible framework for program autotuning. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, pp.  303–315, New York, NY, 2014. ACM Press.
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Carlos Ansótegui, Yuri Malitsky, Horst Samulowitz, Meinolf Sellmann, and Kevin Tierney. Model-Based Genetic Algorithms for Algorithm Configuration. In Q. Yang and M. Wooldridge, editors, Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), pp.  733–739. IJCAI/AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2015.
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Keywords: GGA++
Carlos Ansótegui, Yuri Malitsky, and Meinolf Sellmann. MaxSAT by Improved Instance-Specific Algorithm Configuration. In D. Stracuzzi et al., editors, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.  2594–2600. AAAI Press, 2014.
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Carlos Ansótegui, Meinolf Sellmann, and Kevin Tierney. A Gender-Based Genetic Algorithm for the Automatic Configuration of Algorithms. In I. P. Gent, editor, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP 2009, volume 5732 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  142–157. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.
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Keywords: GGA
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David Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, and William J. Cook. The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Computational Study. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2006.
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Jay April, Fred Glover, James P. Kelly, and Manuel Laguna. Simulation-based optimization: Practical introduction to simulation optimization. In S. E. Chick, P. J. Sanchez, D. M. Ferrin, and D. J. Morrice, editors, Proceedings of the 35th Winter Simulation Conference: Driving Innovation, volume 1, pp.  71–78, New York, NY, December 2003. ACM Press.
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Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak. Computational complexity: a modern approach. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
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Etor Arza, Josu Ceberio, Aritz Pérez, and Ekhine Irurozki. Approaching the quadratic assignment problem with kernels of mallows models under the hamming distance. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Keywords: QAP, EDA, Mallows
Y. Asahiro, K. Iwama, and E. Miyano. Random Generation of Test Instances with Controlled Attributes. In D. S. Johnson and M. A. Trick, editors, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability: Second DIMACS Implementation Challenge, volume 26 of DIMACS Series on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, pp.  377–393. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1996.
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Anne Auger, Johannes Bader, Dimo Brockhoff, and Eckart Zitzler. Articulating User Preferences in Many-Objective Problems by Sampling the Weighted Hypervolume. In F. Rothlauf, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2009, pp.  555–562. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2009.
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Anne Auger, Johannes Bader, Dimo Brockhoff, and Eckart Zitzler. Investigating and Exploiting the Bias of the Weighted Hypervolume to Articulate User Preferences. In F. Rothlauf, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2009, pp.  563–570. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2009.
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Anne Auger, Johannes Bader, Dimo Brockhoff, and Eckart Zitzler. Theory of the hypervolume indicator: optimal μ-distributions and the choice of the reference point. In F. Rothlauf, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2009, pp.  87–102. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2009.
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Anne Auger, Dimo Brockhoff, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Kaisa Miettinen, Boris Naujoks, and Günther Rudolph. Which questions should be asked to find the most appropriate method for decision making and problem solving? (Working Group “Algorithm Design Methods”). In S. Greco, J. D. Knowles, K. Miettinen, and E. Zitzler, editors, Learning in Multiobjective Optimization (Dagstuhl Seminar 12041), volume 2(1) of Dagstuhl Reports, pp.  92–93. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2012.
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A. Auger and B. Doerr, editors. Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics: Foundations and Recent Developments, volume 1 of Series on Theoretical Computer Science. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2011.
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Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen. A restart CMA evolution strategy with increasing population size. In Proceedings of the 2005 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2005), pp.  1769–1776, Piscataway, NJ, September 2005. IEEE Press.
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Keywords: IPOP-CMA-ES
Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen. Performance evaluation of an advanced local search evolutionary algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2005 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2005), pp.  1777–1784, Piscataway, NJ, September 2005. IEEE Press.
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Keywords: LR-CMAES
Andreea Avramescu, Richard Allmendinger, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. A Multi-Objective Multi-Type Facility Location Problem for the Delivery of Personalised Medicine. In P. Castillo and J. L. Jiménez Laredo, editors, Applications of Evolutionary Computation, volume 12694 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  388–403. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021.
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Advances in personalised medicine targeting specific sub-populations and individuals pose a challenge to the traditional pharmaceutical industry. With a higher level of personalisation, an already critical supply chain is facing additional demands added by the very sensitive nature of its products. Nevertheless, studies concerned with the efficient development and delivery of these products are scarce. Thus, this paper presents the case of personalised medicine and the challenges imposed by its mass delivery. We propose a multi-objective mathematical model for the location-allocation problem with two interdependent facility types in the case of personalised medicine products. We show its practical application through a cell and gene therapy case study. A multi-objective genetic algorithm with a novel population initialisation procedure is used as solution method.
Keywords: Personalised medicine, Biopharmaceuticals Supply chain, Facility location-allocation, Evolutionary multi-objective optimisation
Doǧan Aydın, Gürcan Yavuz, Serdar Özyön, Celal Yasar, and Thomas Stützle. Artificial Bee Colony Framework to Non-convex Economic Dispatch Problem with Valve Point Effects: A Case Study. In P. A. N. Bosman, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2017, pp.  1311–1318. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2017.
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Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Matthieu Parizy, and Arnaud Liefooghe. Applying Ising Machines to Multi-Objective QUBOs. In S. Silva and L. Paquete, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2023, pp.  2166–2174. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2023.
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Multi-objective optimisation problems involve finding solutions with varying trade-offs between multiple and often conflicting objectives. Ising machines are physical devices that aim to find the absolute or approximate ground states of an Ising model. To apply Ising machines to multi-objective problems, a weighted sum objective function is used to convert multi-objective into single-objective problems. However, deriving scalarisation weights that archives evenly distributed solutions across the Pareto front is not trivial. Previous work has shown that adaptive weights based on dichotomic search, and one based on averages of previously explored weights can explore the Pareto front quicker than uniformly generated weights. However, these adaptive methods have only been applied to bi-objective problems in the past. In this work, we extend the adaptive method based on averages in two ways: (i) we extend the adaptive method of deriving scalarisation weights for problems with two or more objectives, and (ii) we use an alternative measure of distance to improve performance. We compare the proposed method with existing ones and show that it leads to the best performance on multi-objective Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Programming (mUBQP) instances with 3 and 4 objectives and that it is competitive with the best one for instances with 2 objectives.
ISBN: 979-8-4007-0120-7
Keywords: digital annealer, multi-objective, bi-objective QAP, QUBO
Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Matthieu Parizy. Multi-Objective QUBO Solver: Bi-Objective Quadratic Assignment Problem. In J. E. Fieldsend and M. Wagner, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2022, pp.  467–475. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2022.
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Quantum and quantum-inspired optimisation algorithms are designed to solve problems represented in binary, quadratic and unconstrained form. Combinatorial optimisation problems are therefore often formulated as Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimisation Problems (QUBO) to solve them with these algorithms. Moreover, these QUBO solvers are often implemented using specialised hardware to achieve enormous speedups, e.g. Fujitsu's Digital Annealer (DA) and D-Wave's Quantum Annealer. However, these are single-objective solvers, while many real-world problems feature multiple conflicting objectives. Thus, a common practice when using these QUBO solvers is to scalarise such multi-objective problems into a sequence of single-objective problems. Due to design trade-offs of these solvers, formulating each scalarisation may require more time than finding a local optimum. We present the first attempt to extend the algorithm supporting a commercial QUBO solver as a multi-objective solver that is not based on scalarisation. The proposed multi-objective DA algorithm is validated on the bi-objective Quadratic Assignment Problem. We observe that algorithm performance significantly depends on the archiving strategy adopted, and that combining DA with non-scalarisation methods to optimise multiple objectives outperforms the current scalarised version of the DA in terms of final solution quality.
Keywords: digital annealer, multi-objective, bi-objective QAP, QUBO
Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Matthieu Parizy. A Study of Scalarisation Techniques for Multi-objective QUBO Solving. In O. Grothe, S. Nickel, S. Rebennack, and O. Stein, editors, Operations Research Proceedings 2022, OR 2022, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, pp.  393–399. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2022.
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Mayowa Ayodele. Penalty Weights in QUBO Formulations: Permutation Problems. In L. Pérez Cáceres and S. Verel, editors, Proceedings of EvoCOP 2022 – 22nd European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  159–174. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2022.
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Amine Aziz-Alaoui, Carola Doerr, and Johann Dreo. Towards Large Scale Automated Algorithm Design by Integrating Modular Benchmarking Frameworks. In F. Chicano and K. Krawiec, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2021, pp.  1365–1374. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2021.
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Eckart Zitzler, Marco Laumanns, and S. Bleuler. A tutorial on evolutionary multiobjective optimization. In X. Gandibleux, M. Sevaux, K. Sörensen, and V. T'Kindt, editors, Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation, volume 535 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, pp.  3–37. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2004.
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S. Bleuler, Marco Laumanns, Lothar Thiele, and Eckart Zitzler. PISA – A Platform and Programming Language Independent Interface for Search Algorithms. In C. M. Fonseca, P. J. Fleming, E. Zitzler, K. Deb, and L. Thiele, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2003, volume 2632 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  494–508. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2003.
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Spear-swv instances,,
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Unreviewed paper
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Keywords: Genetic Edge Recombination (ERX)
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Keywords: Iterated Race
Egon Balas and Andrew Ho. Set Covering Algorithms Using Cutting Planes, Heuristics, and Subgradient Optimization: A Computational Study. In M. W. Padberg, editor, Combinatorial optimization, volume 12 of Mathematical Programming Studies, pp.  37–60. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 1980.
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P. Baptiste and L. K. Hguny. A branch and bound algorithm for the F/no_idle/Cmax. In Proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and production management, IEPM'97, pp.  429–438, Lyon, 1997.
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Thomas Bartz-Beielstein. Experimental Research in Evolutionary Computation: The New Experimentalism. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2006.
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Keywords: SPO
Thomas Bartz-Beielstein. How to Create Generalizable Results. In J. Kacprzyk and W. Pedrycz, editors, Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence, pp.  1127–1142. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2015.
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Keywords: Mixed-effects models, random-effects model, problem instance generation
Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Oliver Flasch, Patrick Koch, and Wolfgang Konen. SPOT: A Toolbox for Interactive and Automatic Tuning in the R Environment. In Proceedings 20. Workshop Computational Intelligence, pp.  264–273, Karlsruhe, 2010. KIT Scientific Publishing.
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Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, C. Lasarczyk, and Mike Preuss. Sequential Parameter Optimization. In Proceedings of the 2005 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2005), pp.  773–780, Piscataway, NJ, September 2005. IEEE Press.
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Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, C. Lasarczyk, and Mike Preuss. The Sequential Parameter Optimization Toolbox. In T. Bartz-Beielstein, M. Chiarandini, L. Paquete, and M. Preuss, editors, Experimental Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms, pp.  337–360. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2010.
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Keywords: SPOT
Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and Sandor Markon. Tuning search algorithms for real-world applications: A regression tree based approach. In Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2004), pp.  1111–1118, Piscataway, NJ, September 2004. IEEE Press.
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Elias Bareinboim and Judea Pearl. Transportability of causal effects: Completeness results. In J. Hoffmann and B. Selman, editors, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.  698,704. AAAI Press, 2012.
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Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and Mike Preuss. Considerations of budget allocation for sequential parameter optimization (SPO). In L. Paquete, M. Chiarandini, and D. Basso, editors, Empirical Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, Workshop EMAA 2006, Proceedings, pp.  35–40, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2006.
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Roberto Battiti and Paolo Campigotto. Reactive search optimization: Learning while optimizing. An experiment in interactive multi-objective optimization. In M. Caserta and S. Voß, editors, Proceedings of MIC 2009, the 8th Metaheuristics International Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2010. University of Hamburg.
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Michele Battistutta, Andrea Schaerf, and Tommaso Urli. Feature-based tuning of single-stage simulated annealing for examination timetabling. In E. Özcan, E. K. Burke, and B. McCollum, editors, PATAT 2014: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, pp.  53–61. PATAT, 2014.
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Keywords: F-race
E. B. Baum. Iterated Descent: A Better Algorithm for Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Manuscript, 1986.
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Keywords: Safe Optimization, SafeOpt
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unbounded archive
Leonardo C. T. Bezerra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Archiver Effects on the Performance of State-of-the-art Multi- and Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithms. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Leonardo C. T. Bezerra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Archiver Effects on the Performance of State-of-the-art Multi- and Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithms: Supplementary material., 2019.
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Leonardo C. T. Bezerra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Automatic Configuration of Multi-objective Optimizers and Multi-objective Configuration. In T. Bartz-Beielstein, B. Filipič, P. Korošec, and E.-G. Talbi, editors, High-Performance Simulation-Based Optimization, pp.  69–92. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2020.
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Heuristic optimizers are an important tool in academia and industry, and their performance-optimizing configuration requires a significant amount of expertise. As the proper configuration of algorithms is a crucial aspect in the engineering of heuristic algorithms, a significant research effort has been dedicated over the last years towards moving this step to the computer and, thus, make it automatic. These research efforts go way beyond tuning only numerical parameters of already fully defined algorithms, but exploit automatic configuration as a means for automatic algorithm design. In this chapter, we review two main aspects where the research on automatic configuration and multi-objective optimization intersect. The first is the automatic configuration of multi-objective optimizers, where we discuss means and specific approaches. In addition, we detail a case study that shows how these approaches can be used to design new, high-performing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. The second aspect is the research on multi-objective configuration, that is, the possibility of using multiple performance metrics for the evaluation of algorithm configurations. We highlight some few examples in this direction.
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Supervised by Thomas Stützle and Manuel López-Ibáñez
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Mauro Birattari, Marco Chiarandini, Marco Saerens, and Thomas Stützle. Learning Graphical Models for Algorithm Configuration. In T. Berthold, A. M. Gleixner, S. Heinz, and T. Koch, editors, Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, CPAIOR 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2011.
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Keywords: F-race
Mauro Birattari, Zhi Yuan, Prasanna Balaprakash, and Thomas Stützle. F-Race and Iterated F-Race: An Overview. In T. Bartz-Beielstein, M. Chiarandini, L. Paquete, and M. Preuss, editors, Experimental Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms, pp.  311–336. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2010.
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Keywords: F-race, iterated F-race, irace, tuning
Mauro Birattari, Zhi Yuan, Prasanna Balaprakash, and Thomas Stützle. Parameter Adaptation in Ant Colony Optimization. In M. Caserta and S. Voß, editors, Proceedings of MIC 2009, the 8th Metaheuristics International Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2010. University of Hamburg.
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Mauro Birattari. Tuning Metaheuristics: A Machine Learning Perspective, volume 197 of Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2009.
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Based on the PhD thesis [1587]
Mauro Birattari. The Problem of Tuning Metaheuristics as Seen from a Machine Learning Perspective. PhD thesis, IRIDIA, École polytechnique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2004.
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Supervised by Marco Dorigo
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Keywords: PaGMO
Bernd Bischl, Olaf Mersmann, Heike Trautmann, and Mike Preuss. Algorithm Selection Based on Exploratory Landscape Analysis and Cost-sensitive Learning. In T. Soule and J. H. Moore, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2012, pp.  313–320. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2012.
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Keywords: continuous optimization, landscape analysis, algorithm selection
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Aymeric Blot, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Marie-Eléonore Kessaci-Marmion, and Laetitia Jourdan. New Initialisation Techniques for Multi-Objective Local Search: Application to the Bi-objective Permutation Flowshop. In A. Auger, C. M. Fonseca, N. Lourenço, P. Machado, L. Paquete, and D. Whitley, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XV, volume 11101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  323–334. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.
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Aymeric Blot, Alexis Pernet, Laetitia Jourdan, Marie-Eléonore Kessaci-Marmion, and Holger H. Hoos. Automatically Configuring Multi-objective Local Search Using Multi-objective Optimisation. In H. Trautmann, G. Rudolph, K. Klamroth, O. Schütze, M. M. Wiecek, Y. Jin, and C. Grimme, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2017, volume 10173 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  61–76. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2017.
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Christian Blum, María J. Blesa, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Beam Search for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem. Technical Report LSI-08-29, Department LSI, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008. Published in Computers & Operations Research [150].
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Christian Blum, Carlos Cotta, Antonio J. Fernández, and J. E. Gallardo. A probabilistic beam search algorithm for the shortest common supersequence problem. In C. Cotta et al., editors, Proceedings of EvoCOP 2007 – Seventh European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation, volume 4446 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  36–47. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2007.
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Christian Blum and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Ant Colony Optimization. In The Industrial Electronics Handbook: Intelligent Systems. CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2011.
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Christian Blum and M. Mastrolilli. Using Branch & Bound Concepts in Construction-Based Metaheuristics: Exploiting the Dual Problem Knowledge. In T. Bartz-Beielstein, M. J. Blesa, C. Blum, B. Naujoks, A. Roli, G. Rudolph, and M. Sampels, editors, Hybrid Metaheuristics, volume 4771 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  123–139. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.
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Proposed SVM
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L. Bradstreet, L. Barone, L. While, S. Huband, and P. Hingston. Use of the WFG Toolkit and PISA for Comparison of MOEAs. In IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision-Making, IEEE MCDM, pp.  382–389, 2007.
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Cristóbal Barba-González, Vesa Ojalehto, José García-Nieto, Antonio J. Nebro, Kaisa Miettinen, and José F. Aldana-Montes. Artificial Decision Maker Driven by PSO: An Approach for Testing Reference Point Based Interactive Methods. In A. Auger, C. M. Fonseca, N. Lourenço, P. Machado, L. Paquete, and D. Whitley, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XV, volume 11101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  274–285. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.
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Keywords: machine decision-maker
Jürgen Branke, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, Milosz Kadziński, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Vincent Mousseau, Mauro Munerato, and Roman Slowiński. Behavior-Realistic Artificial Decision-Makers to Test Preference-Based Multi-objective Optimization Method (Working Group “Machine Decision-Making”). In S. Greco, K. Klamroth, J. D. Knowles, and G. Rudolph, editors, Understanding Complexity in Multiobjective Optimization (Dagstuhl Seminar 15031), volume 5(1) of Dagstuhl Reports, pp.  110–116. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2015.
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Keywords: multiple criteria decision making, evolutionary multiobjective optimization
Jürgen Branke and Kalyanmoy Deb. Integrating User Preferences into Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. In Y. Jin, editor, Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation, pp.  461–477. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2005.
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Many real-world optimization problems involve multiple, typically conflicting objectives. Often, it is very difficult to weigh the different criteria exactly before alternatives are known. Evolutionary multi-objective optimization usually solves this predicament by searching for the whole Pareto-optimal front of solutions. However, often the user has at least a vague idea about what kind of solutions might be preferred. In this chapter, we argue that such knowledge should be used to focus the search on the most interesting (from a user's perspective) areas of the Paretooptimal front. To this end, we present and compare two methods which allow to integrate vague user preferences into evolutionary multi-objective algorithms. As we show, such methods may speed up the search and yield a more fine-grained selection of alternatives in the most relevant parts of the Pareto-optimal front.
Yesnier Bravo, Javier Ferrer, Gabriel J. Luque, and Enrique Alba. Smart Mobility by Optimizing the Traffic Lights: A New Tool for Traffic Control Centers. In E. Alba, F. Chicano, and G. J. Luque, editors, Smart Cities (Smart-CT 2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  147–156. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2016.
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Urban traffic planning is a fertile area of Smart Cities to improve efficiency, environmental care, and safety, since the traffic jams and congestion are one of the biggest sources of pollution and noise. Traffic lights play an important role in solving these problems since they control the flow of the vehicular network at the city. However, the increasing number of vehicles makes necessary to go from a local control at one single intersection to a holistic approach considering a large urban area, only possible using advanced computational resources and techniques. Here we propose HITUL, a system that supports the decisions of the traffic control managers in a large urban area. HITUL takes the real traffic conditions and compute optimal traffic lights plans using bio-inspired techniques and micro-simulations. We compare our system against plans provided by experts. Our solutions not only enable continuous traffic flows but reduce the pollution. A case study of Málaga city allows us to validate the approach and show its benefits for other cities as well.
Keywords: Multi-objective optimization, Smart mobility, Traffic lights planning
Jean-Pierre Brans and Bertrand Mareschal. PROMETHEE-GAIA. Une méthode d'aide à la décision en présence de critères multiples. Editions Ellipses, Paris, France, 2002.
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Jean-Pierre Brans and Bertrand Mareschal. PROMETHEE Methods. In J. R. Figueira, S. Greco, and M. Ehrgott, editors, Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, State of the Art Surveys, chapter 5, pp.  163–195. Springer, 2005.
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Jürgen Branke, C. Schmidt, and H. Schmeck. Efficient fitness estimation in noisy environments. In E. D. Goodman, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO 2001, pp.  243–250. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 2001.
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Jürgen Branke, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, Roman Slowiński, and P. Zielniewicz. Using Choquet integral as preference model in interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Technical report, WBS, University of Warwick, 2014.
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Jürgen Branke and Jawad Elomari. Simultaneous tuning of metaheuristic parameters for various computing budgets. In N. Krasnogor and P. L. Lanzi, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2011, pp.  263–264. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2011.
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Keywords: meta-optimization, offline parameter optimization
Jürgen Branke and Jawad Elomari. Racing with a Fixed Budget and a Self-Adaptive Significance Level. In P. M. Pardalos and G. Nicosia, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 7th International Conference, LION 7, volume 7997 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.
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Mátyás Brendel and Marc Schoenauer. Learn-and-Optimize: A Parameter Tuning Framework for Evolutionary AI Planning. In J.-K. Hao, P. Legrand, P. Collet, N. Monmarché, E. Lutton, and M. Schoenauer, editors, Artificial Evolution: 10th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA, 2011, volume 7401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  145–155. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012.
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Mátyás Brendel and Marc Schoenauer. Instance-based Parameter Tuning for Evolutionary AI Planning. In N. Krasnogor and P. L. Lanzi, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2011, pp.  591–598. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2011.
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Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Approximating the Least Hypervolume Contributor: NP-Hard in General, But Fast in Practice. In M. Ehrgott, C. M. Fonseca, X. Gandibleux, J.-K. Hao, and M. Sevaux, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2009, volume 5467 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  6–20. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.
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Extended version published in [185]
Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. The Maximum Hypervolume Set Yields Near-optimal Approximation. In M. Pelikan and J. Branke, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2010, pp.  511–518. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2010.
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Proved that hypervolume approximates the additive ε-indicator, converging quickly as N increases, that is, sets that maximize hypervolume are near optimal on additive ε too, with the gap diminishing as quickly as O(1/N).
Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Tight bounds for the approximation ratio of the hypervolume indicator. In R. Schaefer, C. Cotta, J. Kolodziej, and G. Rudolph, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI, volume 6238 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  607–616. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
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Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Convergence of Hypervolume-Based Archiving Algorithms I: Effectiveness. In N. Krasnogor and P. L. Lanzi, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2011, pp.  745–752. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2011.
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Extended version published as [187]
Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Convergence of Hypervolume-Based Archiving Algorithms II: Competitiveness. In T. Soule and J. H. Moore, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2012, pp.  457–464. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2012.
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Extended version published as [187]
Karl Bringmann, Tobias Friedrich, and Patrick Klitzke. Generic postprocessing via subset selection for hypervolume and epsilon-indicator. In T. Bartz-Beielstein, J. Branke, B. Filipič, and J. Smith, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIII, volume 8672 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  518–527. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2014.
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Karl Bringmann, Tobias Friedrich, and Patrick Klitzke. Two-dimensional subset selection for hypervolume and epsilon-indicator. In C. Igel and D. V. Arnold, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2014.
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Andre Britto and Aurora Pozo. Using archiving methods to control convergence and diversity for many-objective problems in particle swarm optimization. In Proceedings of the 2012 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2012), pp.  1–8, Piscataway, NJ, 2012. IEEE Press.
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Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich. Don't be greedy when calculating hypervolume contributions. In I. I. Garibay, T. Jansen, R. P. Wiegand, and A. S. Wu, editors, Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGEVO Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA), pp.  103–112. ACM, 2009.
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Extended version published in [186]
Karl Bringmann, Tobias Friedrich, Frank Neumann, and Markus Wagner. Approximation-guided Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization. In T. Walsh, editor, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), pp.  1198–1203. IJCAI/AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2011.
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Dimo Brockhoff. A Bug in the Multiobjective Optimizer IBEA: Salutary Lessons for Code Release and a Performance Re-Assessment. In A. Gaspar-Cunha, C. H. Antunes, and C. A. Coello Coello, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2015 Part I, volume 9018 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  187–201. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2015.
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Dimo Brockhoff, Roberto Calandra, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Frank Neumann, and Selvakumar Ulaganathan. Meta-modeling for (interactive) multi-objective optimization (WG5). In K. Klamroth, J. D. Knowles, G. Rudolph, and M. M. Wiecek, editors, Personalized Multiobjective Optimization: An Analytics Perspective (Dagstuhl Seminar 18031), volume 8(1) of Dagstuhl Reports, pp.  85–94. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2018.
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Keywords: multiple criteria decision making, evolutionary multiobjective optimization
Dimo Brockhoff, Tobias Friedrich, N. Hebbinghaus, C. Klein, Frank Neumann, and Eckart Zitzler. Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder? In D. Thierens et al., editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, pp.  765–772. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2007.
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Dimo Brockhoff, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Boris Naujoks, and Günther Rudolph. Runtime Analysis of Simple Interactive Evolutionary Biobjective Optimization Algorithms. In C. A. Coello Coello et al., editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XII, Part I, volume 7491 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  123–132. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012.
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Development and deployment of interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms (EMOAs) have recently gained broad interest. In this study, first steps towards a theory of interactive EMOAs are made by deriving bounds on the expected number of function evaluations and queries to a decision maker. We analyze randomized local search and the (1+1)-EA on the biobjective problems LOTZ and COCZ under the scenario that the decision maker interacts with these algorithms by providing a subjective preference whenever solutions are incomparable. It is assumed that this decision is based on the decision maker's internal utility function. We show that the performance of the interactive EMOAs may dramatically worsen if the utility function is non-linear instead of linear.
Dimo Brockhoff, Dhish Kumar Saxena, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Eckart Zitzler. On Handling a Large Number of Objectives A Posteriori and During Optimization. In J. D. Knowles, D. Corne, K. Deb, and D. R. Chair, editors, Multiobjective Problem Solving from Nature, Natural Computing Series, pp.  377–403. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2008.
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Dimensionality reduction methods are used routinely in statistics, pattern recognition, data mining, and machine learning to cope with high-dimensional spaces. Also in the case of high-dimensional multiobjective optimization problems, a reduction of the objective space can be beneficial both for search and decision making. New questions arise in this context, e.g., how to select a subset of objectives while preserving most of the problem structure. In this chapter, two different approaches to the task of objective reduction are developed, one based on assessing explicit conflicts, the other based on principal component analysis (PCA). Although both methods use different principles and preserve different properties of the underlying optimization problems, they can be effectively utilized either in an a posteriori scenario or during search. Here, we demonstrate the usability of the conflict-based approach in a decision-making scenario after the search and show how the principal-component-based approach can be integrated into an evolutionary multicriterion optimization (EMO) procedure.
Dimo Brockhoff and Tea Tušar. Benchmarking algorithms from the platypus framework on the biobjective bbob-biobj testbed. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2019, pp.  1905–1911. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Keywords: unbounded archive
Dimo Brockhoff, Tobias Wagner, and Heike Trautmann. On the properties of the R2 indicator. In T. Soule and J. H. Moore, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2012, pp.  465–472. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2012.
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Proof that R2 is weakly Pareto compliant.
Dimo Brockhoff and Eckart Zitzler. Are All Objectives Necessary? On Dimensionality Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In T. P. Runarsson, H.-G. Beyer, E. K. Burke, J.-J. Merelo, D. Whitley, and X. Yao, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN IX, volume 4193 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  533–542. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
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Most of the available multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) for approximating the Pareto set have been designed for and tested on low dimensional problems (≤3 objectives). However, it is known that problems with a high number of objectives cause additional difficulties in terms of the quality of the Pareto set approximation and running time. Furthermore, the decision making process becomes the harder the more objectives are involved. In this context, the question arises whether all objectives are necessary to preserve the problem characteristics. One may also ask under which conditions such an objective reduction is feasible, and how a minimum set of objectives can be computed. In this paper, we propose a general mathematical framework, suited to answer these three questions, and corresponding algorithms, exact and heuristic ones. The heuristic variants are geared towards direct integration into the evolutionary search process. Moreover, extensive experiments for four well-known test problems show that substantial dimensionality reductions are possible on the basis of the proposed methodology.
Dimo Brockhoff and Eckart Zitzler. Dimensionality Reduction in Multiobjective Optimization: The Minimum Objective Subset Problem. In K.-H. Waldmann and U. M. Stocker, editors, Operations Research Proceedings 2006, pp.  423–429. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007.
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The number of objectives in a multiobjective optimization problem strongly influences both the performance of generating methods and the decision making process in general. On the one hand, with more objectives, more incomparable solutions can arise, the number of which affects the generating method's performance. On the other hand, the more objectives are involved the more complex is the choice of an appropriate solution for a (human) decision maker. In this context, the question arises whether all objectives are actually necessary and whether some of the objectives may be omitted; this question in turn is closely linked to the fundamental issue of conflicting and non-conflicting optimization criteria. Besides a general definition of conflicts between objective sets, we here introduce the NP-hard problem of computing a minimum subset of objectives without losing information (MOSS). Furthermore, we present for MOSS both an approximation algorithm with optimum approximation ratio and an exact algorithm which works well for small input instances. We conclude with experimental results for a random problem and the multiobjective 0/1-knapsack problem
Keywords: objective reduction
Dimo Brockhoff and Eckart Zitzler. Improving hypervolume-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms by using objective reduction methods. In Proceedings of the 2007 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pp.  2086–2093, Piscataway, NJ, 2007. IEEE Press.
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Keywords: objective reduction
Artur Brum and Marcus Ritt. Automatic Design of Heuristics for Minimizing the Makespan in Permutation Flow Shops. In Proceedings of the 2018 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2018), pp.  1–8, Piscataway, NJ, 2018. IEEE Press.
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Artur Brum and Marcus Ritt. Automatic Algorithm Configuration for the Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Minimizing Total Completion Time. In A. Liefooghe and M. López-Ibáñez, editors, Proceedings of EvoCOP 2018 – 18th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, volume 10782 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  85–100. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018.
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T. N. Bui and J. R. Rizzo, Jr. Finding Maximum Cliques with Distributed Ants. In K. Deb et al., editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2004, Part I, volume 3102 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  24–35. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2004.
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Edmund K. Burke and Yuri Bykov. The Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Heuristic. Technical Report CSM-192, University of Stirling, 2012.
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Edmund K. Burke, Matthew R. Hyde, Graham Kendall, and John R. Woodward. Automatic Heuristic Generation with Genetic Programming: Evolving a Jack-of-all-trades or a Master of One. In D. Thierens et al., editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, pp.  1559–1565. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2007.
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Edmund K. Burke, Matthew R. Hyde, Graham Kendall, Gabriela Ochoa, Ender Özcan, and John R. Woodward. A Classification of Hyper-Heuristic Approaches: Revisited. In M. Gendreau and J.-Y. Potvin, editors, Handbook of Metaheuristics, volume 272 of International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, chapter 14, pp.  453–477. Springer, 2019.
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Rainer E. Burkard, Eranda Çela, Panos M. Pardalos, and L. S. Pitsoulis. The quadratic assignment problem. In P. M. Pardalos and D.-Z. Du, editors, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, volume 2, pp.  241–338. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
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Maxim Buzdalov. Towards better estimation of statistical significance when comparing evolutionary algorithms. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2019, pp.  1782–1788. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Nicola Beume, Carlos M. Fonseca, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Luís Paquete, and Jan Vahrenhold. On the Complexity of Computing the Hypervolume Indicator. Technical Report CI-235/07, University of Dortmund, December 2007. Published in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation [127].
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COnfiguration and SElection of ALgorithms., 2017.
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IBM. ILOG CPLEX Optimizer., 2017.
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Borja Calvo, Ofer M. Shir, Josu Ceberio, Carola Doerr, Hao Wang, Thomas Bäck, and José A. Lozano. Bayesian Performance Analysis for Black-box Optimization Benchmarking. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2019, pp.  1789–1797. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Keywords: bayesian inference, benchmarking, black-box optimization, evolutionary algorithms, performance measures, plackett-luce model
Christian Leonardo Camacho-Villalón, Marco Dorigo, and Thomas Stützle. Why the Intelligent Water Drops Cannot Be Considered as a Novel Algorithm. In M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, A. L. Christensen, A. Reina, and V. Trianni, editors, Swarm Intelligence, 11th International Conference, ANTS 2018, volume 11172 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  302–314. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018.
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Paolo Campigotto and Andrea Passerini. Adapting to a realistic decision maker: experiments towards a reactive multi-objective optimizer. In C. Blum and R. Battiti, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 4th International Conference, LION 4, volume 6073 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  338–341. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
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Christian Leonardo Camacho-Villalón, Thomas Stützle, and Marco Dorigo. Grey Wolf, Firefly and Bat Algorithms: Three Widespread Algorithms that Do Not Contain Any Novelty. In M. Dorigo, T. Stützle, M. J. Blesa, C. Blum, H. Hamann, and M. K. Heinrich, editors, Swarm Intelligence, 12th International Conference, ANTS 2020, volume 12421 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  121–133. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2020.
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Felipe Campelo, Áthila R. Trindade, and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Pseudoreplication in Racing Methods for Tuning Metaheuristics. In preparation, 2017.
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E. Cantú-Paz. Efficient and Accurate Parallel Genetic Algorithms. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2000.
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P. Cardoso, M. Jesus, and A. Marquez. MONACO: multi-objective network optimisation based on an ACO. In Proc. X Encuentros de Geometría Computacional, Seville, Spain, 2003.
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Alex Guimarães Cardoso de Sá, Walter José G. S. Pinto, Luiz Otávio Vilas Boas Oliveira, and Gisele Pappa. RECIPE: A Grammar-Based Framework for Automatically Evolving Classification Pipelines. In J. McDermott, M. Castelli, L. Sekanina, E. Haasdijk, and P. García-Sánchez, editors, Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2017, volume 10196 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  246–261. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2017.
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Ioannis Caragiannis, Ariel D. Procaccia, and Nisarg Shah. When Do Noisy Votes Reveal the Truth? In M. J. Kearns, R. P. McAfee, and É. Tardos, editors, Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, pp.  143–160. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2013.
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A well-studied approach to the design of voting rules views them as maximum likelihood estimators; given votes that are seen as noisy estimates of a true ranking of the alternatives, the rule must reconstruct the most likely true ranking. We argue that this is too stringent a requirement, and instead ask: How many votes does a voting rule need to reconstruct the true ranking? We define the family of pairwise-majority consistent rules, and show that for all rules in this family the number of samples required from the Mallows noise model is logarithmic in the number of alternatives, and that no rule can do asymptotically better (while some rules like plurality do much worse). Taking a more normative point of view, we consider voting rules that surely return the true ranking as the number of samples tends to infinity (we call this property accuracy in the limit); this allows us to move to a higher level of abstraction. We study families of noise models that are parametrized by distance functions, and find voting rules that are accurate in the limit for all noise models in such general families. We characterize the distance functions that induce noise models for which pairwise-majority consistent rules are accurate in the limit, and provide a similar result for another novel family of position-dominance consistent rules. These characterizations capture three well-known distance functions.
Keywords: computer social choice, mallows model, sample complexity
Josu Ceberio, Alexander Mendiburu, and José A. Lozano. Kernels of Mallows Models for Solving Permutation-based Problems. In S. Silva and A. I. Esparcia-Alcázar, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2015, pp.  505–512. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2015.
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Eranda Çela. The Quadratic Assignment Problem: Theory and Algorithms. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1998.
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Donald V. Chase and Lindell E. Ormsbee. An alternate formulation of time as a decision variable to facilitate real-time operation of water supply systems. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of Water Resources Planning and Management, pp.  923–927, New York, NY, 1991. ASCE.
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Deyao Chen, Maxim Buzdalov, Carola Doerr, and Nguyen Dang. Using Automated Algorithm Configuration for Parameter Control. In F. Chicano, T. Friedrich, T. Kötzing, and F. Rothlauf, editors, Proceedings of the 17th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, pp.  38–49. ACM, 2023.
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Fei Chen, Yang Gao, Zhao-qian Chen, and Shi-fu Chen. SCGA: Controlling genetic algorithms with Sarsa(0). In Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, 2005 and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce, International Conference on, volume 1, pp.  1177–1183. IEEE, 2005.
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Clément Chevalier, David Ginsbourger, Julien Bect, and Ilya Molchanov. Estimating and Quantifying Uncertainties on Level Sets Using the Vorob'ev Expectation and Deviation with Gaussian Process Models. In D. Ucinski, A. C. Atkinson, and M. Patan, editors, mODa 10–Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis, pp.  35–43. Springer International Publishing, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.
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Several methods based on Kriging have recently been proposed for calculating a probability of failure involving costly-to-evaluate functions. A closely related problem is to estimate the set of inputs leading to a response exceeding a given threshold. Now, estimating such a level set—and not solely its volume—and quantifying uncertainties on it are not straightforward. Here we use notions from random set theory to obtain an estimate of the level set, together with a quantification of estimation uncertainty. We give explicit formulae in the Gaussian process set-up and provide a consistency result. We then illustrate how space-filling versus adaptive design strategies may sequentially reduce level set estimation uncertainty.
Weiyu Chen, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Ke Shang. Clustering-Based Subset Selection in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.  468–475. IEEE, 2021.
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Peter C. Cheeseman, Bob Kanefsky, and William M. Taylor. Where the Really Hard Problems Are. In J. Mylopoulos and R. Reiter, editors, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91), pp.  331–340. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995.
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L. Chen, X. H. Xu, and Y. X. Chen. An adaptive ant colony clustering algorithm. In I. Cloete, K.-P. Wong, and M. Berthold, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp.  1387–1392. IEEE Press, 2004.
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Weiyu Chen, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Ke Shang. Modified Distance-based Subset Selection for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2020 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2020), pp.  1–8, Piscataway, NJ, 2020. IEEE Press.
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Keywords: IGD+
Lu Chen, Bin Xin, Jie Chen, and Juan Li. A virtual-decision-maker library considering personalities and dynamically changing preference structures for interactive multiobjective optimization. In Proceedings of the 2017 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2017), pp.  636–641, Piscataway, NJ, 2017. IEEE Press.
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Keywords: machine DM, interactive EMOA
Francisco Chicano, Bilel Derbel, and Sébastien Verel. Fourier Transform-based Surrogates for Permutation Problems. In S. Silva and L. Paquete, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2023, pp.  275–283. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2023.
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ISBN: 9798400701191
Marco Chiarandini and Yuri Goegebeur. Mixed Models for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms. In T. Bartz-Beielstein, M. Chiarandini, L. Paquete, and M. Preuss, editors, Experimental Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms, pp.  225–264. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2010.
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Preliminary version available as Tech. Rep. MF-2009-07-001 at the The Danish Mathematical Society
Marco Chiarandini. Stochastic Local Search Methods for Highly Constrained Combinatorial Optimisation Problems. PhD thesis, FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 2005.
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Jan Christiaens and Greet Vanden Berghe. Slack Induction by String Removals for Vehicle Routing Problems. Technical Report 7-05-2018, Department of Computing Science, KU Leuven, Gent, Belgium, 2018.
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Nicos Christofides. Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic for the travelling salesman problem. Technical Report 388, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1976.
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Tinkle Chugh and Manuel López-Ibáñez. Maximising Hypervolume and Minimising ε-Indicators using Bayesian Optimisation over Sets. In F. Chicano and K. Krawiec, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2021, pp.  1326–1334. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2021.
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Keywords: multi-objective, surrogate models, epsilon, hypervolume
S. Chusanapiputt, D. Nualhong, S. Jantarang, and S. Phoomvuthisarn. Selective self-adaptive approach to ant system for solving unit commitment problem. In M. Cattolico et al., editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2006, pp.  1729–1736. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2006.
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Tinkle Chugh. Handling expensive multiobjective optimization problems with evolutionary algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Jyväskylä, 2017.
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Tinkle Chugh. Scalarizing Functions in Bayesian Multiobjective Optimization. In Proceedings of the 2020 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2020), pp.  1–8, Piscataway, NJ, 2020. IEEE Press.
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Christian Cintrano, Javier Ferrer, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Enrique Alba. Hybridization of Racing Methods with Evolutionary Operators for Simulation Optimization of Traffic Lights Programs. In C. Zarges and S. Verel, editors, Proceedings of EvoCOP 2021 – 21th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, volume 12692 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  17–33. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021.
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In many real-world optimization problems, like the traffic light scheduling problem tackled here, the evaluation of candidate solutions requires the simulation of a process under various scenarios. Thus, good solutions should not only achieve good objective function values, but they must be robust (low variance) across all different scenarios. Previous work has revealed the effectiveness of IRACE for this task. However, the operators used by IRACE to generate new solutions were designed for configuring algorithmic parameters, that have various data types (categorical, numerical, etc.). Meanwhile, evolutionary algorithms have powerful operators for numerical optimization, which could help to sample new solutions from the best ones found in the search. Therefore, in this work, we propose a hybridization of the elitist iterated racing mechanism of IRACE with evolutionary operators from differential evo- lution and genetic algorithms. We consider a realistic case study derived from the traffic network of Malaga (Spain) with 275 traffic lights that should be scheduled optimally. After a meticulous study, we discovered that the hybrid algorithm comprising IRACE plus differential evolution offers statistically better results than conventional algorithms and also improves travel times and reduces pollution.
Extended version published in Evolutionary Computation journal [266].
Keywords: Hybrid algorithms, Evolutionary algorithms, Simulation optimization, Uncertainty, Traffic light planning
Jill Cirasella, David S. Johnson, Lyle A. McGeoch, and Weixiong Zhang. The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem: Algorithms, Instance Generators, and Tests. In A. L. Buchsbaum and J. Snoeyink, editors, Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation, Third International Workshop, ALENEX 2001, Washington, DC, USA, January 5-6, 2001, Revised Papers, volume 2153 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  32–59, Berlin, Germany, 2001. Springer.
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Jon Claerbout and Martin Karrenbach. Electronic documents give reproducible research a new meaning. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1992, pp.  601–604. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1992.
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Proposed a reproducibility taxonomy, defined reproducibility and taxonomy
Maurice Clerc and J. Kennedy. Standard PSO 2011. Particle Swarm Central, 2011.
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Maurice Clerc. Standard Particle Swarm Optimisation. hal-00764996, September 2012.
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Since 2006, three successive standard PSO versions have been put on line on the Particle Swarm Central (, namely SPSO 2006, 2007, and 2011. The basic principles of all three versions can be informally described the same way, and in general, this statement holds for almost all PSO variants. However, the exact formulae are slightly different, because they took advantage of latest theoretical analysis available at the time they were designed.
Keywords: particle swarm optimisation
Carlos A. Coello Coello. Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in Real-World Applications: Some Recent Results and Current Challenges. In Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences, pp.  3–18. Springer, 2015.
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Introduces Inverted Generational Distance (IGD)
Keywords: IGD
Carlos A. Coello Coello. Handling Preferences in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: A Survey. In Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'00), pp.  30–37, Piscataway, NJ, July 2000. IEEE Press.
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David Corne, Nick R. Jerram, Joshua D. Knowles, and Martin J. Oates. PESA-II: Region-Based Selection in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In E. D. Goodman, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO 2001, pp.  283–290. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 2001.
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David Corne and Joshua D. Knowles. Some Multiobjective Optimizers are Better than Others. In Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'03), pp.  2506–2512, Piscataway, NJ, December 2003. IEEE Press.
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David Corne and Joshua D. Knowles. No free lunch and free leftovers theorems for multiobjective optimisation problems. In C. M. Fonseca, P. J. Fleming, E. Zitzler, K. Deb, and L. Thiele, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2003, volume 2632 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  327–341. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2003.
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David Corne, Joshua D. Knowles, and M. J. Oates. The Pareto Envelope-Based Selection Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. In M. Schoenauer et al., editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN VI, volume 1917 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  839–848. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2000.
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David Corne and Alan Reynolds. Evaluating optimization algorithms: bounds on the performance of optimizers on unseen problems. In N. Krasnogor and P. L. Lanzi, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2011, pp.  707–710. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2011.
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Oscar Cordón, I. Fernández de Viana, Francisco Herrera, and L. Moreno. A New ACO Model Integrating Evolutionary Computation Concepts: The Best-Worst Ant System. In M. Dorigo et al., editors, Abstract proceedings of ANTS 2000 – From Ant Colonies to Artificial Ants: Second International Workshop on Ant Algorithms, pp.  22–29. IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, September 7–9 2000.
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Peter I. Cowling, Graham Kendall, and Eric Soubeiga. A Hyperheuristic Approach to Scheduling a Sales Summit. In E. K. Burke and W. Erben, editors, PATAT 2000: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, volume 2079 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  176–190. Springer, 2000.
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First mention of the term hyper-heuristic.
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W. B. Crowston, F. Glover, G. L. Thompson, and J. D. Trawick. Probabilistic and Parametric Learning Combinations of Local Job Shop Scheduling Rules. ONR Research Memorandum No. 117, GSIA, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1963.
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Joseph C. Culberson, A. Beacham, and D. Papp. Hiding our Colors. In Proceedings of the CP'95 Workshop on Studying and Solving Really Hard Problems, pp.  31–42, Cassis, France, September 1995.
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Joseph C. Culberson and F. Luo. Exploring the k-colorable Landscape with Iterated Greedy. In D. S. Johnson and M. A. Trick, editors, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability: Second DIMACS Implementation Challenge, volume 26 of DIMACS Series on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, pp.  245–284. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1996.
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Jeff Cumming. Understanding the New Statistics – Effect Sizes, Confidence Intervals, and Meta-analysis. Taylor & Francis, 2012.
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Nguyen Dang Thi Thanh and Patrick De Causmaecker. Motivations for the Development of a Multi-objective Algorithm Configurator. In B. Vitoriano, E. Pinson, and F. Valente, editors, ICORES 2014 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, pp.  328–333. SciTePress, 2014.
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Nguyen Dang Thi Thanh and Patrick De Causmaecker. Characterization of Neighborhood Behaviours in a Multi-neighborhood Local Search Algorithm. In P. Festa, M. Sellmann, and J. Vanschoren, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 10th International Conference, LION 10, volume 10079 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  234–239. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2016.
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Nguyen Dang and Patrick De Causmaecker. Analysis of Algorithm Components and Parameters: Some Case Studies. In N. F. Matsatsinis, Y. Marinakis, and P. M. Pardalos, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 13th International Conference, LION 13, volume 11968 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  288–303. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2019.
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Modern high-performing algorithms are usually highly parameterised, and can be configured either manually or by an automatic algorithm configurator. The algorithm performance dataset obtained after the configuration step can be used to gain insights into how different algorithm parameters influence algorithm performance. This can be done by a number of analysis methods that exploit the idea of learning prediction models from an algorithm performance dataset and then using them for the data analysis on the importance of variables. In this paper, we demonstrate the complementary usage of three methods along this line, namely forward selection, fANOVA and ablation analysis with surrogates on three case studies, each of which represents some special situations that the analyses can fall into. By these examples, we illustrate how to interpret analysis results and discuss the advantage of combining different analysis methods.
Nguyen Dang and Carola Doerr. Hyper-parameter tuning for the (1 + (λ, λ)) GA. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2019, pp.  889–897. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Keywords: irace; theory
Nguyen Dang Thi Thanh, Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Patrick De Causmaecker, and Thomas Stützle. Configuring irace Using Surrogate Configuration Benchmarks. In P. A. N. Bosman, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2017, pp.  243–250. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2017.
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Keywords: irace
Augusto Lopez Dantas and Aurora Trinidad Ramirez Pozo. A Meta-Learning Algorithm Selection Approach for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. In Proceedings of the 2018 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2018), pp.  1–8, Piscataway, NJ, 2018. IEEE Press.
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Nguyen Dang Thi Thanh. Data analytics for algorithm design. PhD thesis, KU Leuven, Belgium, 2018.
bib ]
Supervised by Patrick De Causmaecker
Fabio Daolio, Sébastien Verel, Gabriela Ochoa, and Marco Tomassini. Local Optima Networks and the Performance of Iterated Local Search. In T. Soule and J. H. Moore, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2012, pp.  369–376. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2012.
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Samuel Daulton, Maximilian Balandat, and Eytan Bakshy. Differentiable Expected Hypervolume Improvement for Parallel Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization. In H. Larochelle, M. Ranzato, R. Hadsell, M. Balcan, and H. Lin, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 33), pp.  9851–9864, 2020.
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Werner de Schaetzen, Dragan A. Savic, and Godfrey A. Walters. A genetic algorithm approach to pump scheduling in water supply. In V. Babovic and L. C. Larsen, editors, Hydroinformatics '98, pp.  897–899, Rotterdam, Balkema, 1998.
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Thomas Dean and Mark S. Boddy. An Analysis of Time-Dependent Planning. In H. E. Shrobe, T. M. Mitchell, and R. G. Smith, editors, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-88, pp.  49–54. AAAI Press/MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1988.
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Keywords: anytime, performance profiles
Angela Dean and Daniel Voss. Design and Analysis of Experiments. Springer, London, UK, 1999.
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Kalyanmoy Deb. Introduction to evolutionary multiobjective optimization. In J. Branke, K. Deb, K. Miettinen, and R. Slowiński, editors, Multiobjective Optimization: Interactive and Evolutionary Approaches, volume 5252 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  59–96. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2008.
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In its current state, evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) is an established field of research and application with more than 150 PhD theses, more than ten dedicated texts and edited books, commercial softwares and numerous freely downloadable codes, a biannual conference series running successfully since 2001, special sessions and workshops held at all major evolutionary computing conferences, and full-time researchers from universities and industries from all around the globe. In this chapter, we provide a brief introduction to EMO principles, illustrate some EMO algorithms with simulated results, and outline the current research and application potential of EMO. For solving multiobjective optimization problems, EMO procedures attempt to find a set of well-distributed Pareto-optimal points, so that an idea of the extent and shape of the Pareto-optimal front can be obtained. Although this task was the early motivation of EMO research, EMO principles are now being found to be useful in various other problem solving tasks, enabling one to treat problems naturally as they are. One of the major current research thrusts is to combine EMO procedures with other multiple criterion decision making (MCDM) tools so as to develop hybrid and interactive multiobjective optimization algorithms for finding a set of trade-off optimal solutions and then choose a preferred solution for implementation. This chapter provides the background of EMO principles and their potential to launch such collaborative studies with MCDM researchers in the coming years.
Kalyanmoy Deb. Multi-objective optimization. In E. K. Burke and G. Kendall, editors, Search Methodologies, pp.  273–316. Springer, Boston, MA, 2005.
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Kalyanmoy Deb. Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Wiley, Chichester, UK, 2001.
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Kalyanmoy Deb and S. Agrawal. A Niched-Penalty Approach for Constraint Handling in Genetic Algorithms. In A. Dobnikar, N. C. Steele, D. W. Pearson, and R. F. Albrecht, editors, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms (ICANNGA-99), pp.  235–243. Springer Verlag, 1999.
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Keywords: polynomial mutation
Kalyanmoy Deb, S. Agarwal, A. Pratap, and T. Meyarivan. A fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization: NSGA-II. In M. Schoenauer et al., editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN VI, volume 1917 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  849–858. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2000.
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Kalyanmoy Deb and Sachin Jain. Multi-Speed Gearbox Design Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Technical Report 2002001, KanGAL, February 2002.
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Kalyanmoy Deb and Christie Myburgh. Breaking the billion-variable barrier in real-world optimization using a customized evolutionary algorithm. In T. Friedrich, F. Neumann, and A. M. Sutton, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016, pp.  653–660. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2016.
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Kalyanmoy Deb and Ankur Sinha. Solving Bilevel Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In M. Ehrgott, C. M. Fonseca, X. Gandibleux, J.-K. Hao, and M. Sevaux, editors, Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, EMO 2009, volume 5467 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  110–124. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.
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Kalyanmoy Deb and J. Sundar. Reference point based multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms. In M. Cattolico et al., editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2006, pp.  635–642. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2006.
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Proposed R-NSGA-II
Kalyanmoy Deb, Rahul Tewari, Mayur Dixit, and Joydeep Dutta. Finding trade-off solutions close to KKT points using evolutionary multi-objective optimization. In Proceedings of the 2007 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pp.  2109–2116, Piscataway, NJ, 2007. IEEE Press.
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Kalyanmoy Deb, Lothar Thiele, Marco Laumanns, and Eckart Zitzler. Scalable Test Problems for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. Technical Report 112, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland, 2001. Do not cite this TR! It is incorrect and it is superseeded by [1757].
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Keywords: DTLZ benchmark
Kalyanmoy Deb, Lothar Thiele, Marco Laumanns, and Eckart Zitzler. Scalable Test Problems for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. In A. Abraham, L. Jain, and R. Goldberg, editors, Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, pp.  105–145. Springer, London, UK, January 2005.
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Keywords: DTLZ benchmark
William A. Dees, Jr. and Patrick G. Karger. Automated Rip-up and Reroute Techniques. In DAC'82, Proceedings of the 19th Design Automation Workshop, pp.  432–439. IEEE Press, 1982.
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Marcelo De Souza and Marcus Ritt. An Automatically Designed Recombination Heuristic for the Test-Assignment Problem. In Proceedings of the 2018 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2018), pp.  1–8, Piscataway, NJ, 2018. IEEE Press.
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Marcelo De Souza and Marcus Ritt. Automatic Grammar-Based Design of Heuristic Algorithms for Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Programming. In A. Liefooghe and M. López-Ibáñez, editors, Proceedings of EvoCOP 2018 – 18th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, volume 10782 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  67–84. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018.
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Marcelo De Souza and Marcus Ritt. Hybrid Heuristic for Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Programming – Source Code of HHBQP., 2018.
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Marcelo De Souza, Marcus Ritt, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Leslie Pérez Cáceres. ACVIZ: A Tool for the Visual Analysis of the Configuration of Algorithms with irace – Source Code., 2020.
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Marcelo De Souza, Marcus Ritt, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Leslie Pérez Cáceres. ACVIZ: Algorithm Configuration Visualizations for irace: Supplementary material., September 2020.
bib ]
Sophie Dewez. On the toll setting problem. PhD thesis, Faculté de Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2014.
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Supervised by Dr. Martine Labbé
Ilias Diakonikolas and Mihalis Yannakakis. Succinct approximate convex Pareto curves. In Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, pp.  74–83. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2008.
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Diego Díaz, Pablo Valledor, Paula Areces, Jorge Rodil, and Montserrat Suárez. An ACO Algorithm to Solve an Extended Cutting Stock Problem for Scrap Minimization in a Bar Mill. In M. Dorigo et al., editors, Swarm Intelligence, 9th International Conference, ANTS 2014, volume 8667 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  13–24. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2014.
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Luca Di Gaspero, Marco Chiarandini, and Andrea Schaerf. A Study on the Short-Term Prohibition Mechanisms in Tabu Search. In G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, and P. Traverso, editors, Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, August29 - September 1, 2006, pp.  83–87. IOS Press, 2006.
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Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Rendl, and Tommaso Urli. Constraint-Based Approaches for Balancing Bike Sharing Systems. In C. Schulte, editor, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, volume 8124 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  758–773. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.
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Keywords: F-race
Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Rendl, and Tommaso Urli. A Hybrid ACO+CP for Balancing Bicycle Sharing Systems. In M. J. Blesa, C. Blum, P. Festa, A. Roli, and M. Sampels, editors, Hybrid Metaheuristics, volume 7919 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  198–212. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.
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Keywords: F-race
Daniel Doblas, Antonio J. Nebro, Manuel López-Ibáñez, José García-Nieto, and Carlos A. Coello Coello. Automatic Design of Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimizers. In M. Dorigo, H. Hamann, M. López-Ibáñez, J. García-Nieto, A. Engelbrecht, C. Pinciroli, V. Strobel, and C. L. Camacho-Villalón, editors, Swarm Intelligence, 13th International Conference, ANTS 2022, volume 13491 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  28–40. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2022.
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Pedro Domingos and Geoff Hulten. Mining high-speed data streams. In R. Ramakrishnan, S. J. Stolfo, R. J. Bayardo, and I. Parsa, editors, The 6th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD 2000, pp.  71–80. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2000.
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Marco Dorigo and Gianni A. Di Caro. The Ant Colony Optimization Meta-Heuristic. In D. Corne, M. Dorigo, and F. Glover, editors, New Ideas in Optimization, pp.  11–32. McGraw Hill, London, UK, 1999.
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Marco Dorigo and L. M. Gambardella. Ant Colony System. Technical Report IRIDIA/96-05, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 1996.
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Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Maniezzo, and Alberto Colorni. The Ant System: An autocatalytic optimizing process. Technical Report 91-016 Revised, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 1991.
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Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Maniezzo, and Alberto Colorni. Positive Feedback as a Search Strategy. Technical Report 91-016, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 1991.
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Marco Dorigo, Marco A. Montes de Oca, Sabrina Oliveira, and Thomas Stützle. Ant Colony Optimization. In J. J. Cochran, editor, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, volume 1, pp.  114–125. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
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Marco Dorigo and Thomas Stützle. The Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic: Algorithms, Applications and Advances. In F. Glover and G. A. Kochenberger, editors, Handbook of Metaheuristics, pp.  251–285. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, 2002.
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Marco Dorigo and Thomas Stützle. Ant Colony Optimization. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004.
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Marco Dorigo. Optimization, Learning and Natural Algorithms. PhD thesis, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 1992. In Italian.
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Johann Dreo. Using performance fronts for parameter setting of stochastic metaheuristics. In F. Rothlauf, editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2009, pp.  2197–2200. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2009.
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Johann Dreo, Carola Doerr, and Yann Semet. Coupling the design of benchmark with algorithm in landscape-aware solver design. In M. López-Ibáñez, A. Auger, and T. Stützle, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2019, pp.  1419–1420. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2019.
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Johann Dreo, Arnaud Liefooghe, Sébastien Verel, Marc Schoenauer, Juan-Julián Merelo, Alexandre Quemy, Benjamin Bouvier, and Jan Gmys. Paradiseo: from a modular framework for evolutionary computation to the automated design of metaheuristics: 22 years of Paradiseo. In F. Chicano and K. Krawiec, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO Companion 2021, pp.  1522–1530. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2021.
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Keywords: metaheuristics, evolutionary computation, software framework, automated algorithm design
Johann Dreo and P. Siarry. A New Ant Colony Algorithm Using the Heterarchical Concept Aimed at Optimization of Multiminima Continuous Functions. In M. Dorigo et al., editors, Ant Algorithms, Third International Workshop, ANTS 2002, volume 2463 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  216–221. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2002.
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Johann Dreo. Adaptation de la métaheuristique des colonies de fourmis pour l'optimisation difficile en variables continues: Application en génie biologique et médical. PhD thesis, LERISS - Laboratoire d'étude et de recherche en instrumentation, signaux et systémesUniversité Paris XII Val de Marne, December 2003.
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Keywords: metaheuristic ; continuous optimization ; global optimization ; imagery ; registration ; ant colony algorithm ; estimation of distribution algorithm ; evolutionary computation ; métaheuristique ; optimisation continue ; optimisation globale ; imagerie ; biomédical ; recalage ; algorithme de colonie de fourmis ; algorithme à estimation de distribution ; algorithme évolutionnaire
Stefan Droste, Thomas Jansen, and Ingo Wegener. A new framework for the valuation of algorithms for black-box-optimization. In K. A. De Jong, R. Poli, and J. E. Rowe, editors, Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA), pp.  253–270. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002.
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Hisao Ishibuchi, Lie Meng Pang, and Ke Shang. A new framework of evolutionary multi-objective algorithms with an unbounded external archive. In G. D. Giacomo, A. Catala, B. Dilkina, M. Milano, S. Barro, A. Bugarín, and J. Lang, editors, Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), volume 325 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2020.
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Chris Drummond. Replicability is not Reproducibility: Nor is it Good Science. In Proceedings of the Evaluation Methods for Machine Learning Workshop at the 26th ICML, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
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Mădălina M. Drugan and Dirk Thierens. Path-Guided Mutation for Stochastic Pareto Local Search Algorithms. In R. Schaefer, C. Cotta, J. Kolodziej, and G. Rudolph, editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI, volume 6238 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  485–495. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
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Abraham Duarte, Jesús Sánchez-Oro, Nenad Mladenović, and Raca Todosijević. Variable Neighborhood Descent. In R. Martí, P. M. Pardalos, and M. G. C. Resende, editors, Handbook of Heuristics, pp.  341–367. Springer International Publishing, 2018.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste. Weight Setting Strategies for Two-Phase Local Search: A Study on Biobjective Permutation Flowshop Scheduling. Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2009-024, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2009.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Holger H. Hoos, and Thomas Stützle. On the Empirical Scaling Behaviour of State-of-the-art Local Search Algorithms for the Euclidean TSP. In S. Silva and A. I. Esparcia-Alcázar, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2015, pp.  377–384. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2015.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Effective Hybrid Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for Biobjective Permutation Flowshop Scheduling. In M. J. Blesa, C. Blum, L. Di Gaspero, A. Roli, M. Sampels, and A. Schaerf, editors, Hybrid Metaheuristics, volume 5818 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  100–114. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Supplementary material: Improving the Anytime Behavior of Two-Phase Local Search., 2010.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Supplementary material: A Hybrid TP+PLS Algorithm for Bi-objective Flow-shop Scheduling Problems., 2010.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Adaptive “Anytime” Two-Phase Local Search. In C. Blum and R. Battiti, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 4th International Conference, LION 4, volume 6073 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.  52–67. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
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Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, and Thomas Stützle. Automatic Configuration of State-of-the-art Multi-Objective Optimizers Using the TP+PLS Framework. In N. Krasnogor and P. L. Lanzi, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2011, pp.  2019–2026. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2011.
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